The Best Black Friday Deal 2017 If You Want to Make Money Online!

Investing in Dash

Hello my friend!

You are probably interested in making money online because you came to my website. Nowadays there are hundreds and even thousands of ways to make money online. But if you are a beginner, things may feel overwhelming for you.

In this article, I would like to show you the The Best Black Friday Deal 2017 for Readers! This is especially for you if you are interested in making money online or starting an online business.

the best black friday deal 2017
Wealthy Affiliate provides a Premium Membership for only $299/year (less than $0,82/day)

Everything You Need to Run a Successful Online Business for $0,82/day

I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for almost 2,5 years. Their training, support, tools and community have provided an incredible for me for making money online. Here is a short list of things that I learned on their website:

  • Several different ways to make money online
  • How to create websites and monetize them
  • How to influence people through the Internet
  • How to create YouTube-videos
  • I got new friends and got to know other online entrepreneurs
  • And much more…

Now during the Black Friday 24th-27th they have an amazing offer for all new and current members. They offer a premium membership for only $299 per year.

In the other words, you get for $0,82/day everything you need to run a successful online business.

the best black friday deal 2017

Here is a short list of the things they provide:

  • Step-by-Step training (2 main trainings: 50 interactive video lessons + 70 lessons)
  • Support from experienced online entrepreneurs
  • Weekly live training by Jay Neill (+10 years of experience of online marketing)
  • Free websites and domain hosting up to 50 websites
  • Keyword tool that helps you to get ranked on Google
  • My personal 1-on-1 support and help
  • Much more….

7 Powerful Reasons to Take Advantage of This Offer

I took advantage of this offer last year on Black Friday. Now when I look back I realize it was a great decision. I published today a blog post on Wealthy Affiliate where I explain 7 reasons take advantage of Wealthy Affiliate offer. You can read it by clicking the link in the last sentence.

Here is a short recap:

  1. You Get Everything You Need to Run a Highly Profitable Online Business for $0,82/day
  2. You save money. You Save $289 compared to monthly memberships!
  3. You Commit to Success
  4. Wealthy Affiliate Premium Beats Its Competitors 100-0. (Other companies charge thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars for similar offers!)
  5. Support and Networking with Successful Online Entrepreneurs

Best Black Friday Deals 2017

  1. Psychological Boost That Wealthy Affiliate Gives
  2. Wealthy Affiliate Training and Methods Are Proven to Work!

The last reason is probably especially interesting for you.

You are wondering how you could make money online and whether Wealthy Affiliate would be the right choice for you or not. Let me just show you a few success stories from WA. You can read each of them by clicking the link:

$3800 Euros in July, $1348 This Week

My First $1,000 in One-Off Affiliate Commissions

Made 1700 Dollars In August

My First 100 Dollar Day!

WA makes me $200 a day

December 2016 – $8968


What do you think about those success stories? Pretty impressive, huh? 😉

How to Take Advantage of This Amazing Black Friday Offer?

You can already create a free account on Wealthy Affiliate and see how everything works out there. You can also read more about Wealthy Affiliate on my comprehensive WA review.

The Black Friday offer will be available on Wealthy Affiliate for 4 days Nov 24th – 27th. During those days you can take advantage of this offer through this link. If have already registered on Wealthy Affiliate for free, you’ll get an access to offer as well.

=> Read My 7 Reasons to Take Advantage of Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Offer!

My Goal Is +$10,000/Month Online Income in 2018 – What Is Yours?

Imagine how your life can look like one year from now if you start taking action towards your dreams. What if you take action every day to the dream life that you want to live. How would your life look like in one year?

My goal is to reach +$10,000/month income in 2018. It’s a good, measurable goal. It’s also completely achievable and most likely I’ll pass the goal. For 2019 I can set then much bigger goals again.

What about you? What are your goals for your online business for the next year?

I’m sure that Wealthy Affiliate training and support could help you as well like they are helping me all the time.

Are you going to take advantage of this offer?

What are your income goals for 2018?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Every black Friday all we think is to look for the best deal in the store or any online store but we don’t think for the expenses. For me its better to spend money while you are having enough income. And this is it the key to have enough income so you can buy more deals every black Friday. By the way, how can I join this? What are the requirements? Is this for real? How can I assure?

    1. You can join here.

      No requirements. But notice that free trial isn’t available in all countries. Premium membership is available everywhere including Nigeria, Philippines, etc.

      Yes, it’s for real. You can check out the links that I posted on this article or read thousands of other positive reviews about Wealthy Affiliate on the Internet.

  2. Nice one here. A help to someone who needs a freelancing job. Invest if you must, earn money while sleeping is a good idea. Passive incomes are being marketed so much this days. You just need to do some thorough research about the company if it is legit or not. Be careful with your hard earned money for it will disappear instantly if you’ll just believe in a too good to be true promises.

    Legit or not Tips for passive income here is very good. Any sale will do as long as you stay online you’ll be able to do some one time set up work then its fine.

    Have the online job as passive income and have your Active income to support your needs. Increasing cash flow is a good idea but don’t let them hyped you that much. You have to think and decide accordingly.

    Happy Investing everyone.

  3. it’s one of the best ways to make money online , i have joined clickbank network lately but i couldn’t make a good cash through that website .. it’s was hard for me to spread my links through internet, i used trx platform then i used BingAds .. but i didn’t get any results .. now after reading this article i think i will make a huge profit .

    1. Have you created a website and driven traffic from Google? I get hundreds of visitors for completely free from Google. Once you have done the work, people just come to your website when they see it on the search results. Wealthy Affiliate step-by-step training teaches how you can do it. At the moment I’m getting probably around +20,000 visitors from Google per month and it’s growing 30-50% each month.

  4. Is this for real? How can I assure that this is legit? What are the requirements? I am still a college students can I still join this? Do I need to pay some fees before I can join this? I really want to earn some extra money. Can anyone please help me. I am still a college student and I have to pay my own tuition fees that’s why I need income.

    1. Yes, it’s for real. There are hundreds (or probably thousands) of positive reviews of Wealthy Affiliate on the Internet. Their training has turned thousands of newbies into full-time online entrepreneurs (including myself).

      Wealthy Affiliate has a free starter account available in most countries. However, I highly recommend the premium membership especially now because they have a Black Friday-Cyber Monday deal. Their membership is very affordable even without that discount. I also started on Wealthy Affiliate while I was still studying in a college and I’m glad I did.

      To be honest, I don’t need my degree anymore because I make my living online with the teachings of Wealthy Affiliate. 😉

      You can also check out other online jobs here.

  5. I would have been earning from Wealthy affiliate marketing if not the issue of non-eligibility of those living in this part of the world to partake in it. I felt bad at that point and wished that there is a way I could go round it, but it seems there is none. However, I would recommend the programme to anyone in the country that it is allowed to operate.

    1. Doesn’t Wealthy Affiliate allow Nigerians to create a premium membership? I thought that only a free trial is not allowed in some countries but the premium membership is available. How is it?

      If the premium membership is available in Nigeria, then there is no problem.

      1. I don’t think I checked that part anyway, but it was at the point of registration that I was told that the programme is not eligible for my country. Probably, there is a way I can get through the premium part for I really want to make money like you do.

        1. Yes. The best thing would probably be to send the message to Wealthy Affiliate support. I messaged with Kyle (the owner of Wealthy Affiliate) sometimes and asked about the free account. He said that it’s not available in some countries like the Philippines or Nigeria. But he mentioned that, for example, people in the Philippines can still get a premium account. Therefore, I think it’s the same in Nigeria as well.

  6. Interesting, I guess I need to do further research on how to build my own website and once I’m fully equipped I’ll join wealthy affiliates program. Such a good deal and this article explains the advantage of being an entrepreneur. You are right Roope mindset and dedication is the key for individuals success.

    1. Wealthy Affiliate is targeted especially for beginners who don’t have any former knowledge of website creation. Their step-by-step training teaches you everything you need to know about building a website. Therefore, I think that you’ll save lots of time when you go through their training instead of trying to gather pieces of information from many places.

      Kyle Loudon, who is the trainer and co-founder of Wealthy Affiliate, is a millionaire and has 15 years of experience of making money online and helping other people do it as well. The main trainings on WA are created by him.

      I’m glad I found WA some years ago instead of trying to figure out things myself.

  7. I heard that Black Friday is truly marvelous event because many things go on sale. But regarding to your post what if were not celebrating black friday today can we still join Wealthy Affilliate? By the way this is a nice information.

    1. Yes, you can still join Wealthy Affiliate even though it wouldn’t be Black Friday BUT this offer isn’t available on other dates. You can’t get the Wealthy Affiliate premium membership for $0,82 per day on other occasions. Normal price is $49 per month or $359 per year. That’s also cheap but less than $0,82 per day is a no-brainer.

  8. I have read your articles on Wealthy Affiliate. I have even checked the Wealthy Affiliate program, however, I am yet to subscribe to this money making opportunity. I already have a website (custom domain and a hosting plan), how can I use wealthy affiliate. If I already have a website, do I still have to pay $299?

    1. Of course, you can use Wealthy Affiliate even though you already have a website and a hosting plan.

      Wealthy Affiliate teaches you
      -How you can make money with your websites
      -Drive tons of traffic from Google
      -Rank higher on YouTube
      -Improve your conversions
      -Support from experienced online entrepreneurs

      You’ll get all this and much more for $299/year which means less than $0,82 per day. Pretty good, huh? 🙂

  9. Black Friday offers are trending so much now in just about anything that one could purchase online. Most online shopping platform uses the Black Friday offer to get more of their customers and patronizers to buy more and get the best deals from making such purchase.

    Now, taking of Black Friday in wealthy affiliate program and registration, looking at the prospect of being able to making $10,000 monthly seems pretty appealing. I would definitely take out time and see how to started with the registration and hopefully, it’s going to be a success for me as well. $10,000 monthly is a huge amount of cash any reasonable person wouldn’t pass up the chance of having so easily.

    1. Hi Martin,

      yes, Wealthy Affiliate offer is a no-brainer. It’s just very good.

      About $10,000/month. For a beginner $10,000/month in a year would be pretty challenging. I know one guy on WA, Colton James, who went from 0 to $10,000/month in a 13 months but usually it takes much more time. I have already experience of making money online and I have been a member of WA so $10,000/month isn’t even that huge goal for the next year.

      1. I have made a few bucks online through some of the freelancing jobs that I have done, and from experience I have learnt that all online jobs requires patience, dedication and hardworking mindset.

        Although, I haven’t yet reached the $10,000 monthly milestone yet from all my endeavors which is why I’m really appealed by the prospect of getting into Wealthy Affiliate program and see how far it takes me.

          1. I haven’t signed up for wealthy Affiliate yet, but I will definitely do so between today and tomorrow. I just registered for the free $10 offer in coinbase using your referral link but got a pop up notification stating that Coinbase does not currently support buys/sells in your country. Telling me to subscribe to their blog to be notified when we add support for your country. I really felt bad after seeing this. But it’s won’t deter me from still trying out wealthy affiliate.

          2. Ah, I see. You are from Nigeria, right? I think Wealthy Affiliate doesn’t have a free trial available in Nigeria at the moment but I highly recommend taking advantage of this Black Friday offer.

            5 of my friends already took it and they are excited. I’m also excited to see their progress when they start earning money online.

          3. Roope I tried getting registered on Wealthy Affiliate but found out it doesn’t have a free trial here in Nigeria. This is really frustrating and morale downing but I try and see the possibility of getting it on this black Friday offers. Hopefully I will be successful in doing so.

          4. If you have a possibility to get this Black Friday offer, I can highly recommend it. Wealthy Affiliate step-by-step training is great. But remember it’s not a get-rich-scheme. You’ll need to do your own part to succeed 🙂

          5. Of course yes, I know it’s not a get-rich-quick instant scheme without one doing his or her own part to succeed. Efforts needs to delivered by any trying to enter into any business dealings. Money doesn’t just fall off trees, there must be things you sacrifice in order to get something more, that is the law of nature.

          6. That’s true. I’m glad you know it. I just wanted to mention it because there are some people who are just looking for get-rich-schemes and that’s the reason they never succeed.

            But a person like you who is willing to work can achieve great things.

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