Is IM Mastery Academy A Scam? Know Why You Should Stay Away!

Is IM Mastery Academy A Scam Featured Image

Is IM Mastery Academy A Scam Featured Image

Welcome to my IM Mastery Academy Review!

Is IM Mastery Academy a scam?

What do you think you will become? Do you wonder where your life takes you, living your dreams while making more money even without doing anything at all?

This is what this multi-level marketing company promotes. It is one of the existing companies focusing on personal development programs as products to market and sell.

If this is the right company for you, then, you are on the right page. Before we’ll go through the details, let me first remind you that more MLM members lose money than they invest. We’ll tell you why in a while.

Are you ready? Let’s dive into it. Shall we?

IM Mastery Academy Review – Quick Summary

Name: IM Mastery Academy

Founded: 2013

Founders: Christopher Terry & Isis de la Torre

Type: Multi-Level Marketing Company

Price: $225 to $325

Best for: Nobody.

Summary: IM Mastery Academy is a multi-level marketing company founded in 2013 that provides different programs about personal development, at the same time, a platform for crypto enthusiasts. Its founder, Christopher Terry, rebranded the former iMarketslive after the company restructured due to legal reasons.

Is IM Mastery Academy Recommended? No. Albeit its attractive products, it is not worth spending time and effort in this company. If you want to make a lucrative source of income, click the green button below.

What Is IM Mastery Academy?

“How would you feel if you had total control over every aspect of your life?”

This is a provocative message written on IM Mastery Academy. At first glance, you would think this is another personal development kind of thing.

However, the more I dug into research and spent time learning the overall structure of this network marketing company, the more I realized my assumptions were wrong.

Never did I think this would be a crypto multi-level marketing company as opposed to its “resonating message” on their landing page.

Given, IM Mastery Academy is an MLM that concentrates primarily on giving crypto-related opportunities for its members to make an income. There’s also a secret. Stay towards the end of the post to know what this company really is.

They developed programs that would help you achieve the financial dream. Supposedly. Regardless, these appealed to most of the people, though. Let’s admit it.

Non-crypto enthusiasts, especially those who like to learn how cryptocurrency and investing works, are curious about what IM Mastery Academy can help them. It is similar to the Bitcoin Wealth Club.

Based on their official website, this is the primary reason for developing the following programs, which are also considered as add-ons upon purchasing the business starter packs.

IM Mastery Academy add-on, Delorean

IM Mastery Academy add-on, Delorean


This tool provides an analysis of the trading market to help you make better choices (costs $21.95)

Is IM Mastery Academy A Scam Steady

IM Mastery Academy add-on, Steady


This is considered a must-have for members to look into the long-term progress of their crypto investment based on the trading market. (costs $21.95)

Is IM Mastery Academy A Scam Vibrata

IM Mastery Academy add-on, Vibrata


This tool helps in analyzing the grouped opportunities to show the best trading choices. (costs $9.95)

Is IM Mastery Academy A Scam Levels

IM Mastery Academy add-on, Levels


LevelsThis is a stop-loss detector that helps in identifying entry and exit points, giving you profits in the trading market. (costs $21.95)

Is IM Mastery Academy A Scam Goldcup

IM Mastery Academy add-on, Goldcup


If you want to look for the “higher-profit” trades, this could be a good tool for you to use, yet, it is a risky move. (costs $21.95)

Is IM Mastery Academy A Scam Bounceback

IM Mastery Academy add-on, Bounceback


This tool helps in analyzing the trading market, specifically in entering the right entry point. (costs $21.95)

Is IM Mastery Academy A Scam Pivots

IM Mastery Academy add-on, Pivots


This tool helps you in analyzing and identifying the “key reversal zones” in many time frames. (costs $21.95)

Is IM Mastery Academy A Scam Liberty

IM Mastery Academy add-on, Liberty


This tool is used to find the high-paced trading ideas for Binary Options. (costs $21.95)

I mentioned earlier about the personal development vibe which opposed the focal point of this multi-level marketing company.

IM Mastery Academy tackles other aspects of “your life” such as building communities, financial literacy, fight trafficking, and animal protection.

As you can see, the company appeared to help the overall being of the person while assisting them in their entrepreneurial life as a bitcoin investor.

Who Is IM Mastery Academy For?

IM Mastery Academy made all those attractive add-ons available in the retail business. So, you either sign-up as a customer or become an IBO to make money by selling the programs to your customers.

Since this is a multi-level marketing company, you are expected to create your downlines while trying to generate more sales to qualify for certain bonuses.

The products may be at a fair price compared to their worth; yet, it doesn’t mean you can make a profit only by selling these.

Besides, how would you sell these packages to your customers if you don’t have any idea what you’re talking about?

For instance, I don’t have any knowledge about cryptocurrency. And I want to learn more about it – and perhaps, invest in it.

Does IM Mastery Academy provide me a sort of training that discusses an in-depth process of the subject?

Bitcoin, Ripple, Ethereum, Dash, Monero

IM Mastery Academy fosters crypto-investments and mindset among its IBOs.

I looked upon their website and there was nothing. All the features displayed on their website are blocked, disallowing me to see the information about their extra offers.

This is yet the downside of IM Mastery Academy. Though you will spend either of their starter packs:

  • Elite Starter Pack – costs $325 
  • Platinum Starter Pack – costs $225

…you will not gain anything. Although the Platinum Starter Pack appeared to be an introductory package, it doesn’t contain necessary training about cryptocurrency at all.

Here’s the funny part. You spend $225 for their exclusive pip talks. And a $100 more for the Elite Starter Pack for the access of mastery in the markets. And markets mean bitcoin trading per se.

If you take a closer look at it, you will notice that you will not know any basics of crypto-investment with a $225 package. That will then force you to spend $100 more to get the package you ACTUALLY need.

Now, how does IM Mastery Academy compensate your efforts if ever you become one of its IBOs?

As an MLM, you must understand that your profits depend on the rank. Hence, you have to constantly exert effort in selling more products and starter packages to achieve a higher rank.

Below is a breakdown of IM Mastery Academy ranks and its corresponding requirements to reach them and earn designated bonuses in return.

1. Compensation Based On Ranks

IM Mastery Academy Compensation Plan Based On Ranks Infographic

Have you been wondering what GV means?

It stands for Group Volume, which is an MLM measurement used to determine the sales accumulation in the downline.

2. Fast Start Bonus

In addition to the compensation plan, your starter packs determine the number of bonuses you get as well.

For instance, if you chose the Platinum Starter Pack, which contains only the foundations of IM Mastery Academy and nothing else in there, you will earn $35 for every renewal.

A $50 bonus is only given to those who chose a more expensive starter pack, the Elite Starter Pack.

3. Residual Commissions

The last compensation you get as an IBO is residual commissions. You will receive the amount of income you get within the cycle depending on your rank (again).

According to my research, the residual commissions range between $150 per month to as high as $1,000 month depending on how many people you referred to and bought the packages and products you sell.

IM Mastery Academy could compensate around $37.50 to as high as $250 per week.

Pros & Cons of IM Mastery Academy

As much as IM Mastery Academy offers a diverse compensation, as well as diversified ranks, it is still a network marketing company you should stay away from.

You will understand the reasons for this judgment in the pros and cons below.

1. Diverse Compensation Plan

If you take a look at the breakdown of how IM Mastery Academy pays out, you will have a lot of options. You earn commissions from referring people to join with you and buy the products from you.

2. Diverse Products To Sell

Your journey with IM Mastery Academy starts with an option to choose and buy the starter packs: the Elite and Platinum Starter Packs.

From there, you will have access to tons of their retail products to promote and sell to your customers.

This can also be a way to attract more customers, becoming loyal customers, leading to increased commissions credited in your account.

Is IM Mastery Academy A Scam Academies

IM Mastery Academy seeks to help people become financially independent by putting up these academies.

1. No BBB Rating & Accreditation

Once a network marketing company fails to register on reputable review sources, you start to feel suspicious about the legitimacy of the MLM.

For instance, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) doesn’t have a registration for IM Mastery Academy. It depicts the company’s failure to prove its commitment to serve its stakeholders.

2. Expensive Starter Packs

You have to spend a bit to join IM Mastery Academy. The Platinum Starter Pack costs $225 and the Elite Starter Pack costs $325.

The cost doesn’t include add-ons to fully experience what this MLM can do for you.

3. Bonuses Depend On Starter Packs

As I mentioned earlier, the amount of bonus you will get from IM Mastery Academy depends on the Starter Pack you chose upon signing-up as an IBO.

If you choose the cheaper package, you will earn $35 commission for every renewal and the other one, the Elite Starter Pack, gives you $50 commission every time your customer renews.

Is IM Mastery Academy A Scam Fast Start Bonus

Your Fast Start Bonus depends on your Starter package choice upon joining the company.

4. Bonuses Depend On Ranks

This is a common practice for most multi-level marketing companies. The compensation will be based on how much you have generated for the company’s growth and expansion.

Therefore, the more you contribute to the company, the more they pay you for the effort. With that being said, it pushes you to promote IM Mastery Academy products constantly, as well as inviting them to join you as a downline.

The more you promote, the more chances of getting sales. That is if done right. This is how network marketing works, in general.

5. Bad Company History

Its founder, Christopher Terry, founded iMarketslive, multi-level marketing that has gone in trouble with the Federal government due to its questionable business.

The event caused the company to restructure and rebranded it as IM Mastery Academy.

Is IM Mastery Academy A Scam Founders

IM Mastery Academy founders who also are the same persons behind iMarketslive.

Is IM Mastery Academy a Scam?

Based on the information gathered, IM Mastery Academy is a scam. Several reasons could be presented as to why this multi-level marketing company considered as one.

Having no registered profile on the Better Business Bureau (BBB) is the first factor. Most scam network marketing companies don’t have records on the above-mentioned reputable company review resource.

In the event of a scam alert, the BBB notifies its users to avoid the company by an announcement. For instance, Survey Junkie faces trouble with an imposter site, Survey Junkies. 

This is why most trusted MLMs have BBB records even if ratings aren’t available and no accreditation status. It is proof of its existence, its commitment to serve its users to the best of its abilities.

The next thing I like to point out is the bad company history. With a complaint filed on the CTFC, iMarketslive, which is IM Mastery Academy today, shut down and removed its trading bot system.

Lastly, becoming an IBO entails a lot of expenses on your part. The entry point alone requires you a lot of money for something you’re uncertain it works.

The sad thing is the frustration it brings you when you fail to generate sales from referrals and starter packages, including its retail add-ons.

Because of that, it is not a good choice to join IM Mastery Academy to become an entrepreneur.

It is a scam and you should stay away from it. If you opt to learn more about cryptocurrency, you can simply click the sidebar image. If you opt to build your business online, get your Ultimate Make Money Online Guide today.

Is IM Mastery Academy A Scam Landing Page

IM Mastery Academy Landing Page featuring their “motivating” quote to lure people to join the company as an IBO.

Conclusion – Is IM Mastery Academy Worth It?

If you read my comprehensive review about iCoinPro, you will see similarities with IM Mastery Academy. First, they are both multi-level marketing companies involved in bitcoin.

Second, they both have a suspicious vibe, giving you uncertainty if they could give you profits from the commissions they promised to you when you signed up.

The third reason pertains to the absence of Better Business Bureau records, which I already pointed before. You have to be careful with companies that do not have these records.

Because of these reasons, joining IM Mastery Academy as an IBO will not be worth your time. It is best to avoid this company before it’s too late.

If you want to build a real business – a business that works – learn the step-by-step process on how to make a substantial amount of income that’s enough to quit your mundane 9 to 5 lifestyle.

Roope Kiuttu, the founder of Your Online Revenue LLC, teaches you how you can make money without taking dangerous risks just as how MLM tries to do with your investment.

Click the green button below and take action. It’s your choice.

Now that I shared my thoughts on my “Is IM Mastery Academy a scam?” post, it’s time to turn the table and ask about your experience, in general.

What kinds of experiences do you have with making money with IM Mastery Academy? Is it worth your time, money, and effort?

Do you prefer to begin earning your first passive income through affiliate marketing or you instead invest your time, money, and effort into income-generating opportunities like this?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

If you need any help to get started making money online, don’t hesitate to ask in the comments below and we’ll be happy to help you out!

By Mecyll Gaspary

Hi, I'm Mecyll! I'm a full-time writer in Your Online Revenue, dedicated to dig into the world of making money with Roope. When I'm not spending time writing reviews, I'm writing novels and blog posts on my own website.


  1. Hey. Thank you for the information. I’ve been searching for information on this company because a person I know have been really aggressively pushing me to join. Of course I’ve been very skeptical when i saw what it would cost to join and how much it would cost me monthly. They try to make you feel like this is for the average blue collar worker to invest and finally be able to walk away from him job of 20 years plus. No way. The numbers just don’t add up if you listen to a zoom conference call. Again thank you so much. I have no knowledge of all this but I’m learning fast.

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