“Would you like to wake up every day full of energy and vitality with good health, abundant possibilities, and ample prosperity?”
-Well, who wouldn’t?
“That’s what Youngevity is all about!”
This is how they start marketing speeches. Is Youngevity a scam or a great opportunity? What kind of products do they provide? What about the earning potential?
In my unbiased Youngevity review, I am going to provide answers for all your questions. I am not affiliated with their program but I have a huge knowledge of different MLM-programs so I was able to evaluate this opportunity very well.

Youngevity Review
Name: Youngevity
Founded: In 1997. Owner: Dr. Joel D. Wallach
Type: Network Marketing. Nutritional Supplements
Short Review: Youngevity is a controversial company. Many people are criticizing their business opportunity and products while their distributors claim it’s the best company on Earth. It’s pretty similar to other MLM-systems that working in a nutritional supplement industry.
I don’t personally recommend joining their system because of their overpriced products and MLM-structure. However, if you completely love their products and you are a hardworking person, you can succeed with their system.
You need to figure out how to make sales with any MLM-system. I recommend following this step-by-step training. It will also teach you to make a living online whether you use network marketing or not.
What Is Youngevity?
Youngevity is a network marketing company that was founded already 20 years ago back in 1997. It has spread in more than 65 countries and at the moment they have +30,000 distributors. The company markets an opportunity for a better and a healthier lifestyle by using their products and becoming a sales distributor.
You may have heard of similar opportunities that work in the same industry and also use network marketing. For example Herbalife, Isagenix, Mannatech and so on. All these companies (including Youngevity) have a controversial reputation. A few people love them (their distributors and leaders) but many people almost hate them.
Anyway, Youngevity is a legitimate company and it isn’t an illegal pyramid scheme. Still, they are using a pyramid structure where people on top of the pyramid are making a killing while 95% of members don’t earn almost any money at all. That’s typical for network marketing for several reasons. Most people just join the system for a while and quit. If you want to make good money, most likely you need to work for them for years.
Youngevity Products
Young and longevity. Those two words from the company’s name. Their products are supposed to give you a better health remaining you young and at the same time giving you a long age.
Products are nutritional supplements packed with lots of vitamins, minerals and all kind s of nutrients. Below you can see an example of their 90-day start pack on Amazon.

Youngevity products divide opinions. Some people absolutely love them and say they are the best in the Universe. On the other hand, there are also many complaints and somebody even said that she lost her hair because of those products.
I don’t believe that Youngevity products will take your hair or cure cancer. There are lots of similar products on the market that contain similar nutrients. You can get most nutrients from a healthy diet of vegetables, meat, and other normal food. For buying nutritional supplements iHerb is highly recommended among many people (my link gives you a 5% discount. You can also use code PEK5450). In addition, their prices are 2-3 times cheaper than Youngevity.
=> Tired of Overpriced MLM-products? Learn How to Make Money Online by Promoting Any Products You Want!
How to Make Money with Youngevity?
In order to get started, you need to choose between their welcome packages that cost between $25 and $500. The more expensive package you buy, the more products you get. If you want to have home parties and sell products for your friends it’s recommended to have a bigger package so you can show how the products look like.

Youngevity leaders also highly encourage their members to invest more and more money in packages. That brings more money into their system. Their membership costs thereafter $19,95 per month including a website, email marketing system and a landing page.
It’s good that they allow you to market their products on your own website because some MLM-companies (including Send Out Cards) don’t allow you to do that. In fact, if you want to be effective and make more sales I highly recommend that you use the Internet for marketing if you join any MLM-system.
You will earn money by recruiting new people or selling their products. Their compensation plan will explain the earning potential more in detail.
Youngevity Compensation Plan
In the video below you will learn how Youngevity compensation plan works.
If you aren’t familiar with network marketing, I want to remind you that in order to succeed you need to be able to recruit lots of new people to the system. Nowadays it’s easier because you can use the Internet and you don’t need to rely on home parties anymore. Still, it requires work and persistence so we can’t talk about the easy money here.
I tried to find Youngevity income disclosure statement on the Internet so I would have seen how much their members really earn. However, I wasn’t able to find it because it seems that they don’t show it publicly. That’s interesting because most MLM-programs like Jeunesse, Young Living, and others show it.
That raises a question: Is the earning potential so small that they don’t want to show real earning numbers?
Youngevity Reviews & Complaints
If we are talking about Youngevity business opportunity reviews, it’s hard to find anything positive about the system on the Internet. There are a few positive reviews created by their distributors but most people just seem to bash the system.
Still, many customers enjoy Youngevity products. You are able to find several 5-star product reviews on Amazon and on other websites. Customers have been especially satisfied with the fast and effective service when they bought the products. They got what they expected most of the time.
If you searched for Youngevity reviews on Google, you probably saw a website called YoungOfficial.com which have lots of reviews on it. The website is created by a Youngevity distributor with the purpose of promoting their MLM-system. There are promotional videos and material. Therefore, most likely you won’t get an unbiased opinion from that website. Probably most reviews on YoungOfficial.com are written by Youngevity members.
Probably most popular complaint is, “It wasn’t so easy as they told me.” or “Their products aren’t that special.”
The reality is that it takes years to climb to the top of the pyramid. I recommend that you are ready for that if you decide to join Youngevity.

Conclusion – Is Youngevity Worth It?
As you already may know from my other articles, I am not a big fan of MLM-programs. There’s a big focus on recruiting and products are usually overpriced compared to their counterparts in the supermarket. That’s why I personally don’t recommend joining Youngevity (or other similar MLM-system) unless you absolutely love their products.
If your only reason to join their system is that some of your friends have invited you and the compensation plan looks interesting, I would recommend thinking it twice. According to statistics and real numbers, only around 1-5% of members will ever make a full-time with multi-level marketing.
As an entrepreneur, I have noticed that it requires lots of discipline, work, and persistence to succeed. Everyone is looking for easy ways but the reality is that nobody will really succeed until they have put in hours and hours of work.
Still, there’s a great difference between earning $1,000, $10,000 or $100,000 per month. It’s different to build your own business than working for somebody else 9 to 5 for five days a week. In my opinion, the fastest way to succeed is through entrepreneurship. There aren’t many jobs where you could make $10,000/month but I know tons of Internet marketers who earn +$10,000 per month or even much more.
If you would like to learn how to make money online as well, I recommend taking a look at my #1 work from home recommendation. Their training had helped me to make money on the Internet and have the freedom to travel the world while earning online.
=> Learn to Make Money Online with a Step-By-Step Training!
What do you think about Youngevity or other similar network marketing companies?
Would you also like to learn how to make a living online? Have you checked out my #1 recommendation?
I don’t believe in MLM products especially if they are nutritional and wellness products. The researches behind these products are never backed by clinical studies, they are not even approved by food and drug administration. They don’t tell you what they put on these products.
Based on my research is of more than 100 multilevel marketing companies, they usually claim that products have been professionally researched and created. They tell you in great detail that they have put into this products.
However, challenges that all of them tell you that their own product is the best and in the take a paid doctor or two to tell the same thing in front of the audience. Who really knows which one of them is the best?
I always research a supplement, check the back of the label and its’ drug literature before purchasing. Taking wrong medicines and supplements can harm our liver. We have to take this seriously, not just merely relying on ads and testimonies of other so-called users of the product.
There are hundreds of supplements out in the market. The best way to be safe is by getting a medical checkup and ask the doctor for the best supplement fit for your condition and which is based on the medical findings from the checkup you had.
Good principles!
I think capitalism, itself, is a pyramid scheme, but that’s not necessarily bad. As the writer noted, a lot of people getting in on the biz simply quit and my own thoughts are saying that a lot of people simply aren’t trying hard and/or don’t have the cash to make it work. Anyway, as the writer also noted, this thing isn’t a scam and the product is something people might really want.
It’s an interesting thought that capitalism would also be some kind of a pyramid scheme. I think there are similarities but also great differences.
In illegal pyramid schemes you recruit people and make money when they join the program. The system itself plays more important role than the products. On the other hand, if you go to a normal store, you pay for the product. Also, in a normal company, you get paid and usually you don’t need to pay for your boss. In a pyramid scheme you pay money for your boss. The guy on the top of the pyramid collects the money from his downline. In a normal company it goes other way around.
Youngevity seems like they offer quality products.I am so cautious as to what I put into my body. I thoroughly research everything. You would think this is the norm, but it is not. I have a close friend that really is over trusting.
She loves to give everything the benefit of the doubt. Needless to say, she became ill on several occasions from being too trusting. This has caused me to run to the doctor to see if he approves of anything that I may have an interest in. This includes the smallest products such as a simple vitamin.
Glad to hear that you do your research before using some nutritional products. You are right that many people don’t do it. Some of their friends recommends a new products so they go and try it without hesitation. Our body is the only vehicle we have during this life so it’s important to take a good care of it.
Well, I do not believe that taking vitamins and supplements could be a cause of hair loss. Maybe they are just making the theories twisted so that the people will be amazed for such new discovery. Thus, more individuals will join and buy their products even the prices are too high.
Some companies think how to earn money without considering its credibility to the clients in the near future. Their aim is to earn and earn. Sorry for the people who seek a cure for their sickness because not all supplements are effective to everybody.
Accordingly, in treatment, the supplement or medicine handles 40% while 60% belongs to the disposition of the body. It is selective. Even how powerful is the supplement that we take, while our body could hardly absorb it, still, it is useless.I am sharing this because I was just surprised to hear that the products that they sell can cure cancer.I think not all the time.
Curing a cancer is just an example that some MLM-distributors say about nutrition supplements. I think many of their members don’t even agree it.
The “curing cancer” line is NOT just one example of what distributors say. It is real, and I’m speaking from experience! Sure indeed Youngevity’s products may be pricey, but with MD-driven treatment suppressing symptoms and dishing out side-effects…it’s back to mother nature.
There are tons of evidence supporting oncologist pay-offs (average $3,500+ commission) for fabricating cancer results and prescribing poison-therapy (chemo). Ever wonder why billions of dollars go to cancer research, and still no cure yet? Fact is, the cure is simple and to do so would put the ESTABLISHMENTS out of business – CAPITALISM 201. Check out article: https://www.naturalnews.com/051482_cancer_industry_overdiagnosis_false_positives.html
Curing cancer is about detoxing and replenishing the body’s systems (flora) to healthy status. Such is the main thrust behind Dr. Wallach’s philosophy – eliminate and replenish deficiencies!! Overall, disease is the body’s way of screaming it is at dis-ease. Cancer thrives in the acid, congested, toxic environment hence the best remedy is to cleanse the body, eat to nourish and replenish deficiencies with minerals, vitamins, aminos, etc., or supplemental aid. AND THAT IS WHY DISTRIBUTORS could brag or boast about the product value. It’s not just a script, it is science!! The science is also a compilation of facts. Understanding anatomy and physiology, biology, food and nutrition is fundamental to healing the body. One does not have to earn a degree to take care of self. Reading and self-educating is fundamental first… Get your folks!!
Thank you for sharing my friend!
Its always the same story, overpriced products, too much work for meager compensation, etc. Great post by the way, I love how thoroughly you investigated their products as well as the famous “CEO package”. I would like your opinion on which companies that operate in a similar manner as Youngevity are actually worth it, I would be surprised if there actually exists such a company.
I prefer normal companies over MLM-companies. I don’t know exactly which companies operate in your country but if I compare MLM-product prices here in Europe to normal nutrition companies, there’s a huge difference. One of my friends has a nutrition company. His products are almost the most popular ones in Finland in his field.
I think you can just search on Google for nutrition companies in your country that would offer better prices than Youngevity.
MLM has almost penetrated almost every nook and cranny, and with the way things are going, they seem to be expanding more and more. Meanwhile this type of MLM programs that involves expensive products is clearly not for me, except they offer products which I can’t find in any online or offline store with a better price.
Yeah there are thousands of MLM-programs all over the world. I think that the popularity has slightly gone down during the past years (according to Google Trends) but there are still millions of fans somewhere. Most people wouldn’t join these programs but their friend is recommending it so they want to join as well.
The big issue with Youngevity is that is super expensive with no explanation for it. Why are we paying for much money for this product? Because its healthy? I can buy other healthy products. Is it because it has multiple vitamins, minerals, and nutrients? I can get similar products way cheaper. A company like this needs to give more if they are going to charge more.
The company tells the same mantra like other similar MLM-programs, “We have the best products in the industry.” The challenge is that every company is telling the same.
In my opinion, they are usually quite similar products with slight differences.
Absolutely! I am a bargain shopper just like a bunch of other people in America. So this has little to no value to me. If I could get something of the same value for a cheaper price, I am going to go for the cheaper options. That goes for any product!
If the cost of the product is high, I think I would rather buy the cheap one with the same benefits from other store. Meaning, the high price of Youngevity products have something to do with the aim of the networking business and that is to earn more.
For me, I do not join such kind of business.We have also that kind of networking business here in the Philippines. I just wonder why many people are joining. Their price is so high when they could buy it cheaper from the other store.
Yeah, I also prefer buying a 2-5 times cheaper from the supermarket rather than an expensive MLM-product. Usually, the reason why people join these systems is that one of their friends have recommended it. People tend to think that when a friend recommends something, it must be usually good. Then they buy products and join the system. That’s how it usually goes.
I think loving the products of these multi-level marketing companies is what will make anyone join them. I’m not impressed with the cost of Youngevity products and that is a put off for me at the moment. I won’t spend my time, which I should have used to do other things, to join them.
Yeah, the love towards their products would be a valid reason to join it.
I see many people joining these MLM-systems just because they have seen the compensation plan and a few testimonials how to make money with the system. Then they register as well with the hope of earning good money fast. The reality hits fast when they realize it wasn’t so easy as they expected and they decide to quit.
Even though Youngevity is a legit business, I think it is hard for me to earn money here. As said, their products are expensive. So you must find a customer that can afford this kind of products. I think it would be easier if normal people can buy their products. Anyways, thank you for the information you gave about Youngevity.
Yeah, normal people usually buy these products because the distributors say it’s “high-quality”. However, often the quality doesn’t differ from supermarket products at all.
Even though Youngevity is a legit business, I think it is hard for me to earn money here. As said, their products are expensive. So you must find a customer that can afford this kind of products. I think it would be easier if normal people can buy their products. Anyways, thank you for the information you gave about Youngevity.
You’re welcome!
It is good to hear that they are a legit one but they are selling an overpriced product. In this case only selected people can able to buy their products and no chance for those who are poor. It is very impossible to earn for living here if you do not have the abilities which suites to this online business.
What kind of abilities do you mean exactly?
What i mean sir is the ability of convincing people to buy their products, the abilities why people succeed in this kind of business. This really matters to gain or to recruit some members for a better profit.
Okay I understand. Sure, all these skills can be learned but I understand that all people are not so interested about recruiting, for example.
Vitamins are food supplements. If you think that you don’t get the right amount everyday then you should take it but not necessarily. Depending on the absorption of the vitamins in your system. I can see that their marketing strategy helps them a lot to make the business established.
The power of passing the information of the quality of the product from one person to another is making the company into boost. Just be more picky in choosing company to join in order to get the benefits they promised.
Vitamins and nutrition products are good itself. However, it feels that most MLM-companies just use them to make juicier profits for their own distributors by setting high prices.
I think exercise and proper diet are the key factors in good health for all us though technology is trending high, demands of herbal supplements are also spread worldwide.
These products were been made to aim the heath of people so that they could save their time. Instead of allocating time for exercises or gymnasium it just one take on any products that Youngevity commercialized. I much prefer eating healthy foods and proper exercises rather than taking a herbal supplements or artificial’s.
Yeah. I highly doubt that Youngevity’s product itself would take anybody healthy. It could be a part of a lifestyle change but if one wants to be healthy, it requires positive habits like sleeping enough, exercising and eating well.
There are many “magic pills” and shakes that promise an optimal shape but most of them are just marketers’ exaggeration.
Honestly nutritients and vitamins should be easy to sell because everyone wants to be healthy…The problem is that they are overpriced and I don’t know why people would choose these products over any others you can buy in a pharmacy or even a drugstore.
I think the hype around these products is a reason why many people choose to buy them. Their distributors show convincing testimonials and repeat same mantras which will take place in people’s head if they aren’t careful.
I think loving the products of these multi-level marketing companies is what will make anyone join them. I’m not impressed with the cost of Youngevity products and that is a put off for me at the moment. I won’t spend my time, which I should have used to do other things, to join them.
That’s true. I think the best reason for joining an MLM-system would be if somebody really likes their products. I could imagine promoting almost any products that I use in my everyday life. If I have convinced myself to use them, why wouldn’t I convince others as well? 🙂
Personally I’ve been involved in those MLM companies selling these products claiming that you would really help our a lot. It’s not just once but twice but i ended up nothing. I mean I love the products at first but later on I noticed that the effects weren’t the same and there are jerk companies that imitated the products.
Yes it look real but the results in the body is not right anymore, there were claimed allergies already from other members who just bought it over the counter so the company started to fade. MLM companies may look very nice and interesting with the compensation plans that they present but this lasts only during the starting months and years and eventually fade in the later time and only those pioneer members are fortunate but the newly convinced members will not be benefited the most
I’ve heard similar experiences from other people as well.
I feel that many MLM-programs are full of “victims”. I mean that most people get involved to the system without knowing the real nature of it. They believe the promises (or lies) of top-earners but don’t realize how much work it requires. When they don’t start earning during the first months, they get frustrated and quit.
Making money in any business requires lots of work and persistence.
First and foremost, I would love to use this opportunity to announce my joining the platform, I’m Theodore but popularly known as Heatman and hopefully, I definitely believe that I would enjoy my stay and participation in all the activities going on here.
Now to the business of the day about the. Youngevity drugs, I personally view them as food supplements, as much as they are good, it’s not entirely mandatory that one buy and take them. As long as you ensure to have a balanced diet more often, your body system will naturally produce all these nutrients that the Youngevity drugs would offer you.
Nice to see you here Heatman. I hope you enjoy the content on YourOnlineRevenue.com and I am able to help you to make money online. If you have any questions, I always encourage you to ask. This website is created to help you and other people to earn money on the Internet. I make reviews of different opportunities and recommend the best ones like Wealthy Affiliate or Chris Farrell.
Any product no matter how good will always have some complaints but the fact that someone thinks they lost their hair because of this is quite concerning. I wonder if it was just a few strands of hair or they completely lost their hair after starting to use Youngevity products. I will stay away from this program because of the fact that their products are just too expensive. It makes our job a lot harder
Well, I find it hard to take that review seriously. How could somebody really lose hair for taking vitamins and supplements?
I just watched a video of another network marketing system. They advertised the system and the great earning potential. They mentioned that high prices makes it easier to earn bigger profits. That’s true but don’t they think about the customer at all? It feels that many network marketers are pretty selfish and don’t think about other people so much.