Innopoll Review: Earn Up To $5 Per Survey – But Is It Worth It?

Innopoll Review
innoPoll has followers on Twitter and Facebook but at the moment they are more active on Facebook promoting their services..

In this innoPoll review I will reveal you the truth on how much money you can make there. Some people were also asking if innoPoll is a scam or not. I’ll give you an answer to that and many other questions in the coming 1-2 minutes when you keep on reading. I promise also show you a way to a way how I am making money online.

I have experience of more than 7o survey sites so I am the right person to share a thought or two about innoPoll.

InnoPoll Review

Innopoll ReviewName: innoPoll

Based: In New York, USA.

Field: Online Surveys

Earning Potential: Not very high. You can earn a few dollars here and there but that’s all.

Overall Rank: 35 Out of 100

Check Out My #1 Recommendation to make money online.  Overall Rank 98 Out of 100. I use this myself and it’s bringing me more and more income every month.

Innopoll Review
InnoPoll website is very simplistic.

What Is InnoPoll? – A Survey Panel That Pays You Money

A marketing research company that is New York-based, Bovitz Inc., operates a survey panel called innoPoll. With this survey panel, you receive a survey invitation as a member through email. You are paid to share your opinions regarding on various topics. You also help big brands understand the consumer behavior by taking online surveys. By this, companies can improve their services or products, as well as their marketing research campaigns. However, this survey panel is quite different from other survey sites and it is very minimalist.

After joining the innoPoll survey site, you will get an e-mail invitation asking you to participate in online research and surveys. Each invitation email will clearly state the survey’s dollar value in order to let you know the amount you can earn before proceeding to answer the survey’s questions. After completing each online research study or survey, you will get your reward via e-mail. This makes things simpler, since it does not need users to log into their account in order to request for their rewards.

Another good thing is that with innoPoll, there is no minimum account balance required. Once the study is closed, the survey panel will simply issue your reward. After completing each survey, the rewards will be instantly received by the site’s validated members. You can also have the possibility to choose from several popular reward options such as the following:

  • Bitcoins paid to your Bitcoin wallet
  • Cash paid to your PayPal account
  • E-gift cards from Amazon
  • Tango cards that can be exchanged for dozens of major retailers’ gift cards
  • Donations to Habitat for Humanity and other charitable organizations

innoPoll allows its users to earn fair compensation for their participation in surveys. The surveys are worth in the range between $1 and $5. You also can earn for every three surveys completed with a $2 loyalty bonus. Even if you are disqualified from a survey, the respective survey will still count towards getting the $2 bonus.

innoPoll also offers you the possibility to perform occasional product tests. All the surveys on innoPoll panel are also mobile friendly. There is no need for maintaining a member account with innoPoll. All you have to do is to simply sign up by using your e-mail address.

Click the Picture to Get Started.

How to Make Money with InnoPoll?

When you sign up with innoPoll, it is very quick and free. If you are interested, then you just have to provide your email or you can sign up via your Google or Facebook account. Next, you only have to click the link given sent to your email inbox in order to confirm. Another option is to confirm through your phone number. After the confirmation process is done, you can instantly receive rewards after you take online surveys.

When it comes to the Privacy Policy of the innoPoll surveys website, it is explained that they will never advertise other services or products to users. In fact, there have never been any complaints with regards to spam messages and unsolicited phone calls or text messages. The next step you will take is to fill up a demographic questionnaire that contains questions about your gender, age, income, education, employment and many others. By filling up this questionnaire, you assist innoPoll in selecting a good candidate for its future survey opportunities.

You can expect to get a few survey invitations every month to your email inbox after you provide your email address and you have completed your profile. A number of people say that they only receive three to six surveys every month. This low number of surveys is quite disappointing.

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You are asked to answer a few more pre-qualification questions before you can complete the paid survey. There are times that you will not qualify for its every opportunity offered. Nonetheless, the good thing about the innoPoll platform is that it rewards you with a loyalty credit even though you have not completed the online survey.

You will be paid $2 when you have three loyalty credits. This means that you will earn a minimum of $0.67 for every survey even though you don’t quality at times. But if you qualify and you take the online survey, you can make $2 or even more, and it is higher than what this industry usually pays. Generally, people are content with the kind of surveys and cash rewards they receive – a reason that they would love to get more online survey invitations.

You will be paid right after you take a survey or you can also save three loyalty credits, depending on the survey panel. There is no minimum cashout requirement or point system, which is truly great. You can choose to get paid through Bitcoins, Paypal, Tango vouchers or Amazon gift cards.

Innopoll Review
innoPoll has followers on Twitter and Facebook but at the moment they are more active on Facebook promoting their services.

How Much Money Can You Earn with InnoPoll?

Since most of the people using innoPoll for online surveys said that they receive only three to six surveys every month, that means you can only make between $1 and $5 for every completed survey, which means you would earn only between a minimum of $3 and a maximum of $30 per month.

With this amount, you will add a loyalty bonus of $0.67 for every completed survey. That means you would earn another $2 to $4 per month as a loyalty bonus. Adding the amounts, you would make between $5 and $34 per month with innoPoll. This seems to be quite a disappointing amount of monthly earnings for most of the innoPoll users.

We have reviewed more than 60 survey sites on and we have noticed that online surveys are not worth it. The payout is so small even in the “most profitable survey sites“. Even though innoPoll is paying more than most survey websites, your earning potential is still quite low.

Sponsored Reviews Complaints / Reviews 

While some users seem to like this survey panel because of its easy point systems to get rewards and their quick payout via PayPal, others are really disappointed on the fact that the probable amount of money to earn with innoPoll is very low. You only get $2 for completing surveys in one hour. Also, some customers complain about sponsored reviews about innoPoll that tend to create some fake expectations about the site.

Innopoll Review
innoPoll is the same thing in the different covers (compared to other survey sites). You can earn $1-2 per hour and that’s it.

If you have experience of other online survey sites, you have probably heard the same story also before. You start a survey and after a while they say you, “Unfortunately you weren’t qualified for this survey, better luck next time!” Or then you keep on filling out the survey for +30 minutes and earn only a dollar. A better choice would be to work even in McDonald’s. (I have nothing against McDonald’s workers. I just point out that working at McDonald’s is 100 times more profitable than answering online surveys.)

If you are interested making money online, I recommend starting a free step-by-step training in Wealthy Affiliate. Numerous people are making a full-time income after going through their training and putting the knowledge into action. Some of my friends are making even +$10,000/month.

My own experience shows that the training really works. I joined Wealthy Affiliate around 2 years ago and I haven’t turned back. Recently I quit my 9 to 5 job so I have more time to build an online business with skills that I learned in WA.

Conclusion – Is InnoPoll Legit?

innoPoll is a legitimate survey site. They are paying for their members but the rewards are very small. That’s why I don’t recommend it for you. Most likely you would just waste your precious time. It’s better to use your time by doing more profitable activities. What do you think?

My website is dedicated teaching people how to make money online. I have reviewed more than 200 make money online programs. Some of them were scams. Some of them pay only very little money. But the best ones help you to make a full-time income online.

My #1 recommendation to earn money online is Wealthy Affiliate. They offer you a wonderful step-by-step training how you can build your own online business. They offer also numerous tools that will help you succeed. The community (including myself) will help you with every step you take.

Anyone can create a free account on Wealthy Affiliate and have it for a lifetime. Premium membership costs less than $1 and it’s definitely worth it. However, I started with a free membership and later on upgraded to premium. With a free account, you’ll get 20 helpful video lessons with tasks, 2 websites, my 1-on-1 support and much more.

=> Learn to Make Money Online Through Wealthy Affiliate! (Get Started for FREE.)


Have you ever tried innoPoll or other online survey sites? What kind of experience did you have?

Do you also prefer doing more profitable things online like I do?

Let’s discuss in the comments below!

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. I am not much interested in online survey sites because most of these sites do not offer surveys for international users. Does this site offer international surveys? If yes, I may want to check this out. If there are no surveys available to a user based in Asia, there is no way I can use this site.

  2. I’ve been told about survey and poll websites but I’ve always been skeptical about it; how much can you be paid, if your time investment is so small? If you are just giving random data to random people, something barely above a machine level, what can it provide for you? Not to mention that answering these must take some time, time that you could be using on more rewarding things.

    It’s nice to find an honest review that speaks the truth regarding the little reward value of these paid polls! Thanks!

    1. Hi Rosette,

      yeah, there are many websites on the Internet that are just trying to sell you these survey sites saying, “Earn free cash and gift cards today. Join now!” Then people go and join and these guys are earning commissions.

      I prefer telling how they work in reality rather than brushing it up. I want to encourage people to live a purposeful life doing big and meaningful things instead of answering online surveys 😉


  3. Very honest review, however I think when doing online surveys no one goes into it thinking they are gonna make any real money. people can always use a little extra cash. In the past I used erewards and got a free night stay at a good hotel a few times a year, which was nice like a little vacation to boost my moral.

    It is nice to see InnoPoll pay out right away for each survey. I think some sites in a way scam people by expecting they will never get to the limit to pay out unfortunately. Over all if you are trying to make a little extra money or perks then InnoPoll sounds like its a good one to add to your tool box!

    1. Hi Yiskah,

      it really depends on your goals. If you want to fill out surveys earning $1-3 per hour, that’s fine. But it’s not for me and I don’t recommend for other people as well. I know that anyone could be earning $10-300 per hour online by doing even much more interesting things than online surveys.

      But of course, if you want to use time on online surveys, it’s your choice 🙂


  4. I’ve given up with survey sites, to be honest. I don’t think any survey sites can be used as a regular source of income so I would only recommend them if you want to earn a bit extra on the side. I think I wrote this in a comment on another post of yours – I only really use one survey site at the moment and it’s been great for rewards. I get a few gift cards every month out of it, nothing big but it’s nice to have on the side.

    Regarding Wealthy Affiliate. Do you have any tips for a beginner? I want to check it out

    1. Hi Kingcool,

      yeah, then we have the same view about online survey sites. They are just not worth it because there are much better ways to earn money online and spent the time.

      My tip for a beginner is that go through the step-by-step training by Kyle in Wealthy Affiliate. He has made money online for +15 years so he really know well how to teach how you can do it as well.

      Then I recommend asking lots of questions within the community, especially from experienced online entrepreneurs.


  5. Wow, what a nice and honesty review. I have personally tried different paid survey sites. Im actually still subscribed to some. And you know what? I’ve never reached the minimum payout in any of them. Most of them set a very high minimum payout and offer very few surveys.

    From those few surveys, I would be very lucky if I get qualified by one. A lot of the surveys have been stating that I’m not qualified to continue blah blah. And that’s after spending 5 to 10 minutes of my precious time!

    1. Hi Lindbergh,

      I completely agree with you. Have heard the same story probably from tens of different people who have tried online survey sites.

      Isn’t it frustrating that you spend 10 minutes of your precious time and then they say you, “Unfortunately you weren’t qualified for this survey. Better luck next time!”

      You mentioned all reasons why I don’t spend my time on online surveys anymore. I have cashed out from some of them but it was so little money compared to invested time.

      Best regards

  6. Thank you for the review! I have been trying different review sites and find that they are too time consuming for the little money they payout. I was thinking of giving this one a try for a while since they pay immediately after the survey. I hate waiting for my money to build up before payout.

    1. Hi Jackie,

      you can give it a try and let me know what did you like.

      I don’t personally use it and don’t recommend for other people because rewards are so small.

      If you want to earn money than with innoPoll or other online surveys, I recommend taking a closer look at Wealthy Affiliate.


  7. Thanks for this Innopoll review. I have come across many survey sites, but I had never heard of this one before. I haven’t found any that ‘stand out’ as being a GOOD source of income online.

    I find it hard to qualify for most surveys and when you do, the payout isn’t worth the time spent to actually complete them.

    I have also heard of MLK platforms as well – but I’ve found most of them are hard to start making money from. You mention Wealthy Affiliate as your #1 recommendation. What makes that different from an MLM platform and is the money you make worth the time you spend?

    Thanks for a thorough review!

    1. Hi Kayla,

      yeah, it’s the same story with all survey sites. Little rewards for the invested time.

      Wealthy Affiliate is totally different. It can help you to create an income that can fund the rest of your life. I have quit my 9 to 5 job and I’m not planning to go back.

      WA is different than MLMs for several reasons:

      1.You don’t need recruit anybody to earn money.

      2.You can sell any products you want in the world and earn money.

      3.There are no complicated compensation plans.


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