Lottery Dominator Review – Can 7-Time Lottery Winner Teach You How to Beat the Lottery?

There has been a lot of buzz around this system called Lottery Dominator. You may have seen Richard Lustig in the news or on a TV talk show program explaining that he knows how to hack the lottery. He won the jackpot 7 times so should we believe in him? I will answer you in the next 1-2 minutes and show a better way to make money than playing lotteries.

Lottery Dominator Review

Name: Lottery Dominator
Founders: Richard Lustig
Field: Lottery Systems

Overall Rank: 20 Out of 100 (Check Out My #1 Recommendation, 98 Out of 100)

lottery dominator review
Richard is selling a dream of financial freedom by playing lotteries

What Is Lottery Dominator?

Lottery Dominator is a system created by Richard Lustig that promises to teach how you can beat the lotto. Richard says that he created this system while learning how to win in the lottery during 25 years. That sounds quite convincing.

He has also been featured on news and other TV programs so why wouldn’t we believe this guy? Well, there are many reasons why I wouldn’t invest even a penny to this lottery system.

The most important reason is that this system doesn’t work.

Lottery Dominator is not going to give you more wins than any other lotto scam. I will explain what kind of methods Richard recommends and why they don’t work.

Oh, and by the way, the total amount of Richard’s 7 jackpots was “only” around $1 Million dollars. It means that he has been playing the lotteries where the probability of winnings is higher. His first jackpot was $10,000. Can you call it even a lottery jackpot?

=> Tired of Lotto Scams? Learn How to Make Honest Money Online!

lottery dominator review
Richard Lustig has been featured on several different TV shows

Lotto Tips by Richard Lustig

Let’s go through some tips by Richard.

1.Don’t use a lotto computer (like Delta Lotto System) to pick your numbers. He says that you need to choose the numbers yourself. You need to find out which numbers work and then focus on them. I find this kinda funny.

If you are playing heads & tails for 10 times and you got heads every time. Should you choose heads again because it seems to occur more often? The probability is still 50% for both so it doesn’t matter which one you choose. The same principle applies to lotto.

2.Don’t change the numbers. Richard says that if you have found the good numbers why should you change them. Hmm… Even a 7-year-old schoolboy can say that there are no bad and good numbers in the lottery. There are just numbers that all have the same probability to be chosen.

3.Play consistently. Of course, you will win more often if you play more. But the downside is that you will also lose more. Tthe math says that the more you play, the more you’ll lose. Not the other way around.

What do you think about those tips by Richard? I find them a bit hilarious.

How Did Richard Won 7 Times? What Really Happened?

There are more than 325,000,000 citizens in the U.S. According to studies each citizen is using $300/year on different lotteries on average. That’s a huge amount of money in total.

Then we go through 25 years.

Isn’t it quite probable that there will be even one guy who wins 7 times if there are so many people, they play so much and for 25 years? Let’s put it another way. If there wouldn’t be anyone to win 7 times, it would be quite surprising.

Then this guy, Richard Lustig, who happened to win 7 small lotteries, started to show off in the news and everywhere else and claims himself to be a lotto guru.

What Is the Price of Lottery Dominator?

lottery dominator review
Lottery Dominator is quite expensive

Most of the time lottery systems cost something like $17-49. Lottery Dominator eBook is much more expensive. Before they were even selling it for $147 but now the price has been lowered to $97. It’s still pretty high.

What will you get? An eBook that claims to teach you how to beat the lottery. You already saw above what is the level of those tips. Tips in this book will not increase your chances to earn money in the lotteries.

Why Are There Positive Reviews of Lottery Dominator?

You may have found some positive reviews or YouTube videos that are aggressively promoting this system. Why are they doing it? What if Lottery Dominator really works?

There are two reasons why some people are promoting Lottery Dominator:

1.They earn at least 75% commissions for each sale. If you pay $97 for the Lottery Dominator eBook, the guy who promoted it for you earns at least $70. Let’s say that 100 people buy through their affiliate links. Then they have already earned +$7,000. Not a bad extra income, huh?

2.They are dishonest. I can’t stand that people are promoting scam programs on the Internet. They don’t have a clean conscience after all. I know that I could make lots of money by promoting many kinds of programs on the Internet but I have made a decision that I only recommend products that really work.

Pros & Cons


  • At least Richard gives something to think about.


  • Lotto systems don’t work
  • Even a 7-year-old-schoolboy can calculate the maths and declare that you can’t beat the lotto
  • The more you play the more you will lose on lotteries
  • Lottery Dominator is very expensive

Conclusion – Is Lottery Dominator a Scam?

Yes, I would call it a scam. I don’t know if Richard honestly believes in his lottery tips but we can clearly see that they are not gonna give you a jackpot.

If you are interested in earning money online, I have still good news for you. is dedicated to teaching people how to make a living online and many people have started because of this website. During the years I have reviewed more than 200 “make money online” programs and there are a few good programs out there.

My #1 recommendation is Wealthy Affiliate because it has helped many people to quit their 9 to 5 job and live the life of their dreams. Some people have succeeded even well and are nowadays making +$10,000/month online.

It’s not a “get rich quick” scheme or something like that. Wealthy Affiliate teaches you proven methods to make money online but it requires hard work. First, you learn and then you earn.

It costs nothing to get started. You will get 20 interactive video lessons and 2 high-quality websites for free. I will also provide my 1-on-1 mentoring to help you succeed. I know that it sounds almost too good to be true. But you can find out yourself in 30 seconds that it’s 100% true.

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Lottery Dominator at a Glance…

Name: Lottery Dominator
Founders: Richard Lustig
Field: Lottery Systems

Overall Rank: 20 Out of 100


Have you ever tried lotto systems? What kind of experiences did you have?

Would you like to learn how to make a full-time income online?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

I would love to hear from you. I promise to reply you personally (usually within 24 hours or less).

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. I don’t remember if I already say this but again, it is really hard to take down lotto. Specially if that lotto has a lot of combination of numbers. We once make a study in statistics where we get the percentage of winning in a lotto and the result is only one percent per set of numbers. But I am not sure if this trick from lottery denominator will work. This is just my point of view.

    1. Yeah, I also believe that it’s impossible to beat the lotto. They have mathematically created them in a way that the house wins always and the player loses always.

      1. So I think this lottery dominator wont really work no matter how they tried. In lotto the only way for us to win is luck. We have to pick a set of random numbers, and wish for a luck while picking a number so you will have a more chance of winning.

  2. 7 times? That is just crazy. But then I read that they were quite small amounts. Winning the lottery 7 times and it only being around $1 million in total sounds awful, to be honest. I mean, I would love for that to happen to me but when you say that you have won the lottery 7 times, you think the person would be a billionaire.

    I think this method is most likely just crap so that this guy can survive. His $1 million is probably running low so he needs a way to earn a large revenue so that he can afford his expensive lifestyle. However, the large commissions do sound nice but conning people out of $97, not at all nice.

    1. Yeah, I was also surprised to hear that his earnings are total “only” around $1 million and most of the jackpots were only a few thousand dollars.

      I’m wondering if the guy is still on profits after playing lottos for more than 25 years. He may have played for more than $1 million already during those years. I bet that he makes much more money by selling his products than by playing lotto.

  3. I find that as you grow your foundation to the highest peak of performance, you experience an awakening that will enable you to access even higher platforms as your site seems to be getting on quite well. I think your website is well constructed and has good visuals. Why would someone buy it if it has such bad reviews? What are the positives to lottery-dominator?

    1. Hi Michael,

      thank you very much for your positive feedback Micheal.

      Somebody may buy Lottery Dominator because they don’t know the methods don’t work. People may just blindly look like, “Hey! This guy won the lottery 7 times so he must know what he is talking about.”

      That’s why it’s always important to make a research before buying almost anything online. Then we avoid from being scammed.

      Positive thing in Lottery Dominator is that it makes you think at least.


  4. I love the way the write and the honesty in your review are clear.

    What I don’t understand in this lottery dominator thingy is how one feels he can win a lottery base of the preachings of someone that won the lottery of around 1million dollars in 25 years when I can do affiliate marketing or any other time of reasonable business and make more.

    He is indeed selling a dream and people should beware.

    Thanks for the heads up.

    1. Hi Jimmy,

      you are one of the many (including myself) who don’t understand how somebody could beat the lottery.

      I was surprised when I found the first lottery system. After that, I have seen lots of them and I need to admit that I wouldn’t invest my money on such systems.

      Doing affiliate marketing and building a real business is much more interesting and provides more value for other people than playing lottery.



  5. I really enjoyed your site because you explain it in detail about the so called lottery guru. I also loved the honesty and sincerity within the body of the text. best of all is how you come back full circle to WA. nicely done.

    One thing, on your getting started page I think it would look a lot nicer if you centered some of your text instead of having every thing line up to the left. Even if was just the headers for each topic would be cool.

    overall awesome!

    1. Hi Tom,

      thank you very much for the feedback. I will take a closer look at Getting started -page and make it more user-friendly and simple.

      My goal is always provide the best material for our readers.


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