Pure Haven Reviews [Selling Toxic Skincare Products?!]

Pure Haven Reviews - Your Online Revenue

Pure Haven Reviews - Your Online Revenue

Welcome to my Pure Haven Review!

You’ve probably seen a lot of Pure Haven Reviews published around the web for a while. For sure, you knew about the history of the company before it shut down and relaunched just 2 years ago.

If you did, would you rather invest in this company with quite a record? Red labels, as they coin it. If you choose otherwise, I have a better option for you. But we’ll dig into that in a while.

Before you decide which of these options you think is the best, let me congratulate you for being here with me and together we’ll dig into the itty-bitty details from how Pure Haven started all through the end of the post and decide whether it’s worth your while or not.

Are you ready? Let’s get started.

Pure Haven Review – Quick Summary

Name: Pure Haven

Founded: 2016

Type: Multi-Level Marketing Company Selling Skin Care Products, And More (Similar To Avon)

Price: $10 and up 

Best for: MLM enthusiasts in need of a side income through selling essential oils, skin care, make up, and more

Pure Haven Review Logo

Summary: Pure Haven is a network marketing company which is rebranded in 2016 after its former company’s demise, Ava Anderson, due to issues of toxicity in their products primarily the essential oils. 

Is Pure Haven Recommended? No. I will explain those details in a while.

What Is Pure Haven? 

Based in Rhode Island, Pure Haven is a network marketing company that sells beauty and skin care products just like Avon, Melaleuca, Young Living, and Purium. Other than these, they also sell makeup, body care, baby, home, and pet care products.

Since their launching in March 2016, their products expanded variations. Among their listed products on their website, their essential oils are their best sellers. Each essential oil they offer contains 0.2 fluid ounce, which is then sold for $10 each.

Important Background Information

I searched Pure Haven or Pure Haven, LLC on Better Business Bureau, but there seems to have no record of the company. Not even its former name Ava Anderson.

One thing, which is very important to keep in mind, is Pure Haven is a rebranded name only after the company faced a series of cases filed against them due to the violations resulted from the toxicity of their products.

In 2015, before Pure Haven came into existence, the company faced charges regarding the toxicity of their products, which is in contrary to their organic claims. However, right after their relaunch, they faced EPA compliance issue concerning the labeling and ingredient this time around.

What Do They Offer?

According to their official website, Pure Haven claims to have their products a 100% free of toxins, guaranteed fresh products that are made only in small batches.

In their official guide, they emphasized why people should avoid more or less 80,000 chemicals existing on the market. Propylene Glycol, for example, is an active ingredient for laundry detergent. Thus, to me, it sounds like they indirectly tell us their products don’t have these ingredients mixed.

To adhere to the USDA certification, they mentioned that they create their products only at the approved facility using “natural, plant-based, wild-crafted, and certified organic ingredients.”

In addition to that, they also wrote that in each of their products don’t have fragrance, parabens, nor petrochemicals are mixed. Rather, pure-grade essential oils. They also mentioned they’re all gluten-free with a guaranteed “fresh factor.”

If you were going to ask me whether their claim is true or not, that I don’t know. They don’t show certification nor official results on skin tests or whatsoever on their site.

What I know is that the following are included in the list of organics they offer to their customers:

Pure Havens Review List of Essential Oils

Some of Pure Haven’s essential oils they listed on their website.

Pure Haven Compensation Plan

There are 4 ways to earn money in Pure Haven, which comprise the following streams:

1. Commissions & Bonuses on Personal Sales

2. Downline Commissions

3. Executive Promotion on Advance Bonuses

4. Executive Career Path & Compensation

Under Retail Commissions, you could earn 30% to 50% based on the matrix you earned per month (depends on your sales volume):

Pure Havens Review Compensation Plan Monthly Sales

Pure Haven’s compensation based on monthly SV

If you manage to purchase products worth $4,000 per month just for your family and friends’ cleaning products and bath soap, you can earn an extra bonus for that.

Another thing to consider is distributors are only required to sell $500 for every 6 months to keep their accounts active.

In addition to the commissions you earn per month based on your SV, you could take advantage from your downlines’ commissions which will start from Level 1 recruits (or your direct recruits) worth 5% and higher.

Pure Havens Review Compensation Plan By Rank Per PV And GV

Pure Haven’s bonuses according to rank

In addition to the Executive Bonus, if you belong to this group, you are likely to receive $500 once you reach the executive rank and another $500 if one of your downlines reach the same position as you do.

That means to say, in Pure Haven, one’s distributor’s goal is to reach this [executive] rank to get the generational bonuses. Especially if you get the consequent ranks like Bronze Executive, Silver Executive all the way through the Diamond Executive.

How To Make Money With Pure Haven?

Let me reiterate what I have mentioned earlier about how you could possibly earn bonuses as Pure Haven Distributors.

Given, you have varied opportunities to make sure you earn a buck once you get into this company. It’s either you rely on asking your family and friends to buy cleaning products and soap as much as $4,000 per month or reaching the executive rank to earn a series of bonuses minimum of $500 per month.

Pure Haven Reviews – What Other People Say About The Company & Products?

As far as the products are concerned, I have seen a lot of positive reviews online. Most of them said that Pure Haven products are effective.

In fact, many of those who testified, have been using them since they launched in 2016 and verified that they became replacements and supplements to their doctor’s prescription to ease the pain. Let’s take a look at one of the positive feeback they received.

Pure Havens Review List of Products Positive Review 1

According to Chelsea, Pure Haven products helped with throat relief and faster recovery instead of taking narcotics time to time.

Pure Haven (UGLY) Truths Revealed!

1. Dissatisfying “Organic” Claims

Albeit the overwhelming number of positive feedback, the fact that Pure Haven never discloses the real tests or at the actual test results of their products.

Given their bad reputation in 2015 brought by the same issue, they could have stated or shown an actual video of skin tests to prove their products don’t contain harmful ingredient and only organic stuff as they mentioned many times.

2. Not Accredited By Better Business Bureau (BBB)

This is a big concern for me. I researched the company in BBB, however, there’s no record that Pure Haven, LLC exists.

Other reviews stated they have an A+ rating, however, I haven’t seen anything like that when I searched this time (2018).

3. Unstable Company After Transition

Right after the legal battle in 2015 that caused the company’s shutdown, Pure Haven came into existence a year after with a brand new promise of producing only organic products.

That also means a new leader, a new CEO. Joe Ochoa became their new CEO 2 years ago, but in accord to this LinkedIn profile, he did state that he’s not with Pure Haven anymore. To date, there’s no clear statement about the new CEO replacing him.

What Did I Like About Pure Haven?

1. Affordable Products

As an example for the sake of comparison, I searched diffuser oils in Amazon and it looks like Pure Haven offers cheaper prices compared to the ones in the market, which costs $34 versus $25 organic one.

2. Effective Organic Products

Although there’s no clarity whether their claims of using only organic stuff mixed in their products and ongoing battle with EPA compliance, the majority of the people who tried any of these have testified that they’re satisfied with the results.

3. Less Scammy MLM Company

Among other listed positive feedback about the company, this is the one we should look after. All the time. Before you risk your money to any MLM companies out there, you need to know which is legitimate or not.

Given the number of products you need to sell in order to reach a higher status as a distributor, it shows that Pure Haven is being true to its mission. Hard work pays off. Once you get to the top – like the executive rank – you can get a lot of bonuses.

For any rookie out there, it encourages them to sell more (based on required SV or beyond) and recruit more (PV) to get what they want, bonuses.

Pure Haven Reviews Conclusion

To sum up everything I’ve written here, it’s clear that Pure Haven isn’t a scam, but a legitimate network marketing company with real products to offer to their clients (based on the positive feedback I’ve seen on their social media account).

The only downside I’ve seen is that the company struggles with the transition that until now there’s no latest press release whether they appointed new CEO or not.

I’ve reviewed many MLMs and I always see the leader’s statement on their websites or any of their social media platforms. But in the case of Pure Haven, I haven’t seen any of those.

As for the membership, there is no statement how much are they going to pay when joining the company as a distributor. What I only see on their official website is the registration form and the expectations you’d get in return once you become an active member. Nothing else.

In relation to the company’s current struggle is the product positioning, given the series of cases filed against them because of those violations. Although they rebranded with a newly established name, it still too early to judge whether they really work or it won’t cause harmful side effects.

These are the risks you need to think about before you join Pure Haven as one of their distributors. You need to dissect which of which is right and wrong, with all the facts I’ve shown you.

Of course, you’d get a large number of bonuses when you reach the top, but the question is when would you get there? Do you really need to reach the executive rank to get the generational bonuses you deserve?

In the first place, you need to spend $4,000 per month for the sake of bonuses if you’d only buy cleaning products and soaps your family and friends can benefit.

I have a better option for you. Do you want to know what that is?

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Take a look at these people. They earned at least a thousand bucks per month by doing that #1 recommended the money-making strategy.

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To date, Roope has helped more than 3,000 individuals through teaching the same process as you (if you decide to get access to his 4-step money-making technique).

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To end this post, let me ask these questions.

Do you have previous experiences with Pure Haven? Have you been using their products and became their distributor? If so, what’s your say about the company as a whole? 

Do you like to get started earning an income through affiliate marketing? Or you’d rather spend time selling physical products to others and recruit more and more people for the sake of PV?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

If you feel like you want to learn about making money online, feel free to share your thoughts at the comment section below. Roope loves to help you. So much.

By Mecyll Gaspary

Hi, I'm Mecyll! I'm a full-time writer in Your Online Revenue, dedicated to dig into the world of making money with Roope. When I'm not spending time writing reviews, I'm writing novels and blog posts on my own website.

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