Is Wealthy Affiliate for Beginners? Read My Success Story!

Wealthy Affiliate Review – Quick Summary

Product Name: Wealthy Affiliate


Product Type: Make Money Online Training And Community of +1,500,000 Members

Price: Starter Membership: FREE, Premium Membership: $49/Month or $359/Year

Best for: Anyone Who Wants to Make More Money Online with Affiliate Marketing

Summary: Wealthy Affiliate is an “all-in-one” center for anyone who wants to make money online. When I got started on WA, I didn’t even know what is affiliate marketing. Their training walked me through hand-by-hand to succeed. 

Is Wealthy Affiliate Recommended For Beginners? Yes, definitely. I started on Wealthy Affiliate as a beginner and learned to make a full-time income online. That gave me also a location freedom to live wherever I want and work whenever I want.

NOTE: When you join Wealthy Affiliate through my link, I provide my 1-on-1 support and mentoring as a bonus. You’ll get a welcome message when you join so you’ll have an opportunity to connect with me and ask anything you need.

Is Wealthy Affiliate For Beginners? 4 Tips to +$3,000/Month Income!

I created a video answering to your question, “Is Wealthy Affiliate for beginners?” where you’ll also reveal you 4 tips that will help you to make money online faster.

By avoiding the 4 mistakes that I did, your progress will be much faster and you can start making money quicker than I did.

In addition, you will have my 1-on-1 mentoring on Wealthy Affiliate when you join through my link which will guarantee you the best help & support.

Watch the video until the end and let me know if you have any questions and I’ll be happy to help you!

Introduction – Making Passive Income Online While Laying on the Beach?

I have always using the Internet a lot since I was a child. What about you?

Still, I never really imagined that I could be paid for doing that. I thought that using the Internet was just a distraction from “more important things in life”.

But a few years back when I was surfing the Internet, I found stories of people who were making money online while “living like the king” in Asia.

affiliate marketing for dummies

Nowadays the Internet enables me and 1,000’s of other people to earn money wherever in the world. (NOTE! Working on the beach is not very practical because of the sun and heat.)

I thought, “Hmm… That doesn’t sound like a bad idea. Why wouldn’t I try it myself? If they can do it, why couldn’t I do it as well?”

I thought that laying down on the beach of Thailand or Bali could be quite nice while I would be earning passive income online. 

Fast forward a few years, at the moment I am living in Thailand and I have the freedom to lay down on the beach even the whole day while I earn money online.

Making money online with affiliate marketing has enabled me to travel around the world and it can enable you as well! 🙂

How all of this happened and will Wealthy Affiliate help you to do the same? Read the full article to find out!

Making Money with Wealthy Affiliate?

If you are reading this article, the chances are that I or somebody else has recommended Wealthy Affiliate to you for making money online.

You also have a desire to make money online like I and thousands of other people are doing thanks to the wealthy affiliate training. However, you may be asking is “Wealthy Affiliate for beginners?” “Can I get started even though I don’t have any prior experience?”

That’s why I wanted to share with you today my story with Wealthy Affiliate​. I got started on Wealthy Affiliate as a complete beginner but still learned to make money online and achieved the freedom to travel around the world and live wherever I want. If I can do it, you can do it.

I wanted to make this text as honest as possible so I also share with you my pitfalls and setbacks that I had after getting started with the training.

I give you easy-to-follow steps how you can start making money faster than I did by avoiding the mistakes that I made. But before diving into my story I would like to share just a few words what is wealthy affiliate all about so we are on same page with you.

What Is Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate is the world’s biggest make money online/affiliate marketing community that consists of more than 1.5 million people. However, it’s not just the community but it’s more like a “all-in-one” online business center for anyone who wants to make big money online.

 Wealthy Affiliate​ membership includes:

  • Step-By-Step Training ​To make money with affiliate marketing​
  • 24/7/365 support and live chat to help you more
  • Website hosting
  • All kinds of tools that​ make it easier for you to make money online
  • My 1-on-1 support and mentoring (only available for those who join throgh my link)
  • Access to successful online entrepreneurs who are making +$10,000/month
  • And more!

8 Benefits of Wealthy Affiliate

       easy-to follow

Beginner-friendly step-by-step training.

My 1-on-1 support

I will personally guide and help you to succeed.

       13 Year in business

Most trusted online business training in the world.



Members come from all around the world.

+1,5 M Members

Helpful community of online entrepreneurs.

24/7/365 Live support

Get help from successful online entrepreneurs.

Big income potential

Some members make +$10,000/month.

Long-term income 

Make a sustainable income for years.

​So Wealthy Affiliate​ is so very comprehensive ​place that includes literally everything you need to make money online with affiliate marketing.

Even though the main focus is to teach how you can make more money with affiliate marketing, by being Wealthy Affiliate member I have also got many other moneymaking opportunities online.

My Story – How I Got Started?

As I quickly mentioned you above, I started on Wealthy Affiliate without any prior experience of making money online with affiliate marketing.

At first I was little bit skeptical because I didn’t know anyone who would have been making money online. That’s why I wasn’t even sure if it’s possible or not.

However, I still get started on Wealthy Affiliate​ because it looked promising and their training was very easy to follow.

Then I quickly notice that making money online is real and the wealthy affiliate training can really help me to do as well. I said to myself, “If they can do it, I can do it.

After a little while of being a free starter members on Wealthy Affiliate, I upgraded to the premium membership because I wanted to start making serious money online.

My Struggles – And How You Can Avoid Them!

My start at Wealthy Affiliate was great. 

As a complete beginner I quickly learned several new skills like for example

  • ​How to build websites
  • How to do the basic keyword research
  • How to apply to affiliate programs
  • How to write engaging and user-friendly content.

Even though all of these skills are valuable and worth money I still struggled to start making my first commissions. I made a few newbie mistakes and now I want to advise how you can avoid them when you get started.

Mistake 1: Not Asking Enough Questions!

Probably the biggest reason that was holding me back was that I didn’t ask enough questions inside the community.

I asked the couple of questions here and there but not enough from the right people. Once I started asking more questions my progress really accelerated.

2.Having the Wrong Mindset

Even though everybody says on Wealthy Affiliate that this is not the get rich quick scheme I still hoped that I would start making money faster.

I didn’t have previous experience of entrepreneurship and I had always before earned money by working for someone else. When you work in a 9-to-5 job you get paid immediately. Or at least almost immediately.

However, with affiliate marketing things just don’t work like that. You do the work beforehand and then you will get paid afterwords.

Let’s say that you write an article today and at your affiliate links there it may take three hours to write. It may be that you will not get paid because of that article immediately.

But once it gets rank it on Google and starts getting lots of eyeballs you will also start making money.

For example, one article that I wrote on this website has already generated me more than $700 and it still keeps on making me money for years to come.

3.Waiting for Results Too Quickly Without Working Enough

Experienced affiliate marketers say sometimes that they get paid still for articles that they published 10 or even 15 years ago. They have earned with that article 10 or even 100 times more than if they would have written the article for somebody else as a freelance writer

I didn’t realize all these things when I got started and I was expecting results to fast. That’s why my recommendation to you is that give yourself time to learn. The money will come when you follow the training and put in the efforts.

I highly recommend that you get the yearly premium membership on Wealthy Affiliate because then you will have enough time to learn the things and start making good money. The reason that some people fail is only because they quit too early.

In addition, the yearly membership costs only $359/year (equals to $29/month). You will save $20/month compared to the monthly membership.

I haven’t seen anyone failing with affiliate marketing who didn’t quit. So the only way to fade to quit. If you keep on learning and moving for what you will eventually make money and most likely a lot of money.

Money doesn’t flow to you unless you are willing to put in the effort.

I still see people who get started on Wealthy Affiliate who write down their goals like this:

  1. My goal is to earn $15,000/month.
  2. I am willing to invest 1 hour per day.

Like what?

Wealthy Affiliate is not a push button to riches. Of course, you can make +$15,000 if you work for a long time but it doesn’t come by putting in only 1 hour per day.

Once you get everything set up and you earn a passive income, then you may need to work only 1 hour per day to maintain +$15,000/month income but getting into that point requires tons of effort.

4.Targeting the Right Keywords

If you want to get tons of traffic (=visitors) to your website, one of the most effective strategy is to create content that gets ranked on high Google. Sometimes I have got +50,000 visitors in a month from Google for completely free just because I had written some content before that got ranked on Google.

However, at the beginning I didn’t know how to do it and I didn’t follow the Wealthy Affiliate training diligently.

You need to target the right keywords. Wealthy Affiliate training teaches you this aspect also in a comprehensive manner but I somehow ignored the importance of it. That ignorance cost me probably 3 months and tons of working hours.

By the way, I have also created a simple 10-step training that teaches you how I got +100 posts on the first page of Google and how you can make it as well.

So, don’t make the same mistakes that I did and you’ll start making much more money and much faster than I did.

Despite My Mistakes, I Still Succeeded Thanks to WA!

​Despite all the mistakes that I made, I still managed to learn to make money online with affiliate marketing. I need to give credit for that to Wealthy Affiliate because their training and community really helped me to do it.

I learned early on what Kyle (the founder of Wealthy Affiliate) always taught, “I have not seen anyone failing with affiliate marketing who didn’t quit.” I took those words to my heart and I knew that one day I’ll make it.

Once I started taking a serious action and asking lots of questions within the community, good results started coming. I’ve noticed that with affiliate marketing you really get what you put in. If you put in a lot of smart work, you’ll get wonderful results.

If you are in with the attitude that I was at the beginning, “Well, I am not sure if this will work so better that I don’t go all-in yet”, most likely you will not see the great results. You need to put in the effort to succeed and once you do, even +$10,000/months are possible.

I have not yet reached a $10,000/month income but sooner or later I will do it. I have still made some great record days when I earned, for example, +$500 in a single day. If and when you will consistenly earn $500/day, that willl equal to $15,000/month and $182,500/year.

That surely requires tons of work but I am sure it’s possible for you and anyone who seriously wants to succeed with affiliate marketing. As I said above, the more work you put in, the greater results you get.

Why Is Wealthy Affiliate Great For Beginners?

I thinkt the greatest beneifts of Wealthy Affiliate for beginners is that you literally don’t need any experience to get started. Their training teaches you everything from the beginning until to the level that you become successful and make a good money with affiliate marketing.

In addition, it’s a community and a “family” of other online entrepreneurs who are willing to help you. You can always ask questions within the community and find somebody to help you out.

When you join through my affiliate link to WA, I also provide you my exclusive 1-on-1 support and mentoring. That doesn’t bring you any extra costs so it’s a highly valuable bonus to you. 

Normally I could charge at least $50-200/hour for that kind of service but now it’s included for completely for free for you in the membership.

Is WA Suitable for More Advanced Affiliate Marketers?


Even though I have already quite a lot of experience of making money with affiliate marketing, I still feel that I learn something new every week within WA.

Wealthy Affiliate gives you an access to other successful Internet marketers who are already making +$10,000/month online or are even multi-millionaires. You can just imagine how great tips you can learn from these guys.

In addition, Jay Neill hosts his weekly live webinars on WA where he teaches several important skills on how you can make more money online. Those webinars include all kinds of practical subjects like:

I love the weekly live webinars by Jay Neill. They are informative and entertaining.

Conclusion – Is Wealthy Affiliate Good For Beginners?

Yes, definitely.

I got started as a beginner and succeeded. I have heard the same story from 1,000’s of other Wealthy Affiliate members’ mouths. They started also as complete beginners but now they are making a good income online have a freedom lifestyle.

If they can do it, you can do it. If even I can do it, you can definitely do it.

An awesome bonus for you when you join through my link is my 1-on-1 support and mentoring. You will get personalized help and feedback from me anytime you need.

You can always send me your questions and I answer ALL of them. So far, I have answered 100% of the messages that I have received from the people like you that I referred to Wealthy Affiliate. And I will keep on doing so because I want to make sure you succeed.

So get started today here or by clicking the button below. 

I’m waiting you inside to help you make money with affiliate marketing! 😉

What kind of experiences do you have with Wealthy Affiliate?

Have you already started the training?

Do you want to get my 1-on-1 support to make money online with affiliate marketing?

Let me know in the comments below!

If you have any questions, just leave a comment below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Hello Roope, thanks for this huge information on making money online. There is so much valuable information and tips for me. So I return back to read this and links again. My hunger to know and learn more grows ?

    1. Hello Eija,

      You’re welcome!

      I am glad you liked it.

      By the way, how is your training on Wealthy Affiliate going now? 🙂

      Remember that you can always ask me anything by email or within the community if you ever get stuck.

      I want to make sure that you also learn to make money online like I do and like I have helped many other people to do as well.

      I’m looking forward to seeing your progress.

      Best regards

  2. This is a question I have been asking ever since I heard about wealthy affiliate marketing. When I was launching my own website, I contemplated between wealthy affiliate marketing and launching self hosted website. I chose later because start up cost was low. Currently, I pay just about $80 per year to host 10 websites and around $100 to renew domains. For me $359 per year or $29 per month cost is really big.

    1. You like often to talk about the cost Vinaya :). I like too. It’s good to compare the prices between similar services to define the best one.

      If you’re just looking for the website host, then Wealthy Affiliate is not the cheapest and the most affordable option for you.

      But if you’re looking for a step-by-step training and comprehensive support that helps you to make big money online with affiliate marketing, then Wealthy affiliate is for you.

      Yes, it costs $359/year but what if it will generate you +$30,000/year? Wouldn’t it be worth it then?

      I’m not saying that WA would be a push button that magically generates you tens of thousands of dollars but that’s just my own experience with them. I started without any former experience on WA but I learned the skills that have already made me tens of thousands of dollars online and will make much more in the coming months and years.

      What do you think Vinaya if we put the cost in that perspective? 🙂 I would love to hear your thoughts.

  3. This my first time hearing about Affiliate Marketing. I’m still new about this things. Thanks to this article it gives knowledge on how to successfully earn money through online. I will surely be checking out the Wealthy Affiliate after I earn some money to get the premium membership. Right now, I will be trying the free version. I still need some articles like this before I start making my website.

    1. I was in your shoes a few years ago. I didn’t know anything about affiliate marketing. I didn’t even know what it means.

      But I got started with Wealthy Affiliate and their step-by-step training and community taught me everything I needed. Of course, I also needed to take action based on what I learned to start making money online.

      I recommend that you start going through their step-by-step training here and let me know whenever you need anything and I’ll be more than happy to help you out.

  4. I love the benefits you can get in Wealthy Affliate. The fact that this is number 1 and 13 years in the business already. Tells that it’s worth spending my time and money on this not like my previous membership in other company. They were just one year or months in the business. They started really good but after many months, I’ve never heard of them.

    WA offers 1 on 1 support, which is very vital for those who are starting in these kind of business. Also millions of people is a member which is so appealing. Do I need to have a webcam for 1 on 1 tutorial?

    1. Yeah, Wealthy Affiliate is a very reputable company and they have currently +1,500,000 members. They have educated quite a huge number of people to make money online.

      No, you don’t need a webcam. You can send me messages directly through their platform and I’ll help you out.

  5. I really like the look of Wealthy Affiliate. But the one problem for me is that it’s just a bit overwhelming at the start. It might just be me, to be honest but I just found it a bit confusing at the start. I wasn’t too sure what I was doing and whether I was in the right section or not for beginners.

    1. Hi Kingcool,

      I understand that there’s a lot of new information at the beginning and you’ll learn many skills that help you to make money over the time course.

      Did you start with the step-by-step training here? When you go through the step-by-step training and accomplish the tasks one by one, you are well on your way to building an affiliate business that generates you a nice income online.

      The training starts from 0 so it’s very suitable for beginners. If you ever get stuck, you can always ask me and other community members questions and we’ll be happy to help you out.

  6. Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to earn money online once you have everything you need to succeed in the affiliate marketing busines and wealthy affiliate marketing program is among the best strategies one can use to become successful in affiliate marketing. There are so many other affiliate marketing programs online but I’m convinced that wealthy affiliate tops them all and is even cheaper but offers excellent quality services.

      1. I have gotten across a lot of business opportunities to make money online and so far, affiliate marketing is the best anyone can make use of and get the best out of his or her efforts in the business. Even though, the beginning is not too easy but on the long run, it’s a better alternative.

        1. Yes, that’s true. Many freelancing jobs provide “quick solutions” to earn some dollars but affiliate marketing gives an opportunity to build a long-term business that will bring passive income for years to come.

          1. Exactly! Affiliate marketing has proven that the best way to seek financial freedom from working online is to pursue success in long term projects than the quick short term one’s because once you have got your affiliate marketing links up and running, your passive income earning is going to be steady without much stress anymore.

  7. I have always known affiliate marketing as one of the best ways that you can make passive income which is one of the ways whereby you make money even while sleeping. One thing that I have come to understand is that Wealthy affiliate marketing is one of the best affiliate marketing we have out there since it is quite easier for anyone that is starting out to have a clothes guide from those that has been in the program for so long.

    1. Yes, affiliate marketing is one of the greatest ways to earn passive income. Once everything is set up, you don’t need to care about almost anything if you don’t want but the money still keeps on flowing in. That being said, it requires lots of work to make lots of passive income. And of course you can then always increase your income by testing and putting in more effort.

      With a regular 9-5 job you have usually some sort of income limit but with affiliate marketing it’s possible to earn lots of money in the long run.

    2. This is so true my friend. I have been reading all the reviews and they are all positive except a few which is expected. There seems to be a real potential in such jobs and I hope to be on the platform soonest.

  8. In my country this amount is already a big amount but still affordable. I also think that the money you spend will be worth it. I’m really interested but as I am a student this amount of money is going to be used for my studies. But I’ll find ways so that I can avail this in the future.

    1. I understand that in third world countries $49 is more than in the U.S. or in Europe, for example.

      However, the premium membership will eventually pay itself back many times. Then you’ll probably make 5-20 times more money than other people in your country.

      The things that I do online, would be possible for anyone, anywhere in the world. So, basically anyone could make money by following the Wealthy Affiliate in the same way like I did.

    2. If you come from the Philippines like I do, yes it’s quite huge but still affordable as compared to other trainings/courses which costs are unreasonable and impossible to afford. Most MLM companies in our country cost so much more than this. The good thing about this, is this is learning that can be applied not only to a particular company but to other online business opportunities.

      1. I’m also from the Philippines and I don’t think the price is all that bad. It’s affordable. But what I’m worried about is the amount of time that it will take until I get to generate a return on investment. Can this kind of work be done in my free time after work? Or does it require full attention?

        1. It’s completely up to you. If you have 30 minutes per day or 5 hours per day, both are completely fine. 30 minutes per day is enough to make progress already.

          Of course, the more time you invest, the faster you will make progress and the more money you will eventually earn.

          I was working +50 hours per week on another job when I got started on Wealthy Affiliate.

  9. It does look doable and I hope I can be able to join within the shortest period possible. I am however still accumulating the capital and doing some planning. Its regrettable of course how the people from these sides have ruined the reputation for all of us and now free registrations are unavailable.

    1. I see. At some point the premium membership usually pays itself back many times because you learn how to make money. Then it costs only less than $0,99 per day but you’ll make much, much more if you apply the knowledge and take action.

  10. It does look like it has a simplified approach to those who are starting from scratch. It’s not easy to gather all the scattered learnings from different sites here and there. I really believe that a structured approach will be beneficial. I’m considering taking up this training in the near future but as you mentioned yourself it’s not a get rich quick scheme. So I need to spend the time to maximize the benefits. It’s not that cheap as per our country’s standards but it’s affordable. It costs like any other course here in our country or even cheaper.

    1. Yeah, it’s not a get-rich-scheme. It requires work to make big money like with any other business. However, the earning potential with Wealthy Affiliate is much greater than with most regular businesses.

      The price isn’t very cheap in the third world countries but by the Western standards their prices are extremely cheap compared to the value they provide. I have seen similar trainings, for example, MOBE and Digital Altitude charging up to $30,000 for similar Internet marketing trainings that WA charges only $359/year which makes less than $0,99 per day.

      In addition, Wealthy Affiliate hasn’t raised their prices even a single time during their 13 years of existence which is pretty awesome.

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