Unison Wealth Review – Is Unison Wealth A Ponzi Scheme?!

Unison Wealth Review Featured Image

Unison Wealth Review Featured Image

Welcome to my Unison Wealth Review!

I know you love to promote products of companies you love and recommend. Nowadays, the internet makes selling easier because it gives you the chance to reach out to more customers.

What if you have no choice but to promote them for the sake of income? Your conscience may tell you not to do it but your need to make money is at stake. What would you do?

This is what we’ll discover in this multi-level marketing company that does exactly that. They lure its customers and its members to make an income from low-quality and outdated products.

Are you sure this is something you like to do? If you aren’t sure yet, let’s dig into the post. Shall we?

Unison Wealth Review – Quick Summary

Name: Unison Wealth

Founded: 2014

Founder: Jason Hall

Type: Multi-Level Marketing Company

Price: $5 + $50 subscription fee for 15 days

Best for: Nobody.

Summary: Unison Wealth is a multi-level marketing company that supposedly caters to providing advertising opportunities because that’s how the company is built from. However, its system shows that the opportunities are based on selling subscriptions for product access that won’t work.

Is Unison Wealth Recommended? No. Aside from the fact that it’s a network marketing company, the company sells low-quality products.

What Is Unison Wealth?

Established in 2014, Jason Hall founded Unison Wealth as a multi-level marketing company. Its products focus on improving financial health, giving you the diversity to promote and sell to your customers.

These products include:

  • List Building Profits PLR
  • Email Marketing Mastery PLR
  • Online Income Kickstart PLR
  • Tube Rank Rocket PLR
  • Facebook Fast Ads PLR
  • List Building Excellence PLR
  • Google Plus for Business PLR
  • Google Plus Exposed PLR

But here’s the catch.

These tools are considered Private Labeled Rights (PLR), which means these products are given up by the creator or author of the content.

In other words, they have given up the intellectual rights to those who wanted to resell or redistribute the content.

Oftentimes, the PLR products are of low-quality or outdated. For instance, if Unison Wealth wants you to sign-up for membership in exchange for access to these tools, you will not get the strategies or applications that work.

Subsequently, this leads you to force yourself to believe in Unison Wealth products even if you don’t recommend the content per se.

The reason is obvious. You want to make a substantial amount of income to make your financial goals achievable.

Thinking that this network marketing company helps you to do that, you enter the rat race and chase potential customers for the sake of it.

Hence, the nature of this business isn’t recommendable primarily because you don’t do what an affiliate should do. A legitimate affiliate believes in the product and wants to share the experience with others.

What Unison Wealth tries to do is the other way around, making your financial journey face a tragic end. And this is what you should avoid, my friend.

Unison Wealth is not a good MLM to invest your money. Beware.

Who Is Unison Wealth For?

To be honest, Unison Wealth is considered a Ponzi scheme for several reasons.

The first reason for the judgment is its compensation plan. You sign-up for the membership application and pay $5 for the registration.

Once you signed-up, keep in mind that this doesn’t make you eligible for the compensation. That means, you are just getting access to low-quality tools but you aren’t allowed to distribute them and make money.

You have to pay $50 to become a bonafide member eligible for the bonuses and other benefits Unison Wealth could provide you. But, here’s the funny part.  This is where it gets fishy.

Your $50 is only good for 15 days.

That means if the subscription has expired 15 days after you subscribed, you have to spend another $50 for renewal for the next 15 days. Hence, you spend $30 per month on useless subscriptions.

According to Jack Cao of BareNakedScam.com, he wrote about the maximum number of one-time payments for the subscriptions. Unison Wealth only accepts a maximum of 20 subscriptions. That’s $1,000 spent from your pocket.

Unison Wealth Review Matrix Earnings

This is how Unison Wealth compensation plan looks like in matrices.

They have a similar system as Saivian does. If you haven’t heard about this multi-level marketing company, it implements the same membership type of investment, luring its members to make a drastic financial change in a short time.

They ask $125 for the membership, which is good for 28 days. As soon as their subscription expires, they have to spend another amount for the renewal. And the more renewals you do, Saivian claims to pay more.

This is what’s exactly going on with Unison Wealth. Their schemes are interestingly similar except for the prices. Both of these companies don’t have real products – I mean, high-quality products for its members.

If not certain, Unison Wealth products might not exist at all. And people spend money for nothing.

Regardless, people seem to have been keeping an eye on this company as it remains at the top search over the years despite the shady tactics they do to scam people.

In terms of the compensation, they follow a confusing compensation plan in the 2×1 and 3×1 matrix system. That means, Level A comprises you and your 2 subscribers.

And as soon as your subscribers invited someone as their downlines, that qualifies in Level B, which is the 3×1 matrix system. In a nutshell, this level will look like this.

Unison Wealth Review 3x1 Matrix

Unison Wealth 3×1 Matrix

Pros & Cons of Unison Wealth

Given the noticeable discrepancies, Unison Wealth is an undeniable scam. It is a Ponzi scheme in which its business expansion and growth rely heavily on the membership fees.

Therefore, we cannot say the good side of this multi-level marketing company because there is nothing to say positive about it. Because of that, we’ll immediately tackle the cons of Unison Wealth as a business opportunity.

1. A Ponzi Scheme

Most Ponzi schemes target the areas where people are mostly concerned about. Finances, beauty, health, and wellness, as well as legal services as Legal Shield does.

Their offers might appear attractive, especially to people who are into finances and other niches which most of the legitimate products are either expensive or only made available for a limited number of people. It’s like a VIP Access or so.

If you want to be trained by a financial expert or coach, for sure, you have to pay a lot of money. But rest assured that your financial life goes well and on the right track.

But not all people have the capacity to spend thousands of dollars for the experts to teach them how to grow their money or improve their financial health.

This leads to Unison Wealth PLR products as an option. They promise to help people to do the same objectives and achieve them without problems.

The problem here is that these are PLR resources. As I mentioned earlier, the author of these words (whoever he is) has given up his or her intellectual rights for the content. That means he doesn’t care about how the content will be distributed across platforms.

And that’s what you like to sell? Do you like to sell garbage for the sake of making some bucks?

I know this isn’t what you like. You wanted to make money online in a justified manner. You don’t want yourself to be in trouble for the sake of quick-rich schemes.

Therefore, Unison Wealth relies on the membership fees to pay every member and make them think these are from the company per se. But the $50 spent is given to another member. The cycle goes on.

This makes this network marketing company a Ponzi scheme because there is no real company or real products to generate sales, expand the business, and connect with legitimate review sites like the Better Business Bureau (BBB).

2. No BBB Rating

As I pointed out before, most scam multi-level marketing companies don’t have records on most reputable review sites such as the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and others.

Why do most reviews include the BBB as part of the justification that Unison Wealth, for instance, is a legitimate MLM or not?

This is because the BBB is a reputable company review site. If any MLM wishes to prove their legitimacy, they should present complete company information, compensation, and other pieces of supporting documents to prove their commitment to serve its customers.

In this case, Unison Wealth doesn’t have any registration proof nor rating from them. That means they failed to satisfy the reviewers regarding how sincere or how real their services are.

The fact that they don’t have a crucial resource for MLMs, this sheds a light about how real their business is with its stakeholders.

3. No BBB Accreditation Status

Concerning my previous point, Unison Wealth doesn’t have records on the mentioned platform. That means they don’t have anything to present in the public domain to prove they are a real company to invest upon.

Unison Wealth Review Tube Rank Rocket

Tube Rank Rocket is one of the PLR products Unison Wealth included in the $50 subscription.

4. PLR Products

I already pointed this out before but I like to emphasize this again to discuss everything as clearly as possible. Unison Wealth doesn’t have real products. That’s self-explanatory.

All they have are products in which are left behind by its authors. So, from that alone, there’s no reason for selling them after their abandonment, does it?

Can you find any sense of doing so? Can you make money from selling low-quality and outdated tools for a supposed financial success?

5. Confusing Compensation Plan

Unison Wealth, just like other multi-level marketing companies, relies on its compensation from the generated sales and, at the same time, its membership.

Imagine how much they got from you every time you pay $50 for a worthless product. And count how many of you are doing the same thing? Do you have downlines? How many times do they renew every month or every year?

Answering these questions shed a light on the shady tactic Unison Wealth tries to do.

A legitimate MLM doesn’t rely heavily on the membership because they are confident their products are great and of high-quality. And high-quality means it backed with research.

With that being said, Unison Wealth appears to be defensive when it comes to their products, following a complicated and sometimes confusing compensation method.

What I could understand is that its source primarily comes from the membership fees. But the distribution between Levels is amusingly confusing.

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You cannot make money with selling PLR products. It’s like you’re selling someone else’s trash for an income.

Is Unison Wealth a Scam?

Unison Wealth is a scam. A Ponzi scheme to be exact. It is a scam because it does suspicious activities to fool people into investing a certain amount of money for financial gain.

Without the need for providing good products or tools to achieve financial success, Unison Wealth relies on the number of people to join the company as its members. The more you invite, the more you make money.

The same thing when you renew as many times as you can (as long as it doesn’t exceed 20 times), the more chances of enjoying bonuses. But you know, this isn’t true at all.

You can’t simply sell something to someone just because they look diversified and easy to use. Practicality plays a vital role in the consumer’s choices. Don’t be fooled. The products may look attractive at first glance but they don’t give anything in return.

These are alibis to scam people and believe that Unison Wealth exists as a legitimate multi-level marketing company. Unfortunately, it is not.

Because it is a scam. There’s no doubt about that.

The FTC Guidelines in which it defines why Unison Wealth qualifies as a Ponzi scheme.

Conclusion – Is Unison Wealth Worth It?

Based on all the information gathered in this post, there’s no doubt that Unison Wealth is a Ponzi scheme, a scam network marketing company, that you should not deal with unless you want problems.

Firstly, they have no real products. Even when you are selling digital products, Serious Bloggers Only, for example, you can make more money in creating products that are accessible online. These include courses, membership programs, etc.

As much as how the world relies on the creators’ vivid imagination on certain things, reluctance to invest in something you don’t physically feel is evident. However, that doesn’t mean you are selling something that harms others.

When we talk about harming others, this directly leads to the conversation of scam multi-level marketing companies as Unison Wealth.

The company didn’t exist as well as its official website. Therefore, one cannot enter its domain and examine what they have for its stakeholders.

The proof?

They don’t have records, ratings, and accreditation status from reputable review sources.

What does that mean to you?

If you intend to make money without leaving your home, make sure the business opportunity doesn’t ask you to pay now and then for the sake of access.

What happens in a real course, for instance, is that the company or the creator of the course only asks the customers to pay once or once in a month (for membership courses and/or programs).

Never would you hear them asking payments that soon as Unison Wealth does to its members. From that alone, you will notice how shady their system is. Because of that, it is clear that it is a Ponzi scheme.

It’s better to stay out of trouble, my friend.

Now that I shared my thoughts on my “Unison Wealth Review” post, it’s time to turn the table and ask about your experience, in general.

What kinds of experiences do you have with making money with Unison Wealth? Is it worth your time, money, and effort?

Do you prefer to begin earning your first passive income through affiliate marketing or you instead invest your time, money, and effort into income-generating opportunities like this?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

If you need any help to get started making money online, don’t hesitate to ask in the comments below and we’ll be happy to help you out!

By Mecyll Gaspary

Hi, I'm Mecyll! I'm a full-time writer in Your Online Revenue, dedicated to dig into the world of making money with Roope. When I'm not spending time writing reviews, I'm writing novels and blog posts on my own website.

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