Jaaxy Review: My #1 Recommended Keyword Research Tool in the World!

is jaaxy a scam
Jaaxy homepage. It's completely free to get started. (You can click the picture to sign up for free and get your free searches.)

Are you looking for an honest Jaaxy review? You have landed on the right place. I was surprised to see that some people had been searching on Google, “Is Jaaxy a scam?” I can already answer that Jaaxy isn’t a scam and I am actively paying for their Pro membership.

In this review, I’ll explain how you can use Jaaxy to boost your Google rankings. Better rankings will lead to more traffic. And naturally more traffic leads to more revenue.

Let me warn you before you start reading the review. If you learn to use keywords effectively, it may revolutionize your whole business. That’s why keyword research and ranking on Google is one of the most important things you can master in the online world.

is jaaxy a scam
Jaaxy homepage. It’s completely free to get started. (Click the picture to sign up to get your free searches.)

Jaaxy Review

Name: Jaaxy

Website: www.jaaxy.com

Founders: Kyle, Carson & Their team (They are also founders of Wealthy Affiliate.)

Cost: $0 Free Account, $19/Month (Pro), $49/Month (Enterprise)

Type: Keyword Research Tool

Short Review: Jaaxy is a highly effective keyword tool which helps you to find proper keywords in a moment. It also helps you to find keywords beyond that you would initially research. This can definitely take your business to the next level.

I wasn’t convinced about Jaaxy when they had the version 2.0. but after the latest update, it has turned into my #1 recommended keyword tool on the Internet. All their tools and simplicity makes them superior to competitors.

Jaaxy Tutorial Video

I recorded you a comprehensive video on how to use Jaaxy. I believe it will help you to understand Jaaxy even better.

After you have fully watched the video, you understand well how to use Jaaxy.

What Is Jaaxy?

Jaaxy is a neat keyword tool and some professional online marketers claim it’s the best in the world. It helps you to get ranked higher on Google and drive more traffic. Most of the traffic comes to my website through Google because they find my website ranked higher. Probably even you landed here through Google.

Here are a few things what you can do with it:

  • Finds keyword search volume
  • Shows potential traffic potential
  • Determines difficulty of competition
  • + Finds related keyword data (Additional data based on your initial research.)
  • Alphabet soup research tools
  • SERP Analysis -> shows you metrics of each search engine listing
  • Site Rank Check -> Shows your current rankings for specific keywords and tracks the progress.

If you don’t understand, what all those features mean, don’t worry because I’ll explain them in this article. In a nutshell, their purpose is to help you to achieve high Google rankings.

How Does Jaaxy Work?

Let’s have a look at their keyword research tool. Let’s say that you have a website about tennis and you would like to write an article about the best tennis rackets. However, you don’t know exactly what kind of keyword you would like to target.

Jaaxy can do the heavy lifting for you. Write just “Best Tennis Rackets” on Jaaxy and we’ll see what it gives.

is jaaxy a scam
Quick results for a search “Best tennis rackets”.

Let’s me explain what different numbers mean in Jaaxy.

  1. Avg. = The average number of searches that keyword receives per month.
  2. Traffic = The estimate of visits to your website if you achieve first page rankings in the search engines.
  3. QSR (Quoted Search Results) = The number of competing websites ranked in Google for this exact keyword.
  4. KQI (Keyword Quality Indicator) = Green is Great, Yellow is OK, Red is Poor.
  5. SEO = A score based on traffic and competition. The higher the score, the more likely you will rank for this keyword on the first page (scale of 1-100, higher = better).

So, what should you be looking at here? What is the most important metric?

Based on my personal and other people’s experiences Avg. and QSR is two most important ones. Here is a good guideline, it’s so called 100-100 -rule:

If you have a new site, aim for Avg. over 100 and QSR under 100.

The more authority your site has, the easier you can also rank for higher QSRs. In my opinion, QSR is the most important single metric. When I started out I even aimed for QSR under 50 or 30. Then it was much easier to get ranked. Of course, I still prefer targeting for keywords that have the lowest competition because it helps me to get ranked easier.

In this example of best tennis rackets, there isn’t right away the single keyword that hits 100-100 -rule. However, I have chosen the keyword “Best rated tennis rackets” because it has a very low QSR and still more than 60 searches. When you rank for that keyword, Google will also rank you for another keyword at the same time which brings you even more traffic.

There are also tons of other tools inside Jaaxy but where gonna have a look at them further.

Does Jaaxy Really Work? Does It Help You to Rank on Google?

I’ve heard many people asking, “Does Jaaxy really work? Can it really help me to get ranked?”

Well, let these rankings speak for themselves. I have used the Wealthy Affiliate keyword tool to achieve these but it uses the same metrics as Jaaxy. WA keyword tool is like a “limited version of Jaaxy”. I used that one before because I thought it’s enough for me but now I have decided to take my online business to the next level with Jaaxy.

is jaaxy a scam
1.Ranking with a keyword “Is Neobux Worth it”
is jaaxy a scam
First ranking with a keyword “Is Endless Xpressions a scam”
is jaaxy a scam
Top ranking with a keyword “SerpLab Review”

All of these keywords and articles are driving regularly traffic to my website. There are also tons of other examples I could show you but I think this is enough for now. Many times you don’t even need to get ranked #1 or #2 to drive traffic. Sometimes even the ranking #10 drives traffic if it’s a competitive keyword and has a high search volume.

I showed those 3 search results right from Google. But Jaaxy has also a cool feature that lets you check and track your rankings more easily.

How to Track Your Rankings with Jaaxy?

Let me give you an example. In the last chapter, I showed you the keyword “Is Endless Xpressions a scam”. Let’s look for it inside Jaaxy:

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Jaaxy shows that I’m ranked #1 for the keyword “Is Endless Xpressions a scam” and the ranking has gone higher since my last check.

In the picture above, you can see the section on the left called Keyword Tracking: Automatically Follow Rankings. You can let Jaaxy track your rankings and afterward, quickly analyze how they are moving on Google.

You can choose tracking for daily (with Enterprise version), twice a week, weekly, twice a month, monthly.

is jaaxy a scam
Here are some keywords that Jaaxy is actively tracking.

In my opinion, this is a really cool feature. Jaaxy also draws you a graph where you can immediately see the ranking progress.

I recommend using keyword tracking if you have written an article and want to see how well do you get ranked. I am going to set “Is Jaaxy a scam” for this tracking to see how well this post is being ranked and how it changes over time.

Another great time to use this feature when you update your old post. I used to write the statistics on Microsoft Word and check manually after a week or month how my article is ranked on Google. Now I don’t need to do it manually because Jaaxy does it automatically for you and me. As Jay Neill always says, “Jaaxy does all heavy lifting for you.”

Quick Note: When your site has more authority it gets ranked faster and higher on Google. How to get the authority? Follow this step-by-step training.

Analyze Your Competition with Jaaxy

With Jaaxy you can also “spy” your competition and decide whether you’ll have a hard time to get ranked or will it be a piece of cake.

Let’s say that you have an affiliate marketing website where you are promoting laptops. Then you want to write an article that targets laptops for under $1,000. Let’s have a look at what kind of competition you’re going to face when trying to rank on Google.

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Competition for a keyword “Best Laptops Under $1,000”

Jaaxy shows you top 10 results on Google and important details about those websites. You can see on the right side the word count of that post, how many links there are on the site, backlinks, Alexa rank and whether the website is using AdSense or not.

This information will give you even more detailed information about your competitors. In this case, we can see that the website which is ranked #1 is quite a strong one. The article is huge with more than 9,000 words and there are more than 91,000 to this website.

It can be hard to outrank this one. Then you can, of course, have a quick look at other websites on the first page. As I mentioned above, many times you don’t need #1 ranking to drive lots of traffic to your website.

How to Make Money with Jaaxy?

I don’t like spending my money. On the other hand, I like investing money. I think that buying Jaaxy is an investment rather than spending money because it will pay itself back multiple times. Let me explain how.

First of all, Jaaxy is going to save you tons of time. And as we all know, time is money. Let’s have a simple example. You earn on average $25 per hour. Now you use 10 hours per month for figuring out keywords and how to get ranked on Google. What if you could cut that time to half? Or even more?

Let’s say that after buying Jaaxy you’ll use only 5 hours per month for a keyword research. It saves you $25 * 5 = $125 per month. That’s impressive but it’s not the most important thing here. You are still spending 5 hours per month so you want some kind of income for that investment. What could Jaaxy give you?

My friend and mentor Nathaniell Brenes published some time ago a post where he explains how he earns $300 per month from one blog post. Imagine if Jaaxy can help you to find even 5 that kind of keywords that bring you $300 per month. It equals to $1,500 per month! Now it’s getting interesting.

And as you know, an online business can be scaled endlessly. You can write 10, 20 or even 50 that kind of posts. Do you remember three Google rankings that I showed you earlier? All those posts are making more income. Without a good keyword tool, I would have a tough time to figure out how to get ranked and traffic.

At the moment most of my traffic comes from search engines. It means that even though I wouldn’t work for 1-2 months, my traffic would still most likely grow or at least stay the same. That’s the power of keyword research and Google rankings.

=> Want to Generate More Income Online? Take Your Business to the Next Level with Jaaxy!

Jaaxy Reviews – Online Entrepreneurs Love to Use It

I usually take a look at other people’s experiences and reviews while writing my articles. Hearing from other people gives a wider perspective and helps me to understand whether other people enjoy using the tool as well.

Several successful online entrepreneurs including Nathaniell Brenes, Jay Neill, and Jack Cao are actively using Jaaxy and seeing great results. Imagine that many of them were recommending Jaaxy even before the big update. Now when Jaaxy 3.0. is release it’s more powerful than ever.

The reason they like to use Jaaxy is that it really helps them to achieve high Google rankings and track the progress effectively.

Jaaxy Price – Free Account Available

Jaaxy has 3 membership options: Free, Pro and Enterprise.

I started out with the free account because then I didn’t need to pay anything of it but still was able to use Jaaxy sometimes. However, now I have upgraded my account because I saw a clear benefit with paid accounts.

You can see the differences between Jaaxy pricing plans here. I recommend that you at least try Jaaxy Pro or Enterprise for one month to see how all their features can boost your business. The price of a Pro is like 1-2 cheap pizzas per month.

is jaaxy a scam
Jaaxy Features

Conclusion – Is Jaaxy Worth It?

Yes, Jaaxy is worth it. I am paying for their yearly membership and I’m excited how this tool can take my online business to the next level. There are so many ways to benefit from this tool.

I can use it to make my own websites rank higher on Google but that’s not all. I can also search keywords for clients and sell keyword packages. Did you know that many people are doing it online on websites like Fiverr and making good money?

Then I could contact some local businesses to help their rankings. Or I can create a website, rank on Google and partner up with some people who want advertise their business on my site.

Therefore, there are numerous ways how Jaaxy can transform your business and bring you more income. Why wouldn’t you try it today for free?

=> Transform Your Business Today with Jaaxy!

How would you benefit from using Jaaxy? Would you use it to rank your own websites or are you going to help your clients?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

I hope you enjoyed my Jaaxy review and this answered all your questions including, “Is Jaaxy a scam?”

If you have any questions of Jaaxy, keyword research or ranking on Google in general, don’t hesitate to leave them below and I’ll be more than happy to help you out.



By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of YourOnlineRevenue.com. I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Thanks for your detailed review about Jaaxy; the most integrated, yet, the best and easiest niche and keyword research tool in the industry! Just like you, I also used the Wealthy Affiliate keyword tool initially when Jaaxy had not yet been extended free to the premium members to some extent. Now, I’ve switched to using Jaaxy only to perform all of the keyword research I did for my blog content making sure that my blog ranks faster in Google.

    I really appreciated how you did thorough analysis on the metrics used for performing niche and keyword searches on Jaaxy, some of which include the Quoted Search Result (QSR), Keyword Quality Indicator (KQI), AVG, Monthly traffic, SEO, and lots more. Kudos for the detailed and comprehensive review! Nice work!

    Israel Olatunji

    1. Hi Israel,

      I’m happy to hear that you’ve also enjoyed using Jaaxy.

      It has been so far the best keyword research I have used.

      One of the greatest things about is that it’s 100% beginner-friendly. When I help and educate people to getting started and make money online, I can easily recommend Jaaxy because it’s so easy to use.


  2. I think this is the best keyword tool in the world right now, although I have not used it, but with the hype it has gathered on cyber space and the manner at which you garnished and brought it to the table, that means it’s worth every penny.

  3. Wow, this is very interesting. I have a few websites and finding keywords is always one of the hardest parts of SEO. I usually end up trying to use Google Trends, but it seems like this is definitely a better option. I’ll certainly be trying this the next time I’m working on SEO for a website, and I might even update a few of the ones I have using this. Thanks!

    1. Definitely try Jaaxy because it’s free to get started. Then you’ll get a grasp how it works and how it can help you to get ranked on Google and drive more traffic.

  4. Firstly, I didn’t find you through google, It was by recommendation. But I’ll give a tiny credit to google since it made the connection possible.

    Drawing from all that you’ve said, jaaxy sounds like a good option for the intended purposes, however they are many other tools out there selling the same services. Am not an expert on the whole SEO, keyword search thing, but I think I’ll go with your recommendations when the need arises. Thats the reason why am here, for my online revenue.

    1. If you are running a blog or a website and want to get ranked higher on Google, Jaaxy is highly recommended. You can try the tool for completely free so there isn’t really anything to lose.

      It’s also good to remember that seeing results with SEO takes usually some time so it won’t affect immediately. The more authority your site has already, the easier it will be to get ranked.

  5. Well, I think this is the best keyword tool in the world right now, although I have not used it, but with the hype it has gathered on cyber space and the manner at which you garnished and brought it to the table, that means it’s worth every penny.
    I will surely give it a try.

    1. Yeah, I recommend giving it a try because you can do it for completely free 🙂 You will see the benefits of Jaaxy in action and how it will help you to rank your websites higher on Google.

  6. This is very interesting blog. Jaaxy for me is not a scam it is legit. This is the best keyword tool and i proved it once. I used the site to put my website into top. I recommend anyone to try this tool for their website. Even though there are some keyword tool i never tried others but only this tool and it is really amazing.

    1. Hi Jemuel,

      wow, I’m glad to hear that Jaaxy has also helped you to achieve high rankings on Google.

      Top rankings => more traffic => more revenue.

      That’s why investing in a good keyword tool is a great investment.

  7. I’m not planning on starting a website soon considering the fact that I’ve got some other needs to sort out.

    However, I would recommend Jaaxy to some of my friends that are already running blogs and writing articles for clients since I just noticed that it is one of the best keyword tools that can help an article rank higher on search engines. I really appreciate the review.

    1. Hi Henry,

      I believe your friends who have a blog/website will love Jaaxy because it will help them to achieve better rankings on Google. Better rankings bring more traffic and more traffic brings in more income. 🙂

  8. As long as it can give benefits to the clients and not cheated them then it is in the right tract. Im impressed with you review sir. 🙂

    1. Hi billionaire,

      yes, Jaaxy definitely gives benefits for its users. Recently I’ve been using their tracking tool a lot. It’s nice to see how new articles get ranked and fluctuate on Google.

  9. I’m wondering, though, how much better it is than simply examining stuff from the AdWords Keyword tool. Well, obviously, it must be better, or why bother paying anything? Note, I have to admit, sometimes the AdWords tool can be difficult. In that case, the Jaaxy tool breaking things down would probably be very helpful.

    1. Hi Jyy,

      I think I answered this question already in the previous answer. Did you check it out?

      Jaaxy makes the research process faster and their keyword metrics are more accurate.

      In addition, it provides tons of information that AdWords Keyword tool doesn’t provide.

      Of course, you can start out for free but if you are serious about your making money online, and want to increase your income a proper keyword tool like Jaaxy or Long Tail Pro is a must in my opinion.

  10. Since I use Google Keyword Planner Tool, which I consider the best keyword research tool, I never felt any necessity of using another Keyword Research Tool. Google is #1 search engines, therefore, the date provided by Google Keyword Planner tool is most accurate.

    I have never used Jaaxy, however, I am interested in trying this. I want to check how good or bad it is compared to Google Keyword Tool. You mention three types of membership, free membership, pro membership and enterprise membership.

    What will I miss if I don’t want a paid membership?

    1. Hi Vinaya,

      In my opinion, Jaaxy is superior to Google Keyword Planner. Jaaxy pulls in search statistics from all the major search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo) while GKP takes them only from Google.

      In addition, I think that Jaaxy shows competition much more in detail that GKP. I’ve heard also that Jaaxy has more accurate data than GKP.

      Free membership gives you only like a trial in Jaaxy. You will get some free searches but you will run out of them quite fast. The free version doesn’t also give you all features that a paid membership has. Have a look at all the differences here.

  11. Wow, I was surprised how good the grade was on this program based on your review. I was planning on putting up a website soon and was kind of worried as to how I would publicize and market it, but now I am considering using this tool and am feeling a little bit confident that I will be able to pull it off.

    I have bookmarked this page and will definitely be returning to it once my site is done and ready to be advertised. I hope I can reach the top of the search results too using this.

    1. Hi Fantasia,

      In my opinion, a good keyword tool is a MUST when you are starting a new website that wants to drive traffic from Google. I learned this when I started my first website some years ago. I just kept on publishing articles but nothing got ranked. I didn’t get almost traffic from Google to that website.

      However, then I learned how to use keyword tools properly and things have changed. Nowadays most of my traffic comes from Google because I know how to rank high. It requires also persistence because you don’t usually see immediate results. It takes usually 3-6 months for a new website to get authority on Google. The older your site gets, easier it becomes for you to get ranked.

      Sometimes I was surprised that my traffic from search engines keeps rising even though I hadn’t published anything for 2-3 months.

  12. It definitely looks interesting. I might check it out because it would be nice to have my blog posts ranked higher up on Google’s search results. The plans don’t seem that expensive as well especially considering how much you could potentially save by using Jaaxy. I might try out the free plan for the moment and if I am happy with it, I might decide to upgrade to the pro plan.

    1. Sounds good. I also used the free version first until I was ready to upgrade for Pro. Wealthy Affiliate keyword tool + Jaaxy Free version were enough for me for a long time. But of course, Jaaxy Pro gives more benefit and will boost rankings even more if used properly.

      1. The discounts for the plans seem to have disappeared. Were they temporary discounts for users? Or will they return at some point? The pro plan is a tiny bit too expensive for me right now which is a bit of a problem but the discounted price they had before was pretty good and definitely worth the money.

        1. The old prices were valid until 4.9.2017. After the updates they wanted to have the prices on the same level as other keyword tools. I don’t think that old prices will come back anymore with the new updated version Jaaxy 3.0.

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