Scam Free Online Jobs: Earn Money from Home!



If you have any questions on making money online, don’t hesitate to ask me in the comments and I will be more than happy to help you out!

Welcome to learn how to make money online!

Almost every day people ask me, ”Roope, what would be a good way to make a money online? Could you recommend some website?”

That’s why I decided to write this post to gather a huge list of Scam Free Online Jobs from Home. These websites will certainly help you. This list contains only legitimate make money online opportunities that really pay.

But before you dive into the article, I want to give you an opportunity answer a short quiz about making money online.

As a reward for answering the quiz, you will get my 1-on-1 support and guidance.

Yes, you heard right! I will guide you forward to the exact steps that took me from a complete beginner to making a full-time income online.

You can ask me anything you need and I will answer 100% of your questions personally.

The quiz consists of only 5 simple questions. Let’s get started! 🙂

Still, I want to remind you that making money online requires work and you won’t become rich overnight. Still, the earning potential is much greater than in most 9-5 jobs.

If you want to read about the Best way to make money online, I recommend taking a look at my Ultimate Make Money Online Guide.

I have divided them into different categories to help your research. I will be adding more websites to the list of the time course but I thought it’s a good time to publish this post already because it will helpful for many.

If you have any questions or comments regarding these websites, don’t hesitate to leave them below and I’ll reply you personally.

Affiliate Marketing

Wealthy Affiliate Homepage. Click the Image to Get Started.

  • Wealthy Affiliate – My #1 Recommendation

My #1 recommendation for making money online especially for beginners is Wealthy Affiliate.

They offer a step-by-step training, support and all tools you need to start making a living online. WA has helped me and thousands of other people to make enough money online to be able to quit a 9-5 job.

As a bonus for my website readers, I offer a 1-on-1 support and mentoring for all people who sign up to WA through

Read my full Wealthy Affiliate review.

I have published several articles and videos of Wealthy Affiliate to help you to start making money online with it.

Here are the links to my Wealthy Affiliate articles and below you’ll find the video tutorials to help you to get started:

You can always contact me with a direct message on Wealthy Affiliate here

  • What Is Wealthy Affiliate And How Does It Work?

This video is basically a step-by-step walkthrough inside Wealthy Affiliate. I explain you what there is inside the community and how you can get started.

I also explain the basic principles for you to earning money online with the help of Wealthy Affiliate.

  • Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth It? Interview with 17 Members

Some time ago I interviewed 17 Wealthy Affiliate members about their experiences.

I asked if they have enjoyed the community, managed to earn money with it and what kind of tips they would give for new members who desire to earn money online.

The interviews were full of amazing and helpful information for anyone who wants to make a living online.

  • Can You Make Money On Wealthy Affiliate?

In this video, I show you 2 payment proofs from Wealthy Affiliate (+$3,000 in total) and give 2 tips that will help you to earn more money with it.

  • My Story: From a Complete Beginner to Making a Full-Time Income Online And Traveling Around the World

In the video below, I explain my success story with Wealthy Affiliate. How I started without any prior experience and how I achieved the freedom to travel around the world thanks to Wealthy Affiliate.

I also walk you through the simple steps for you to get started immediately.

  • 10 Wealthy Affiliate Success Stories

1,000’s of people worldwide have went from complete beginners to making a life-changing income online.

In this video, I share with you 10 Wealthy Affiliate success stories.

Some members have reached their first $100 per day while others are already making +$13,000/month or building a million dollar online business.

Everyone has their own path but the most important thing is always moving forward and making progress.

First you’ll reach $100/month, then $100/week, then $100/day, then possibly $100/hour and so on. The key is to keep on always moving forward and not quitting. I haven’t seen anyone failing on Wealthy Affiliate who didn’t quit.

  • Wealthy Affiliate Free Vs Premium Membership

In the video below, I compare the differences between the free and the premium membership of Wealthy Affiliate.I also reveal you the tips how you can go and earn +$4,000/month with it. (Spoiler: It requires work!)

Mastering High-Income Skills

I define “High-Income” Skill as a skill that will make you $10,000/month online or even much more when you have mastered it.

On the contrary, “low-income” skills are the ones that will make you maximum a couple of $1,000’s per month.

You are a smart person and I believe you also would prefer learning high-income skills instead of low-income skills.

  • How Will You Make Money with High-Income Skills?

The basic process works like this:

  1. Learn and master a skill.
  2. Offer you help to a business that needs that skill and get paid well OR
  3. Use that skill to build your own profitable online business.

Thanks to the Internet, there are many high-income skills that you  can learn to make a big income. The key is to picking up one, sticking to it until you master it and then make money with it.I see far too many people jumping from one shiny object to another but never really mastering anything. It’s important for you to learn 1 thing and master it before moving to a next skill.

Some of the high-income skills are:

Take for example Copywriting. I just searched on a freelance marketplace called Upwork people that are doing copywriting. I immediately found lots of people who are charging $60/hour for their services:

If you work on average 21,5 days per month and 8 hours per day, you are already making $10,320/month for copywriting.

If you decide to work a little bit harder, you may have a chance to reach $15,000/month with it. The key is to develop those skills that companies are willing to pay for.

For learning those skills, I recommend taking Anik Singal’s courses because he really knows what he is teaching and talking about. Anik has made +$150,000,000 online over the time course. In order to make that kind of money, you need to master a few skills 😉

  • Master the Facebook Marketing (FB Academy By Anik Singal)
  • Master Copywriting (Copywriting Academy By Anik Singal)
  • Master Email Marketing (Inbox Blueprint By Anik Singal)
  • Teach Languages Online

    One of the easiest way to make money for native English speakers is to teach English online. The easiest resource that provides you to do that pays you on average $19/hour but it’s only available for U.S. and Canadian citizens.

    VipKid is probably the largest online platform that provides English teaching services. They have 10,000’s of English teachers from the U.S. and Canada and they are currently hiring more.

    The salary is not as high as with high-income skills but it’s okay. With $19/hour you can still live a comfortable life and if you are living abroad, you may live actually very well with it.

    But do notice that this opportunity is strictly limited to only U.S and Canadian citizens. If you have a citizenship in either one of those countries, you are lucky. But if you are not, then keep scrolling and I’ll show you other great ways to earn money online.

    • Preply (The link takes you to my another blog)

    Preply is a very popular language tutoring platform. Notice that you can start teaching languages even though you wouldn’t have any degree or you wouldn’t have studied language teaching even a single day. 

    You can tutor people who want to learn your native language. Many people are willing to for just being to able to chat with someone in the language they are trying to learn.

    I know also people who charge +30€ per hour without a language teaching degree. If you know what you are doing, you don’t need a degree. You can click the links below to read more about Prpely. The links will take to my language blog called

    I once set up a teacher profile on Preply and I started getting requests from students but I decided I concentrate on other ways to make money online. Usually, I prefer activities that generate passive income.

    • Create a Language Blog And Earn Passive Income

    The most profitable way to make money online by teaching languages is to create a language learning blog. At least it has the biggest earning potential in the long run.

    If you are teaching languages 1-on-1 or some groups, you always limit your earning potential because language teachers don’t usually make a huge income. But if you build a profitable language blog, you can possibly make a huge income online.

    Don’t worry if you don’t know anything about blogging or making money with this process because I teach it to you step-by-step in my Ultimate Make Money Online Guide Here

    I also show a few examples on how I did it with my language learning blog. It’s still generating me some passive income even though I haven’t updated it for almost a year.

    Matched Betting (Only in UK)

    is matched betting still profitable in 2018

    Matched betting is a strategy to make money online by taking advantage of bonuses and offers on online betting sites. Even though it’s called “betting” it is not actually betting because it’s a 100% guaranteed way to make money online.

    Many people are making an extra £500/month on their free time with matched betting and some people are making a living with it.

    One of the great benefits of matched betting is that it’s 100% tax-free in the UK. Most of the offers are only available in the UK so if you are not living in the United Kingdom, you need to choose other way to make money online from this page.

    My recommended tools and training programs for matched betting are:

    Provides the most comprehensive set of tools and resources. An average reports an extra £900/month earnings on their forum. Remember that all income that you earn with matched betting is completely tax free (at least in the UK).

    Profit Accumulator is also a great resource for making more money with matched betting. Most people said after joining, “It felt almost too good to be true but it was true!”

    Making money with matched betting is quite easy and that’s why many people think it would not be true. But it really is and you can experience it yourself.

    • Profit Squirrel – Another Great Matched Betting Step-by-step training. 

    I heard of this tool from my friend who has researched hundreds of make money online opportunities. He recommended this tool so I decided to give it a closer look.

    I can wholeheartedly recommend all of these tools to you if you want to make +£500/month-£3,000/month online with matched betting. They will teach you everything step-by-step to get started.

    You don’t need any prior experience or knowledge because their training and tools teach you everything you need.

    Freelance Marketplaces

    • Fiverr

    One of the biggest and most famous freelance marketplaces on the Internet. You can outsource work starting from $5 per task but you can also find very high quality freelancers. Fiverr can also be an interesting channel for you to make extra income online.

    Some people are doing even a full-time income through Fiverr but for most people it works as a channel for earning extra income.

    • Upwork

    Upwork, before known as Elance, is a huge freelance marketplace with millions of users. You can make money by offering any skills that people are ready to pay for. Small business owners also post available jobs. Then freelancers send them their offers and the ”employer” chooses the best one. Read my Upwork article here.

    There are also several other similar freelance marketplaces like Xplace, PeoplePerHour, Freelancer and many others but I am not going to list all of them here. You can get well started with these two options. I recommend creating a profile on both of them and start grinding.

    You can do almost any kind of jobs as a freelancer:

    • Accounting
    • Website creation and management
    • Copywriting
    • Video creation
    • Social media marketing
    • Keyword research
    • Music creation
    • Programming
    • etc.

    making money online as a freelancer

    As a freelancer you can make money by offering almost any skills online.

    Freelance Writing/Outsourcing Content Writing:

    • HireWriters

    I have bought articles from several websites and HireWriters has been the best one. I have received some high quality articles for a cheap price that are still driving me lots of traffic from search engines.

    Actually, one article that I bought for just $8 has already generated me more than $450 in revenue. Not bad ROI, huh? 😉 

    You can use HireWriters for outsourcing your content writing or for earning money yourself. You need to be a native English speaker in order to work on their platform as a writer.

    Read more on my full HireWriters review.

    • iWriter

    iWriter is a similar platform to HireWriters. However, on this site you don’t need to be a native English speaker to work for them. Therefore, almost anyone can take jobs on this site.

    Freelance Translating

    One Hour Translation

    I don’t do so much freelancing myself because I rather want to build my own business. Still, One Hour Translation has been my favorite place to work as a freelancer. The salary is pretty good (usually around $30 per hour and sometimes more) and the company is reliable. The more languages you can translate, the more opportunities you have.

    OHT approves only high-quality translators. So if you want to work for them, you need to be sure that you can provide good translations. You will submit your CV and make a starter test before they’ll approve a new translator.

    Build a YouTube Channel

    Making money on YouTube isn’t rocket science.

    In my last work place, I had two colleagues who have YouTube channels and I bet they are making some nice extra income there.

    Make money on YouTube

    On the other channel, the man just records his screens and teaches programming. Before starting his channel he didn’t know about programming. He took a book, studied for a few hours, recorded a video and repeated the process. He gained 80,000 subscribers and millions of views on YouTube.

    Then his wife has a cooking channel with more than 16,500,000 views at the moment and the number is rapidly rising. The idea is simple. She shows how a recipe of cooking some specific food in the video.

    YouTube gurus say that you can expect on average earnings like $1,000-3,000 for 1 million views from ads. Then you can also, ad affiliate links and promotions that can double, triple, quadruple or multiple the earnings even more.

    Some time ago I realized the potential of YouTube and I started a YouTube channel. I haven’t put very much effort on it yet but it’s starting to take a off little by little. The traffic still isn’t huge but it’s exponentially growing so in a year or two I can expect pretty nice earnings. You can check out my YouTube channel here. Don’t forget to subscribe! 

    One great (and free) tool that you can use for recording your videos is Screencast-O-Matic. I use it myself for recording my screen = doing the screencast.

    Insert Ads To Your Website

    You have probably heard of Google AdSense? If you haven’t heard you have for sure seen those ads on some websites. You can insert Google AdSense on your website in less than 5 minutes. You just copy the code from Google AdSense to your website and it starts showing ads.

    However, in order to make good money with ads, you need to have quite a big amount of traffic on your website. Sometimes they aren’t worth it because you can earn much more by selling your own products or promoting affiliate products. That’s why I haven’t been using ads almost at all.

    However, there’s still potential and it’s always a “plan B” to monetize your pages if there’s no other way. By inserting ads you can monetize also information posts. My friend is making around $600 per month with 30,000 visitors. 

    It’s not a huge money but still a nice extra just for inserting ads that takes less than minutes. Imagine that you have 300,000 visitors per month. That’s already extra $6,000 per month. Some websites have millions of visitors per month so they can make even $50,000-100,000 just by inserting ads. You start seeing the potential, right?

    One way is to use Google AdSense but there are also ad optimization tools and ad networks that do the optimization for you. Those are, for example:

    I will write detailed articles of those platforms in the near future. Notice that most platforms have some minimum amount before you can start using them (for example, MediaVine requires minimum 25,000 sessions per month).

    Bitcoin (and Other Cryptocurrencies)

    I know personally people who have become millionaires by investing to cryptocurrencies. I didn’t become a millionaire yet but I have earned quite a good money as well by investing in them. Here are some of the best places you can get Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies.

    If you haven’t heard of cryptocurrencies before, I recommend checking out my recent course where I teach how you can make money with them.

    Here are also some of my cryptocurrency articles:


    Bitcoin logo

    Best Cryptocurrency Exchanges

    Best Cryptocurrency Exchange Sites in 2018

    Recently, I have written a comprehensive post to present you the best cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. I have reviewed and tried myself numerous exchanges and provided comprehensive written and video reviews.

    => See here the best cryptocurrency exchanges in the world!

    Coinbase ($10 Bonus for New Members)

    When I started with Bitcoins in 2015, my friend introduced me to Coinbase and said I can get a sign-up bonus right away. It worked well and I received free money. Coinbase offers still a sign-up bonus of $10 and many of my friends have used my link to get it

    Coinbase is the biggest and probably one of the most reliable cryptocurrency exchanges in the world.

    Read my full Coinbase Review.


    My friend was working on LocalBitcoins for a few years and the company is great. It’s a Finnish company with its headquarters located in Helsinki (in my home country). They are operating in around 200 different countries in the world and have become a big success story.

    Read my full article of LocalBitcoins.


    I enjoy using Kraken as a cryptocurrency platform as well. They have a good reputation in cryptocurrency circles and their service is top-notch. I have always received answers to my support messages and I have nothing bad to say about their platform. Go to Kraken.

    Stock Market Investing

    Stock market investing (and investing in general) is a good way to make money online. In my opinion, it would be wise for anyone to start investing. You can start for as low as 15€ per month and start adding up a little bit.


    Nordnet is the best investing platform in Nordic countries. They have affordable pricing, great service and overall it just beats its competitors. I and most friends that I know are investing through Nordnet.

    Read my full Nordnet review here.

    DeGiro (Still a Question Mark)

    DeGiro is an interesting platform because they offer even cheaper prices than Nordnet. However, it’s still a relatively new company and I haven’t used it so much. I have invested little money as a test on their platform but so far I have preferred to stick with Nordnet. Read my full DeGiro review here.

    I don’t have a knowledge of the best investment platforms in the U.S. Because I am from Europe. If you could recommend American platform for our readers, I would be glad if you would inform in the comments.

    Dow Jones Index from 100 Past Years. Stocks have ALWAYS been moving up and up in the long run.

    Upload Your Pictures to Photo Banks

    Photo banks are huge libraries of pictures. Companies and individuals can use them to buy high-quality pictures that they can use for their business and websites.

    You can upload your photos to those websites and start earning passive income. The process goes like this:

    1. Upload a picture
    2. Somebody buys it
    3. You earn commission

    However, it’s easier said than done. There are people who make a full-time income by doing this but most people make close to nothing. My friend with 10 years of photographing experience made around $10 during the first 4 months. But the income will most likely exponentially grow when he keeps on adding new pictures so there is potential for sure.

    There are tons of photo banks that you can choose from. Some famous ones are Shutterstock, Fotolia, and Foap.

    Paid Forum Posting

    Did you know that you can earn money by leaving comments on blogs and forums? It’s possible even though the rewards aren’t so big.


    Postloop is #1 paid forum posting platform on the Internet. I have used it for getting comments to my websites for a cheap price. If you use it for earning money, you can make approximately $5 per day. It’s not very much but if you are from a third-world country and haven’t found a better way to make money online, this can be one way to start out.

    There are also some other platforms where you can earn money by leaving comments like Forum Wheel and Paid Forum Posting. However, I don’t personally recommend those platform because of their low-quality support.

    Online Business Tools to Boost Your Income

    It’s possible to make money online for completely free. However, investing in proper tools usually speeds up the process and helps you to maximize your revenue. I am paying for several tools that help me to generate more money online. Those tools have certainly been worth it because they pay themselves back many times over the time course.

    Keyword Tool: Jaaxy

    is jaaxy a scam

    Jaaxy homepage. It’s completely free to get started. (You can click the picture to sign up for free and get your free searches.)

    Want to drive traffic from Google and other search engines? Having a proper keyword tool is one of the best investments you can make. You don’t need to pay lots of money for an expensive SEO agency because you can find proper keywords in a minute yourself.

    I pay for Jaaxy and it helps me to find keywords, get ranked on Google, track my current Google rankings, analyze competition and helps me to make decisions based on the information it provides me.

    Read my full Jaaxy review or try Jaaxy for free right away.

    Keyword Tool Option 2: Long Tail Pro

    Long Tail Pro is even more popular keyword tool than Jaaxy. Successful online marketers have used it over the years to help their Google rankings and revenue. LTP provides many great metrics that help you to define which keywords you should use in your posts and pages.

    Read my full Long Tail Pro review here or try it for free.

    You may also be interested in having a look at a comparison: Long Tail Pro Vs Jaaxy: Which One Is the King?

    Autoresponder: Aweber

    aweber get started

    More than 100,000 online entrepreneurs use Aweber to boost their income! (Click the image to learn more!) 

    If you want to build an email list, you must have an autoresponder. There are a few options out there but Aweber is the one that I use. It’s also recommended by the best online marketers in the world.

    Building an email list is certainly worth it because it will pay itself back in the future many times. Let’s say that you could make, for example, on average $5/year per email that you collect. If you have an email list of 10,000 subscribers, that’s already a potential of making extra $50,000 per year.

    Aweber offers also a free 30-day trial for new members so you can try it without a risk.

    =>  Try Aweber today!

    Read my full Aweber review here.

    Domain hosting: Bluehost (or Wealthy Affiliate)

    When you have a website you need a domain hosting (unless you are on a free domain like or which are not recommended). There are hundreds of domain hosts in the world but I want you to choose a good one. It will affect your website’s site speed, user experience and your ability to improve the site.

    Bluehost is one of the biggest and most well-known domain hosts in the world. It’s recommended by world-class online marketers like Pat Flynn and others.

    Another great option is having a domain hosting from Wealthy Affiliate which is included in their membership. I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate so I mainly use their hosting services myself.

    Read more about Bluehost.

    Network Marketing (A.K.A. Multi-Level Marketing)

    As you probably know, I am not a huge fan of network marketing. I have researched tens of MLM-companies and most of them have similar characteristics:

    • Overpriced products
    • Pyramid form → Money moves from bottom to the top (compare to a normal company where top pays salary to the bottom)
    • Less than 5% of members succeed

    Still, the Internet has opened many awesome opportunities for network marketers. You can get thousands of leads and sales without even leaving the comfort of your own home. These are some legitimate MLM-companies.

    • Avon

    The oldest MLM-company in the world. Their products have spread all over the world. Compared to other network marketing businesses, their prices are better and the company has a positive reputation. Read my full review of Avon here.

    • Tupperware

    Almost everybody knows Tupperware. They have the market of plastic kitchen products for decades. The company was founded already more than 70 years ago and it’s still going strong.

    We have still in our kitchen some Tupperware products that my grandmother bought decades ago. My grandmother has passed away but those products are still in our kitchen. That’s a proof of their products’ value. Read my comprehensive Tupperware review.

    Mini Job Sites

    I left this category last because I don’t really recommend mini job/get-paid-to sites. On these sites you can earn money by watching videos, answering surveys, playing games and doing some other little tasks.

    However, the reward for those tasks is extremely small which is the reason why I don’t recommend them. I have reviewed more than 80 mini job sites and I am using none of them actively anymore.

    PrizeRebel & ClixSense

    If I would be using get-paid-to sites, I would probably use PrizeRebel and ClixSense. They have been operating for over 10 years and have paid +$20,000,000 in total to their members.

    The amount may sound big but if you divide it by their members the average earnings are only a few dollars per member.

    Conclusion + My Sincere Advice to You

    I have helped +3,000 individuals to get started making money online. I have also went myself from a complete newbie without any money-making skills online to making a full-time income and achieving a financial freedom.

    That’s why I am 100% convinced that YOU can make a full-time income online as well and achieve a financial freedom!

    I started without knowledge, any technical education with a slow computer and a slow Internet connection. I’m a frugal man so I didn’t want to spend money on faster devices.So long as you have a laptop and the Internet connection, you can make a full-time income online. I know it because I did it and I have seen when so many other people have made it as well.

    Yes, it will naturally require work and effort but making money online is really a skill that ANYBODY can learn. I assume that your current 9-5 job or business also requires some work. Otherwise people don’t pay you. The same principles apply online.

    Now the next steps for you are:

    1. Choose the money-making path that interests you and fits your needs.
    2. Stick to it until you succeed.

    I don’t recommend jumping from one opportunity to another. Most of the time making big money online requires work and effort and you can’t expect make a fortune in just a couple of days.

    My #1 recommendation to making money online is Wealthy Affiliate as I explained at the beginning.

    Their world-class step-by-step training has helped already 1,000’s of people to make a full-time income over the course of 13 years and it’s PROVEN to work.

    A huge benefit of Wealthy Affiliate for you is that you’ll get my ongoing 1-on-1 support and mentoring. You will always be able to ask me any questions and I will be helping you further.

    In order to understand better how you will be making money on Wealthy Affiliate, I recommend reading my Ultimate Make Money Online Guide or starting their step-by-step training immediately.

    I hope you have found this list useful. Feel free to ask me anything you want and I’ll be happy to help you out.

    Which one of those websites are you using or do you use some other ways to earn money online?

    PS.I will update this list over the time course, add more information and make the design better.

    By Roope Kiuttu

    Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


    1. Do you have any suggestions for someone to get more referrals for their passive income apps without making youtube videos? Or maybe some good paid traffic sources that could atleast get 5 sign ups? I currently don’t have the budget to invest in filming equipment.

    2. Dear Roope,

      I have been trying to look for ways to have some passive income. Nevertheless, this has not been easy at all. Buying apartments need a lot of money and crypto looks dead! But that is not the real question.

      My mother is 64 years old and she needs money. Do you really she could do something in the internet with which at least she could do 10/20 euros a day. She lives in Spain and I support her monthly. What do you say? Do you have some advise?

      Very grateful for your work!


    3. I beening doing a lot of research on how to make money online and tell you the truth I haven’t seen anything that caught my eye. Everything more like buy this to do this, do this to make this, I mean everything more like a merry-go-round at a fair around, around, around and around until you end up back at the same spot. My point is everybody is saying the same thing on how to make money online I mean literally everybody pitching the same pitch. So what make wealthy affiliate so special? Nothing against you but everyone doing it so I’m just wondering if you have something different than everyone else.

      1. Well, I can say from my own experience that making money online is awesome. I get travel around the world, I earn more money than doctors and I have an ultimate freedom to do whatever I want. If that’s not something that interests you, fine. 😀

        Anyways, Wealthy Affiliate is very unique. It has been around +13 years and it’s known as the best affiliate marketing community in the world.

        Yes, there are many other great affiliate marketing training programs as well. This one has the best price/quality ratio and I haven’t seen anyone failing who didn’t quit. In the other words, everyone that I know who has gone through the training and applied consistently, have eventually made a life-changing income online.

        That’s my 2 cents. But again, you can of course choose any other program as well. The key is just to start and get rolling. Nothing will happen unless you take action.

    4. Hi Roope, I came across your channel on youtube while looking for work from home jobs open worldwide or in my case to Nigeria. I tried to gain access to your 7-day program but was halted by the registration page which indicates the opportunity isn’t open to my location. I actually thought this was a global opportunity. I just wanted to ask what make money online, at home legitimate jobs u recommend which has no restriction on my location.

      1. Hi Sophia,

        Thank you for your message.

        Actually, you can also access Wealthy Affiliate from Nigeria but you need to use VPN.

        If you haven’t heard of VPN before, you can read more about it for example here on Wikipedia.

        My #1 recommended VPN is PureVPN.

        Get PureVPN here.

        My #1 recommendation for making money online is obviously Wealthy Affiliate also for Nigerians. It has changed my and 1,000’s of other people’s lives so it’s just proven to work. Based on my observations during +3 years, everyone who goes through the whole training and applies the knowledge, will make a significant money online and most of them achieve a financial freedom.

        That’s why I’d highly recommend joining Wealthy Affiliate also for you.

        Pretty much all opportunities that I show above are also available in Nigeria so I’d recommend something that interests you the most. Choose just 1 and stick to it until you succeed and make big money with it.

        I’ve helped numerous people to start making money online and way too many of them jump from one shiny object to another. Stick to just 1, work on it consistently, and you will eventually succeed.

        Personally, I enjoy making money through my YouTube channel and I can warmly recommend making money on YouTube to you as well. I don’t have almost any video skills but still I make quite a significant money there.

        If you prefer doing freelancing jobs for companies, then I’d recommend using Upwork or Fiverr.

        I hope this helps.

        Let me know if you have any further questions and I’ll be happy to help you out.

        Best regards

    5. It’s been a pleasure knowing you, Mr. Kiuttu!

      I recently got separated from employment, due to unexpected circumstance. It’s painful, though. However, it made me realized that there may be reasons. And one of those was answered when I bumped into your very informative and helpful Youtube Channel. You did a great job!

      I’ve always wanted to help others earn money online, if possible without spending even a single cent. That’s what I’ve learned from talking to everyone interested. Yes, they are very much willing to spend, however, they don’t have any yet.

      I also agree on your number 1 recommendation, Wealthy Affiliate. I even had an account back then, but was down when the system prompt me that unfortunately free starter package is not yet available in the Philippines.

      Please tell me if you have other options. Thank you.

      Looking forward to hear from you very soon.
      -LOA, Philippines

      1. Hello LOA,

        thank you for your message. I appreciate it!

        There are many options to earn money online. If you don’t want to invest money to get started, I recommend starting with freelancing jobs on websites like Upwork, Fiverr or PeoplePerHour.

        It may be also a bit slow at the beginning but once you build your profile/portfolio, you’ll get clients more easily and start making more money.

        Of course, there are also many other options but it also depends much on your interests and current skills.

        I enjoy affiliate marketing and I recommend it also to other people. So, if you ever want to get started with affiliate marketing, you can get a premium membership on Wealthy Affiliate (since the Free Starter account is not available in the Philippines.)

        Check out here if they still have the promotion for the premium membership.

    6. I’m also a part-time freelancer from the Philippines. Most of the sites I’ve tried are either scam sites or aren’t compatible with my location. Earning online is hard in the Philippines. I’ve invested time into the wrong sites. I’ve only come across this site just today and I’m hoping to learn some additional ways to earn money online.

      An inspirational speaker from my country once said that the secret to the wealthy is that they know how to make their money work while they sleep. I’m hoping to learn more about passive income also.

      1. I understand your point. When I got started I felt exactly the same like you said. There are lots of scams and it feels hard to get started. In this page all the resources that I have collected are legitimate ways to make money and most of them will make you money even while you sleep.

        I completely agree with that motivational speaker. And I can say from my own experience that making passive income while sleeping feels great 😀

        I wrote here another article where I help you to get started and earn passive income.

    7. I admire your dedication to work and share your knowledge. To help others, to improve and prosper in their works. I am happy that i am able to try Postloop, to get the chance to see your site. That i will also have guidance in working online.

      I have been thinking of doing some affiliation job in Lazada site or amazon but i don’t know if it works for people who doesn’t have blog or followers. Please, enlighten me. Thank you for your great work. God bless you always.

      1. Lazada and Amazon are great companies to start with if you are planning to do affiliate marketing. Their commissions are not huge but you’ll learn the process and people trust in these companies.

        However, it’s not possible to make good money unless you start a website or building a following. Wealthy Affiliate walks you through the process how you can start making money with affiliate marketing even without any prior experience.

    8. Hi all and thanks Roope and those who have made valuable contributions to the topic. It was really insightful and a read which each and every person that has free time needs to go through to know how they can easily make money by spending a couple of hours on their phone or computer.

      I myself have been actively involved in a number of blog jobs and online surveys. I however have come to realize that survey jobs are never worthwhile and can be very dissapointing.

      I would like to seek some suggestions on which combinations are likely to make one some good money since you cannot be able to combine all the tactics that have been laid out on the post.

      1. Which way interests you the most? What are your strengths, skills, hobbies or passions?

        If you tell something about yourself, I could suggest something specific to you so that you can start making money online.

        1. I just want something which would not keep me occupied at all times as I have other things to attend to. I like engaging in other offline things to keep myself diversified. Lately I have found out that with many blog jobs you have to be involved for up to 10hours a day to generate a meager income.

          1. Building a blog would be actually great for you if you want something very flexible. You will be able to decide when you invest your time on it. With many freelancing jobs you also have similar kind of freedom but not as much as with blogging where you are completely your own boss.

            You don’t need to spend 10 hours per day for blogging. You can start with 1 hour per day or 30 minutes per day or even just 15 minutes per day. Whatever fits you.

            A benefit with blogging is that you will generate passive income. It means that you will keep on earning money even though you will not work anymore.

            If you invest 10 hours per day for blogging, you can make very fast progress and earn huge money in the long run. But that’s not necessary of course. It depends on you and your goals.

            I recommend starting the Wealthy Affiliate training because it’s the best for aspiring bloggers.

            1. Thanks Man.The advice is really worthy. I guess I can now easily predict what to prioritize on. Let me get to work then.

    9. Thank you for this big list! Most of your reviews are spot-on. Another method is making a blog on a subtopic and posting regularly high-quality articles while trying to rank on Google which is also one of my favourite methods to make money online. The only thing left to do is add advertisements from a decent company like Adsense or Chitika. Were you able to rake decent cash from cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin from the old days?

      1. Yes, I made big money with Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. My record was $50,000 profit in 2 months. However, now the prices have gone down so I have obviously lost some of my money.

        However, I believe in the long term potential of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.

        Take a look at my newest cryptocurrency course on Udemy to learn how I made $1,000’s in ICOs and how you can make as well.

    10. So many good reviews here. A lot of them are ones I wish I had read sooner, before I wasted time on scam sites or sites that aren’t very effective. I use ClixSense myself and although they are no longer a PTC I still like their site. But so many good options are listed here, thank you for sharing all of these!

      1. You are welcome Collin. I highly recommend that you choose some different than ClixSense on the list. ClixSene pays so little and you could make 100 times more on those other sites that I mentioned.

    11. Great income opportunities you have there as usual! I can attest that these sites you mentioned are legit, as I’ve worked with some of them before. I would personally recommend Upwork and Fiverr. Posting on forums is great too! I might still be working for them on the side from time to time to keep me busy or just for the fun of it. Right now I’m more interested in growing my investments, trading stocks and exploring cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.

      1. Thanks for your positive comment Mary.

        I like stock market investing but I have quite bad experiences of trading. It requires lots of knowledge and patience. +90% of traders lose money while most investors make money. But I am sure there’s a lot of money to be made with trading as well.

        If you want to make money with cryptocurrencies, I recommend having a look at my recent course here ” Make Money with Cryptocurrencies in 2018! – A Solid Strategy”

    12. I can vouch for iWriter and Postloop, I have been paid several times from both of them. I have also been paid over and over again by Clixsense, but I was disappointed when Paypal dropped all of the PTC sites. I hadn’t done as much there since. Clixsense is still great, but I just prefer to be paid by Paypal.

      I use an auto responder with splash pages and I cannot express enough how important it is for people to use if they want to make serious money!

      1. Nice to hear your experiences.

        I quickly checked out your website. I noticed that you have joined SFI program.

        Have you tried Wealthy Affiliate? I think it would be a great fit for you as I saw that you are a blogger and already know some things about making money online.

    13. Advertising and cryptocurrency have the been the two main ideas of making money online that I have been interested in a lot recently. I’ve already started a blog and have put some ads on there to make some money. It’s working but a bit slowly.

      That’s mainly due to me being a bit lazy and not putting 100% into the blog of course. In terms of crypto, I’m always a bit reluctant really. Do you know of any sites or guides where I can get started?

      1. Yeah, attracting traffic takes time and consistency. Over the time course the ad income will increase if you keep consistent when adding more high quality content.

        I have created a cryptocurrency course that will get you started very well. You can find it here on Udemy for just $9,99 and with a full money-back guarantee. I am sure you will find it helpful and valuable as a beginner to get started.

        My course is called: Make Money with Cryptocurrencies in 2018! – A Solid Strategy

    14. Hai Sir Roope. I really want to learn how to earn money online. Is this possible sir even if I am still a college student here in Philippines? I really want to earn money to help me support my daily needs and to help my family. please help me Sir.

      1. Yes, it’s completely possible. My girlfriend is a Filipina and I am she’s also pursuing to make a living online like I do. She’s still learning but I’m sure she’ll get there when staying consistent.

        My recommendation is that you pick one method above, start concentrating on that 100% and don’t stop until you make money. The most important reasons why people don’t make money online are that 1.They don’t start and 2.They quit too early.

        My girlfriend actually stopped her university because I explained that she can earn much more money online than in a typical 9-5 job in the Philippines.

        1. It’s cool to know that you have a Filipina girlfriend and friends. My mom is a Filipina while my father is Spanish, which makes me have two different nationalities. I, just like Zandra, is a Filipino citizen and a student studying here in the Philippines, and I could say that living and making money in a third world country is difficult. However, that didn’t stop me on pursuing ways to earn money online. Although I have just started venturing these types of online opportunities, I could vouch that these sites is a real thing.

          I know that you are probably familiar with Lazada, an online shopping site similar to Amazon. And just like Amazon, they offer affiliate marketing which is how U earned money before. The system is, I would buy a product to them and then do some “unboxing” videos. The video quality doesn’t need to be super perfect or anything. You just have to provide the adequate information and details about the product that is good enough to convince them to buy that product. I made a couple of money in that method but I stopped due to two reasons, One is that I find it very difficult to manage my schedule in college properly, and second is that I don’t consider myself knowledgeable enough in the field of affiliate marketing yet.

          I think the best that a student can do for me is freelancing. I’ve been freelancing for 4 weeks now and I’ve earned quite a lot from it. I used my general knowledge in Spanish and English, and made it my money making-machine. As Mr. Roope’s recommendation, I would also advise you to go to sites like Fiverr and Upwork.

          I also have just started writing forums like on Postloop just this week. I know that site would benefit me. I could learn a thing or two on these forums, improve my writing skills and make a profit on something that I’m interested on. It’s like hitting three birds with a single stone! Just be patient and have integrity on this type of sites. I am currently working harder on that site to increase my overall rating and reputation by giving my genuine opinion and questions on that forum.

          Lastly, I can definitely agree to Mr. Roope when he said that 9-5 job in the Philippines is not the best way to earn money. My father actually said the same thing but it all comes down to what you really want though. I am currently pursuing Psychology because that degree is something I’m interested and curious about. But, I am planning to continue earning online than applying to a 9-5 job here in the Philippines. I know if I do that, I would help my parents and family more.

          Just be patient, my dear. There is no easy money here. Be patient and don’t quit so soon. I too still have a lot to learn but the key is consistency, right?

          1. Wow thank you so much for sharing all your thoughts and experiences gtorres. They’re definitely helpful for many.

            I agree with you that freelancing is kinda “easy” way to start earning money online. Of course, it may not be super easy at first but it works like a normal job where you finish a task and get paid for it.

            Building an online business takes more time but can be way more profitable in the long run. Some people actually build a freelancing business. First, they start as a freelancer and get more clients. Then they start outsourcing tasks for other people to serve even more clients.

            1. Indeed! Though, there is something that I really want to try out, but I’m hesitant to do so. I want to invest on Bitcoin sir. I’ve been hearing a lot of good thing about that form of currency and I want to venture on it. The problem is, I don’t know even the basic of knowledge regarding Bitcoin. I don’t know how it works, does it works like Forex? I don’t know where to start and all. Another concern thought is, will there be the risk for Bitcoin to crash in the near future? That puts pressure to my decision making too. I want to try it but I’m afraid that it would be just a bad investment compared to other reliable and profitable ones.

            2. Just checked it and I find your blog reliable! I am currently studying the ropes of Bitcoin and I’m glad that you provided me such a relevant information. I can not thank you enough for being so responsive to me and to other people who struggles the same situation.

              Rest assured that this effort of your will not be put in waste as I will study and master the concept of this type of currency, make good sum of money and share it to others who might find themselves ignorant with such matter. Thank you very much, Roope!

    15. I can attest to Fiverr, Upwork and Postloop because I have earned from using those platforms. Photo banks which is a site for earning money by uploading pictures, I would like to know between Photo banks and Shutterstock, which one is more better for anyone looking to earn money through a picture upload platform?

      1. Shutterstock is probably the most famous photo bank on the Internet. I do not personally use them because I am not a photographer. I think you will find better information for this on YouTube or on Google than from me. I know some people who have tried photo banks and made some money there but not very much.

        1. Alright Roope, thanks for the suggestion to looking for more information on YouTube or Google, I believe if you had more concrete information you would offer it to me in a heartbeat. It’s one of the qualities that you possess which I love very much – Selfless nature and personality.

            1. Good day Roope, please I need your assistance in checking if this site awumoney .win a friend of mine recommended to me is legit to work on or not. I really don’t want to waste my time on a site that wouldn’t pay me.


            2. Thanks for your question Martin.

              I haven’t used Awumoney but I must admit that my short research on it doesn’t make it look promising at all.

              Take a look at these sites: and

              The first site says it’s a scam and another one says it’s 11% safe out of 100%. In addition, there are not many real testimonials online from their members. Mostly people were spamming their affiliate links.

              They say that you can earn money by viewing ads and referring other people.

              So, even though the program would be legit, the earning potential is low. There are many “get-paid-to-view-ads” websites and sites are not willing to pay much for such activities.

              I am pretty convinced that the site is not worth it. Of course, I can be wrong but that’s my take on it based on my current knowledge.

            3. Thanks very much for your assistance with this Roope, I don’t need anymore information to conclude that the ad viewing site isn’t worth my time. With the rating of 11% out of 100% says it all that it’s literally a fake site that is just set up to generate traffic for its owners.

            4. Seriously, I would have been very pissed at myself if I had just rushed off and get into the site trying to earn from it and after wasting my precious time, I would discover it’s a spamming site that would never pay.

              This is why I will always value my time here because the information and knowledge I amass here especially from you Roope are priceless.

    16. Hi Roope! I’m from the Philippines. you have a very informative content. by the way how much will it cost me for affiliate marketing? do you recommend drop shipping? what is your most recommended earning strategy for beginners like me. I badly need your suggestions. thank you very much.

      1. Well, you can do affiliate marketing for free but I recommend investing some money to accelerate the progress. I haven’t done dropshipping so I don’t have experience about it. I have a few friends who have considered it but I don’t know people who would have done it successfully. Yet I know there is some potential. Just requires tons of work like any other business.

        I would recommend starting doing freelancing and building your affiliate business at the same time. You can do freelancing on numerous sites. Of course, you need to have/learn some skill but you don’t need to be genius. Then I recommend starting the Wealthy Affiliate training. It teaches how you can build your own affiliate marketing business from scratch. My close Filipina friend is now going through the training and I’m excited to see her progress.

    17. Now I know I don’t need to do those ClicknPay sites or apps unless needed, thank you! Really happy seeing the section you made about crypto-currencies, =) Is signing up with Wealthy Affiliate free?

      1. Yes, I’m happy to hear that you are not going to waste your time with “CLicknPay” sites because they pay so little. There are so many better earning opportunities available for you.

        Signing up to Wealthy Affiliate is free in most countries but not in some countries like Nigeria, Philippines, etc. because of the constant misuse of the free membership.

        However, premium membership is also available in those countries and I can fully recommend going premium because it gives so much tools that are certainly worth the price. It makes me much more money than it takes so it’s certainly a great investment.

    18. I’ve been searching for sites that is Legit, because there are so many Online jobs coming out, and not sure if its Legit or scam.and its hard to tell who’s really Legit. So glad, and very happy that I saw this. I can’t wait to start and try those sites that you’ve mention.

    19. Hi,

      Are these possible for newbies in online affiliate marketing?
      1. Shows result in less than a week?
      2. No investment required?
      3. Minimal time spent ? at least 2 hours or less
      4. Easy

      1. Hi Philter,

        thank you very much for your questions!

        1. Shows result in less than a week? – Yes, if you recommend something to your close friend. If you want to build a real affiliate marketing business (which is required if you want to make good money) it will for sure take much more time than a week.
        2. No investment required? – Yes and no. Check out this article.
        3. Minimal time spent ? at least 2 hours or less. – Depends on what kind of results you want to get. The more time and effort you put in, the more you will earn.
        4. Easy – It depends. Basically, affiliate marketing is very simple and easy but it requires lots of patience usually. Usually, you don’t get the results right away. You are building passive income streams so results will come with a little delay.

        I hope this helps. Let me know if you have more questions.

    20. I get around 1gb data per day and I really want to work from home I am a student and don’t know much about computer ..though I have a laptop please help me

    21. Dear Roope,

      Many thanks for this compilation, sure it took a lot of hard-work. I am based in Nigeria and would like to make passive income online. I only have a payoneer account to do this. Can you recommend sites I can make money from that would allow payout using a payoneer account.

      1. Thank you very much. I’ll still make this list longer and more comprehensive.

        I don’t use Payoneer myself so I don’t which sites use it. But I do know that Payoneer is pretty big and popular.

        My #1 recommendation especially for beginners is Wealthy Affiliate. Yes, it requires work to earn passive income but it’s worth it in the end.

        Building a YouTube channel could also be an interesting option if you want to earn passive income. What do you think?

    22. I am also registered to upwork because i also heard that they are legit and they are promoted by some youtubers that i have watched when i was searching for legit online jobs. But I’m not yet able to land my first job until now. One main reason would be the vast competition that is already within the site.

      Specially in my genre, which is just data entry. It is a very basic skill so there are thousands of competitors try to land a job just like me. So it is very difficult specially for starters like myself. But me being unemployed at upwork has nothing to do them. It has something to do with me and my set of skills that i can offer.

      So i would also say that upwork is a legit website for online jobs, you just have to step up for you to be hired and really make some money.

      1. That’s true. In order to earn more money in the marketplace you need to provide more value. I don’t say it as a negative thing. It’s actually a positive thing because by improving your skills you can always increase your income.

        I have found it quite interesting because when I learn new skills, new doors and opportunities start to open. Of course, it takes time and effort to develop skills but it’s worth it over the time course.

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