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Bode Pro Review: A Transformative Company Or a Scam?

bode pro review
The founder and CEO of Bode Pro,

If you haven’t heard of Bode Pro don’t fret. You will. You’ll inevitably be approached by someone who has become involved and they’re looking to recruit people like you. But in case you’re wondering about this new opportunity to earn, as many are, here is an unprejudiced review that you can take notice of or leave at the gate.

Is Bode Pro legitimate? Good question; and it’s one you should ask yourself before you launch into outlaying any expenditure on any online business. Throughout this review, several points of interest will be brought to the table. From here, you should be able to make up your own mind as to whether you want to join Bode Pro or leave well enough alone.

Here we go. (Important note! We are not affiliated with Bode Pro in any way.)

Bode Pro Homepage
Bode Pro Homepage is very simplistic

Bode Pro Review

Name: Bode Pro

Founded: January 2017

Cost: $29.95 Upfront / $9.95 per month thereafter

Type: Weight Loss & Health Supplements. Multi-Level Marketing (MLM).

Short Review: Bode pro doesn’t really excite me. They have typical products for the network marketing and it seems that they are just another MLM-company selling overpriced products. I prefer companies that care the most about the customer rather than only about their own profits.

If you are looking for a legitimate way to make money online, take a look at my #1 work from home recommendation.

What Is Bode Pro?

Benson Keith “BK” Boreyko was subpoenaed to appear in court by the Federal Trade Commission in 2015 to answer questions regarding fraud at his pyramid scheme Vemma. Vemma had been launched in 2004.

In 2016 the business was shut down by the FTC and Boreyko was fined several hundred million dollars for the privilege. BK was ordered never to operate or have anything further to do with pyramid schemes of any nature. He agreed. Now, we introduce Bode Pro founded by siblings, Karen, Lauren and Benson Keith Boreyko in January and launched two months later in March 2017.

BK Boreyko has clearly realized the profitability of network marketing in the nutrition supplement industry. After researching more than 100 MLM-companies I have come to a conclusion that nutritional supplements are the biggest industry in network marketing. You probably already know several companies. Does, for example, Herbalife, Mannatech, Melaleuca, It Works! or Isagenix ring a bell?

However, Bode Pro is clearly different than those companies because it’s still so new and they only have a few products. Let’s take a closer look at them.

bode pro review

Bode Pro Products

Bode Pro is actually one of the names of Vemma’s most successful energy drinks and revolves around the entire product range which focuses primarily on women, weight loss, and mental health.

  • Bode-Ten

claims to heighten the body’s energy and increases stamina whilst reducing stress caused by low levels of antioxidants. Apparently fuelled with nutrients essential to the body’s balance and well being, this and its sister products have not been passed by any dietary commission. However, you will receive 30 capsules; a month’s worth of product for $69.95.

  • Bode-Happy

is a blend of powdered happy mind bombs to promote awareness; one’s focus on the task at hand; multi-tasking and mental functions. And whilst all this is occurring, Happy is an extra, once again boosting your already boosted energy sources with substances BK Boreyko calls “Nootropics”. Happy aims to give you back your cognitive functions during your everyday life whilst you manage family, work, daily stress, the gym and your relationships. You’ll receive 24 sachets in your order having paid $53.95.

Bod•ē Happy Product
Bod•ē Happy Product – The price is pretty high. It must contain something very valuable to justify the price.
  • Bod.e Bee Happy

is a lemon and lime flavored powder retained in a sachet that primarily does what Bode-Happy does, except it tastes different. Oh, and it also comes in strawberry flavor. Choc full of carbohydrates, ascorbic acid, cholecalciferol, acetates and other vitamins, the only difference between it and Happy is that it has been sweetened with honey. For the privilege, you’ll receive 24 servings that will set you back $55.99.

  • Bod.e Strong

is a phytonutrient blend (which can be sourced from the UK for about $14.00 US) made from plants and their nutrients? Infused with fruit flavors for easier consumption, it focuses on the skin, nails, and hair offering strengthening agents. Whilst it becomes a non-caffeine stilled drink, it is a powdered 16.5 grams in a satchel powder. Claimed to be the most potent antioxidant in liquid form “found anywhere” 24 of these packets are provided at a cost of $69.95.

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Bode Pro Starter Kit

With Bode Pro, you have to become a product of the product. That means you have to become a customer before you can become a team member. So, you need to purchase from the online website at Bode Pro, then you have to introduce your first customer who will also purchase online from the website.

[thrive_leads id='20290']

It’s a simple strategy that the founders believe will have you try, then fall in love with the products. You will then come across as a bona fide seller because you’ve “fallen in love” with Bode Pro products. Okay, so now you’re in love with the product you need to purchase your starter kit.

Your package has all your marketing tools for your online website. You also get a back office, and social media training so that you become a person who knows what they’re doing. You pay your $29.95 followed by a monthly fee of $9.95 per month to maintain the provided tools above, then you’re left to sink or swim.

Bode Pro Compensation Plan

There is a Bode Pro compensation plan that has been rehashed. You will earn money as a team member or as an affiliate when you sell the above products directly to retail customers. However, your earnings will travel from the top level to the seventh which is the bottom where you will begin. This payment plan is on par with a uni-level arrangement.

In order to qualify, you must first have generated your “Personal Volume” to a monthly rate of 50. You do that by selling to both retail customers and via affiliate movements. However, you cannot rely on affiliate purchases alone, so that’s worth taking into account as you make your decision.

Once you have qualified, you’ll be in a position to earn a commission rate that sits between 15 and 25%. There is an incentive to help you up the ante on your earning potential and that is Gold and Platinum Influencer affiliates. You get to earn an increased rate of 20% from 15% and when Platinum is reached you jump up to the 25% commission rate for retail purchases.

The sky is the limit when you grow your “team” from which you can build your earnings but don’t expect it to happen in a heartbeat. This is going to take time, hard work and effort like any other business. Often MLM-opportunities are marketed as a way to make easy money to quit your 9-5 job.

However, the reality is that around 97% of all network marketers don’t make it. If you are looking for a proven system to make money online, I recommend taking a look at this step-by-step training. It has allowed me and thousands of other people worldwide to quit a 9-5 job and make money online. (Note: It’s NOT an MLM-program or a get-rich-quick -scheme.)

Anyway, I will let Bode Pro’s CEO and founder explain their compensation plan for you. I don’t endorse the video but I attached it here just for educational purposes.

Bode Pro – Reviews and Complaints

There will always be reviews readily available for those who find these pyramid, MLM, call them what you like, schemes a financial prayer being answered. Primarily, these online businesses are made to look super attractive; that’s their job but please dig a little deeper and research them thoroughly.

Heavily researched, the reviews aren’t assumed, they’re factual and they’re designed to protect you and your financial status. There are many online multi-level-marketing opportunities on the internet and many deny having a pyramid structure due to them being globally unlawful. Like any financial contract, please always read the fine print.

At this early stage, it appears there is very little to go on when it comes to complaints and in the interim, we need to see what happens to those who do join this online business. It seems highly ludicrous to think that Benson Keith Boreyko and Co, would become so inordinate as to spit in the face of the FTC. They are still riding in the wake of the substantial fines which are still in the throes of being met.

However, whilst there are ways and means of getting around the stringent global laws surrounding pyramid schemes for which BK has been branded, he would be better equipped to focus on his current status. His product descriptions appear to repeat themselves thus his products do what every other weight loss and well-being product is doing – and they’re at a far less substantial punch in the hip pocket.

bode pro review
The founder and CEO of Bode Pro, BK Boreyko.

Conclusion – Is Bode Pro Worth It?

Based on our little research, Bode Pro opportunity isn’t better than any other similar MLM-program in the nutrition industry. They only have a few very expensive products and a leader who has a bit controversial background. BK is, for sure, a successful business and a hard-working person but it doesn’t mean that he would follow all the best practices to guarantee the best value for the customer.

After studying more than 350 make money online opportunities I have realized that there are many marketers who care more about the fatness of their own wallet than the satisfaction of the customer.

My #1 recommendation for you is Wealthy Affiliate because it has helped so many people to make money online and their training is proven to work. I just earned +$500 in a day just by following their training principles. Of course, it has required work to get to this point but now I can reap the rewards.

I know also many people who make +$10,000/month online after going through the Wealthy Affiliate training. That being said success in any field requires hard work and persistence. But if you have a proven system to follow (like Wealthy Affiliate) your path to success will be much shorter.

=> Learn to Make Money Online!

Do you have experiences with Bode Pro or other similar MLM-programs?

Are you interested in money-making opportunities online?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Bode-Pro products are above the rest-comparing ingredient quality for years personally with experience from illnesses & injuries I speak very factually.

    Price comparison comes out of a insightful interaction from lower quality’s
    items sold in bulk by companies caring about profits before people’s health.

    This company’s cutting edge technology is above other brands-infrastructure
    updates on formulas to make a difference or give your money back guaranteed.

    Having known these networks for 12 years now, I’d very much recommend items
    sold as solid cell reconstruction to those needing improved immune systems!

  2. I would say that their starter pack fee isn’t that expensive at $29.95 Upfront and $9.95 per month thereafter. Although, there products seems costly but I do believe people would eventually afford it as long as it’s proficient in taking care of the needs of people taking it.

    And also it’s still a new company founded this year 2017. So therefore, I believe that they would still care more about their consumers feelings and desires, as they would still be looking to grow the company.

  3. One important similarity among most of these multi-level marketing programmes is the high price of their products. I mean who would want to spend more on Bode Pro weight loss and health supplements products when they are cheaper alternatives out there. As a member, it’s just like trying to rip people off of their hard earned money at the end of each business transaction.

    1. That’s true. Many MLM-companies have an ideology, “Let’s take money away from the fool so we will become rich.” Of course, they don’t say it out loud and even think like that but often that’s just the reality.

  4. Those products are ridiculously high. I would have enough trouble selling the cheaper ones from other companies because even those are still already fairly expensive. These are just too much, I think. Makes me wonder if they priced it like that because they just want to focus mainly on getting the recruits in rather than selling the products.

    I think if I started selling for their company I would have a very difficult time because I don’t know how I would justify selling packets of powdered juice for that price because no matter how healthy they are, for that price there really should be more to the product than just being a healthy drink.

    1. Yeah, it’s something very interesting how some people join these MLMs and start selling their products. Some time ago one lady introduced me to one MLM-company. He had been part of it for a year or something like that. I couldn’t believe how expensive the products were. But the leaders had spoken her into the system and she explained me with bright eyes that they aren’t even that expensive if you think about the quality.

      I think that often people who join these programs are just deceived by the leaders.

      1. You are absolutely right on this, most people enter into some many network marketing on the conviction that they had from the leaders or those that introduced them into such investment without knowing it’s all built upon lies. And the funny thing is that once they drag you to enter and invest your money, then you would see the truth behind it operations, and you as well would be forced to get another who would be misled into investing as well so that your own cash don’t go straight down the toilet.

        1. That’s true! It’s like a vicious cycle often time. I have seen some people who were lured in product-based pyramid schemes and it’s close to impossible to talk them anything that makes sense because they are so blinded by their leaders.

  5. Well, joining and monthly subscription fees for Bode Pro are not very high compared to other similar programs, however, the main drawbacks of MLM programs is highly priced products. Since the products cost more than the products already available in the market, you cannot find buyers for MLM products

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