Is Quest Mindshare a Scam Or Can You Make $5 Per Survey?

Is Quest Mindshare a Scam? Their service is not as big as many other survey sites. In addition, there are some complaints that I will reveal in this review. Have a look what our team member found out when she made research about Quest Mindshare.

Quest Mindshare Review

is Quest Mindshare a ScamName: Quest Mindshare
Cost: Free to join
Field: Survey website

Overall Ranking: 25 Out of 100. (Try My #1 Recommendation, 98 Out of 100)

What Is Quest Mindshare All About?

Quest Mindshare is an online survey website that claims you can make income from them by completing surveys. Before you can start earning, you will have to sign up with them, take available surveys sent to you, and get rewarded for completing it. Quest Mindshare has a small list of countries that are eligible to participate in their survey and they include the US, Canada, France, Germany, Britain, Italy, Spain, Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand, Philippines and South Korea.

is Quest Mindshare a Scam
You can also join Quest Mindshare as a researcher if you want to have survey results

How does Quest Mindshare work?

Quest Mindshare is free to join and the registration is just like other survey sites we already know. Signing up requires you to fill out a bunch of personal information and profile surveys which enables Quest Mindshare to get a feel of your interests. Although this usually takes some time but it is, of course, important for them to know you better in order to match you with appropriate surveys, right? Yes, I think that sounds great.

After registration, all you have to do is wait to receive an email from Quest Mindshare when there is a survey available for you to do in less than 24 hours or a couple of day’s maybe, but it isn’t all that simple. The mail sent to you will include a link, which ought to take you directly to a paid survey, right? I mean that is the way it is with other survey sites I know, but that is not the case here, instead you will be made to go through a set of pre-survey or screening questions where you will be asked series of qualifying questions. If you don’t meet their requirements, you will not be eligible to take the survey.

It is quite unfortunate that majority of the members (panelist) who get survey invites fails to qualify for them after wasting time answering numerous short qualification surveys, it is indeed really frustrating! No form of compensation for even trying. I guess the only possible explanation for this several unqualified attempts is that most of these survey sites including Quest Mindshare are terrible at matching people according to their interests. So, why ask for my personal information and profile survey?

If you somehow get lucky and qualify for a survey, they seem to pay more than other companies on average. Look at what I found right here; if you successfully complete a 30 minutes survey, your account will be credited with $3.63. For a 3 or 4 minutes survey, you earn about 40 cents. But, the question is: how do you make this cool cash when you can even hardly qualify for a survey?

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How much can you earn with Quest Mindshare?

Like I said earlier, Quest Mindshare seem to have a decent payout. Averagely, the duration of the surveys is 10 minutes and they claim you can earn from $1 up to $6 depending on the length of the surveys. To even earn more, Quest Mindshare claims to offers unique surveys to their members.

Clearly stated on their web home page that their music rating surveys will pay you up to $90 per survey, a whopping $90 really? This got me started. Further research showed that they actually do offer an opportunity for members to earn $40 to take a 2-hour music survey, that’s $20 per hour which sounds great but I honestly don’t think they will pay you.

I have never come across any survey sites offering to pay that much for a survey all through my years doing surveys, never! I can confidently tell you that you won’t be having these type of offers “knocking at your door” even if you successfully qualify for surveys with Quest Mindshare.

is Quest Mindshare a Scam
Registering on Quest Mindshare is easy but you can’t make a lot of money

Cashing out from Quest Mindshare

Quest Mindshare provides two methods of payments for those who must have successfully completed a survey. This includes PayPal and Amazon gift cards. Their cash out policy seems to be less rigid as you can request payment at a balance of $12.50, which is much less than other survey sites.

I have to say that there have been numerous complaints about “not getting paid” on their Facebook page by panelists who manage to complete their surveys. You find people commenting of not getting paid, especially every time they post something new. Their customer support really sucks, as they don’t even seem bothered to reply emails or support tickets. This is one characteristic of an online scam even though I am not saying that Quest Mindshare would be 100% scam.

Still, I recommend you to be careful and much better would be to learn how to make passive income online.

Pros & Cons


  • It is completely free to join
  • Offers higher rewards than most survey sites
  • Popular mode of payment via PayPal and Amazon gift cards


  • The chances of you taking any survey is very low.
  • No compensation for the time spent trying to qualify
  • Can be a huge waste of time
  • There are numerous negative reviews and post about the company

Conclusion – Is Quest Mindshare a Scam?

Quest Mindshare seems to be a legit survey site, but to be honest, they are just like most survey sites that simply waste your precious time. Considering the fact that you will not likely qualify for any survey, and would neither be compensated for the huge time spent answering pre-survey questions.

If you are interested in making a good money online, I recommend considering affiliate marketing. Many people are nowadays making living online with affiliate marketing. Here are 5 examples who are making +$10,000/month online with their online businesses. One of those guys is my mentor.

He started in Wealthy Affiliate training in 2010 without any prior knowledge (for free). Two years passed by and in 2012 he was already making +$10,000 per month. Of course, not everybody will reach $10,000-mark so quickly but it’s totally possible. I know a guy who made $10,000/month after 13 months of starting in Wealthy Affiliate.

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Have you tried Quest Mindshare or other survey sites? What kind of experiences did you have? Have you tried affiliate marketing?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. I have checked your page and i have found some duplicate content,
    that’s why you don’t rank high in google, but there is a tool
    that can help you to create 100% unique articles.

    1. What do you mean with duplicate content? I am getting tens of thousands of visitors from Google every month. Soon it’s actually hundreds of thousands of unique visitors per month because Google rankings are moving up so rapidly. For example this article is ranked #2 on Google under the keyword, “Is Quest Mindshare a scam?” and most visitors come through the search engines.

      All my content is unique and I don’t use any duplicate content. Would you have some real proofs to your claims, please? Otherwise, I highly doubt that you are just spamming here.

  2. Hi I have a question. Does quest mind share send you the Amazon gift card in the mail. I did one survey and got paid for it.

    1. I recommend contacting their support about this. I don’t use these survey sites anymore because they pay so much less than other websites. Just earned $60 in 75 minutes on the other sites. I would never could earn such money by answering online surveys. What do you think?

  3. I liked the great review on all the survey sites, I for one used to try all these survey sites, only to be disappointed and turned down for lack of surveys more than I ever was offered any surveys. I wasted so much time filling out requests for surveys just to keep getting denied. Thanks again for bringing this all to the light of day!

    1. Hi Mike,

      I have heard your story from so many other people as well. It’s quite a frustrating feeling to answer survey questions just to realize that you weren’t qualified for the survey.

      Builidng a successful online business is much more interesting and profitable.

  4. I was once into finding places that paid a decent amount for filling out surveys. I guess it really isn’t easy to find a place that even pays a decent amount. Thanks for this enlightening info on this survey site. I guess I’ll be avoiding this site. No one wants to waste so much precious time and energy and not get paid for it.

    1. Hi Caleb,

      yeah, survey sites are not worth the time and money. I have written reviews of around 50 different and none of them has been good enough so far. I hope and believe that my reviews will keep people of from falling on these sites. There are much better ways to spend a life than answering online surveys 😉

  5. Hi, this online survey is making more popular this days. i have been seeing it around social media and so on.

    i can see it a waste of time. i have been register for few once but i tell you you will never receive any survey.

    What mad me is that they will allow you to fill all the questionnaire and they will tell you your country is not supported. i have stop. anyway thank you.

    1. Hi Collins,

      you are right that survey sites has become surprisingly popular. On the largest survey sites there are almost 10 million users. However, each member has got paid something like $2-3 on average which tells that they are not worth it.

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