Is Immunotec A Scam? [22-Year-Old MLM A Fraud?!]

Is Immunotec A Scam Or Legit? This MLM Company Claims Products Cure Immune-Related Diseases As Cancer. Does Company Encourages Consultants Scatter False Claims?

Is Immunotec A Scam Or Legit? This MLM Company Claims Products Cure Immune-Related Diseases As Cancer. Does Company Encourages Consultants Scatter False Claims?

Welcome to my Immunotec Scam Review!

Is Immunotec a scam…or legit?

In a health and wellness niche, there are countless numbers of Multi-Level Marketing companies existing since this industry started.

However, most of them have problems with their product line due to the ineffectiveness in contrast to what they promised to their clients.

For this company, they achieved that. After spending 15 years in research, they perfected the formula that aids the people’s immune system and boosts them for their optimal health.

This is one of the network marketing companies that I’ve encountered wherein their products were accepted in the medical sector.

If you are up for this MLM, I encourage you to download your FREE copy of the Ultimate Make Money Online Guide to boost your income stream, possibly a residual passive income.

Are you ready to dig into the post? Let’s dive into it. Shall we?

Immunotec Review – Quick Summary

Name: Immunotec Research, Inc.

Founded: 1996

Type: Multi-Level Networking Company

Price: $32 and beyond

Best for: Prospective entrepreneurs, who opt to start their business in a network marketing company that’s offering high-quality immune-boosting products for their potential clients in exchange for 7-way compensation.

Is Immunotec A Scam Or Legit? This MLM Company Claims Products Cure Immune-Related Diseases As Cancer. Does Company Encourages Consultants Scatter False Claims?

Summary: Immunotec is a 22-year-old Multi-Level Marketing Company that is noted for their Immunocal products, a by-product of the medical researchers’ 15-year research work leading to the success across the US, Canada, and Mexico.

Is Immunotec Recommended? It depends on your purpose. Read the whole post to determine whether this company is a great option for you. If you prefer a legit, risk-free option to earn money, grab the Ultimate Make Money Online Guide now.

What Is Immunotec?

Immunotec Research Inc., simply known as Immunotec is a home-based business network marketing and direct sales company based in California, Quebec, and Hidalgo, Mexico. Founded in 1996, it’s a 22-year-old MLM with immense positive feedback from their target clientele.

From their systems and approach, it’s similar to the Giants in the MLM like Amway,Herbalife, and Young Living that matter.

One of the flagship products notably popular is the Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) and the Canadian Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties (CPS). Both of which are North America’s most trusted medical references.

According to their LinkedIn profile, they are in the health, wellness, and fitness with 51 to 200 employees working hand-in-hand to supply the world with high-quality products.

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Immunotec official website landing page featuring their products

Important Background Information

Referring to their Better Business Bureau’s (BBB) records, Immunotec is a BBB accredited business since 2015. Currently, they earned 3.5 out of 5 customer ratings and an A+ BBB rating.

Because of their outstanding research-based product line, they continuously got the recognition even from the medical practitioners and organizations alike.

Subsequently, they consistently reached their financial goals with average annual revenue of $101.5 million (based in 2017 revenue record).

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Although they have their company started in 1996, it actually took more or less 15 years of research from medical researchers, Dr. Gustavo Bounous and Dr. Patricia Kongshavn, to create a dietary protein source to boost the immune system.

Consequently, the discovery paved the way to today’s high-quality, bioactive material known to us, Immunocal.

By the time the product became the flagship and pioneering line in the mid-1990s, it became the world-renowned Immunotec, one of the leading brands in terms of highest quality health and wellness products.

What Do They Offer?

With 2 decades of business, Immunotec continuously created a wide range of products after the success of their immune-boosting formulation.

That said, they made variations of Immunocal product line to the following:

  • Immunocal – $106
  • Immunocal Platinum – $151
  • Immunocal Booster – $76.95

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One of a few Immunotec products featured on their official website

In addition to this, they also have the following products:

  • On The Go Shake (Chocolate & Vanilla) – $49.95
  • Cogniva with Syna-PS50 – $61
  • Daily Essentials Pack – $81.50
  • Multi + Resveratrol – $35.50
  • Calcium-D from Milk – $18.95
  • Omega Gen V – $36.50
  • Contralenta – $42.75
  • Probio 3+ with Cranberry – $35.25
  • Seren-T200 – $28.25
  • Cherry Concentrate 2-Pack – $112
  • Magistral – $37.25
  • K-21 1L Bottle – $38.25
  • K-21 1L – Pack of 6 – $190
  • Xtra Sharp – Original Formula – $32
  • Xtra Sharp – Fruit Flavor – $39

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Photo credits to Rawpixel on Unsplash

Immunotec Compensation Plan

According to their compensation plan, your earnings will be based primarily on the sales volume and personal sales volume, just as any MLM offers to their independent distributors.

As for Immunotec, they refer their members as consultants rather than distributors. While they provide an option for you to become a member simply for personal purchases, you’re entitled to enjoy 25% discounts to all purchases as well as access to the special offers and autoship discount program.

On the other hand, for consultancy option, you earn bonuses in 7 ways in which you see in the image below.

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Immunotec compensation plan for their Independent Consultants

How To Make Money With Immunotec?

To start earning as one of their Independent Consultants, you need to sign up and purchase their business starter kits good for 1 whole year.

Once you get into their circle, you’re entitled to receive the bonuses comprise the 30% discount on all commissionable products, personal website to promote your products online, and online business center. All of these are given to you upon membership.

Afterward, you’re given an option whether you stick with the Starter Pack, which includes Immunotec flagship products or you opt for Autoship order.

As I mentioned earlier, you have 7 ways to earn money in the company. Either you earn discounts from the Retail Profits and Customer Autoship Wholesale Profit.

You can also earn certain percentages of Customer Bonus based on the number of customers enrolled under you. Refer to the chart below as a reference for the CSV and payout level.

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Immunotec Customer Bonus chart

Another way to earn money by selling Immunotec products is to sponsor consultants and earn percentages between 5% to 20% payout. That depends on the Business Builder Bonus (BBB) credits.

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Immunotec Business Builder Bonus for their Independent Consultants

Just like any Multi-Level Marketing company out there, there’s a goal to advance from one rank to the other. From Associate to Platinum.

You see below, earning 47% residual commissions based on the CV or the Commissionable Volume is possible.

And if your financial goal is high, you, as an Independent Consultant, should strive to get more sales to promote to a higher rank and earn these corresponding bonus percentages in accord to the rank you belong.

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Immunotec Residual Commissions and Rank Advancement Bonus chart

That said, if you maintain the same volume of sales in consecutive months as you rank higher, you’re entitled to receive Moving Up Bonus and Accelerated Moving Up bonus, which you see below.

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Immunotec offers Moving Up Bonus if you maintain SV during rank promotions

Lastly, the higher you reach in terms of the rank, the higher chances you sponsor. Actually, that’s one factor they consider for your promotion because it’s also their basis for upgrading your rank.

With that said, you’re likely to receive the Sponsor Moving Up Bonus and Accelerated Sponsor Moving Up bonus.

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Immunotec Sponsor Moving Up Bonus chart for reference

Immunotec Review – What Others Say?

Although they are an accredited business since 2015 on BBB, they only have 3 reviews recorded on the site.

From there, as the company and their product line sound great so far, when I dug into the reviews, I was taken aback with the mixed views of the reviewers albeit the lesser number of them on BBB.

One of them said that Immunotec is a great company with 20 years of research and their product works. Yet, this is in contrast with the second review, who tackled the false claims of one of their Independent Consultants.

“It is worrisome that an unidentified person selling supplements would feel comfortable making such claims [substitute to doctor’s prescribed drugs for treating cancer],” she wrote.

She added that by having these kinds of consultants working for Immunotec, it made her worry the fact that this practice is considered irresponsible and unethical due to lack of evidence that Immunotec products could cure a certain disease, such as cancer, and be a substitute to medicine.

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The last reviewer mentioned about the validity of the business, given that there’s no exact location where Immunotec is based. Not even information where their Independent Distributors are.

That’s one thing I observed so far. As far as my research went, there are 3 locations where Immunotec is based. Either they are operating in California, Quebec, and Hidalgo, Mexico.

Albeit the different headquarters existing, there’s no clear information where they operate their business, apparently.

Pros & Cons Of Immunotec


  1. No clear information on the main headquarters where Immunotec is based.
  2. False claims on products as a substitute for doctor’s prescription
  3. Unorganized workplace
  4. Faulty time management discipline
  5. No great leaders to lead the entire company
  6. Most employees tend to find work elsewhere
  7. Executives don’t have a decisive attitude
  8. Lack of Human Resource Management
  9. Frequent change of CEO over the years
  10. No teamwork


  1. Diverse product line
  2. Diverse compensation ways
  3. Well-researched product line
  4. High-quality products
  5. BBB accredited business
  6. Outstanding BBB rating (A+)
  7. 22 years in the MLM industry
  8. Lots of benefits for Immunotec employees
  9. Comfortable workplace

Is Immunotec A Scam…Or Not – The Final Verdict

When we define a company is a scam or not, it depends on the company itself. It’s whether they focus more on the recruitment without clear information on the compensation for their Independent Consultants and stuff like that.

If not, the company might not have provided real and legitimate products for their target clientele. Based on these basics, we can determine if this MLM is a scam or not.

Now, is Immunotec a scam… or not?

Definitely, it’s a legitimate network marketing company that also serves as a direct sales company at the same time due to the 2 options given to their prospective members.

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You can either earn money by recruitment and increased sales volume or by earning discounts from the wholesale purchase of any of their flagship products.

Albeit the existing problems, particularly in their internal issues, there’s no doubt Immunotec is a great company wherein you could sell great and high-quality products for your potential clients. Also, you have diverse compensation streams for you to make use.

Yet if you plan to get hired as one of their employees and work in any of Immunotec headquarters, it’s not the best company, to begin with.


As you see in the list earlier, there’s a clear problem with the Human Resource management, leading to the loss of great employees and violent disagreements between departments. Those don’t say good for the company.

Nonetheless, Immunotec is a good company to invest as an Independent Consultant.

If you want to boost your income and make use of their 7 ways of earning money, refer to the next section. I have a better option for you.

How To Earn More Income With Immunotec?

In today’s Multi-Level Marketing industry, selling a person-to-person basis isn’t the sole thing that’s ongoing in the business right now.

That’s because of the increasing demands for online businesses with the rising number of internet users, your potential clients, lurking around the web.

To make use of the figures, you have to know how to position yourself right as a businessman.

You need to learn how the internet works and how it helps you with your network marketing skills.


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Photo credits to Lalo Hernandez on Unsplash

Online shops rely on Google traffic to generate leads. And with these leads, you generate income because these are the users, your clients.

If they land to your Immunotec personal website, they will check your products and all your information stipulated on the page.

If they’re convinced, they will either buy or approach you as a downline. That happens.

If so, that’s money for you. In each purchase you make, you earn a percentage of bonus and if they choose to enroll as an Independent Consultant under you, you will earn PV. This is how online business works.

Now, the question is, do you know how?

Do you want to have an ultimate Freedom of your life? If your answer is, “Yes!” follow Roope’s Ultimate Make Money Online Guide to get started for free.

Just so you know, Roope “Robert” Kiuttu knows exactly how the internet works. In fact, he’s been an affiliate marketer for 4 years now.

At the age of 21, he founded Your Online Revenue Ltd and earned money in a form of passive income through maximizing the internet.

Like him, there are 13 more successful A-list online entrepreneurs, who followed his 4-step proven and legitimate strategy and achieved their successes in their respective online businesses.

If you want to replicate his success, download your FREE copy of the Ultimate Make Money Online Guide, a guide with more than 9,000 words Roope personally wrote for several days for you.

Now that I shared my thoughts in my “Is Immunotec a scam” post, it’s time to turn the tables and ask you for your insights about the program and the post.

Do you want to earn an income by joining MLM selling immune-boosting products as Immunotec does?

Or you rather invest your time to leverage yourself by honing your high-income skill set this year as an affiliate?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

If you have further questions that I haven’t discussed in the post, feel free to leave them in the comments. I love reading them.

Do the same when you have suggestions to add for this post. That’d be much appreciated as well.

On the other hand, if you feel like you want to learn more about Roope’s step-by-step formula to make money online, leave a comment and he’ll be happy to help you out with your business starter concerns.

You can go to any of his posts and leave a comment. He’ll review it and respond to you the soonest although he’s traveling abroad at the moment.

By Mecyll Gaspary

Hi, I'm Mecyll! I'm a full-time writer in Your Online Revenue, dedicated to dig into the world of making money with Roope. When I'm not spending time writing reviews, I'm writing novels and blog posts on my own website.

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