“You will earn $2,000-$10,000 every month through Master Writing Jobs. Start today.” That’s what they are confidently saying to you. Are they truthful or not? Is Master Writing Jobs a scam? I made a little research about their services and reveal my results here.
I will also show you several ways how you can make a full-time income online as a writer.
Master Writing Jobs Review
Name: Master Writing Jobs (MWJ)
Website: www.masterwritingjobs.com
Price: $68 $34
Field: Freelance Writer Jobs Online
Overall Rank: 0 Out of 100 (Check Out My #1 Recommendation, 98 Out of 100)
What Is Master Writing Jobs?
Master Writing Jobs is a website that is created for freelance writers to find a writing job online. You may probably know how challenging it can be sometimes to find a great job as a freelancer. Master Writing Jobs could be an answer to your prayers but read further because there is something very suspicious in their service.
They say that you could earn up to $10,000/month through their website while working as a freelance writer. Then their salesperson makes the math for you. If you write a 500-word article for $125, you will earn $10,000 by writing 80 articles per month. It means 4 articles per day if you are working for 20 days.
Simple and easy?
Yes, it sounds like that but let’s think about it. Where will you find a person who pays you $125 for a 500-word article? If you are an extremely skilled writer, somebody can do it but that’s not going to happen inside Master Writing Jobs because it’s just a scam.
Read further to find out why.

Master Writing Jobs Website Gives Huge Promises
“Faster! Easier! More Profitable! That’s Master Writing Jobs. Work only 4-5 hours per day wherever you want in the world: at your home, on a beach, in a cafe, you decide. While doing this, you will earn +$100,000 per year.”
What do you think about that kind of promises?
I know that it’s possible to make +$100,000/per year because some of my friends are doing it. Some famous people like Pat Flynn are making +$100,000/month but it required years of work to reach that level.
$125 for 500 words
Fake News, Fake Counter, Fake Testimonials…
Do you remember My Home Job Search? They had also huge promises and everything seemed so great. But then we found out that they are just trying to fool people. My Home Job Search was using logos on their website claiming that they have been on many news. Forbes, Fox, NBC and so on. But there wasn’t any proof of that and they were just misusing the logos. Master Writing Jobs is using the same strategy.

Then MWJ has also a counter on their website saying 20, 15, 10 and finally 3 positions left. We all know that they are just trying to fool us. It’s interesting that the number will never go to 0 but it will always remain in 3 despite how long you are going to wait on their website.
If you scroll down their homepage, you see testimonials from at least six people who used their service to make money online. However, there is one challenge with these testimonials. They are fake. If you search the pictures that they are using, you can find out that they have just downloaded those pictures from a service that provides stock images like Shutterstock.
It’s a strange strategy to use stock images with testimonials but I have seen it happening also with other online scams.
Better Alternatives for Freelance Writers
I have bought tons of articles online from freelance writers. Usually, I am using HireWriters or Fiverr to find freelancers. Usually, I don’t work myself as a freelancer because I prefer building my own business rather than working for else.
It’s also much more profitable to build an own online business than work as a freelance writer. If you are skilled writer, you can already have a great start for your business.
If you are wondering how you could create a successful online business for yourself, I recommend taking a look at this step-by-step training. It will walk you through the process of creating a full-time income online
I will also help you hand by hand during your process of becoming a successful online business owner. It doesn’t cost anything to get started but you will get 20 interactive video lessons as a gift for joining.
Even though I was not a writer before, that training helped me to earn passive income regularly online. I have even quit my day job because there is so much more potential building my online business. The company gave me a big raise and had great plans for me but I saw a better opportunity online.
Also, many other people inside Wealthy Affiliate have quit their day jobs because they are earning much better and more easily on the Internet.
Pros & Cons
- Gives you the idea that you can make money online (It’s not possible through their website but it’s possible in general.)
- False promises
- Fake news, fake testimonials and everything fake
- Bad reputation = Tons of negative reviews on the Internet
- They talk about unrealistic salaries for beginner writers
Conclusion – Is Master Writing Jobs a Scam?
Yes, it’s a scam. There is not a single reason why I wouldn’t believe it’s not a scam.
But that’s not the end of the story. As I mentioned above, you can earn money online with legitimate services. My #1 recommendation is Wealthy Affiliate because their training will teach how you can make a full-time income online and much, much more.
You don’t need any prior experience of working online because the training will help to build your online business from the scratch. If you have already lots of experience of making money online, it’s not a problem either. There are many experienced online business owners inside the community. Some of them have made the living online for more than 10 years.
=> Start a free training in Wealthy Affiliate Today! (Takes only 10 seconds to get started.)
Master Writing Jobs at a Glance…
Name: Master Writing Jobs
Website: www.masterwritingjobs.com
Price: $68 $34
Field: Freelance Writer Jobs Online
Overall Rank: 0 Out of 100
Have you ever worked as a freelance writer online?
Have you outsourced content writing for freelancers?
Let me know in the comments below! 🙂
I would love to hear your experiences. That’s why I promise to reply to every single comment personally (usually within 24 hours).
Thank God, I never stumbled upon the program called Master Writing Jobs. I am an online writer and I am always looking forward to join programs and sites that basically pay me for writing articles, web contents, and ebook. If you do not check the site properly, it is very likely to be scammed.
Yeah, good that you haven’t fell for Master Writing Jobs. I think you also know from your own freelance writing experience that earning $10,000/month without prior knowledge is not true.
I believe it would be possible to make $10,000/month for freelance writing if one has years of experience and finds right companies who are willing to pay for it. However, I think a better way is to build up your own content/website/blog and make income there. Then you are running the show and there’s a greater potential.
Thanks for informing me about Master Writing Jobs. I have heard of this before and I am not sure whether this website will really give me the amount of money they promise.
I agree that freelance writing is not very easy to earn good money, especially for writers who are just starting out.
You mentioned that you get writers from Fiverr, and I heard the quality of writing isn’t always good. Is that true?
Hi Michael,
you are right that in Fiverr the quality is not always the best so you need to search a little before you find a good writer. On the other hand, you can have great writers for 5 times cheaper than from some other services.
In Fiverr I am paying some writers $10 for the same text that I am paying $30 on some other services.
So you need to be careful and use some time for writing a good one. I have noticed that even though some people charge more on other websites, the quality is not always higher.
It’s possible to earn quite well with freelance writing but first you need to build your skills and a reputation as a skillful writer. Then it’s possible to earn $50 per post and more.
However, Master Writing Jobs is just trying to fool people.
Hi RKiuttu,
I hope all is well. Great material. I actually heard about this company a few weeks back and kind of figured it was a scam because it sounded to good to be true and as you mentioned the math they provided (80x$125/month) for making that kind of money just didn’t add up.
So this was really confirmation for my thoughts. So thanks for the review keep up the good work!
Hi Ian,
I’m glad that you didn’t fall into this scam a few weeks ago and saved your money.
I noticed that you also became a part of Wealthy Affiliate and started training there. I hope you are enjoying the training and you are on your way to making a full-time income online.
Let me know if you need any help and I will be more than happy to help you out.
Hey RKiuttu How are you? i hope you are doing well. Great content you are offering there helping people decide whether they should or not trust different products who promise the getting-money-quick-theme.
Reviews like yours are exactly what i was looking for before i decided to join wealthy affiliate. Do you have any other reviews of certain online programs on your site? it’d be an interesting read for sure.
Hello “Competition”!
Thank you, I am doing well.
There are more than 200 reviews already on our site so there’s lots of content for you to read 😉
I am glad that you have found Wealthy Affiliate. Go through their training and put it into action and you WILL succeed.
Here are some other programs that you may find interesting:
1.Chris Farrell Membership
2.Zero Hour Work Days
All of those three programs can teach how you can make a full-time income online. Wealthy Affiliate is still my #1 recommendation because they offer so many helpful tools for building a successful online business and their step-by-step training is great.