Is YouGov a Scam? – I Wouldn’t Spend Even 1 Minute on Their Website. Check Out Why!

Many people ask a question, “Is YouGov a Scam”? Some of them may feel a little bit curious about this online product. The first thing before you get inside yougov you need to know the details about this site. Our team member on has collected you the following report about their services. I hope you will enjoy!

YouGov Review

Is YouGov a ScamName: YouGov
Founded in: 2000
Price: Free sign up
Field: News / Survey Sites

Overall Ranking: 40 Out of 100 (Check Out My #1 Recommendation, 98 Out of 100)

What Is YouGov?

Yougov is a site where you can read articles and give your opinions about them. There are many kinds of articles that you can read. Then you can involve into a discussion with other members. Once an article is published you can find the details information about the topics and how other people react to the text about certain topics. Articles in Yougov may vary from the very general ones to the most complicated topics where you find it very shocking or surprising.

Then you will also many polls and surveys on this website about the hot topics occur every day. You can vote about issues that Yougov publishes and get points by doing that. People share their opinion and thoughts and also get a better understanding of certain issues that have been hot recently.

Is YouGov a Scam
You can choose a subject on YouGov

Topics that are shown include government, policies, Nicki Minaj, Facebook, environment and many other subjects. Although this site seems legitimate, I wouldn’t use my time on it. You can never earn enough money by answering online surveys. The other reason is that most of the time news are not worth reading like Tim Ferriss teaches in his book 4-hour work week.

The old saying goes, “Good news is no news.” Why would you like to fill out your mind with all the irrelevant and negative stuff from the mass media? You could spend that time on much more interesting and profitable things. What do you think?

=> Tired of Earning Pennies on Yougov and Other Survey Sites? Learn a Better Way to Make Big Money Online!

How Can You Make Money in YouGov?

Then let’s talk about making money on this website? After signing up you will be brought to surveys about any topics. From each survey, you will get points which can be exchanged for prizes.

You may ask, Is YouGov a Scam or do they really give me the prize and money that they promised? Well, some people are making testimonials that they already got prizes from Yougov and even withdrew some money. Yougov has also instructions on how to get money from their site by completing surveys and by taking polls.

There is also another way of making money from Yougov that I would like to mention. In the first survey, you will get your very first points that you can save for later exchange. Then you will also able to get some points by referring your friends and followers to their service. When your friends join Yougow, you will get additional points which you can exchange for money and prizes. This is called affiliate marketing (=you are not selling your own products but promoting other people’s products).

Is YouGov a Scam
Yougov Website

Anyway, I wouldn’t recommend Yougov for my friends or followers for the reasons I gave above. My principle is that I don’t recommend services that I wouldn’t like to use myself. I can honestly recommend Wealthy Affiliate for you and anyone who is interested in making good money online.

I have friends who joined WA without any prior knowledge of making money online and nowadays they are making $500/day or +$10,000/month. That may sound quite a lot but it’s definitely possible for you.

To know better if YouGov is a scam or legit, here are some pros and cons regarding their service.

Pros and Cons About YouGov

First, I would like to give you the good news that this site is not a scam. How is it so?

  • Because we got several accounts joining this site and the topics of the survey are really serious about the environment we live in and also about government policies that we can share our opinions and have some discussion with other people.
  • The points are really added up in the accounts and the prizes are really delivered although it is said that they need a very long ting to wait for the prize.

Of course, Yougov is very simple and it’s easy to access. When you first access Yougov you will not find any difficulties in visiting every page of the site. You will also get the full information about their service and how to get points easily.  The question, “Is YouGov a Scam?” Will be gone as you enter the site. Because there you will not find the difficulties in signing up or in getting the points to your account. You can choose the surveys based on different topics and you are free to explore the website to get the complete information about Yougov.

Therefore, the cons are always following behind right? Although you get the big points in the beginning of the survey then you will find it too long to be able to exchange your points for money or prizes.

  • You will have to gather minimal 35000 points to be able to get some prizes from amazon or other shopping websites.
  • => It’s very time-consuming to earn any money on Yougov
  • Your earning potential is low and you can’t earn passive income
  • There are much better and more interesting ways to earn money online and spend your time

Conclusion – Is YouGov a Scam?

Yougov seems like a legitimate service even though they have only 5 years of experience in the industry. But the fact that they are honest doesn’t mean that you should spend your valuable time on their website. You and I have only one life. I want to live full instead of rolling news and answering some useless polls.

I want to make a living online so I can travel the world and preach the gospel of Jesus to all people around the world. I am glad that I have found Wealthy Affiliate because it taught me how I can make money online as well. Even though I have still a long way to walk until the guys who are making +$10,000/month, my online income is growing each and every month.

Even if you wouldn’t have any prior experience, you can learn it too. It’s 100% free to join and you will get 20 interactive video lessons that will walk you through the process. You will also get 2 high-quality websites and some other things for free. Give it a try today! 🙂

Yougov at a glance…

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Name: YouGov
Founded in: 2012
Price: Free sign up
Field: News / Survey Sites

Overall Ranking: 40 Out of 100


Have you ever tried or some similar websites? What kind of experiences did you have? Do you agree that they are just a waste of time?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

I would love to hear your opinions. It’s always interesting to hear what other people say about the subjects that we publish on our website. I promise to respond you personally within 24 hours.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. YouGov is a pretty good site and not at all a scam. The only thing is that it is just not worth the time and cannot really be considered as a proper method of income. Their surveys take quite a long time and the issue is that they do not pay that much per survey.

    It’s a great way to earn a bit of money on the side but nothing too serious. Their minimum cash out is quite large too (£50 I think). My dad used to use it but after he got his first £50 cheque, he stopped using it.

    1. Hi Kingcool,

      you are right that YouGov is not a scam. However, I don’t like this kind of services that don’t give you almost any real benefit. They just fill your mind with garbage (news) and pay peanuts. Of course, it’s a bit brutal to say like that but I think that’s the case here.

      The high cash out limit is also something that puts me off.

  2. Excellent review. I would be one of those people who would waste my time on that website so thank you. Glad to see it is not a scam though. We have enough of those.

    I guess if you spend enough time on it, you would be buying stuff off their site so that is probably the real motive not just getting your opinions.

    1. Hi crlyn66,

      it can also be the reason that they hope you to buy something from their site. But even though they wouldn’t be selling anything, companies pay them for taking surveys many times so they make profit.

      For an individual, a much better way to make money online is affiliate marketing.



  3. Well, it seems you have done the research and saved a lot of people from wasting their valuable time on this website.

    I think there are far too many of these cheapskate sites out there in Internet land, I think more people are becoming aware of what is good and worthwhile, though the newcomers will need to look out for this kind of stuff.
    I think you have done us a service Roope and for this, you deserve to be thanked for your excellent presentation of what to steer clear from.

    I must agree with you about Wealthy Affiliate (WA) I too have recently joined this program and must say that it is by far the most genuine and valuable website I have enjoyed since I first started surfing the Internet – (a good few years ago now I must add)

    The Trainings, Instructions, and people involved really stand out as the best there is and the opportunities to set up your own websites or become an affiliate for WA or both make this one of the best of the best sites in the world in my opinion. I urge everyone to consider joining as they will not have any regrets!
    Thank you

    ps. Please fix the font color – light gray on a white background is very difficult to read on what is otherwise an excellent website!

    1. Hi Rob,

      thank you very much for sharing your experiences and thoughts. I’m glad to hear that you have greatly enjoyed Wealthy Affiliate. They have helped so many people to create a full-time income online and quit a regular 9 to 5 work. It’s quite amazing!

      I will have a look at the font and make it better. Thank you for the valuable feedback. My goal is to provide the best quality and the most user-friendly website for our readers so I am very happy to hear the feedback from you.


  4. Hi Roope,

    Thanks for your review on YouGov. Your article especially on the pros and cons have helped me to understand this program better.

    So in short for YouGov, you only get to collect points when you sign up, do their survey & polls, and recruit new people, correct? I am guessing that the articles & discussions are just serving as a side service.

    Anyway I agree with you on Wealthy Affiliate. I joined them a few weeks ago and I am learning a lot. The money has not rolled in yet but that will come with time, patience and a lot of hard work.

    1. Hi Alex,

      yeah, that’s what YouGov is all about. It’s not worth it and you can’t really earn good money with their service.

      Wealthy Affiliate is definitely the way to go if one wants to make a full-time income online. Keep on learning and go through the training. Then take consistent action day in and day out. If you want to build an online business, it takes efforts. But the reward will be much higher than in a regular 9-5 job.



  5. In your article you said that the points needed for Amazon is around 35,000. How many points on average does YouGov give per article? Also what will 35,000 pts actually allow you to obtain at Amazon? This is the first time I’ve ever heard of YouGov so I was wondering what the payout ratio is for point to dollar.

    You also mentioned Wealthly Affiliates and I can join for free with no credit card and is there a catch? How long is the trial period and are there any other charges besides the cost for premium? Is there any other levels besides starter and premium? I’m really interested and would like to know more.


    1. Hi Deborah,

      thank you very much for your questions. I should have included that information in the article but good that you asked it now. 30,000 points is worth $25. As a sign-up bonus you will get 1,000 points and from each survey you can earn around 500-1,000 points. $1 ~ 1,400 points.

      Thank you for your questions regarding to Wealthy Affiliate. You can join without a credit card and there isn’t any catch. You can have a free account for a lifetime. When you join, you will also get a 7-day trial for a premium membership with all features.

      There are no other levels than a free and a premium membership. No upsells. I like because it’s so simple and honest. Give it a try and let me know what did you like. 🙂



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