1. Hey Roope, great information. I can not tell you how many scams that are out there saying the same thing. They prey on those that are looking for a better way of life for there families and themselves.

    I have seen other scams that are very clever and in the end they will leave you wondering why me. What other things should I watch out for when detecting a scam?

    I tell you what bothers me more is that they can scam you, take your money with no kind of remorse. Thank you for enlightening me on this scam. I will pass along this information.

    1. Hi A.Jones,

      yeah, I have also seen tens of scams on the Internet. I have made reviews of many of them to warn people from not falling into them.

      Have a look at these tips so you will never fall into a scam.

      One way to recognize a counterfeit of a money is to know how the real money looks. The same goes to these programs. If you know how legitimate and great programs look like then it’s much easier to avoid scams.

      I know many people who started in Wealthy Affiliate and they have been very thankful because they don’t need to look for another opportunity anymore. WA teaches every step that one needs to take in order to have a successful online business.

      In addition, they give you honest promises. They say that you can earn +$10,000/month or even more (like many examples show) but it requires work. If you are not willing to put the work, nothing’s gonna happen. But if you are ready to act, even the sky is not a limit nowadays.

      I wish you all the best


  2. I feel Roope that any site or opportunity offering only a money reward should be regarded warily. If some useful product or service is offered, well, I may be in. I can get behind something that improves folk’s lives and allows me to earn from it. Win-win. If it ain’t win-win and seems to move in a different direction I can’t support it. Nor would I want to be a part of it. Thanks for sharing.


    1. Hi Ryan,

      I totally agree with you. The best products improve people’s lives and add some important value.

      On YourOnnlineRevenue.com I only promote products that I truly find valuable and useful.

      Some make money online products don’t provide any value as you said.


  3. To be honest, this is what I think.
    I would leave it and move on.

    I am not interested in this kind of promises to make money.

    I find your article very informative and I appreciate that you have been that truthful this certainly made me think and will help me down the road to be even more careful.

    1. Hi Sylvia,

      very good that you leave it.

      To be honest, I almost considered trying NeoRevshare when I saw that some people were making profits with it. But then I saw that they are not paying all their members and not responding support requests.

      I have seen also other revenue share websites. They work so far when new people keep on coming in and bringing the new money. But the system will collapse when new people don’t come. It’s some kind of a ponzi scheme.


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