Is Inbox Blueprint a Scam? No. Here Is the Reason Why!

is inbox blueprint a scam

Is Inbox Blueprint a scam or will this email marketing course skyrocket your online business? Is the course worth the price and what will you get?

If you have any questions regarding Inbox Blueprint by Anik Singal, you have come to the right place. I will answer all your questions in this article.

In this Inbox Blueprint, I will also share what’s included in this course and how it is supposed to help you to build your online business.

Inbox Blueprint Review – Quick Summary

Product Name: Inbox Blueprint (click here to join)

Creator: Anik Singal

Product Type: Email Marketing Training

Best for: People And Companies Who Want to Do Email Marketing Successfully

Summary: Inbox Blueprint is definitely one of the best email marketing training courses in the world. Thousands of people all over the world have taken this course and their email marketing results have skyrocketed.

Is Inbox Blueprint Recommended? Yes. 

Note: If you prefer a cheaper online business training, you can grab my 4-step guide for making money online here for free.

What Is Inbox Blueprint?

Inbox Blueprint is an online system used for learning and executing campaigns of email marketing. Anik Singal is its CEO. It majors on ways of making money using emails.

If you haven’t before heard of email marketing, I recommend checking out my article of Aweber where I explain how you can make money using this strategy.

The Inbox Blueprint program is great for new and experienced Internet marketers. Benefits go hand in hand with one’s willingness to learn and put the information into action.

The more subscribers you get to your list, the more the income you will generate. Anik’s course explains how you will get more subscribers to your list and how you can turn those subscribers into cash.

Who Is Anik Singal?

Before we write into the details of my Inbox Blueprint review, let me share a few words of Anik Singal who is the creator of this course.

is inbox blueprint a scam

Anik Singal is without a doubt one of the most successful Internet marketers of our time. 

He has been voted among Top 3 Young Entrepreneurs by Businessweek magazine and his company Lurn, Inc. has earned the position on Inc. 500 Fastest Growing Companies in America already a few times.​​

Those are quite amazing achievements. You and I must admit that this guy really knows what he is talking about.

Because of his high expertise and top-quality trainings, he usually charges a bit higher price for his courses than other Internet marketers who haven’t achieved similar results like him.

How Does  Inbox Blueprint Work?

To be part of this exciting adventure, you only need to join here for their free webinar.

However, you also need to understand general email marketing techniques. Below are a few steps that Anik will teach you about email marketing:

  1. How to get as many subscribers as possible through your landing page.
  2. Offer your subscribers a gift, then use that chance to collect their email addresses.
  3. Follow up with your subscribers to build a relationship first before you start selling.
  4. Give your list value through product promotions. The products can be your or another person’s. Remember that you don’t need to own any products to make big money with email marketing. You can just promote affiliate products to make even +$10,000/month online.

Inbox Blueprint follows the same procedure but provides the user with all necessary requirements for a successful email marketing as a bonus. These advantages include:

  • Helps you to find an extremely profitable market/niche
  • Gives you support to build a landing page and a gift that acts as the lead magnet
  • Provides traffic to your landingpage using free or paid methods
  • Make the creation of follow-up emails way easier
  • Helps you to get affiliate products to promote to your email list and make you money.

What’s Included In Inbox Blueprint?

First, Inbox Blueprint has been developed over the years. It began with Inbox Blueprint 1.0, but luckily we are living in the generation of Inbox Blueprint 2.0.

This new version is better than the older version in so many ways, but the greatest of them all is that it does most of the work for you. Of course, you still need to do your own part but their training makes the heavy lifting for you.

Inbox Blueprint 2.0 provides for its users all the following things:

  • A step by step video training
  • Full Launchpad access
  • Assignments and tasks to reinforce your learning and helps you to take action.
  • checkShows you the best and the most profitable niches
  • check+10,000 pieces of content
  • checkTop offers and programs for affiliate marketers
  • checkTraffic sources
  • checkResponsive support
  • checkUltimate access to the successful students.

Inbox Blueprint training comes in eight steps; Addiction Meter, The Bait, TYP Method, Email Machine, List Relationship, Payday Secrets, Easy Traffic and Unlimited Success.

These steps will help you build a powerful killer campaign for yourself. Let me explain you one by one how they work.

1. Addiction Meter

This is the first training step. Here, you are provided with 30 niches that have proven profitable for you to make your choice. Do not venture with ‘I want to turn my passion into profit.

This step helps you make fast and accurate niche choices without wasting time in niches that won’t bring you any profit. The lessons from this step include:

  • How to choose the perfect niche
  • It shows you top profitable niches for email marketing
  • Best launch pad niches through research options in Amazon,,, YouTube, and Google
  • How to use Launchpad niches
  • An exercise to decide which email marketing niche to use

2. The Bait

Step two requires you to build a web page where you will collect emails to build your list. This web page is the opt-in page.

There are many tools that you can use to build it but my #1 recommendation for building powerful landing pages is Thrive Themes. I am using it myself and it has generated me awesome results.

In the bait, you will learn the following:

  • What an opt-in page is
  • Opt-in page design
  • Copywriting techniques to provide the best information on your page to improve your email list
  • Creation of an opt-in page that’s easy to convert
  • The difference between a single and a double opt-in page
  • The best converting button colors
  • Creation of the best lead magnet, i.e., the bait
  • A task to create yourself an awesome lead magnet

By the way, if you want to find out how an effective opt-in page looks like, you can take a look at one of my opt-in pages here. It’s an opt-in page where I offer you my free 4-step guide for making money online that has completely transformed my own life.

3. TYP Method = Thank You Page Method

TYP means Thank You Page. At this level, you are trained how to monetize your TYP in order to make money as soon as you get your first subscriber. This step makes you stay ahead of many other email marketers.

TYP Method teaches you:

  • The secret behind a Thank You Page that few people are aware of
  • How to deliver the bait you created in step two above
  • How to create a thank you page that will be an envy of others
  • Using Launchpad to develop Strategies that bring the best to your thank you pages
  • How to create a transitional page, but this is optional
  • An exercise to select the best offer and activate your best TYP strategy

You can take a look at my thank you page here to get an idea how they will look like. My visitors will end up on that page after they have opted in for my free gift.

4.  “Email Machine” = Autoresponder

Machines in general will make your work easier. An email machine will help you automate your business sparing you much working effort and time with more profits. 

You can get the system from Aweber, ConvertKit, Get-response or Send Lane that will give you a 30-day free trial.

Personally, I am using Aweber and it’s my #1 recommendation. More than for an autoresponder. More than 100,000 online entrepreneurs all over the world are already using it.

Lessons in this step are:

  • Introduction to Autoresponders
  • Ways of tracking all of your clicks
  • Activation of your free Send Lane account
  • Automated broadcasting and messages
  • A task to set up your autoresponder and click tracker

5.  List Relationship Building

This is the most important step of them all. It determines the size of our list. You need to provide your customers with the best subject lines and content to keep them coming back.

Be smart to convince your subscribers that you mainly care about them and not just the money they are helping you make. Stay confident all through.

List relationship training teaches you:

  • How to make your content appealing to your subscribers
  • The number of proportional emails that you can send
  • How to give your promotional emails attracting information
  • Ways of writing emails during launches
  • The best subject lines to guarantee opening
  • Building good relationships with your subscribers
  • Why it is crucial to test emails before sending them
  • A task to use Launchpad and create your automated messages

6.  Payday Secrets

It’s one thing to make a living with email marketing but if you learn the secrets of optimizing your emails, you can make a fortune. This step will show how you can create even a massive wealth using email marketing.

This training gives you information concerning payments and improving your relationship with your subscribers. It covers:

  • Tactics and tweaks to drastically increase your earnings
  • Best way to monetize your list as you maintain and build your relationship with the list
  • Using affiliate programs to monetize your email list
  • Top secrets to promoting product launches
  • Event marketing skills
  • Selling affiliate products using Webinar
  • How to add fast action bonuses that increase conversions
  • Offering products of your own

7. Easy Traffic

Your efforts will only bear fruits with traffic. Inbox Blueprint offers you ways to attract traffic to your pages without much hassle.

This steps covers:

  • The productive relationship between time and money. With money, traffic will be earned almost immediately, and with time, the more time you spend finding traffic, the more it is that you will earn.
  • Guest blogging
  • Social media, e.g., Twitter
  • Yahoo Answers
  • Forums
  • Google training
  • Facebook Ads

In the other words, this step will show you the ways to attract traffic for free but also with the paid methods.

I am personally attracting around 80% of my traffic at the moment from Google for free but paid methods can also be extremely effective. Another method that I am using a lot is PPC marketing with Bing Ads.

I have a good friend who is killing it with Facebook marketing. Sometimes he shows me how he spends only $30 in a day and makes $300 with it.

8.  Unlimited Success

This step teaches how you will achieve unlimited success with email marketing. It deals with increasing your skills in delivering the best emails which will increase rate at which your messages are opened.

You will not make big money if your emails remain unopened. Making it through this step gives a go on to scale your business and keep it on track. Click-through rate is another key metric that will determine your success in the long run.

During this training, you are going to learn:

  • The most important metrics to watch and follow
  • How to increase the rate at which your emails are delivered and opened
  • The tricks to prevent your emails from becoming spam

Who Benefits from Inbox Blueprint?

Inbox Blueprint is a wonderful course for anyone who wants to make big money with email marketing. You don’t need any former experience to start this course because it will walk you through all the steps that you need to take.

On the the other hand, this course will also be highly beneficial for those of you that are already making money with email marketing.

Let’s say that you are now making $5,000/month with email marketing. Even a 30% higher conversion rate will make you $1,500/month more money than now.

Inbox Blueprint helps those that are interested in getting a lovely income with email marketing. Anik Singal provides these people probably the best email training that is available on the Internet right now.

You don’t even need to take my word for it because you can watch Anik’s free email marketing webinar here.

Pros & Cons Of Blueprint


  • Provides spot-on and detailed training with video training all the way to your successful business
  • Fantastic Launchpad, simplifying the whole process of online marketing
  • Teaches free and paid methods to bring traffic to your page
  • Ensures a fast growth of a monetized list
  • Offers unlimited support for twelve months
  • A time-saving way of creating a successful business down from scratch
  • Lots of practice from the assignments given during training
  • Gives users access to top 30 of the most profitable niches are never failing
  • All content that is needed is written for you.
  • Anik Singal himself offers weekly training
  • Lurn coaches do often live examples
  • Has an impressive support team and members


  • It is quite expensive. However, most customers said it was certainly worth the price because they skills they learned generate them thousands of dollars.
  • It takes time and work to get you rich but the training speeds your success

Inbox Blueprint Reviews And Testimonials

Anik Singal is one of the most influential and successful online entrepreneurs of our time. He has reached millions of people all over the world with his trainings, courses and seminars.

He has partnered up with some of the most successful entrepreneurs of our time. Take a look at for example these testimonials. You can read them also here.

is inbox blueprint a scam

World-Famous coaches and entrepreneurs: Bob Proctor, Robert Kiyosaki and Les Brown are praising Anik Singal and his courses.

The Internet is full of positive Inbox Blueprint reviews.

Actually, it’s pretty hard to find anyone that wouldn’t recommend Anik’s courses. They are always top quality and customers are getting results that Anik has promised.

Is Inbox Blueprint Scam?

You might have seen many scam sites online, but you need to believe that Inbox Blueprint is not a scam. Its founder, Anik Singal assures members that it is possible to make profit within the first month after the training.

As you read above, Anik has won numerous awards over the years. They don’t give such awards for scammers.

There is not a single reason to think why Inbox Blueprint would be a scam. The only people that call Inbox Blueprint a scam are the same people who have never even tried this program and are trying to pitch you their own training.

Inbox Blueprint Worth It?

An answer to this questions depends on whether or not you are going to take action after taking Anik’s course.

If you just watch through his training lessons, skip all the steps and don’t implement anything, the course most likely won’t be worth it for you.

Inbox Blueprint requires you to go through all the steps so you will see the results and succeed. Nothing will work unless you do. But if you start implementing the steps, you are able to make big money with email marketing.

Some people may claim that Inbox Blueprint is not the cheapest course available. The old wisdom says, “Try ignorance. It’s even more expensive than education.”

In addition, if you try to learn email marketing from people who are just making a decent living with it, don’t know the best strategies that Anik knows. He is one of the best in the world in his field and can deliver you the best results as well.

Success leaves clues.

What kind of experiences do you have with Anik Singal’s courses?

Have you already made money with email marketing?

Let me know in the comments below!

If you have any questions, just leave a comment below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. I have been thinking of trying email marketing.  The problem is I would like to see a few more bucks coming in before I keep shipping them out.

    I love the review and it is very tempting.  It is nice to see there are programs and opportunities that dont have the word scam next to them.  

    Im going to look a little deeper into this and then make a decision.

    1. Hi Dale,

      yes, I understand.

      I recommend that you start building your email list with Aweber once you have for example 100 daily visitors on your website. 

      I am currently reading an amazing email marketing book called “Email Marketing Demystified: Build a Massive Mailing List, Write Copy that Converts and Generate More Sales” that you can grab for just $9,95 on Amazon or just $3,71 for Amazon Kindle. It will help you to get started also with email marketing but it isn’t certainly as comprehensive course as Anik Singal’s Inbox Blueprint.

      If you need any tips or help to getting started with email marketing don’t hesitate to ask me and I’ll be glad to help you out!



  2. Inbox blueprint is one of Anik signals best works. I am a huge fan of his works and I believe he can really help to assist you in achieving success in your online business. I have seen how wonderful inbox blueprint is. But I do have an issue with anik’s courses. They are kind of expensive and a lot of people don’t involve themselves because of that.  

    But those that do are able to attest to the fact that they are able to achieve success with this program.

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Jay.

      I understand that Anik’s courses are a bit expensive for many people. The reason is that they want to provide the highest quality and value. Therefore, they obviously don’t want to give it away for a cheap price.

      However, if you want to learn from Anik for a cheap price, I recommend grabbing his new book Escape on Amazon for just $10

      It’s the best book that I have read for a while. There are +340 reviews of that book on Amazon and 98% of those reviews gave it 5 stars out of 5. Therefore the average rating is 5 stars out of 5.

      I haven’t seen any other book achieving as good reviews as Anik’s book. I am not surprised because it has certainly been one of the best spent $10 of my life 😀

      Have you already read it?



  3. While this course looks promising, is there a catch though after the free webinar or this is completely separate? Do they upsell other paid courses that are required to continue learning the skills? I noticed other “free” webinars are like that, so is this the case with Inbox Blueprint?

    1. No, I think that webinar and Inbox Blueprint are not two separate things. Anik Singal is a teacher on both so he is teaching his best strategies on webinar AND on the Inbox Blueprint course.

      The webinar is free while Inbox Blueprint is a paid course. Therefore, Inbox Blueprint is a more comprehensive resource for email marketing while webinar can only cover the most important things that you need to know about email marketing.

  4. Never heard of Inbox Blueprint. It is good to know that this program is not a scam. Now that I know what Inbox Blueprint is I want to try this email marketing training. I have never benefitted from email marketing, perhaps because I do not know much about email marketing. I once tried email marketing, I failed because my list was small.

    1. I have noticed based on my own and other people’s experiences that persistence is really the key to success with email marketing. At first, you will not have lots of subscribers. But once you keep on getting more traffic, optimizing your funnel and refining your emails, you will achieve better results.

      A great thing with email marketing is that the value of your email list can all the time grow in value when you actively send emails to your subscribers. The email list of 100,000 subscibers may be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars over the time course.

  5. What a coincidence. I have read Anik’s book circle of profit and am just listening to the Lurn summit. He has some amazing ideas and he seems genuine. It helps that he is associated with the likes of Robert Kiyosaki. I also would like to get the inbox blueprint, but I can’t afford it for now. However I try to listen to his webinars to get tips on how to get traffic and attract clients.

  6. Looking at how the world is turning towards online and internet marketing, and I have seen how good email marketing is when it comes to using it well for one’s online business, I would say that it’s definitely worth it taking up a course on Inbox Blueprint in order to master how to fully exploit email marketing.

    1. Yes, email marketing is one of the most powerful strategies to make money online because one can personally reach even hundreds of thousands of people with just a few clicks.

      1. This is a very true, all business men always look for ways to make things easier for running their business projects and email marketing is one of the most effective and efficient way of reaching your business clients without breaking a sweat. Leadpages can be used to grow this business member mailing list but email marketing through the use of Aweber gets the job done for you.

  7. I heard of this site a while ago. I thought it was a scam as well. But when i saw reviews of it i started to believe it was in fact not a scam. Thanks for sharing the information for us ho didn’t fully understand the main purpose of blueprint. I still honestly think wealthy affiliate is better than this site and I think you agree as well.

  8. At first I thought that the result of this blog will result that the inbox blueprint was a scam. But I am wrong. As I continue reading about inbox blueprint I figured out that I think this is a worth working for. I felt like this site pays fine. Hoping that soon I will be able to try this.

    1. Yeah, Inbox Blueprint is a recommended product for anyone who wants to make money with email marketing.

      Based on some researches, email marketers make on average $41 for every $1 invested. That’s just amazing.

      Email marketing has been years and is still one of the most profitable strategies to make money online.

      1. $41 for every 1$? For real?! it is not just double nor triple your investment just wow. Is it proven and tested? Inbox blueprint really deserves to be on the top entrepreneurs in the world. I would probably join this soon. If I already have a stable bank account to invest. This is so amazing.

        1. I’ve seen that number ($1 to $41) on a few places. I think you’ll find more data on Google.

          Email marketing itself is a very low-cost marketing strategy. Getting leads is a more challenging part. You either need to invest money, time or both. But once you have the email list, you are sitting on a good asset.

  9. For the fact that the CEO of Inbox Blueprint has won award as one of the top 3 entrepreneurs in the world is a sign that his email marketing program is a good one in the market. I feel that it is a sign that once to relate with someone that is successful, success is going to be your portion as well.

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