Earn Easy Commissions Review: Is it a Scam Or Is It Worth It?

Is earn easy commissions a scam

Is earn easy commissions a scam

Welcome to our HONEST Earn Easy Commissions Review!

Will you make an EASY +$100,000 an autopilot after you join the program? Will you be able to FIRE YOUR BOSS and quit your 9-5 job immediately?

Or is there something shady going on?

Congratulations for taking your time to make your research to find legitimate ways to make money online before running into something that does not work as promised.

You’ll get answers to ALL these questions and much more in this brutally honest review.

I am not affiliated with Earn Easy Commissions in any way but I make my living online with affiliate marketing. I have also published reviews of more than 500 make money online programs and opportunities so people consider me as an expert when it comes to affiliate marketing?

Are you ready for a BRUTALLY honest Earn Easy Commissions review?

Let’s have a look!

Earn Easy Commissions Review – Quick Summary

Product Name: Earn Easy Commissions

Product Type: Online Commissions Training Tool

Price: Free to sign up for basic membership, $750 or more for Pro or VIP Partnered Affiliate Membership 

Is earn easy commissions a scam

Summary: Earn Easy Commissions is not telling you the whole truth in their marketing speech. They promise you +$100,000 just by autopilot which isn’t really possible unless you work hard. They say it’s free but actually products are very expensive.

Recommended? No. Learn a Here Better Way to Make Money Online.

Is Earn Easy Commissions Legit? – My Video Review

Before you run into our comprehensive Earn Easy Commissions article, I want to give you an opportunity take a look at my video review of this program.

In the video, I also show and teach you about my #1 recommended way to make money online. I am 100% sure that you will find the video helpful and valuable if you want to make money online.


What Is Earn Easy Commissions?

Earn Easy Commissions is an online sales tool and marketing course that allows users to sign up for free and start making money by getting other members to sign up. It was founded by Chuck Nguyen, who was previously known for creating a ponzi scheme called Income Society that was a large scam.

The idea of Earn Easy Commissions is that you can make money on your own, with everything being done for you automatically. While it’s a tempting incentive for those who want to make money from the comfort of their own homes, it should be forewarned that this is a common market strategy that targets people for no real promises of profits.

Earn Easy Commissions reminds me of numerous other programs that promise riches quick without any working. We have reviewed more than 400 make money online opportunities on YourOnlineRevenue.com. Therefore, we have seen many similar systems.

Some of them promise fast cash like Easy Cash Code, other ones promise that you’ll win the jackpot in the lottery, while other ones say you’ll make easy money with their online job. The truth is that there isn’t an easy way to riches. You need to work hard to succeed.

But it’s certainly possible to make money online if you follow the proven system.

The Earn Easy Commissions website was founded in 2017, making it one of the newest marketing schemes on the Internet today. While it took the world by storm, and was even featured on a reality show, that by no means speaks to its validity.

Let’s take a closer look at Earn Easy Commissions to see what it’s all about.

How Does Earn Easy Commissions Work?

Essentially, you sign up for free with the website, which gives you some marketing tools and the ability to market the very thing you just signed up for.

You can advertise this website to other people in your community, who can then join and you’ll receive a commission off of that.

Of course, there are offers to upgrade to either the PRO or the VIP versions of the website, which, when other members sign up for it, you will earn larger commissions for.

earn easy commissions

Earn Easy Commissions promises you easy money but the reality is quite different.

It’s a tricky system to navigate, though, as you’ll soon be linked to Click Magic and Getresponse, which are affiliate sites that set you up with usernames and automatic affiliate points. 

If anybody clicks on these generated links, which you can provide, they will give you commission credit if they sign up for the websites. While you do earn a commission for being a free member, it’s better if your affiliates sign up for the PRO or VIP services.

That’s a classical strategy of many online business opportunities. They say that you get started for a low price or even for free but eventually they try to sell you expensive systems. Some programs have upsells all the way up to $60,000 like MOBE.

That’s why my #1 recommended online business training and community is Wealthy Affiliate. Their premium membership costs only less than $1 per day ($359/year) and there aren’t ANY upsells. In addition, they also have a free membership available in most countries including the US, Canada and all countries in Europe.

Below is a quick comparison between my #1 recommended training vs Earn Easy Commissions. I think that it’s quite clear which one is a superior program.

[tcb-script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/widget/load/id/hQVS01cN”][/tcb-script]

What’s Included in Earn Easy Commissions?

What’s included depends on how much you pay when you sign up. There’s a huge difference between what’s included if you’re a free member, and what’s included if you are a paid member. The specific marketing strategies may change, so we suggest that you start out slow to see what the website is like.

The three levels of Earn Easy Commissions that you can invest in include:

  • Free, $0 cost

  • Pro, Requires purchase of Click Magic and Getresponse, which costs up to $100 per year

  • VIP Partnered Affiliate, which typically costs $750 per year

If you are a free member, you make $1 for every person you get to sign up for a free version of Earn Easy Commissions.

As a Pro member, you have to purchase Getresponse and Clickmagic together. Getresponse will give you 33% of your commissions, while Click Magic will get you 100% within the first month and then 35% within the following months. 

earn easy commissions reviews

They show you many income proofs but you must remember that making money online requires hard work

As a VIP Partnered Affiliate, you will be able to earn $100 for every person you get to sign up as a VIP member. Plus, you will earn $1.20 for every new lead you bring in to Earn Easy Commissions, and $500 for every lead that automatically joins and makes a VIP membership. Seems like a good way to make money, right?

If only it were that easy. Users have had varying degrees of luck with this one, although the free version can be worth taking a look at, at any time.

Who is Earn Easy Commissions For – And NOT For?

Earn Easy Commissions is targeted at those who are new to affiliate marketing, and need an easy space to start on a website where everything else is virtually set up for them.

This website is also good for those who don’t have a huge budget to start out with, as there is nothing overly demanding or pricey, especially when you’re just starting out. In fact, it can be an easier thing to get started with than some of the higher-ticket marketing affiliation sites. 

On the downside, however, this website is not for anyone who has even a small percentage of affiliate marketing business. A lot of users think it’s almost too easy, which lends itself to the idea that there’s no real money to be made from it. And in fact, people who use Earn Easy Commissions often give up after too long.

Since there is no real product, it’s great for those who are into virtual marketing and need something to make money solely from their computer. There is no value to the website itself, which can make it really hard to sell.

Earn Easy Commissions Compensation Plan

While some of the pricing details of Earn Easy Commissions have been discussed above, here is a more in-depth explanation of what the program is all about, and how it seeks to earn money for affiliates:

WARNING! THE VIDEO IS CREATED BY EEA-member who is trying to sell you his system.

Based on the video linked, you need a decent budget of at least $1000 to start making any real profits or money. You can earn money if you recruit a multitude of basic members, or a decent amount of PRO or VIP members.

However, although Earn Easy Commissions is targeted towards those who don’t need any money to begin with, it seems that you do need a little bit of cash in your wallet to get started.

In review, the rundown of this website’s compensation plan is as follows:

  • Earn $1 for every qualified sign-up with the basic plan

  • Earn 33% commission from Getresponse and 100% first month then 35% commission from Click Magic with the PRO plan, plus $100 for every VIP member

  • Earn $1.20 per qualified lead, the same commissions as above, plus $500 for every VIP member with the VIP plan

It might seem easy to get people to sign up with the VIP plan, but remember that it costs $750 a year to be a VIP member. That’s a lot of money for some people, and it isn’t always easy to come by. This gives Earn Easy Commissions the impression that it is not easy to make money at all.

Earn Easy Commissions Pros and Cons

All in all, we believe that Earn Easy Commissions is not offering a very good deal. There are many reasons why we feel this way, which is why we wanted to bring out a list of pros and cons below. Keep in mind that this is based off of our experience and our research of what the website truly has to offer.

The Pros:

  • It’s free to start, and you can earn $1 for every sign-up when you are under the free plan

  • There are incentives to upgrade for the PRO and VIP versions that are still under $1000 per year, which is a lot cheaper than most affiliate marketing plans these days

  • You have all of your marketing set up for you, all you have to do is share the links

The Cons:

  • There is no real product to sell, meaning that nothing has real life value

  • You have to purchase the money-making program in order to actually make money from the website

  • The owner of the company tries to discourage people from making their own websites or blogs

  • The fact that the website does everything for you just stunts the user’s ability to learn how to use valuable marketing skills on their own

There are many things to consider when it comes to this affiliate marketing plan. But all in all, we don’t think it really has anything new or important to offer, and it might end up just being a waste of your time.

Is Earn Easy Commissions Really Worth it?

Our final verdict is that we do not recommend this affiliate marketing training tool because there are better tools out there

One good thing that can be said about Earn Easy Commissions is that it is not going to strip huge portions of cash out of your pocket. In fact, you don’t have to spend a dime if you don’t want to.

But of course, the real money making potential does require you to invest a little bit in the programs, which don’t even guarantee that you’ll make anything. Earn Easy Commissions is just simply not worth your time.

If you haven’t heard before of affiliate marketing, we recommend checking out the following articles written by us:

Is Earn Easy Commissions A Scam? 

Earn Easy Commissions isn’t necessarily a scam, although the CEO and founder of the website has participated in ponzi schemes in the past. Fortunately, you won’t feel like you’ve been scammed out of your money. It’s just that this specific website can’t guarantee that you’ll make even one dollar.

With something like a marketing tool that is a virtual product with no real value, it becomes very difficult to sell. You may already be having doubts about investing in the VIP plan yourself, so how would you be able to convince others to buy it so that you can earn your commission? The bottom line is that Earn Easy Commissions is not recommended.

Unless you are thinking of selling and marketing a real product with real value, you aren’t going to see much bang for your buck. This is all the more true with a website like Earn Easy Commissions, which you can either take or leave.

Conclusion – What Should You Look for?

When looking for a reliable online business opportunity, I recommend that you follow these 5 criteria:

  1. The training/system has been around for years.
  2. Many people have used it and it’s proven to work.
  3. The system doesn’t promise you big money without work.
  4. There is a community where you can network with other people.
  5. You are not required to promote the system to make money.

After reviewing hundreds of make money online / online business opportunities, I have noticed that only few systems fulfill all this criteria. However, there are some recommended programs that fulfill them and really help you to make money online.

My #1 recommendation is Wealthy Affiliate because it has taken me and thousands of other people worldwide from a complete beginner into a full-time online entrepreneur. ​

Their training really works and it has been around already for 12-13 years. More than 1,300,000 people belong to the Wealthy Affiliate community and it’s growing rapidly. Click the picture below to learn more.

NOTE: You don’t need former experience because the training will teach you everything you need.

4 step process for making money online

What kind of experiences do you have with Earn Easy Commisions and similar “get-rich-quick schemes”?

Let me know in the comments below!

If you have any questions, just leave a comment below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of YourOnlineRevenue.com. I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Earn Easy Commissions (EEC), it is not a 100% scam but their compensation plan is Ponzi like scheme, yes you get paid $1 for every free qualified member you refer to the program (if you’re a free member yourself) but you will not get paid any money if any of the members who joined through you, upgrades, and guess who gets all the fruits of your hard work? your upline or the owner of the program.
    They say that this type of programs was designed to help beginners to make money online but I strongly disagree.
    I won’t recommend it to new affiliates.

  2. The golden rule…. if it’s easy and free, everyone would already be doing it. Nothing is both easy and free and will make you six figures. Facts of life, friends!

  3. I’m sure a lot of people, myself included will be grateful for this post since it shows us that this site isn’t genuine and a waste of time really. It’s funny because they actually made one of the most obvious mistakes and that was that they said you could earn $100,000+ easily with this site. Whilst it’s not impossible, it’s not the easiest at all and you would have to work very hard and for years to be able to make anything near that.

    1. That’s exactly right. Making $100,000 online requires lots of work. It’s possible but it just requires tons of work and I think that Earn Easy Commissions is not the best resource to achieve that goal.

  4. It sounds like a scam when you think about it. There is a free sign up for anyone who wants to try but as the article mentioned, you need to have money to see some bigger profits. The system is kind of mushed and I don’t quite understand it but isn’t it similar to a referral system? They say that it’s easy commissions but referral systems are quite hard. I addition, with no product to sell how would you even advertise or convince someone to it?

  5. “There is no real product to sell

    This is always a red flag for me. I’m not saying that this service isn’t useful and that it is a scam, but in business a good thing to practice is be extremely wary of companies that offer products but do not offer a product.

    1. It’s absolutely true what you just said, the products gives the company a sense of identity which also serves at some kind of security for the people who invest in the company. It would certainly look foolish to say that one invested in a company that doesn’t offer physical products to sell.

  6. I don’t really understand the system. However it looks like a good system for beginners.This is a good way to learn how to drive traffic and earn a commission for everyone who signs up. It also seems you can earn if they upgrade. What I don’t understand is what the system is about, what do you tell people they are signing up for? What is the product?

  7. Even in free country, freedom is not free, so with Earn Easy Commissions promising free money when there isn’t any real products to sell isn’t that convincing to me. And also having fallen victim to ponzi scheme in the past with the founder of Earn Easy Commissions Chuck Nguyen being an owner of the then ponzi site Income Society, it’s a practical red flag for me not to consider or recommending anyone to Earn Easy Commissions.

    1. Yeah, when reviewing +400 make money online opportunities I have noticed that a person who once promotes/creates a Ponzi scheme often keeps on doing the same in the future as well. That’s why I tend to avoid such people.

      1. I believe it’s only when one gets too greedy is when such person would be tempted into getting involved with ponzi as it promises quick money without giving you guarantees of your funds safety. Whenever I hear ponzi, the next thing on my mind is to run for my dear life and money.

        Is MMM – Mavrodi Mondial Movement considered to be a ponzi? It recently got shutdown after the death of its founder Sergei Mavrodi.

          1. Wow, I’m surprised that you are not aware Sergei Mavrodi died for over a month now. He actually died of heart attack last month – April and the event closed down MMM. I’m going to go through your review on the MMM Ponzi now

          2. I remembered now that MMM had been very popular in Nigeria. It’s hard to understand how somebody wants to steal other people’s money by creating a Ponzi scheme like Sergei Mavrodi did. I think that he didn’t leave a very good legacy of himself :/

          3. Of course MMM was very popular in Nigeria then and it was all down to the hardship brought upon the people by our government – President Buhari. Life and living was so hard and unbearable for people, feeding was hard, and there wasn’t job for people while those that had jobs weren’t paid as and at when due.

            So when MMM was introduced here, people took it with both arms. It actually paid lots of people because I knew some people that made millions from the scheme. It actually over the course time with a lot of bad publicity from the same government that some people started losing faith in the scheme and it eventually led to its crumble.

          4. Alright Boss, I’m always happy to add in any with my experience in any making money online opportunities, those that were scam and those that are legit.

            After the case of MMM Global and MMM Returns, ponzi and networking took a very serious bad turn in the state, that it’s almost impossible to convince anyone to invest in any form of networking.

          5. I have never heard of this program called easy commission. After reading this review thoroughly, I have decided to stay away from this program. If it was so easy to make money, why are people still working for pennies?
            I was a victim of MMM Global. However, I did not lose a lot of money. I lost just $0 worth bitcoins. However, I know people who have lost thousands of dollars on MMM.

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