Is Epoll Surveys a Scam Or a Wise Way to Spend Your Time? – This May Surprise You!

Is Epoll Surveys a Scam? This is what some people ask when they saw that Epoll could be an interesting way to make money online. I have experience of more than 50 different survey sites and I know what Epoll is all about. Will it be worth it? Is it a Scam? How does it work? To these and many other questions, you will get an answer in the next 2 minutes by reading my honest review.

Epoll Surveys Review

Is Epoll Surveys a ScamName: Epoll Surveys
Field: Survey Sites

Overall Rank:  30 Out of 100 (Check Out My #1 Recommendation, 98 Out of 100)

What Is Epoll and How Does It Work?

The idea of Epoll is the same like other survey sites have: Answer surveys and earn some money for doing that. You get points after completing each survey and when you have enough points, you can cash out your money.

Here are 4 steps to make money on Epoll Surveys:

1.Create an account
2.Wait until they send you surveys by email
3.Answer surveys to earn points
4.Cash out your points

Sounds pretty easy and everybody can understand the simple process. That is probably one of the biggest reasons why Epoll became so popular in the past years. I think that nowadays Epolll is not so popular as it used to be but still it has many users worldwide. Their service is one of the earliest online surveys sites because it was founded already in 1997.

How Much Money Can You Make on Epoll?

We know that you can make money with this website but the crucial question is, “How much?” I took a screenshot of what one of their former members thought about it. In my opinion, it concludes very well what survey sites are all about.

Is Epoll Surveys a Scam
(Former) Member’s experience about Epoll

Of course, this member called Kris is a little bit exaggerating when he says that it could take years to reach a payout threshold but he is hitting the point.

It takes too much time to earn any money with online surveys.

If we convert points to dollars, you will be earning around $0,70 per survey which can take up to one hour to fill out. What do you think about $0,70/hour salary? I think that nobody should waste their time on such things.

Of course, you can earn sometimes a bit more than $0,70 per hour but still not more than a few dollars/hour. In addition, you always need to wait for a new email to get an invitation for the next survey. If you are interested why online surveys are not worth it, have a look at here.

=> Tired of Earning Cents? Learn to Make a Living Online!

Is Epoll Surveys Reliable?

Epoll has been in the industry for 20 years so we can honestly say that it’s a reliable service. They are paying their members as they have promised, at least most of the time. I say “most of the time” because you can also find complaints where they didn’t pay exactly what they were supposed to pay. I think that those issues would have solved by sending an email to Epoll Surveys or something similar.

I took a quick look at their “Contact Us” -page. You find there an F.A.Q.-section on many different subjects regarding their survey service. “How to sign up? How to take surveys? How to get rewards?” and so on. It’s not even so easy to find an email address where you could contact them directly.

Epoll saves a lot of money because they don’t need to hire so many people on customer support. Having comprehensive F.A.Q. pages help a lot.

Is Epoll Surveys a Scam
Epoll F.A.Q.-Section

Pros & Cons


  • Reliable and old company
  • You can earn some money


  • Little reward for the spent time
  • Many complaints found on the Internet
  • Not even one of the best survey sites
  • Sometimes you need to wait for new surveys for a long time
  • You are not always qualified for a survey
  • Only available in UK, Canada, Mexico and Australia

Conclusion – Is Epoll Surveys a Scam?

I can honestly say that Epoll Surveys is not a scam. Still, we need to admit that this service is not worth it. If you value your time that you will never get back, stay away from Epoll Surveys.

If you are interested in making money online, I recommend having a look at Wealthy Affiliate. There you will learn skills that help to provide value to earn money. Like Jim Rohn says, “You get paid for bringing value to the marketplace.” By answering online surveys, people are not making providing very much value.

If you are wondering what kind of value you could provide, don’t worry. I know that you and everyone of us have something to bring. We can also learn more every day and become more valuable.

In Wealthy Affiliate, you will get right away 10 interactive video lessons with tasks and step-by-step instructions. Then I will offer you 2 websites for free. All of this doesn’t pay a single penny. If you want to become premium, you will get my 1-on-1 mentoring and much more awesome resource to create a thriving online business.

=> Want to Make Money Online? Get Your Free Lessons Today!

Epoll Surveys at a Glance…

Name: Epoll Surveys
Field: Survey Sites
Overall Rank:  30 Out of 100


Have you tried Epoll surveys or other survey sites? What kind of experiences did you have? Do you also prefer other ways to make money online?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. I find it insane that it takes Epoll nearly TWO damn months to send out a freaking gift card. What’s the hold up? Why does is take so long? This is the ONLY site I’ve ever heard of that is SO freaking slow at giving their members the rewards they’ve earned.

    I’m waiting on 2 more Walmart gift cards that I’ve ordered and then I’m ditching Epoll. In 4 months, I’m only going to get 2 gift cards and $20 worth of Walmart cards from YOUR stupid site! On EVERY other GPT site that I use, I’ll have made double or triple this amount in those 2 months. Epoll needs to get it’s act together! It shouldn’t take TWO months for an ELECTRONIC gift card!

    1. Hi Laina,

      I am sorry to hearing your experience with Epoll but I am happy that you shared it with us.

      This is actually one of the reasons why I don’t recommend any of the online survey sites usually.

      I just recommend contacting their support in order to get the gift card. That’s all I can say. I recommend avoiding Epoll or other online survey sites.

      By the way, have you checked out my #1 recommendation for making money online?

  2. Hey Roope!

    I’ve never really signed up for this kind of survey service mainly because I always though they would pay a little for much time spent on it.

    And you have confirmed this with your review. It’s a honest system, and you can make money from home by participating on this, but it’s not worth it in the end due to the low payments.

    Thanks for the thorough insight! It’s good to know how this kind of programs actually work.

    1. Hi Israel,

      yeah, that is the story with most of the survey sites that I have faced so far. They are honest and legitimate but the payout is just too small. Not worth of your valuable time 🙂

      Wealthy Affiliate and their training is a much better choice


  3. As somebody who has tried many different survey sites, I can definitely agree that it is way too much time spent for the pay off. There were a couple of them I made a small amount with but never very much. I never tried Epoll but am now glad I didn’t waste my time with it. Thank you for the very informative review.

    1. Hi Stan,

      you have the same experience like tens (or hundreds) of people that I have talked regarding to online surveys. People earned some dollars but they thought it was just a waste of time because the payout was so small.

      Building an online business is much more interesting because there’s a lot of potential to create something big. Earn big, and provide big value.


  4. Well-written post and very informative. I have never been a fan of online surveys as they take up too much time sitting behind a computer. I’m glad you worked out how much it is worth to do the survey. It was very interesting to see that. I suppose the question to ask is “how much is my time worth?”. Excellent post!

    1. Hi Joanne,

      you are right. That’s a great question to ask. I am sure that anyone’s time is much more worthy than using it to answer online surveys.


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