What Is The Delta Lotto System? A Scam Or a Modern Way to Beat the Lottery? – Check This Out!

Have you ever imagined about winning the lottery? What would you buy if you win the jackpot? A new car and new house? Maybe also a long trip for the whole family. There are lotto systems that promise you almost sure win in the lottery. Today we are going to take a look What Is The Delta Lotto System and why I don’t recommend it.

Fasten your seat belts. Let’s go!

What Is The Delta Lotto System
Are these testimonials true or false? Read further to find out!

The Delta Lotto System Review

Name: The Delta Lotto System
Website: http://www.use4.com/lottopick.html
Founders: Unknown
Field: Lotto Systems

Overall Rank: 15 Out of 100 (Check Out My #1 Recommendation, 98 Out of 100)

What Is The Delta Lotto System All About?

The Delta Lotto System is a software that promises to give you the winning numbers in the lottery. They say that you will win much more often with this their system compared if you would choose numbers by hand.

I have made a research and a review of around 10 different lotto systems and none of them have been worth it. They have always big promises how you could become a millionaire or at least win more often in the lottery.

Show me a “magical” lotto system and I will show how to waste your money.

This video is made by the founders or promoters of The Delta Lotto System. They quickly explain how the software is supposed to work.

=> Tired of Complicated Lotto Systems? Learn to Make Honest Money Online!

What Is Analysis Lotto System?

Analysis Lotto System is a product that they are marketing with The Delta Lotto System. They have a bold text with a red color which says that Analysis Lotto System has made at least two winning picks worth $20 or more.

It is a software that you can download to your computer and its purpose is to show you the winning lotto numbers. They have lots of testimonials on their colorful circus page who claim that they have doubled, tripled, quadrupled their money. Or even much more.

What Is The Delta Lotto System
A Screenshot of Analysis Lotto System

Then they show a few screenshots on how the system works (see the image above). It uses a mathematical formula that a programmer has set the system to pick up the numbers. The founders are selling Analysis Lotto System for $29,95 (Deluxe Version) and $19,95 (Instant Download Version).

Does Analysis Lotto system or The Delta System Work?

I took a quick YouTube video where I simply if Delta Lotto System works or not. I will also share a few words about a Lottery guy who said that I am a scam artist because I am busting these lottery scams.

As I mentioned earlier, I have never seen a lotto program that would really work and make you more money. But I know many lotto systems that take money from your pocket twice. First, when you buy a lotto system you need to pay the price, then you pay again when you buy a lottery ticket. In the end, you will end up spending much more money than you had planned.

Why would somebody who has a code to beat the lottery, reveal it for all the world for $19,95?

It doesn’t make sense that somebody who could make millions with lotto would great a B-quality software that will make other people millionaires. He will never make so much money on selling this system rather than using if it really works. Do you think that these systems could work? Do you know why somebody falls into these systems?

Pros & Cons


  • They offer a free software that calculates numbers


  • First, can you even beat the lottery?
  • The software doesn’t seem very highly developed
  • Even though they don’t give as high promises as other systems, they still promise something they can’t provide (beating the lottery)
  • Flashy colors on their website look a bit childish. Am I buying a real system or some circus tickets?

Conclusion – Is The Delta Lotto System a Scam?

I have a bold claim: All lottery systems are scams.

They can calculate you some numbers but they will not give you some magic that would beat the lottery in the long run. Lotto is designed that the house will always win and the player will always lose.

If you are interested in making money online, I recommend going away from lotto systems and taking a look at better opportunities. My #1 recommendation is Wealthy Affiliate because they provide proven methods how you can make a living online.

You will learn lots of new skills in their step-by-step training and other online entrepreneurs will give you their personal support. Inside Wealthy Affiliate -community I will give you my 1-on-1 mentoring on how to build your own online business. I know that it may sound intimidating but I know guys who started without prior knowledge and are now making a full-time income online.

Starting training in Wealthy Affiliate doesn’t cost anything. You will get right away 10 interactive video lessons and 2 websites for free. If you want to go premium, you will get tons of more resources that will help you to succeed.

=> Interested in Making Money Online? Start FREE Training in Wealthy Affiliate!

The Delta Lotto System at a Glance…

Name: The Delta Lotto System
Website: http://www.use4.com/lottopick.html
Founders: Unknown
Field: Lotto Systems
Overall Rank: 15 Out of 100


Have you ever tried a lotto system? Did it work well? Let me know in the comments below!

If you have any questions, feel free to let them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of YourOnlineRevenue.com. I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Hello, Roope

    I think one thing that many have failed to understand about most lotto systems that we have out there is that you are going to spend so much trying to win and even when you end up winning anything, the prize may end up not being up to the money you spent all through the times you’ve been trying and this is something that we need to understand before deciding to join any.

    1. Yeah, I think that will happen most of the time with these Lotto systems.

      There was one guy called Richard Lustig who said he had won 7 lottery jackpots and now he was teaching other people how to do the same.

      7 jackpots of course sound great but…

      Some of the jackpots were only worth a few thousands. In addition, he hadn’t had missed the draw over 40 years and often times he puts lots of money into lotto every single week. So I think he still spent more money than he won even though he got a few jackpots 😀

      1. That’s what we are talking about as when people who have invested so much into this type of system while winning little now try to use the means of teaching others to recoup the whole lot of money that they lost in the past ?.

  2. If anyone is debating the voracity of any “lottery system”s claims I don’t think they are going to listen to a voice of reason no matter how logical. Gambling is gambling with a system or without it, and I’m guessing these “systems” are aimed at those with gambling problems as nobody else would be unreasonable enough to believe these claims.

    On that note, I think that anyone who would prey on someone with any addiction is pretty evil. Common sense should tell anyone you can’t beat the lottery. They use incredibly advanced randomization techniques, and nobody can see the future. Wow, do people really believe that? They must I guess, otherwise there wouldn’t be so many people selling these “systems”.

    1. I was also amazed at first how some people could spend money on the lottery systems. But there are always some people who buy even though the offer would be the worst in the world. Let’s say that there are 999 people who would never buy this but then there is that one person who buys. They present the offer on the Internet for 100,000 people and make 100 sales that way.

  3. Hi – Dave Muse here, developer of the Delta Lotto system. Thanks for pointing out that I don’t make the kind of “sky high” promises other software makers do.

    But then you go on to wonder why I wouldn’t just use the software to become wealthy instead of selling it.

    That’s because NO lottery system can guarantee you will win a big lottery jackpot. The best you can hope for is an improvement in the odds of winning. I believe we provide that.

    Luck is still the most important element.

    It’s telling that you don’t provide any reasoning that addresses the actual mechanics or mathematics of my system. I doubt you have taken the time to actually understand what it is.

    Anyone promising you will get rich using ANY software or system is a fraud, pure and simple. This also applies to whatever lottery product you are giving higher ratings to.

    1. Hi Dave!

      Thank you for your comment. I would be very interested in hearing what is the real benefit of the software if it still makes you lose money in the long run?

      Wouldn’t it just be better to leave Delta Lotto System and Lotto in general and focus on things that are profitable?

      Sorry if I’m asking too straight questions but I hope you understand what I mean.


  4. Hi, Roope,
    First of all, any “system” that promises with their training that a person would be guaranteed to win money in a lottery, (not even counting the grand jackpot) is a bunch of nonsense.

    If to be believed then wouldn’t everyone who possibly entered a lottery win? The fact that this Delta system makes that very claim indicates that it is nothing but a scam.

    That short vid explaining the “hidden” numbers found by subtracting the mathematical difference between the winning numbers was patently absurd. Were they somehow saying that the “hidden” numbers would always be the same with every single lottery drawing?

    It’s obvious that the unknown founders of this system had a lot of free time on their hands to come up with a bunch of b.s. They truly believe that their “system” would be the absolute key for anyone who follows it possibly leading to becoming a multi-millionaire playing lottery games. Yeah right, and I own valuable property on Planet Neptune!

    The U.S. Powerball Lotto played twice per week is advertised as having the odds of a person winning the jackpot as being 1 in 292 million. The only guarantee that a person would win would be if he/she at a cost of 292 million dollars buys every combination possible. And one would be led to believe that the Delta Lotto system can somehow buck those odds? I don’t think so!

    I’m also wondering why the person(s) who invested this fraud system is willing to give away the software for free. Maybe because the whole thing is worthless!


    1. Hi Jeff,

      a great analysis again!

      I find these lotto systems quite hilarious because they claim with a serious face that you could beat the lottery with their product. As I mentioned in the video, if that would be true, these guys would already be billionaires.

      Anyway, I’m glad that I have found affiliate marketing so I don’t need to find desperately search for lotto systems because I have already learned how to make a living online.

      I wish all the best and lots of success for your business, Jeff!



    2. Hi Jeffwa,

      Dave Muse here, creator of Analysis Lotto.

      You say that I make the claim that users of my system are “guaranteed to win” the lottery. Of course I make no such claim. I challenge you to find me making that claim anywhere on my website or videos.

      “Beating the lotto” in context means improving the odds of winning, not hitting a huge jackpot. This is the best goal any software or system could manage.

      1. Hi Dave,

        improving changes in the lottery isn’t really enough unless you could be profitable in the long run. I highly any lotto system that says they would make money for the player. The house always wants to make sure that they win.

        Therefore, I think lotto systems are just useless. Waste of time and money. What do you think Dave? What is your argument why Lotto software or system would be worth it if it still loses money in the long run?

      2. I know that a software program is not going to beat the lottery but I still uses them as a interesting ways to pick my numbers. and who knows I might just luck out one night . . . .

        Looking forward to the Future

    3. As a math student I would like to co-sign your post. The hidden number theory is patently ridiculous, and shows me that these people aren’t even imaginative enough to come up with a convincing scam.

  5. This is the first time I hear about any lotto system. It sounds so incredible that I am surprised if someone really falls into its claims.

    Good point of yours is that Why would somebody who has a code to beat the lottery, reveal it to all the world?

    Then I was thinking that if a very large number of people would use The Delta Lotto System and it really worked what happens then? The jackpot would be divided with all those that has used the system?



    1. Hi Maria,

      fortunately not so many people haven’t heard about lotto systems. Most (if not all) of them are scamming people with big promises but without giving any value.

      You mention one challenge that would be with these lotto systems. And there are many other as well.


  6. Very clean well organized website. A nice review that appears to be unbiased and sincere. Excellent use of graphics to compliment the content. The colors are nice and not overwhelming. Overall, a very comprehensive page. I didn’t really see anything I would change or that would make the page any better then it already does. Great job!

    1. Hi Leroy,

      thank you very much. I am happy to hear that you enjoyed our website.

      Let me know if you need any tips or help on making money online. I am here to help you succeed.


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