Is CREDITS (CS) a Good Investment? Is This the Next Bitcoin?

is credits a good investment
Credits Leaders:

What is CREDITS (CS)? Is CREDITS a good investment? CREDITS vs Bitcoin vs Ethereum – Which one is the best?

If you are looking for answers to these questions, you have come to the right place! In this CREDITS review, I am going to explain to you what is CREDITS all about and what they are trying to achieve. In addition, I’ll explain whether I am going to invest in their coin or not.


CREDITS will have an ICO (Initial Coin Offering) starting from 15.2.2018 and I am going to invest in it. Check out my video below where I explain the reasons why I’m going to invest in it and how much.


Name: Credits

Launch: Late 2017. ICO in February 2018

Type: Cryptocurrency. Aims to Solve the Scalability Challenge.

Short Review: CREDITS is a cryptocurrency with big promises and ambitious goals. It will be interesting to see how their project moves forward because if they achieve their goals even closely, this is going to be a huge thing in the marketplace. That’s why I am probably going to invest some money in their coin. That being said, the project is still in its infancy and there are many risks along the way.

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is credits a good investment
Futuristic CREDITS homepage.


CREDITS is a blockchain protocol that aims to solve the scalability problems. They have an own cryptocurrency called CREDITS (CS) and smart contracts as well. Their system is coded in Java which is one of the most common programming languages in the world.

The company had a pre-ICO in December 2017 where they easily raised +$3 million. Their ICO is in February with a relatively small hard cap of $20M. I am pretty sure that they’ll reach that goal because there’s hype around this cryptocurrency at the moment.

Let’s take a closer look at what they are planning to achieve.

How Does CREDITS Work? – Benefits of CREDITS

The picture below explains, in a nutshell, the goals of CREDITS. They are pretty ambitious, to be honest.

is credits a good investment

You probably know that nowadays a Bitcoin or Ethereum transaction can cost even $15 and take more than an hour. Imagine if you could make a transaction with a decentralized cryptocurrency faster than in a second with a $0,001 transaction fee. Of course, you can make extremely quick and cheap transactions with Ripple but it’s a centralized system which is the reason some people don’t like it.

1.+1,000,000 Transactions Per Second

Nowadays Bitcoin network processes around 7 transactions per second while Ethereum network manages ~300 transactions per second. Of course, these numbers vary depending on the day but these are rough estimations.

Imagine if the network could process more than 1,000,000 transactions per second. That would make the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies even easier. I believe that in the future billions of people around the world will be using cryptocurrencies as a payment method so we need to find solutions to the scalability problem.

2.Low Transaction Cost

I’ve paid $15 for a Bitcoin transaction and also a fairly high amount for an Ethereum transaction as well. The reality is that we can’t really use them as a good form of payment at the moment. I wouldn’t like to buy a cup of coffee for $2 and pay $17 in total because of the transaction fees. That would be nonsense.

However, if the transaction fee would be only $0,001 like CREDITS project aims, that would be perfect. I could definitely use it as a payment method because transaction fees wouldn’t be too high.

is credits a good investment
Comparison chart from the CREDITS website.

3.Advanced Smart Contracts

Bitcoin enables us to transfer money/value through the blockchain. Ethereum allows us the programmable transfer of value. It means that you can build smart contracts on their platform. “If thing x happens, then thing y will also happen.”

However, many cryptocurrencies including NEO and EOS are trying to make things better than Ethereum. That’s also a goal for CREDITS.

is credits a good investment
CREDITS in the left side, Bitcoin in the middle, Ethereum in the right side.

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Challenges and Risks of CREDITS

I remember the first times when I invested in Bitcoin a few years ago. There weren’t many different cryptocurrencies and quite a few people knew even Bitcoin. When people talked about the benefits of Bitcoin they listed for example Almost free and instant transactions.

The price of Bitcoin was around $300, the market cap was way smaller and there was much less trading than there is today. There weren’t any scalability problems. Nowadays one Bitcoin transaction may cost $15 and take even an hour. Yes, it can still be much cheaper and faster than the bank transfer abroad but we would like to see the fee closer to $0 and time closer to 10 seconds.

That brings us to challenges of CREDITS.

The Credits Project Is Still Very Young

CREDITS has big promises but we still need to remember that the whole project is in its infancy. Many other cryptocurrencies have also promised to solve the scalability problems. But what happens when they reach the same level like Bitcoin ($200,000,000,000 market cap)?

Everybody thought a few years ago that the Bitcoin could as well provide cheap and instant transactions but we saw that the mass adoption has created some challenges. On the other hand, CREDITS is using a bit different technology than Bitcoin so they have changes of solving those problems.

Let’s have a quick look at the CREDITS roadmap, team, and the community. Those are the things that are eventually going to determine the market price and whether CREDITS is worth investing or not.


In the picture below you can take a look at their rough roadmap. For a detailed, you can read more on their website.

is credits a good investment
Credits Roadmap until June 2018

CREDITS Team – Almost 50 Members

CREDITS has a large team because they have around 40 members and almost 10 advisors. It’s one of the biggest teams that I’ve seen with new cryptocurrency projects that haven’t even reached the ICO stage (I’m writing this section before the ICO). Bankera has a bit bigger team than CREDITS but very few other ones have 50 members at this stage.

That’s, of course, a good sign for several reasons. 1.Many people find this project interesting and worthwhile and they are willing to put their time for CREDITS. 2.A big team can accomplish big things. If there are only 5-10 people, the results may be a bit limited. With 50 people you can already start making miracles.

The team has numerous developers, marketers, PR-people, community managers, partnership managers and so on. That’s a positive thing for this project, of course. There is a cryptocurrency project that I like called BitDegree. However, they have only one community manager while CREDITS has 3 community managers. It illustrates the size of their team.

The most of the team members are Russian. You can have a look at their leaders in the picture below. You’ll find more details about their team and advisors on CREDITS official website.

is credits a good investment
Credits Leaders and founders.

CREDITS Community

At the moment when I am writing this article (11.2.2018) they have the following amount of followers in different social media:

  • Telegram: 23,250
  • Facebook: 5,300
  • Twitter: 8,500

We can confidently say that there’s a lot of interest around CREDITS. I believe that those numbers will rapidly rise if and when CREDITS starts moving forward and developing their product. On the other hand, CREDITS is not the most hyped cryptocurrencies and their Telegram group is much smaller than, for example, Friendz or Medicalchain.

I heard of Credits for the first time in Suppoman’s daily cryptocurrency video. He is a famous crypto YouTuber who reviews different coins. He likes to create the hype around different coins and he has a lot of influence in the space. One reason for the hype around CREDITS is certainly Suppoman who was talking positively about their ICO in his video.

Conclusion – Is CREDITS a Good Investment?

I see a lot of potential in this project. They are aiming to solve a huge challenge and they have ambitious goals. If they eventually succeed with their plans, their cryptocurrency is going to be huge. My prediction is that the hype around their goal is going to pull up the price anyway.

Therefore, I am probably going to invest some money on their project. However, their project is so new and at the beginning that I’m most likely not going to put lots of money in.

At the moment my strategy with cryptocurrencies is finding great ICOs that are going to make big profits over the time course. Normally I am not a trader and I hold coins for a long term. I pick a potential project and hold their coins basically forever. If they make 10X gains, I may take some profits and move it to other cryptocurrencies.

If you want to learn how to make money with cryptocurrencies, I recommend taking a look at my new course called, “Make Money with Cryptocurrencies in 2018! – A Solid Strategy”. A normal price is $195 but I offer it for just $10 to my website visitors and social media followers. I want that everyone can have an access to my course so I am giving it away to you just for a price of a pizza.

Even though I am actively investing in cryptocurrencies, I am also building other income streams online. In my opinion, it’s good to have several income streams so you are not dependent of only one or two. If you are interested in making money online like I do, take a look at this step-by-step training or click the picture below:

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What do you think about Credits?

Is it worth buying or not?

How much will the value be in the future?

Let’s discuss in the comments below! 🙂

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Actually, first of everyone should do before invest – check their medium blog, coz it have a lot of good info.

  2. Hello Roope,

    I’m following you since a bit of time and I’d like to ask you your opinion about the Credits Alpha Test video done recently.
    What do you really think about? Do you think is a reliable test?
    I’d like a your articulate comment about this important matter.

    I thank you very much!

    1. Hi Luigi,

      thanks for your comment. I am happy to hear that you have followed me for a while.

      It’s certainly a positive thing for Credits that it works so fast. However, it doesn’t prove everything because it can be an internal transaction. We will eventually see the speed when they launch the main net.

      Anyway, I am pretty optimistic with Credits. I made some good profits from the ICO and I am holding a good amount of CS tokens.

  3. I suppose that when it comes to comparing all of these to bitcoin there would be the need to address the volatility. I do see some of that there but still am a little weary when it comes to considering all of these options. I do appreciate learning more and more of the different options though.

    1. Bitcoin is one of the least volatile cryptocurrencies in the market right now because the market cap is already so big. However, the volatility of Bitcoin is still quite high. I believe that the volatility will decrease over the time course when the market cap becomes larger and it becomes harder for crypto “whales” to move the market cap.

  4. Just like what I have said before investing online is fine but it is so risky. Especially when you don’t have enough resources to live. So be wise enough to think for the possible consequences of your actions.

    1. Well, what isn’t risky in life? If you hold your money on your bank account, you are guaranteed to lose value over the time course. In my opinion, that’s the worst choice. Cryptocurrencies have given the greatest returns on investments during the past 9 years and I believe they will keep on giving also in the coming years when we are seeing the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies.

      1. Well, you are actually right there is no risky in life because everything that we do, everything that we will do, we have to take risk and that is the reality. And also you are also right that cryptocurrency have given the greatest returns on investments. Actually I watched a movie where it says that it is possible that we will often use money in the future because most of the people maybe will use bitcoins.

  5. I have never heard of credits. The only crypto currency that I have ever owned is botcoins. After bitcoins, I trust ETH, however, I have never invested in ETH. I think Dash and Ripple are also worth investing,but I have never consider investing on these digital currencies. If you say you are investing in Credits, I will have to check this program and see if I can actually make money.

    1. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple and Dash are already a bit “older” and more established cryptocurrencies.

      CREDITS is a new cryptocurrency that launches now very soon. I think it has a potential to become a big one but of course, there are always risks along the way.

  6. The transaction cost of CS is what really caught my attention in the sense that if the projectors can be able to stand on that word, it is going to go far in the end. Just like you said, the transaction cost of using bitcoin to make payments is really an issue especially when we want to buy simple products that doesn’t cost that much. So, I hope CREDITS will bring an end to such high cost of transaction.

    1. That’s true. It’s also interesting to see how the lightning network update is going to improve Bitcoin. They say that it’s going to improve the transactions significantly.

      1. I am keen to see how bitcoin transaction fee issue can be resolved. The recent slide could have shown that there is need for the bitcoin system managers can improve a lot of things in order to give the traders of bitcoin the much needed confidence.

          1. I was telling a friend that the slide in prices won’t last that long and he thought I was joking. It’s sad that some have sold their coins and this is good news for those that keep faith and for those that bought when the prices were a bit down. Now, they can enjoy the profits from price increases.

          2. Yes. It’s almost always the best time to buy when the price drops. Then you can get more cryptocurrrencies for a cheaper price. And when the prices start going up again, you make big profits.

  7. The most important thing I picked out about investing in CREDITS is the benefits of in its transactions cost. It’s very cheap when compared to what other crypto offers. This certainly would encourage people into investing into it. But what I’m concerned about is the stability it comes with as we know what happened to bitcoin few weeks back. Would CS face such problem?

      1. Alright @Roope, thanks for making in getting me that video. I’m going to take my time and watch it to the end in order to grab all the details you made available therein. I would have done so now and get you a feedback but my network service provider is very poor, I can’t watch any video online now. But once I do, you will be the first person I get back to.

  8. Great info. I see a lot of people complaining and I really think that the processing time and fees is killing the bitcoin market. The technology is just simply not able to handle the volume and also there seems to be a lot of corruption with the sites that handle transactions and peoples money goes missing quite often.

    Hopefully these smaller cryptos can help pick up the slack and provide a place for people to invest and not have to pay such high fees or wait so long for a transaction to go through, which will make it more accessible for the rest of us.

    1. Yeah, I believe that there will be great solutions for the scalability problem in the near future. Lightning network update is also coming for Bitcoin which will improve their network immensely. It’ll be interesting to see how it goes.

      My prediction is that after some years most people will be using cryptocurrencies in everyday life.

      1. Definitely! I do already see a lot of businesses accepting various coins and once there’s a little more consistency I think it will become much more common.

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