“How to Drive Traffic to My Blog?” Try This Trick!

How to Drive Traffic to My Blog

How to Drive Traffic to My Blog

Every successful blogger should be constantly thinking “How to Drive Traffic to My Blog?”

More traffic means more engagement, better rankings and eventually more revenue. It’s much easier to make money when there are 100,000 visitors/month instead of 1,000 visitors/month.

Today I am shortly going to show how you can instantly drive lots of visitors to your website. Many of those visitors may become your subscribers and some of them may even buy some of your products.

By trying this trick the traffic is almost 100% guaranteed. I have tried it once and it’s the most read article on YourOnlineRevenue.com. The average time of that article is about 5 minutes. That’s a high average time! It means if someone has instantly gone away from the page, the other one has been on that page for 10 minutes.

The trick is called…

Expert Roundup!

If you haven’t heard it before, I will explain briefly what do they mean.

Expert roundup is a post where you ask the same question(s) from many experts on a certain field. Then they give their answer and you collect all the answers, build one post which shows and summarizes all the answers.

For example, YourOnlineRevenue.com is all about internet marketing and making money online. One of the most important things in my field is to get ranked in Google in order to get organic traffic. That’s why I asked the experts, “How to Get Ranked #1 in Google?” (Read what 17 experts answered!)

I will give you examples further how to decide your roundup question and subject. But what are the benefits of the expert roundups?

  • You drive lots of free traffic to your blog/website
  • You learn about the subject from the experts’ answers
  • You build your network by contacting the experts
  • You provide ultimately high-quality content which will lead to great rankings in Google!
  • Expert roundups lead to shares in the social media
How to Drive Traffic to My Blog
Expert roundups lead to shares on social media

“What if I don’t Know Any Experts Personally”?

Today in 2016 we have better ways to get in touch with any person in the world than ever in the human history. You have social medias, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, email and so on.

If you don’t know who are the experts, just make a few searches in Google and you will very quickly find people’s websites, contact forms and social media accounts. When you find one expert, you will soon find another one.

Then just send them your question. It’s just simple as that. You will be surprised how glad experts are to answer your question even though many of them are busy.

Remember these three things when contacting experts.

1.Be polite.

2.Keep your answers short enough.

3.Send a follow-up email if the expert doesn’t answer for the first one.

If you need more help on how to contact the experts, don’t hesitate to leave a question below in the comments.

“How to Drive Traffic to My Blog with Expert Roundups?”

Maybe you are wondering how people will notice your expert roundup. Let me give an example from my own experience.

One of the participants in my roundup was Chris Dreyer who has almost 100k followers on Twitter. After publishing my roundup, he shared the post on Twitter for his 100k followers. Then tens of his followers retweeted it and many of them clicked the link to see the post.

Many of the experts shared my roundup in Google+, Twitter and Facebook. They have tens thousands of followers who then shared it further and also clicked the link to read my post.

Experts want to share the article for many reasons

  • It gives them authority because people see them as experts
  • The roundup post gives useful answers for their followers
  • More people get to know them better when the visitors see them in the articles.

I think you are beginning to understand how many people will eventually see the roundup posts. 🙂

When I made my first roundup on YourOnlineRevenue I got an answer from 17 experts. Next time I am planning to gather more (50 or even 100) experts to get even more shares on social media and to drive even more traffic to my website.

Think how much traffic would even shares of 50 or 100 experts would give! We are talking about thousands or tens of thousands of visitors to one article.

“How to Decide the Roundup Question?”

The interview question must be very relevant and important to your website’s subject. If your website is about gym training, don’t ask about the best tennis rackets. Instead, you could ask for example, “What are your 3 favorite exercises in the gym?”

When the experts give their answers is easy to list their answer into a summary. For example in the following way:

Results from 20 experts. Favorite exercise in the gym:

1.Deadlift 15 points
2.Squat 13 points
3.Bench press 10 points
and so on.

  • Choose a question that is simple and easy to summarize
  • Don’t ask the question that takes 2 hours to answer
  • Question is interesting for your website’s audience

If your blog is about traveling, you could ask 20 travel bloggers, “What is the best place where you have been in the world?”

If your blog is about losing weight, you could ask fitness bloggers or people who have lost weight, “What is the fastest way to lose weight?”

Use your imagination and make even better questions. I believe that you can make a wonderful roundup.

“But It Takes Time…”

This is true. Making an expert roundup takes much more time than writing a normal article.

You need to send a question to experts, then send a follow-up to some of them, respond to their answers, gather their answers to one post and summarize their answers.

But everything worthwhile in life takes time. And think about the benefits.

I don’t know how many social shares you usually get by writing the normal article. But by making an expert roundup I can guarantee that you will get more traffic.

Think about the rewards: traffic, social shares, new connections with the experts, Google rankings, high-quality content and so on.

How to Drive Traffic to My Blog
Think about the rewards to give you more motivation.

Take Action!

Probably you are somehow like me and you read lots of different blogs. Then you get many new ideas but forget them because you didn’t put it into practice right away. If so, let’s make the change.


Write down a plan and dates when you will

  • Decide a question for your roundup
  • Search experts
  • Ask the question for experts
  • Send a follow-up email
  • Publish the post

Write down the dates.

Then do it and let me know what kind of results did you get.

I hope this trick helps you to drive traffic to your blog. If you need any help or have a comment, don’t hesitate to leave them below and I will be more than happy to respond you personally.

PS.I got an idea to make a roundup from Wealthy Affiliate. Here is the article that inspired me, “A New Twist On Expert Roundup Posts – How To Get Hundreds Of Shares To Your Site“. If you don’t know what is Wealthy Affiliate, read my comprehensive review here.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of YourOnlineRevenue.com. I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Thanks for posting this great post. I’m a long time reader however I’ve never left
    a comment. I’ve bookmarked your website and shared this on my Facebook.
    Thanks again for a really good post!

    1. Thank you very much.

      I will keep on providing useful material for anyone who wants to learn to earn money online. Stay tuned 🙂

  2. Great concept for getting valuable information that would be extremely helpful for your visitors and yourself to learn what is needed for the niche your dealing with in your business.

    Regardless of the type of niche, you are promoting, this is an excellent method to help get extra traffic.

    Sounds like a win-win for you and your visitors.

    1. Hi Travis,

      You are right. Expert roundups are extremely helpful for visitors and for the blogger. It’s a wonderful win-win situation.

      Have you done some expert roundups yourself?

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