SerpLab Review – See All Your Google Rankings for Free!

Serplab Review

Would you like to know how your pages and posts get ranked on Google? How many #1 or first page do you have? You can, of course, check this manually by writing different keywords to Google but it takes quite a lot of time to check them one by one. It would be much more… Continue reading SerpLab Review – See All Your Google Rankings for Free!

How to Speed Up a WordPress Website in 5 Simple Steps?

One of the factors of getting ranked well in Google is page speed. That’s why I am going to give you 5 simple steps how to speed up a website. Google’s business is to provide the best results for the people who are using their search engine. They want that people are satisfied with results and… Continue reading How to Speed Up a WordPress Website in 5 Simple Steps?

“How to Drive Traffic to My Blog?” Try This Trick!

Every successful blogger should be constantly thinking “How to Drive Traffic to My Blog?” More traffic means more engagement, better rankings and eventually more revenue. It’s much easier to make money when there are 100,000 visitors/month instead of 1,000 visitors/month. Today I am shortly going to show how you can instantly drive lots of visitors to… Continue reading “How to Drive Traffic to My Blog?” Try This Trick!

What is a Long Tail Keyword in SEO? – Use It to Get Ranked Better in Google!

I see many people asking about the keywords and the one question that I found often is, “What is a Long Tail Keyword in SEO?” This questions usually pops up when the SEO expert recommends using long tail keywords to get ranked in the search engines. Let me explain what it means. Long Tail Keywords… Continue reading What is a Long Tail Keyword in SEO? – Use It to Get Ranked Better in Google!

Is Alexa Ranking Important?

Pinterest Rankings

Alexa is the company that analyzes and provides website traffic of the websites. (Alexa is a wholly owned subsidiary of You can see the statistics and traffic from any website by writing the website URL and searching it from Alexa. You can try it right away in if you want. Here is, for example,… Continue reading Is Alexa Ranking Important?

How to Get Ranked in Google? Try Jaaxy!

Are you looking for great keywords to get your website ranked in Google? Congratulations! You have come to a right place! Start your research putting a keyword to a box below. Let’s say that your website’s niche is playing guitar. You make reviews from different guitars and give people tips how to play it better. You start… Continue reading How to Get Ranked in Google? Try Jaaxy!