Is Fiverr Legit? – Read This Before Joining!

Is Fiverr Legit
Is Fiverr Legit

Fiverr Review 2019 – My Video

Now you have heard about one of the biggest marketplaces on the Internet. You are thinking if it’s reliable or not. Would it be good to try it? Could I earn good money? In this Fiverr review, I am going to tell you Is Fiverr legit. I will also give you some tips how you can use it to boost your online income so don’t miss this!

Fiverr Review 

Is Fiverr Legit

Name: FiverrWebsite:

Field: Freelancer ServicesOverall Rank: 90 out of 100

What Is Fiverr All About?

According to Wikipedia, Fiverr is “a global online marketplace offering tasks and services.” The cheapest service that you can buy from Fiverr cost only $5. That’s why its name is FIVErr. There are more than three million services that you can buy and the cost varies between $5 and $500. So you can find literally any service you want or you can offer any kind of service.

In Fiverr you can buy other people’s service and/or sell your own service.

Here are some examples of service that you can buy from Fiverr:

  • Making websites
  • Creating content = Writing blogs, comments to websites, ebooks etc.
  • Social media marketing
  • Graphic designing, logos, icons etc.
  • Keyword research
  • Proofreading and translation
  • Music or videos

If you want to back your packs and move to Asia, just choose one of them and start working on Fiverr to earn money. 😉 Well, of course, it requires work and effort to get visibility and authority on Fiverr. But if you have good skills, people are ready to pay for that.

Fiverr Review

What If You Don’t Find Some Service on Fiverr?

If you would like to buy a service from Fiverr and you don’t find any suitable offer for that, you can also request a service you like. In Fiverr, you click Post a Request on the left of your screen once you have logged in.

Then you can define what kind of service you want:

  • Write a description “For example: if you are looking for a logo, you can specify your company name, business type, preferredcolor, etc.”
  • Then choose in which category that request belongs. (There are a few options that you can choose from. For example, Graphics & design, Music & Audio, Writing & Translation etc.)
  • Choose how fast the service to be delivered: 24 hours, 3 days, 7 days or other time.
  • And the last you can choose how much you want to pay for that service.

Then your request will appear for other people and they can contact you when they can to offer what you are looking for.

I have used Fiverr already for more than 6 months. That’s why I created a Youtube video where I show a proof that Fiverr really works. I have used it to boost my online business to make more revenue. Have a look at this video. I believe you will enjoy and find some helpful information 🙂

How to Sell Your Service on Fiverr?

In order to start selling you just need to click “Start selling”.

Then Fiverr will move you to a page where you will fill out information about yourself

  • Links to your social media accounts
  • Your skills
  • What languages do you speak?
  • What is your education?
  • And then write a description about yourself (I think this is probably the most important one)

When you have filled all the information you want, you are ready to create a “gig”. There you will describe a service that you are going to offer. What will you do, how much will you charge, etc.

Fiverr will charge 20% for every gig that you work. So if you earn $5, they’ll take $1. If you earn $100, they’ll take $20. That is a fee that they want for offering you one of the biggest marketplaces online.

=> Create Your First Gig. Start Making Money on Fiverr!

How to Use Fiverr to Boost Your Online Business?

It depends on what kind of business you are having but I will give you some examples. Let’s say that you’re an affiliate marketer and the main income source is your blog/website.  In order to get more traffic or getting ranked on Google, you need to create valuable content to your website and promote it on social medias. What kind of things could you outsource/buy from Fiverr?

1.Buy comments to your blog. This is probably the cheapest and the easiest way that you can do. Comments are powerful for a few reasons. Google loves engagement and when it sees that your blog is getting comments regularly, your rankings on Google goes up. High-quality comments also create more value to your site because people may give a new point of views that you haven’t mentioned in your article.

Then people may have questions related to your articles and products. Answers can be very obvious for you but not for your readers. You may have forgotten to give answers to readers’ questions so when you ask them to give comments, they can ask questions that also many other people are thinking. By responding to comments you can build more trust, authority and have a relationship with your readers.

However, one thing you want to consider is that if all comments are coming from same IP-address, Google may not like it if he is giving too many comments. Also, if one person has commented on all your articles and nobody else, it looks a bit strange. That’s why I prefer getting comments from a reliable community of Internet marketers called Wealthy Affiliate.

2.Outsource Content Writing. Tired of writing all articles to your blog by yourself? Why not try a few different writers if they could write for you? If you make $50 with your article in the long run and it costs you to get it for $20, you are making $30 profit.

Of course, you need to be careful when choosing writers because you want to have a high quality on your website. If the content of your website is rubbish, visitors will not spend very much time on your website. It can increase the bounce rate and decrease engagement. That’s why I recommend you to be careful what kind of writers you choose. And if some of them are not producing good content, you may want to change a writer. Otherwise, it will take more of your time to edit the article than writing the whole article yourself.

3.Social Media Marketing. You can outsource social media marketing by letting someone do it for you. Then you don’t need to use time on different social medias and you can concentrate on building your website. You can also buy ready-built Facebook pages, groups and other things that you want.

4.Videos to Promote Your Business. You have the text and the idea but not enough time to make a video. You can buy a service on Fiverr from a person who is making professional videos. Give him a script and clear instructions on what kind of video you want and then he/she will get started. You can then publish a video on your Youtube channel and earn also money with Google Ads.

5.Create a Website for Yourself. Want to create a new niche website but don’t want to use time on building it yourself? You can always buy a professional-looking website on Fiverr. (Or create your own in 30 seconds.) If you have been procrastinating your new niche idea and want to get started fast, then buying a new website can give you an additional boost to get started.

These were 5 ways how you can boost your online business with Fiverr. What kind of service do you like to outsource? Leave a comment below.

=> Give your online business an additional boost on Fiverr!

Fiverr Support

Fiverr Support

Fiverr has a comprehensive support center. It’s a huge company with tens of millions of sales in total. That’s why they need a good support center so they don’t need to spend their time answering each person one by one. On their support help center, you can find an answer to most of your questions that may come to your mind.

If you don’t find an answer there, you can also send a request by sending them an email. Then Fiverr support team will come up with an answer quite quickly. Once I had to cancel an order because a freelancer wasn’t finishing his task. I asked support to cancel the order and to give my money back. They contacted within 24 hours and resent me the money. My own experience of Fiverr support has been very positive.

Pros & Cons


  • Huge and reliable site
  • Works easily with Paypal
  • Fast support
  • Clean and easy platform
  • Make money with something you love
  • Buy service for a cheap price.


  • Some freelancers don’t produce high quality

Conclusion – Is Fiverr Legit?

Fiverr is definitely legit. Basically, it’s just a huge marketplace where you can easily find people who can make something for you. Or you can find “employers” for you if you are working as a freelancer. I have used Fiverr so far only to buy some service to boost my online business. But I am also planning to set some “gigs” to work myself as a freelancer too.

I got inspired by a friend in Wealthy Affiliate who has tried Fiverr for a while. She just published a post to WA with a title Fiverr Success – one month in and WOW! It made me thinking that why wouldn’t I make some freelance work as too. It will make me understand better the people that I hire for me. Probably I will also learn new skills and make some money at the same time. Sounds quite good, huh? 🙂 Try Fiverr Today!

Fiverr at a Glance…

Name: FiverrWebsite:

Field: Freelancer ServicesOverall Rank: 90 out of 100



Have you used Fiverr to work as a freelancer to boost your online business? What kind of experiences did you have? Leave a comment below!

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Fiverr is definitely not a scam as I have many friends who work here to make a lot of money. I’m also looking forward to working as a freelancer at Fiverr. However, since it is a big marketplace, you can expect a lot of competition.

  2. I’ve tried Fiverr for things like making logos and editing photos, and I’ve never really has any success. That being said, those are some of the areas with the most competition of the entire site, so I’m guessing if you have a more unique talent, Fiverr could be a great place to start selling your services.

    The thing I love about Fiverr is that would can do literally anything, from graphic design, to singing for people, to writing, to giving online lessons. I’ve never hired someone on Fiverr to do something for me, but if I ever have a need, I certainly will try it out.

    1. I think the success with Fiverr requires persistence. So, you need to put in the work over the long period of time to succeed. Then customers will see your positive reviews and experience and they’ll be more willing to pay you more. Like Jim Rohn always said, “You get paid based on the value that you bring to the marketplace.” That being said, I don’t do almost any freelance work myself because I prefer building passive income streams so I can earn money even while sleeping.

      I completely agree with you that it’s a big benefit of Fiverr that you can earn by doing literally anything. That’s wonderful.

  3. Hi! I learned about this Fiverr because i was reading your article about postloop. And you said there that one could earn better if one would post a job where one would leave a comment in forums and blogs for 5 dollars and that is really a pretty smart idea. And as i have read this article, i found out that Fiverr is really a legit website. So I’m going to check it out and try my luck there to earn some online cash. Thanks for the information. 🙂

    1. Yes, you can even make a full-time income on Fiverr. I think there are many people who make even +$5,000/month on Fiverr. Of course, reaching that kind of amounts requires great skills and time. But the potential is much, much greater than on Postloop.

  4. Am not on fiverr but considering to register as a freelance worker. I’ve heard so much about it which were all positive feedback just like your review above.

    Drawing from everything I’ve heard and read about it and the fact that fiverr is the or one of the biggest online marketing offer sites, I fear for the availability of task for freelance workers. Competition is going to be a very big challenge.

    Can you share with me any plan or strategy that will help guide beginners like me on fiverr to be successful on fiverr. It will be great if you can.

    1. Hi Rumu,

      You can make a good money on Fiverr despite the competition. You just need to do your thing well so clients are ready to pay for it.

      I think it’s all about the basic principles: Create a good profile: Convincing pictures (and a video), captivating description, good offers.

      I recommend that you start with low prices to get a few positive reviews. Then you can raise the pricing.

      It’s also good to contact potential buyers with a personal message. Tell about your experience and skills and why you could deliver great work for him.

      There are also many step-by-step guides and tutorials on the Internet about Fiverr so I recommend checking them out.

      1. Now this is what I call a small but effective tips on how to get started. Thanks for the response. I’ll be sure to sign up and execute as recommended.

  5. Fiverr is definitely legit. But the problem is that there are too many people on that site that are extremely unprofessional.

    I posted a simple request for someone who could help with some coding problems. I had about 7 bids for the job, extremely quickly. But out of those 7 bids, only 1 was actually helpful. The other 6 were just advertising other services that had nothing to do with what I wanted.

    I was given bids from people who wanted to create a WordPress site for me, a social media manager etc. Makes me wonder if they actually bother reading what I want.

    1. Hi Kingcool,

      you are right that Fiverr has some unprofessional users. That’s true. However, there are also millions of individuals that are doing great job which makes this platform so good. Sometimes you just need to find a while to find those good ones.

      Sometimes a high price isn’t even a guarantee of a great quality. I have received articles from writer through Fiverr for $5 which have been much better than $25 articles on the other website. You just need to find the pearls 😉

      1. Oh yeah, there are some great users on Fiverr. With the problem that I had that I stated in the comment above, the actual user that bid on it actually helped me with a bit of the coding side of it without me even having to accept the bid or pay anything.

        I then realised that it would be better to go a different route and not require any help through Fiverr. The user gave me tips and pushed me in the right direction. So there are amazing users.

        1. I see. It’s good to hear that the user gave you tips and pushed you in the right direction.

          Fiverr is fun because you can buy some little services for $5 or $10.

          For sure, there are many non-professional freelancers as well. But I think we just need to find the pearls there 🙂

  6. I joined Fiverr a couple of years ago. I joined Fiverr as a buyer. I wanted logos for my website and I had heard that I can find people willing to do logos for a small price. How true it was. I bought a logo designing gig for $5 and got two great logos for just $5.

    When I found that Fiverr is also a good place to make money. I listed my gigs. I am yet to make my first sale, but I am hopeful that someone will buy my gig. Once I make my first sale, I think it will open a door to unlimited possibilities.

    1. Hi Vinaya,

      I’ve also bought some logos on Fiverr. There are definitely several helpful services out there.

      I believe you will make lots of sales when you take action. There are tons of step-by-step guides, tutorials and videos on how you can increase your chances to success on Fiverr. I recommend that you study them diligently and put them into action. Then there’s nothing that can prevent you from making sales.

  7. Some of my friends have used Fiverr and have had good experiences, it’s definitely a trustworthy page. Interestingly, some “fiverrs” have become internet personalities and have almost cult-like followings – check out Big Man Tyrone’s case, for example. The internet never fails to surprise, ain’t that right?

    1. I checked out Big Man Tyrone. It was very interesting. His price for a standard video was +100€ ($130) and those were only some very short videos like 45 seconds. In addition, he had already more than 2,300 reviews on his profile. This guy must have made big money.

      I’ve seen some similar cases on Fiverr before as well. It seems there a huge potential if you have a good idea what you’re doing. However, it’s not passive income if you don’t hire someone else to do it.

      I saw some logo businesses that had tens of thousands of reviews. They have many employees creating logos for Fiverr clients. I think that could be one interesting idea.

  8. Hi there Roope,

    That is a great article and overview of fiverr. Thanks for creating and sharing it with us.

    Fiverr really can be a minefield in terms of quality, some good, some bad, some awesome and some terrible!

    Do you have any particular tips on how to find good sellers of services on fiverr? or what to do if the quality is simply not up to scratch?

    1. Hi Derek,

      you are right that some freelancers in Fiverr don’t provide very high quality. My suggestion is that you try a few different ones and then choose the best one. Of course, you can beforehand read their reviews and if you have time you can contact people who they have worked before.

      If the quality is very bad, you can ask for revision. Sometimes an article that I requested was not so good and I asked a revision and it was already much better. If a quality just doesn’t go up after revisions you can contact support, and leave a bad review for that seller.

      usually those who have higher prices have already many positive reviews and are providing good quality. If you buy a service for $5, it’s not the end of the world, if the quality is not the best. Just move on to the another freelancer.


  9. Extremely thorough insight provided into Fiverr. This is the first time I am hearing of Fiverr, and it seems like an awesome way to start earning money from free lance work, as well as a way to outsource to other free lancers, in order to help grow your business.

    Have you sold any of your services on Fiverr? If so, I am interested to know how your experience was.

    1. Hi Ishan,

      Yes, Fiverr is definitely a great online opportunity. If you are interested in working as a freelancer online or boosting your online business, give it a try.

      I have used Fiverr only for outsourcing some tasks of my online business. I have not sold my services on Fiverr so far. However, I am planning to try it as a freelancer to know how it feels to be on “the other side”. I think it will help me when outsourcing more tasks on Fiverr. It’s always important to understand how your workers feel.


  10. I too have used Fiverr and only had one time a bad experience. The rates are cheap, the vendors selling their GIG’s are always good about communicating with you, even to tell you right up front if they can help you or not. This was a great article, a lot of good information and has gave me some ideas and thought about me starting to sell on Fiverr. Thanks for the great post…

    1. Hi RDPShop,

      sorry to hear that you had a bad experince with Fiverr. There are millions of sellers so it’s not a coincidence if some of them are not so high quality. But I believe that you will find good ones after searching for a while. I have found a good writer for a very cheap price. I am surprised why some of them give their good service for so cheap price.


  11. Roope,
    I just used Fiverr the other day, and got a job done cheaply.I wanted an article posted to 50 social media sites, and it was done with no hassles. This post reinforces the choice we all have, that is to use their services if we want. Like you, i have had minor issues, but all was sorted out in my favor. Good review. I agree with your assessment!

    1. Hi Greg Smyth,

      I am glad to hear that you have also had good experiences with Fiverr. We can reinforce our online businesses with a cheap price by using many their service. If the value of your working hour is more than you earn for doing a certain task, then you it could be reasonable to outsource it.

      I haven’t used Fiverr so far for social media marketing myself because I manage it quite well with different kind of tools. But I maybe in the future I’ll try some service from Fiverr for that too.


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