Is Global Affiliate Zone A Scam? 3 Ugly Facts Revealed!

Welcome to my Global Affiliate Zone Review!

I guess you have seen huge claims about Global Affiliate Zone?

They promise to be a “done-for-you” online business system where 90% of the work is done for you by the company.

They say that all GAZ sales funnel does all the heavy lifting for you. The only thing you need to do is to send traffic their way and they’ll do the selling.

That sounds awesome at first, right?

However, there have been 10’s of similar online business systems over the years and most of them have been shut down by FTC (Federal Trade Commission) or they have gone to bankruptcy.

That’s why you should also be careful with Global Affiliate Zone and prefer more legitimate ways to make money online.

In this article, I will show everything you need to know about GAZ and also help you to get started making money online.

I have helped +3,264 individuals to start making money online and I would be more than happy to help you out as well.

Global Affiliate Zone Review – Quick Summary

Product Name: Global Affiliate Zone (GAZ)

Founders: Julian Sherman & Mathieu Jang

Product Type: Online Business System

Price: $99/month + Upsells all the way up to +$5,000.

Best for: The Owners Of The System

Summary: Global Affiliate Zone promotes themselves as on “Done-For-You” system to make money online. I have reviewed more than 500 make money online programs and I have noticed that those claims are usually a big red flag. That was also the case with Global Affiliate Zone…

Is Global Affiliate Zone Recommended? No. More on this further…

GAZ Review – Updated 2019 Video Version

Before you dive into my comprehensive article of Global Affiliate Zone, I want to give you an opportunity to watch my updated GAZ video review below.

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I highly recommend watching until the end of the video because I reveal you the best way to start making money online with affiliate marketing.

You’ll also have an opportunity to see inside GAZ Pro member’s area when I reveal a few ‘secrets’ about their system.

If you have any questions regarding the topics that I discuss in the video or in the article, don’t hesitate to ask me in the comments below and I’ll be glad to help you out!

What Is Global Affiliate Zone?

Global Affiliate Zone (GAZ) claims to provide everything you need to make money online:

  • Business Coaching
  • Internet Marketing Training
  • Access to the Community of 1,000’s Online Entrepreneurs
  • Online Business System

They claim to be the system that teaches ordinary people to make a 6- or even 7-figure income online. That means +$100,000/year or even +$1,000,000/year. If you’re tired of such big claims, you can learn here how to make real money online.


If you have just visited their homepage, you may have left confused like I did for the first time.

There are 100’s of online business systems online so how does this differ from them? How is GAZ supposed to better than any others?

Let’s have a closer look inisde their membership in the next chapter.

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Read My Ultimate Make Money Online Guide to Get Started Today.

Global Affiliate Zone Membership

Global Affiliate Zone “advertisement”

The main product in Global Affiliate Zone is their GAZ PRO membership that costs $99/month. The image above illustrates and shows everything that’s included in your membership.

That sounds like a lot… 12 bullet points showing tons of features that you get for just $99/month.

But the reality is quite different… In my opinion, they don’t offer a lot. They offer very little value for $99/month. That is, by the way, $1,188/year. With such a price you would expect receiving some real products.

Here’s a quick summary of what they provide:

  • 1-on-1 Coaching Call With a GAZ Employee
  • Step-By-Step Internet Marketing Training Videos
  • Weekly Live Webinars
  • Access To The Private Facebook Group For GAZ Members
  • Landing Page Builder (Check out my #1 recommended landing page builder here)
  • Ready-Made Promotional Copies For You To Use Right Away

So, what do those “Coaching Calls”, “Capture Pages”, “Autoresponders”, “High Converting Offers” mean in practice?

They obviously provide some training on Internet marketing and making money online. If you are a complete beginner, that may be valuable for you.

However, the problem is that most of that training is focused on helping you to promote Global Affiliate Zone itself. I know that many people are not so happy when hearing that…

That’s when Global Affiliate System starts resembling a pyramid scheme. For a more reliable way to make money online, click the image below.

What Does Global Affiliate Zone Teach?

Global Affiliate Zone teaches you how to make money online with affiliate marketing.

If you haven’t heard of affiliate marketing before, I recommend checking out my Ultimate Make Money Online Guide where I teach you step-by-step what it means and how you can make money with it.

I’ve also written you the article showing the best way to get started with affiliate marketing.

In a nutshell, affiliate marketing is a process where you earn commissions by promoting someone else’s products.

The main focus with Global Affiliate Zone training is teaching you how to promote their own system. Their own membership costs $99/month. If you succeed to sell it to other people, you earn a 30% commission for each sale which is equivalent to $29.70.

Then you’ll make $29.70 recurring income every month when they stay as a member. If you have, for example, 10 members in your downline you make $297 per month.

At this point you probably realize that if you want to become successful when promoting Global Affiliate Zone, you must be good at recruiting.

If you like recruiting, continue reading but if you prefer making money online without recruiting a single person, I recommend clicking a button below to learn a better way to make a living online.

Is Global Affiliate System Legit Or a Scam?

You may be thinking at this point, “Hmmm… Global Affiliate Zone training focuses on teaching me how to make money by promoting their own system. Doesn’t that sound like a pyramid scheme?”

Yes, it does sound like a pyramid scheme and many other similar companies have been shut down by the FTC.

Some recent examples are Digital Altitude and MOBE. 1,000’s of people from many different countries were promoting these companies because they also advertised themselves as a “Done-For-You” online business systems.

The focus on their training courses was just promoting the systems themselves. At some point, FTC said that “enough is enough” and shut down the both companies.

¨There are also many other similar companies that have been shut down over the years. Some are still operating like Awol Academy or Legendary Marketer.

However, it’s not recommended to be involved with any such businesses because you never know when they’ll be shut down by FTC.

What if Global Affiliate Zone is gone tomorrow? Then those “businesses” that tried to promote the system are wiped out completely. I wouldn’t like to take such risks.

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That’s why I only spend my time with 100% legitimate way to make money online.

1.”Done-For-You” False Hope

“Just send traffic (=visitors/people) our way and we will make the sales for you.”

Sounds nice but the reality can often be a bit different. It’s the same slogan that MOBE and Digital Altitude used to promote their online businesses.

Sounds easy, huh? Who wouldn’t like to make money like that?

But after being an affiliate marketer for several years I’ve learned a few things:

  1. Driving traffic requires work and/or money.
  2. Traffic itself is not enough. You need to drive targeted traffic. In the other words, attract people that are interested in the product.
  3. You should not rely too much on a single company.

There were many people who dedicated years of their lives trying to promote MOBE. They created websites, YouTube videos, emails, ads and all the other promotional material just to drive traffic to MOBE.

All in all, it cost them 1,000’s of hours and $10,000’s during those years. Then suddenly MOBE got wiped out by the FTC and it’s gone forever.

What happened to all those people’s businesses who were promoting MOBE? Also gone. They need to start building something new from scratch again.

However, the problem for many of them is still that they didn’t learn the real skills because everything was “Done-For-You”.

2.”Success Coaches” = Salesmen

It’s a bit sad that Global Affiliate Zone (and other similar programs) try to make you believe that they provide some real coaches who will teach you to make more money online.

The reality is that these coaches are just salespeople who are trying to sell you their next products.

Sometimes they have some knowledge of the Internet marketing but often they are not very successful marketers themselves. If they would be successful Internet marketers, they would be doing it full-time themselves and not trying to upsell new products on phone.

I experienced this myself with Digital Altitude. They gave me a “success coach” who was supposed to teach me the best steps to make money online.

However, in reality he was just trying to push me forward to buying their next product. I heard from the people who proceeded to the next levels that the other “coaches” also mainly tried upsell you more products.

Claiming that those guys are “success coaches” is at least a bit shady in my opinion.

3.Much Better Options Available

Let me summarize a few main features of Global Affiliate Zone:

  1. You need to pay $99/month + upsells.
  2. The main thing you learn is to promote their own system. (Many similar systems are being shut down by the FTC.)
  3. Their success coaches are actually salespeople.

For me those features don’t sound very promising.

In addition, I didn’t even mention about their connections to multi-level marketing company called Enagic.

Owners of GAZ are promoting Enagic and trying to get you to join in the program as well. In order to start earning commissions with them, you need to buy their water filter for around $5,000.

After reviewing +500 online business opportunities and programs, I am 100% convinced that there are much better programs available than Global Affiliate Zone.

My #1 Recommendation To Make Money Online

A few years ago I was a complete beginner and I didn’t know anything about making money online.

Actually, I thought that all systems would be scams and ordinary people couldn’t build an online business.

Fast forward a few years and I have been traveling around the world, enjoying the “laptop lifestyle” and I have helped +3,000 individuals to start making money online.

Making money online with affiliate marketing has enabled me to travel around the world and it can enable you as well! 🙂

I am not saying that making money would be easy. But I am convinced that it’s possible for anyone. If I can do it, you can do it.

I see so many people struggling because they don’t have a proper step-by-step training that would help them to succeed.

You are lucky because you have found me and I can show you the way like I have helped other people as well.

Wealthy Affiliate has the best step-by-step training to make money online. They have helped more than 1,500,000 members until today during 13 years.

Their training helped me, my friends and 1,000’s of other people all around the world to make a living online. That’s why I’m 100% sure you can make it as well.

When you join for free, I will contact with you personally and you will always be able to ask me anything you want.

Their premium membership is only $49/month which is a small investment to the money that it’ll generate you in the long run.

Would you invest $49/month in a membership that would make you $3,000/month? At least I like myself doing it. I also recommend it to you and all of my friends who want to make a living online.

Imagine how your life can change in a year or two with this?

You don’t even need to take my word for it. You can get started for 100% free today and go “all-in” once you see that it really works.

You can join immediately by clicking the button below or learn more here.

Now I throw the ball to you!

What kind of experiences do you have with Global Affiliate Zone or have you tried other similar online business training programs?

Which one was your favorite?

Did you manage to make money online?

Let’s discuss in the comments below!

Also if you have ANY questions, just leave a comment below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.

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