The Best Way to Build a Website for Free (in 30 SECONDS!)

In this page, I am going to show you the exact, SIMPLE steps to create your very own website.

You do not need any experience or knowledge. Just follow my instructions below and you will find out how easy it is.

You can watch my video tutorial and the text with images instructions are below as well. I am 100% sure that you will be able to build a website in 30 seconds with my instructions.

Do you want to build your own website?

Today I am going to show you the best way to build a website for free!

Whether you are looking forward to building your personal website or the website for your business, this is the right place to start.

But first, I want to tell you one secret.

Building a website has never been so easy as today!

You can actually build a professional-looking website in under 30 seconds today. FOR FREE.

Start here by clicking the link below:

==> Create very own website here. Click here! <==

Step 1 – Give the Name for Your Website

The link takes you to the website which looks like this:


There you write the name of your website and click “Build My Free Website!”

You don’t need to worry if you haven’t decided the final name of your website yet. You can create another name afterwards and transfer all the information to another website then.

For example, this website’s original name was I just created some name and started to build the website. Then I decided that my brand will be Your Online Revenue and the name of the website will be

The change of the website’s name took only some minutes and it was very effortless.

The most important thing is to build the website and take action. You can change the name later if you want.

Step 2 – Register Your Free Account

After writing your website’s name, it takes you to Wealthy Affiliate registration page where you can create your FREE account. (This free account allows you to create two websites for free.)

Fill out the form = write your

  • Name
  • Email Address
  • Password
  • Username

Then click, “Create Account & Continue”

WA register

After registering your account (which takes probably 10 seconds if you are fast) you see the following page.

Almost ready

Step 3 – Choose the Look for Your Website

On that page, you choose, “A Free Website”, write the name of your website.

The last thing you need to do is to choose the look (=WordPress Theme) of your website.

You can completely choose how your website will look. If you want a site that is pink, you can have a pink site. If you want something that is futuristic looking or something that would work well as a gardening site, you can do that as well.

You can always change the look of your website afterwards. I’m also quite sure that your website will change a lot over the time course when you improve it little by little.

Step 4 – Click “I’m ready, Build My Website Now!”.

And voilà! You have created a very own website.

I want to underline creating a website is ultimately easy. The only thing it requires from you is to follow my simple instructions above.

If you want to watch more detailed instructions on How to create a website in under 30 seconds, you can watch the video below. (The video shows in Wealthy Affiliate.)


As you create a website following my instructions you will get a WordPress website which is very easy to run. You don’t need any knowledge of HTML or other programming stuff.

I will help you with everything you need and I keep on posting on how to improve your website and earn money from your own website.

Do you need more help?

If you need any help don’t hesitate to drop a comment below and ask. Or you can get contact with me in Wealthy Affiliate via my profile.


  1. Finally after just a minute of finding where to find a good website I have found this. Thanks for this informative post. I will bookmark this for further reading later. I think I am going to stay long from this forum. Keep on teaching us. 😀

  2. I don’t think that making a website would be as easy as this. This really helps. Anyone without a little knowledge of programming can do this. This was a very helpful article.

    1. I was also surprised for the first time how easy it is. Actually, you don’t need any programming knowledge at all. You just use tools that world-class programmers have created for you.

  3. I’m surprised to see how easy it is to build a website. You can build your own website without having any prior programming knowledge. This means more people will get involved in designing their own website to pursue their passion. I think it is just great to have your own website!

    1. That’s true! I always thought before that building a website would be complicated and only “super-humans” could do it. But I’ve realized that anyone can do it with simple tools.

  4. Thanks so much @Roope for this article, it’s by far the most easiest way I have ever seen for one to create his or her own website, 2 website creation in one. This is so cool, I would definitely try it now and tell you how successful I’m with it.
    Thanks so much for this, I’m really impressed with this post.

  5. I was a bit of exited and didn’t read the full article and registered immediately but It is sad that the free starter pack is not available in y country. I hope you will post more free website builder in the future. thank you.

      1. I am from South East Asia. I have previously tried wix but it only has a 30 day free trial. I tried building a website through WordPress and blogger but I prefer a website builder you can have a professionally looking website.

        1. Hi,

          more than 26% websites on the Internet are built by WordPress and you can definitely build a professional looking website. Numerous online millionaires are using WordPress and because it’s superior to Wix in many ways. You can also try Weebly if you prefer those drag & drop style websites.

  6. I checked your link, I landed on a site called Site Rubix. After a quick navigation, I found that Site Rubix is a website builder. I have tried many website builders in the past. I have tried Weebly, Wix, sitebuilder, Squarespace etc.

    Now that I already have self-hosted websites, I don’t use these site builders or will never use any of these site builders. However, I will always recommend these kinds of site builders for those who want to launch their own website without spending a penny. Most of these site builders also offer premium service, by paying a certain fee you can get a dot com and a wonderful website.

    1. Hi Vinaya,

      You can use SiteRubix also for getting a dot com and a wonderful website. For example, is created through SiteRubix. I like SiteRubix/Wordpress sites because the tools do the heavy lifting for you. The user doesn’t need to know anything about programming or any complicated stuff. In addition, it’s a creation of millions of independent developers worldwide who are improving it all the time.

  7. I’m currently working on building a website and thought about buying a new domain, hiring a hosting company and everything else. I didn’t know there was such an easy way to do that! I still have to figure out the best way to get traffic and of course to get paid throught advertisement.


    1. Hi Alexander,

      yeah, building websites is nowadays easier than ever before.

      I recommend driving traffic from Google through SEO. Most of my traffic comes for free from Google and the number is rapidly growing every week/month. Just go through the training in Wealthy Affiliate and you’ll learn the process of driving tons of traffic from search engines for free. You can always drop me a message if you need any help.


  8. Hello Roope. Very nice presentation about building a website. It is very easy, isn’t it? I wish you all the success possible in your efforts to help people build their very own site. Thanks Roope.

    1. Thank you for the comment Jim.

      Yes, building a website is surprisingly easy. Before, I thought that it would some special skills and I knew a couple of people who knows that kind of “nerd” things. Nowadays I know that every single person in this world can learn to build a website in very quickly. It just a couple of clicks and the website is built. I am eager to see how the technology improves in the future.

      I wish you lots of success too Jim! 🙂

  9. A free website. I didn’t think there was such a thing. I thought you had to employ someone with specific skills in html, css and all the other acronyms before you could even start with thinking about a design.

    I guess it’s because of wordpress. But still the idea of building a wordpress website is a little daunting. I think this is what you are saying is that the website builder that you get from the links you are providing does all the file installation for you?

    Sounds awesome!

    1. Ruth, I thought the same way too before! I thought that if I would like to have a good website I should employ someone to create me a website. But then I realized that it’s not so hard at all.

      Yes, the website builder does all the stuff for you “behind the scenes”. You just click, click, click and you already have a high-quality website. All the installation is quite automated so you don’t know anything about programming languages or things like that. Just follow the instructions above and you get your very own website easily. 🙂

  10. I did try building up a website about a year back with one of those free Google sites – but I struggled to get any sort of audience to it! What do you feel about this – is there a better free website building option out there and how easy is it to use? Bear in mind that I am a bit of a newcommer at this!

    1. Hello Chris!

      As you create a website, at first there won’t be to very much traffic. There are many things what you can do to get more traffic. Using proper keywords, social media marketing, Pay Per Click campaigns and others.

      I recommend to go through Wealthy Affiliate’s training because it explains everything step-by-step so you will benefit a lot as a newcomer.

      Siterubix is probably the easiest and simplest way to create a website and the good thing there is that you also get high-quality website right from the start.

      I hope you all the best!


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