Wealthy Affiliate is an online business platform that provides you the training, tools, community and literally everything you need in order to build and run a successful online business.

There are already more than 1,3 million members in the WA community but I noticed that still thousands of people have been asking on Google and Quora questions like, “Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth It? Is Wealthy Affiliate worth the price? Did you have any success with Wealthy Affiliate?”
I decided to ask 17 Wealthy Affiliate members to share their thoughts and experiences of that platform and making money online in general. Some of them were complete beginners in the online business world when they started on WA while some of them already had years of experience.
The underlining fact is that Wealthy Affiliate helped all of them to make more money online.
I am sure you will find this article extremely helpful and valuable. The old wisdom says, “If you do what other successful people do, you will eventually get the same results that they do.” In the other words, if you listen to the advice that the people below are about to say, you will also learn to make more money online.
Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth It? – Video
I created a YouTube video where I summarize answers, key points of the interviews and show how the Wealthy Affiliate training and community works. I am sure that you find it helpful and valuable.
5 Questions That I Asked from 17 WA-Members
1.Why And When did you join Wealthy Affiliate?
2.Did you have any former experience of making money online?
3.Why do you like Wealthy Affiliate?
4.Who would especially benefit from Wealthy Affiliate? / Who do you recommend WA?
5.What are the 3 short tips that you would give to a beginner who wants to make money online?
Are you ready to see what they answered? Let’s go!
We’ll start with Nathaniell who was the person that invited me to Wealthy Affiliate in 2015 on his website. His help and support have been immensely important for me during my online business journey.
Wealthy Affiliate Testimonials/Interviews:
Nathaniell Brenes
1) I joined WA in 2010 because I was looking for ways to make money while traveling in Asia. My job paid in Chinese money, but it was hard to go anywhere outside of China and have a great vacation. The exchanges rates are not very good!
What started as just a way to make US dollars in China to fund fun activities, ended up being a full-time venture!
2) Nope! I had no idea how to build a website or how to make money. I lived outside the US for 10 years, so I didn’t even have a smartphone or Facebook account before I moved back to the US in 2012.
3) There are a lot of reasons to like WA. I think the main ones are
1) It’s a community where people can help each other and get advice from full-time marketers and
2) It simplifies the online marketing process from complicated schemes to “game” Google into writing a content-focused blog on a specific topic that helps people.
In other words, they teach the concept of creating a long-term online business that helps people. It’s like picking stocks.
You can buy a penny stock now and hope to jump out before it bombs, or you can pick a solid company that will beat out the market over the next decade.
4) Newbies who are sick of being jerked around from product to product will benefit from Wealthy Affiliate.
If you don’t have a business plan in mind and want to learn how to make money from a website without having to watch your back every five minutes for the next thing to buy from a guru sending you an email, then Wealthy Affiliate is an awesome place to learn affiliate marketing.

My 3 Tips for Beginners:
1. If you create low-quality content now, you will regret it later. I have spent many hours and dollars trying to edit old content I am embarrassed that I published to my site!
2. You can’t be perfect. This contradicts Tip #1, but it still relevant! Better to publish something “less than perfect” than to publish nothing at all. You can always go back and edit or improve later.
3. Get into the mindset of helping people. You might think you can pull a “fast one” and make some quick sales by writing some overhyped content, but most people are savvy to that type of marketing. Long-term, helpful, honest content wins out.
Once you have traffic flowing in, you can tweak your sales copy or calls to action to increase conversions to but start out you need to have your visitors in mind!
Tony Lee Hamilton
1 – June 2015 I joined Wealthy Affiliate to learn about Affiliate Marketing to earn more revenue online.
2 – I’ve been earning an income online since 2007
3 – I love Wealthy Affiliate because of the Wonderful Community of Friends who are Caring, Knowledgeable and Sharing. I also love WA because of the Amazing support team including Carson, Kyle, Jay and also SiteSupport.
4 – I always recommend WA to my Friends and Family who are would like to become Business Owners to increase their visibility online with Affiliate marketing while learning about SEO, Keywords, Content Creation and Marketing.
3 short tips for beginners:
#1 – Join WA with a person who you trust and can learn from.
#2 – Place more emphasis on your business than on your extracurricular activities ie… TV watching, partying, game playing. Treat your online business like a business by putting in the work and staying focused!
#3 – Never stop learning, be like a sponge. The internet is full of information – Make sure that what you learn is current, true and applicable to where you want to go. Always know where you want to go so that you can work towards getting there.
=> Want to Learn How to Build a Successful Online Business? Start Wealthy Affiliate Training Today!
(1) I joined WA in July 2015. I was looking for a way to earn money from home while raising my children. Back then, I was still working full time, but have a pretty tight schedule (not too suitable for a mom with small children).
(2) I did try writing for Squidoo (it’s an online platform whereby you can build your website for free and inserting affiliate links in the articles, the revenue is shared between Squidoo and the author. I didn’t earn much though, maybe just $20 per month at most).
(3) I like Wealthy Affiliate because it provides a complete step by step guide for a beginner, it has a community for asking questions, the Site Comment to really help to keep the website alive at the beginning, also the Keyword Tool. Oh, I also love the weekly webinar by Jay.
(4) I guess everyone who is trying to make income online will benefit from Wealthy Affiliate, especially newbies. WA certification provides you with basic yet very important steps you need to do in building and growing your website.
(5) 3 Tips for Beginners:
- Join WA and follow the certification course step by step (don’t skip lessons and do the assignment).
- Don’t get easily distracted with other shiny objects out there.
- Be consistent and don’t give up easily.
Eddy with a Y
1. I joined June 2007. I was doing marketing on my own for years before this. But I felt like I didn’t really understand what I needed to do. Then I rank into Travis who created Bum Marketing.
He recommended Wealthy Affiliate. Initially, I was very skeptical because of the name. But because the recommendation came from someone I trusted, I decided to give it a shot. I haven’t left since.
2. Yes, I was successfully making money doing things like surveys, PTC, reading emails. However, the income was limited because it was based on my own activities.
However once I realized these programs had referral programs, I started to focus on referring people to these sites because I made more money and it became passive. So that was my introduction to affiliate marketing.
3. I love Wealthy Affiliate because it’s a one-stop shop for all types of internet marketing training and tools. I also love the fact that it’s a supportive community that encourages its users. The heart of Wealthy Affiliate are the members and owners.
4. I think Wealthy Affiliate is perfect for anyone looking to make money online. But the ideal person is willing to learn, put in hard work and has the patience to make this work for them. If you have an employee or get rich quick mentality then you won’t really like Wealthy Affiliate.
My tips are the following:
a. Invest in yourself. One of my biggest regrets was not to invest in my own education via buying courses or eBooks from people that were successful in what I wanted to master. It costs me thousands of dollars in income I would have earned sooner if I wasn’t being cheap or trying to do everything for free.
b. Be patient. People assume that the internet means little work and instant success. It’s not. You need to have a lot of delayed gratification to succeed in this business. A lot of the work you initially put in won’t bear fruit until months later. But people give up before seeing that. You have to push forward even if you don’t see the initial results. It will come if you’re following the training.
c. Fail forward. Too many people are afraid to fail or make mistakes. But that’s part of the process. Most of the successful people you know have failed many times. The difference between them and the rest of the population is that they don’t allow failure to stop them. They use these temporary failures as lessons that help them get closer to their success. You’re going to run into obstacles and challenges. Don’t give up.
1) I joined Wealthy Affiliate in 2015 about a month after I first started looking for a way to make money online. The reason I decided to join was because it took a realistic approach to things and wasn’t telling me that I would make a ton of money with little to no work.
I had come close to being scammed and wasted a lot of time prior to this and Wealthy Affiliate just seemed honest.
The reason I was looking for work online was mostly because I wanted the geographical freedom to pick up and move wherever I might want or need to.

2) I started with no experience in this realm. I messed around with paid surveys, PTC sites, and a few other things but had no experience with affiliate marketing or anything that WA taught.
3) I like WA because of the honesty and the community most of all. The training and the tools are great, don’t get me wrong, but I feel that the honest approach that WA takes along with the lively community really separate it from other similar platforms.
4) I mostly recommend WA to people who are looking to supplement their income, bring in a part-time income, or potentially go full-time. However, I don’t recommend it to those that are in need of an income immediately. It’s a slow process and takes time to get things moving.
And of course, I recommend this to those that like to blog or write articles since this accounts for the majority of the job.
5) A: Pick a niche that is, at the very least, interesting to you. I know this doesn’t sound like much of a tip but I learned the hard way early on. You will get burnt out if you are writing about things you don’t really care for.
B: Don’t waste time making your website perfect. In the early stages, I always see so many people trying to make their website look perfect. This is often a waste of time and will not help with conversions. I always tell people to keep it as simple as possible when starting.
C: Write quality content and lots of it. Its all about content. I get 100% of my website traffic from content ranked in the search engines.
Pump out the good content and keep doing this. Follow the curriculum. There is no secret to this the problem is that most people write 5 or 6 posts and don’t see any money coming in so they give up.
=> Want to Make Money Online Like Kyle? Get Started Today!
Anis Chity
1- I joined Wealthy Affiliate on the 24th October of 2016, I was looking for a way to make money online, I desperately need to make some extra cash to pay off my university and rent fees.
2- When I joined WA I was a complete newbie, I had no idea how money could be made online, I knew people do make money online and I knew it was something possible but I had no clue how and where to get started.
3- I like Wealthy Affiliate because of their amazing well laid out training, they have videos, tutorials, articles, live webinars, all laid out for you in a step by step.
On top of that, they have an amazing community and support team that will support you and help you whenever you get stuck in the training.
4- Everyone will benefit from Wealthy Affiliate but I think newbies are the ones that will benefit the most.
Because WA is especially suitable for newbies, people like me who joined WA without any experience. I highly recommend WA for newbies.
5- When I joined Wealthy Affiliate I was hoping to make thousands of dollars in my first or second month.
But that was an unrealistic income wish. I’m not saying it’s not possible to make thousands of dollars online but it takes lots of time and hard work to reach that amazing goal.
The most important 3 tips that I learned that I want to share with newbies hoping to make money online are:
1) Work Hard and be Consistent
If you want to make money you will need to put in a lot of consistent focused hard work That’s the key to success, WA is a legitimate training, I mean it’s not a click a button scheme.
2) Set a realistic income goal
Before you aim for the thousands of dollars, aim for your first dollar, then your first $50, then your first $100.
That’s how it works.
Your online business results will grow really slowly, you need to be patient. There will come days when you will want to quit when you will get frustrated.
You will need to overcome those, thatìs the patience test, a fundamental step to overcome if you want to succeed.

3) Help people and the money will come
When you start building your business, your goal should be to help people fix their problems. You need to write content that solves people’s problems.
Then give them a paid solution ( send them to your affiliate links).
If you don’t help people, they won’t click your affiliate links and won’t buy from you.
Dylan Rieger
1) I joined Wealth Affiliate after doing some research on making money online and luckily it was the first place I joined. I had a few jobs before that and just wasn’t happy with them. I didn’t like the structure and rigidity of working for someone else.
2) I didn’t have any experience before this but it took me a little over a year to really figure things out.
3) I would say someone that’s willing to put in the work and able to discipline themselves. It takes daily effort to make this work and a lot of experimenting. If you’re expecting to work for a month and be set for life then this isn’t for you.
3 Short Tips for Beginners:
Number one: Be willing to make changes if you’re not getting results.
Number two: Research successful websites in your niche. See how long their content is and which keywords they have.
Number three: Always plan ahead. Don’t just wing it day in and day out. Figure out the next 10 keywords you’re going to write and then write them. Track your results and make the changes necessary to become successful.
=> Dylan Made $4,500 in 7.Month from His New Website. Learn More Here!
John Rico
1.I think its August 2015. Since I have read rich dad poor dad, I always wanted to have a passive source of income. I tried MLM business but it didn’t work. That is when I discovered online marketing. I tried one online program but it is too expensive. That is when I discovered about wealthy affiliate.
2.No, actually, I don’t have prior experience in earning online.
3.The support in WA is awesome. Whenever I am lost or I have a question, I immediately get answers.
4.I recommend WA to everyone. No matter your age is, it is not too late to start.
3 Short Tips for Beginners:
-Be patient
-Don’t be too hard on yourself
– Be consistent
Jerry Huang
1) I joined Wealthy Affiliate in May 2016. That’s when I was 18 years old. I joined WA because I knew I’m not going to become an employee and work for other people. So that’s why I started looking for opportunities online.
2) Before I came across WA, I joined another company trying to make money online. However, it turned out to be a scam. Fortunately, it didn’t take long before I found WA. Having the experienced of being scammed, this makes even more definite that WA is a truly amazing place.
3) Simply put, WA is the best place for anyone to build an online business at a very affordable and reasonable price.
The value it offers way exceeds the price it charges you. But I need to mention that their truly ‘pay-it-forward’ community is something that I love the most. It’s hard to find any other platform with such an amazing community!
4) Let me put it this way. WA is NOT for you if you’re looking for some get rich quick schemes and you’re not willing to put in your time and effort in building your own business. Other than that, WA is for everyone who has the will to succeed online.
5) My 3 tips can be summarized in 3 words: COMMITMENT, CONSISTENCY, and PATIENCE.
Make money online is a serious business. One common mistake many people make is dabbling around. Wealthy Affiliate is a legitimate place to make money online. So you need to COMMIT your time, effort and most importantly yourself.
Next, consistency is key to all success. You’re not going to lose 20kg by just going to gym for one week, are you? That’s not possible. This is the same for your online business as well.
Lastly, building an online business is not like working for a paycheck. You won’t be seeing any results in the beginning but you need to be patient. Trust the system and put in consistent work. Very soon, you’ll be grateful that you didn’t give up half way!
Vitaly Gershfeld
1.I joined it in 2007 and it was a “last resort” after having VERY bad experiences with other make money type programs. I said to myself this is the last one I’ll try and if it fails, I’m done. Luckily that last shot turned out to be the best shot 🙂
2.I had a little bit of it, 2 years before WA, but nothing major happened.
3.They are real, they (WA) give you the fishing rod but you have to do the fishing so to say. And the community help is a big bonus. Finally, the tools they set up, make it the best place to get everything you need.
4.Hobbyists, anyone seeking to try a different way of making money in life (retirees, travelers, people tired of their jobs, etc…).
3 Short Tips for Beginners
1) Start with WA.
2) Complete their courses.
3) Work passionately at this.

=> Want to Earn Like Vitaly? Start a Step-By-Step Training Today!
Riaz Shah
1.I always have a knack for trying new niches so I joined WA because I wanted to learn how to monetize my passion and to see whether or not I can make money from it. When I tried WA, I was so surprised as to how transparent they are with the lessons and reality of Internet Marketing.
I decided to create a blog and until now, it’s still standing firm online, monetizing even when I haven’t worked on it for months. I joined in May 2014 so there are 3 months more to go until I reach my 4th year with WA, yey!
2.Not at all. I worked as a hotelier so the closest thing I know to using the internet was to play World of Warcraft.
3.Well, apart from the amazing evergreen lessons, I would say that I love WA because of the community itself. Everyone is very supportive and they come from various backgrounds.
Unlike MLM where they pressure you day and night to make money so that they can earn a commission off your downline, WA’s community is a lot different. Everyone is a business owner and we work very hard daily to create new content for our business so you will never see anyone pressuring you to work because we don’t get anything from you.
We help because we want to give back to the community and for me, even though I’ve finished the lessons in WA, I still maintain my membership to help out from time to time as for how Kyle and Carson guided me when I first started.
4.I recommend WA to everyone. Whatever your dreams and ambitions are, you can learn how to monetize that and make a living doing what you love.
For me, I love writing content and I love organizing events so I decided to create a website called kamiraevents.com sharing random tips from my experiences. After a while, I was confident enough to start promoting my services to organize huge events on my own such as doing Gala Dinners and Event Decorations. Today, I have my own shop with a team of 10 people with me.
I also have a blog sharing tips on SEO and Content Marketing at MyInternetQuest.com. It doesn’t stop there, I also opened started blogging about games and ended up opening a physical store in Shah Alam, Malaysia where I come from. Whatever your dreams are, WA will show you the way on how to reach there,
3 short tips for beginners:
- Always be on the lookout for new trends and contents to take advantage of.
- Be consistent with your work, it’ll help grow your business faster.
- NEVER give up. Often times success starts to build up the moment you’re about to quit so you may never know
Rufat Ammar
1. I joined WA in 2013 because I wanted to learn how to make money online and WA looked very trustworthy.
2. Yes, I made some money online back in 2001
3. I like WA because their approach is very realistic and honest. They don’t promise overnight wealth. And support is fantastic.
4. I recommend WA to both beginners and advanced. Advanced may not benefit from the basic training but they can benefit from weekly live training and other WA old members. It’s a great value!
5. Treat your business seriously and you will get results. By this I mean:
- Be prepared to work hard
- Don’t expect overnight success
- Don’t quit too soon
Darren Burton
1. I joined Wealthy Affiliate back in April of 2015. I’d spent a year thinking about doing affiliate marketing and doing loads of research, but yet I still didn’t know where to really start.
It was only when I joined Wealthy Affiliate that I had a clear direction and the process really started to make sense. I was searching for more ways to make money online and affiliate marketing seemed like a good fit.
2. Prior to affiliate marketing, I’d made some part-time money selling items on eBay. I also used to write, publish and sell a lot of eBooks. This did well for a few years, then competition became really fierce and sales really dried up. That’s when I went in search of something else to do online as well.
3. I could write a lot about this, but I’ll sum things up with 2 simple reasons.
Firstly, the training is easy. Anyone can do this if they follow the lessons.
Secondly, and most importantly, I get to interact with a community that desires to see everyone else succeed in this business, and that’s rare. I’ve learnt so much from other members. It really is an unbelievable community.
4. Anyone could really stand to benefit from being a member of WA. If you want to make extra money from the comfort of home, or even establish a fulltime business, then WA is for you. It’s not all about affiliate marketing either. What’s taught at Wealthy Affiliate is relevant to all sorts of ways to make money online.
5. Avoid wasting time and money on obvious scams that promise you riches without telling you how. If it sounds unbelievable, then it probably is.
Be prepared to put time and effort into something and don’t expect to be making money instantly, or even within the first few months. Give it time as it’ll be well worth it.
Make a list of all the positive reasons you want to make money online and keep it somewhere visible. It’ll help you stay motivated and to persevere through any tough times.
Robert Prescott
1.I joined in August of 2013. I was looking for a way to create my own ecommerce website so I didn’t have to continue selling through eBay and paying their annoying fees.
2.Yes, as an eBay Power Seller.
3.Why do you like Wealthy Affiliate? = It is an all-inclusive, easy to understand, low cost training and business building platform.
4. Anyone who wants to earn residual and passive income from the comfort of their home, as long as they realize that this is not a get rich quick scheme.
3 short tips for a beginner who wants to make money online
A – Take the Online Entrepreneur Certification Course first before doing the Affiliate Bootcamp because it will help you greatly to understand Affiliate Marketing more than Bootcamp will.
B – Do not rush through the training. Just like the story of the tortoise and the hare, slow and steady will win the race. If you need to go back and take the lesson again, then just do it.
C – Be patient and do not quit, because depending on how many hours you put in every day, which should be no less than 3, it can be close to a year before you see any kind of steady results.
1) I joined Wealthy Affiliate in July 2015 while I was looking for an Online survey review. That was when I discovered affiliate marketing the power of passive income. At that point, I knew that could change my life in a way that I never imagined.
2) Apart from making money with online surveys, I had never made a dime online. I had zero experience.
3) The community aspect of Wealthy Affiliate, and to know I can always get support and motivation whenever I need.
It’s a lonely job, so being part of a community of people who are in the same boat, and being able to share successes and failures is awesome.
4) Anyone can benefit from WA. However, some people are not motivated enough to put in the work. So, for those who are prepared to grind and reach their goals, WA is an incredible investment.
3 Tip for Beginners:
- Be patient.
- Learn from your mistakes.
- Don’t procrastinate.
Bonus tip – Work hard like your life depend on it.

=> Want to Earn Passive Income Like Stefan? Start the Wealthy Affiliate Training and Put It Into Action!

1) I joined Wealthy Affiliate in 2015 and the main reason behind it was that I wanted to be flexible with time and location (so that I could travel more).
Initially, I started my online journey as a freelancer but I soon realized that even though I was working online, I wanted to have more freedom and answer for myself only.
Being a blogger/affiliate marketer definitely sounded more like something I’d want to do. And I decided to go for it (with Wealthy Affiliate).
2) As I mentioned in #1, I had experience in making money online as a freelancer. And while it was a great experience, running after someone to give me a job wasn’t something I wanted to do.
3) There are too many reasons why I like this Wealthy Affiliate community.
First of all, it’s because it really is a community of like-minded, helpful individuals. I think I would probably have quit if it wasn’t for the support I received throughout the years. See, when you are building a business online, it can get lonely. But when you communicate with fellow WA members and see their progress and success stories, it cheers you up and confirms that nothing is impossible.
Second thing is the step-by-step training that is very newbie-friendly. When you just start out you barely understand how this money making business works but WA helps you figure it out, inspire you and get you to work.
There are a lot of things I could say about Wealthy Affiliate but I believe these 2 points are crucial – proper guidance and endless support – if you want to succeed online.
4) Frankly, anyone of any profession would benefit from WA. Anyone who wants to make a side cash or build a full-time business online. Anyone who has a passion and is willing to put in work. It’s easier to say who is it NOT for: Wealthy Affiliate is not for those who are looking for easy money (ways to get rich quick).
You WILL have to treat your website as a business from the beginning and put time and efforts into it. It can get challenging and that’s when the community/support aspect of Wealthy Affiliate will come in handy.
3 Short Tips for Beginners Who Want to Make Money Online
The best advice I can give you is, be patient. Please, be patient. Building an online business takes time and it potentially may take some time before you will see your first commissions. I made my first $50 commissions after 5 months of entering the online business world. Now I can make these fifty bucks in 1 day.
Second tip – if you decided to join the WA, follow the training. While creativity is appreciated, if you are a total newbie, just follow the training.
And finally, treat your website as a business. You don’t have to write articles like a lunatic but do pay attention to it on a daily basis – think of different ways to improve your business. Do keyword research. Connect with fellow bloggers in your niche. Write at least 300 words for your new article. Do something to improve.
Neil Clues
1: I joined WA in 2013 because I wanted more than a JOB, I wanted to earn an income that would set me free in life.
2: I started online marketing in 1999, bouncing from one online money making opportunity to another.
But I did learn about the concept of affiliate marketing, pick up a few marketing skills, and make some part-time commissions prior to joining WA.
3: The reason why I love WA so much is for the fact that it provides everything I need to run a successful business, it’s got a fantastic community to fall back on for support, and the training from Kyle is evergreen.
4: Absolutely anyone can join WA, even a novice with zero knowledge on internet marketing because the training is so easy to follow.
If you have a hobby or passion, you can build a profitable business with WA.
My 3 tips for beginners wanting to make money:
- Stick with the training platform and don’t continually buy into the latest and greatest shiny objects.
- Believe in yourself, drown out the naysayers, and work hard because it will pay off.
- Focus on building your business during your spare time and learn to say no to distractions like TV until your business is off the ground.
Thank you very much for all the answers. I appreciate them all.
Now I would like to answer a few frequently asked questions on WA that beginners are usually thinking.
How Much Money Can You Make with Wealthy Affiliate?
I have discussed this subject a lot on my other articles related to Wealthy Affiliate.
Wealthy Affiliate teaches you to build a successful online business which means that even the sky isn’t a limit with your earnings. That being said, you shouldn’t wait for millions right away.
Building a successful business takes time and effort. You can make much more money that with a regular 9-5 job but you need to be patient and consistent. With a 9-5 job or with freelancing you make money right away when the task is accomplished. With a business, you first make a work and afterward you reap the rewards.
Sometimes I earn money from the work that I did 1,5 years ago. That’s also the beauty of having an online business. You can make money while you are sleeping, traveling, laying on the beach, chatting with your friends, etc. In addition, you can decide when you work and where you work. I have traveled to 5 different countries during the past 2 months because having an online business allows me to do that.
Some time ago I created a post of 5 WA members who were making +$10,000/month (and some of them much more). I know a guy who started on Wealthy Affiliate some years ago without any experience and nowadays he’s running a +$1 Million/year online business. The key is just to get started, keep on learning and doing.

Wealthy Affiliate Cost – Free Or Less Than $1 Per Day
In my comprehensive Wealthy Affiliate review, I have explained the pricing on WA. You can get started for completely free and have an access to all premium features for 7 days. You still remain a free membership for a lifetime unless you want to upgrade to premium.
The price of a premium membership is $19 for the first month and $49/month or $359/year afterward. I certainly recommend going for a yearly plan because you save $229 immediately with it. In addition, it will pay itself back many times over the time course.
Let’s say, for example, that Wealthy Affiliate helps you to make $10,000/year more money online, $359 investment to their training costs nothing.
With the Wealthy Affiliate premium membership you will get an access to:
- Step-by-step online business training.
- Help and support from successful online entrepreneurs.
- My 1-on-1 support. I give you personal tips and answer all your questions personally.
- Own high-quality websites and easy-to-use website domain hosting.
- Access to 1,000’s of classes and online business tutorials.
- The best keyword tool in the industry. (Helps you to drive 10,000’s visitors to your website from Google.)
- And much more!
Conclusion – Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth It?
Yes, Wealthy Affiliate is certainly worth it. Everybody who follows the training and applies the knowledge will earn money and get good results.
I have seen it so many times on my own and also in other people’s lives. My 2 most important tips for you are:
- Get started.
- Don’t quit until you make big money online.
In my experience, many times making big money online mostly depends on the willingness to do the things. On Wealthy Affiliate, you have everything you need to succeed. Your task is just to apply the knowledge into practice.
If you haven’t yet started the training on Wealthy Affiliate, I highly recommend that you get started today. I will send you a personal message inside the community right after you have joined and I’ll help you hand in hand to get started well.
Do you have prior experience of making money online?
Have you already started the training on Wealthy Affiliate?
Do you need further help from me?
Let me know in the comments below! 🙂
If you have any questions, I will be more than happy to help you out.
Bom dia meu Ilustre amigo , eu vivo em África Angola , tenho seguido o teu trabalho neste momento quero ser Afilhado da Planta forma Tube Journey To Freedom , gostaria de ter uma renda extra para ajudar a minha família , não temos condições de alimentação , saúde , e habitação, prometo me dedicar ao máximo para atingir as metas .
English please?
In my opinion, the helpful community we have at WA is worth the premium membership alone. On top, the training is top notch, and is pretty affordable too unlike other high ticket programs out there which cost a fortune!
I completely agree. The community within Wealthy Affiliate is awesome. So positive and upflifting! Also the training is life-changing. Practical and easy-to-follow.
There are companies that charge 10-20 more for similar services.
Hey Roope,
Congrats on going the extra mile. I love seeing stuff like this.
Thank you very much Rick! I’m glad to hear you liked it!
Hey, awesome post. I have been with Wealthy Affiliate for almost 3 years. I was active for the first year but because I was so busy with my 9 to 5 job, I stopped blogging for 365 days! If only I had consistently build this business, things might be very different today. Your post has indeed motivate me to put in more effort into my blog. And seriously, I like your advice on “don’t quit until you make big money” – I PROMISE!
Thanks for your comment! I’m glad that you found this post helpful and inspiring. I’m looking forward to your success!
By the way, check out also another amazing post that I published this week. It’s called: 13 Wealthy Affiliate Success Stories! [Make +$10,000/Month]
Thanks for including me in your post. It was great to read about fellow WA members. As everyone can see, this community has helped us all achieve various levels of success online. And it has been doing this for over a decade. So it’s worth joining if you’re willing to put in the work consistently and be patient.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us Eddy!
WA training definitely works and I recommend that people stick to it at least for a year if they want to start seeing good results.
Shared! Amazing work compiling all of our opinions Roope, so honoured to be featured here. Will definitely do around up post too in the future, looking forward to meeting you here in Malaysia! To your amazing success!
Thank you Riaz! I’m looking forward to meeting you as well. I’ll come to Kuala Lumpur in 3 weeks. Time runs so fast. :O
Hey Roope,
Thanks for the shoutout my friend! Your post here rocks. I can learn so much from everyone who shared their knowledge here. Thanks for consolidating all these helpful advice 🙂
All the best Roope!
Hi Jerry,
you’re welcome. Thank you also for taking part in this roundup. I think this is a great proof for everyone that the Wealthy Affiliate training and community are extremely helpful for anyone who wants to make money online.
I would definitely say that Wealthy Affiliate is worth it considering that it is a type of affiliate marketing that is going to teach and help you improve on knowledge you have on things and even when the money is not coming at the time, you would have gained by learning new things. Also, working hard and having a mentor that understands how Wealthy Affiliate works is certainly boost, if one’s wish is to make some money through the programme.
That’s true. I think that anyone who wants to make more money online would benefit from the education and tools on Wealthy Affiliate.
This is what I’m saying. In as much as it is not yet fully active in my country, I’ve got some friends that are willing to join and some have began and I must say that the way they talk about it shows that it is a good platform for anyone that wants to develop.
Very informative content on online business. The biggest thing I hear from ALL entrepreneurs is that the most important part of the process is taking action and getting your business off the ground. Then from there you must remain committed through the struggle that may be there in the beginning.
That’s true. I find myself sometimes procrastinating even though I know that I could get awesome results by taking action. Just need to get rid of procrastination as much as possible to reach the best results 🙂
While I appreciate the tips shared here, I think I am not joining WA. I already have a handful of websites, I have monetized by websites through adsense and affiliate ads. I am not earning much, however running cost of my website is low I spend $78 for hosting and $100 for domain renewal. However, on WA I will have to pay aroun $49 every month.
Hi Vinaya,
that’s why I recommend a yearly membership because you would be saving $229 compared to the monthly membership.
In addition, the investment is so small compared to the benefit that it can/will give. If Wealthy Affiliate helps you to earn thousands (or even tens of thousands) of dollars more, then a less than $1 per day is a small investment.
But of course, it’s really up to you.
Just let me know if you have any questions about WA or their training.
Great post Roope! Your insightful post proves once again that those who take a massive action make the most money. Of course, not everyone’s success is equal but takin action on what you learn is the core of any business.
That’s exactly true Rufat. Taking action is the key. Everyone has the potential to do something great but not everyone will do it. Those who are ready to take action will get awesome results in business and in life 🙂
What an amazing list of Testimonials to the wonderful Wealthy Affiliate Platform Roope, thank you for sharing with us all my Friend.
I am honored and humbled to have been included in this list of exceptional Wealthy Affiliate Members and appreciate your expertise in the area of Affiliate Marketing.
Always keep learning, sharing & caring Roope,
Thank you very much for participating Tony! I was very happy to collect and publish this post because it really shows that the Wealthy Affiliate training works and gives results.
You seem like you know your stuff when it comes to Wealthy Affiliate. Have you tried other platforms? I can definitely say after joining Wealthy Affiliate my online marketing skills have definitely improved. I’m still in the process of building my business and haven’t seen success so far but I’m still working on it. The more content I post the better I’m getting ranked in search engines, which is a good thing.
Hi Aaron,
yes, I’ve tried a few other platforms as well but Wealthy Affiliate has been certainly my favorite. Their community aspect and all the tools that they provide make it so powerful. In addition, I like the mindset of the training because it focuses on building a sustainable business instead of just making a quick buck
You will make it. The process works and you’ll see exponential progress when moving forward. I’m excited to see your success in the future.