SerpLab Review – See All Your Google Rankings for Free!

Serplab Review

Would you like to know how your pages and posts get ranked on Google? How many #1 or first page do you have? You can, of course, check this manually by writing different keywords to Google but it takes quite a lot of time to check them one by one. It would be much more… Continue reading SerpLab Review – See All Your Google Rankings for Free!

“How to Drive Traffic to My Blog?” Try This Trick!

Every successful blogger should be constantly thinking “How to Drive Traffic to My Blog?” More traffic means more engagement, better rankings and eventually more revenue. It’s much easier to make money when there are 100,000 visitors/month instead of 1,000 visitors/month. Today I am shortly going to show how you can instantly drive lots of visitors to… Continue reading “How to Drive Traffic to My Blog?” Try This Trick!

Are Backlinks Bad? – This May Surprise You!

Are Backlinks Bad or Good?

Are backlinks bad? Are backlinks vital for rankings? What should I do with the backlinks? Those are the questions that many people are asking when they want to get ranked in the search engines and to drive traffic to their websites. The founder of Wealthy Affiliate, online millionaire, Kyle wrote recently and article about the… Continue reading Are Backlinks Bad? – This May Surprise You!

“How to Get More Visitors to My Website?” – Start with This!

Get more visitors to your website

Probably every online entrepreneur, blogger and affiliate marketer are asking themselves “How to get more visitors to my website?” That is the crucial question because visitors are the key to earning online revenue and passive income. Today I’m going to share what is the most important factor when you are attracting more visitors. Content is king! Content, content and… Continue reading “How to Get More Visitors to My Website?” – Start with This!

What is Pay Per Click Marketing?

Have you heard the common term in the online world, PPC (=Pay per click)? Today I’m going to briefly explain what Pay Per Click Marketing is and why you should start using it. Get Customers to Your “Store” Using PPC! When you have a website and a lot of valuable content you want to get visitors.… Continue reading What is Pay Per Click Marketing?

“How to Expand My Online Business?” – 7 Tasks to Do Daily

In order to succeed in online business, you will need to be persistent and to some things over and over again to make the breakthrough. My advice is to practice daily. Devote time every single day to your online business. Take little steps to the success. Think it this way, “Everyday you are one day… Continue reading “How to Expand My Online Business?” – 7 Tasks to Do Daily

Is Alexa Ranking Important?

Pinterest Rankings

Alexa is the company that analyzes and provides website traffic of the websites. (Alexa is a wholly owned subsidiary of You can see the statistics and traffic from any website by writing the website URL and searching it from Alexa. You can try it right away in if you want. Here is, for example,… Continue reading Is Alexa Ranking Important?