American Consumer Panels Scam Review: Do They Pay $45/Hour?

is American consumer panels a scam

is American consumer panels a scam

Welcome to my American Consumer Panels Scam Review!

If you are looking for an honest, unbiased and a brutally honest review, you have come to the right place. In this review, I’ll reveal whether or not you can really make $45/hour from their site as they promise.

In addition, I will show you my #1 recommended way to make money online.

I’m 100% sure that you’ll find my review helpful and valuable.

So, fasten your seatbelts and let’s have a closer look!

American Consumer Panels Scam Review – Quick Summary

Product Name: American Consumer Panels (ACP)

Type: Get Paid By Testing Products

Price: Free

Summary: American Consumer Panels promises to pay you for testing different kinds of products and providing therefore value for the companies. However, our research has shown that the ACP seems to be extremely shady company and you should be avoiding it at all costs. Read further why…

Is American Consumer Panels Recommended? No. If you want to make money from home, see my top recommendation here or by clicking the button below:

American Consumer Panels Reviews 2020

My first ACP review was published back in 2018 and I’ve been testing and following their website ever since and I’ve recently published a brand-new review on my YouTube channel.

Will American Consumer Panels really pay you $25 – 45 per hour for product testing?

Watch my video to find out:

Is American Consumer Panels Fake?

I have just published an updated American Consumer Panels review  on my YouTube channel.

In the video, I show you EVERYTHING you need to know about American Consumer Panels and answer all your questions.

Watch the video until the end because I show you my #1 recommended way to make money online that changed my own life.

If you have any questions regarding the video or making money online, don’t hesitate to ask me in the comments below and I’ll be more than happy to help you making a life-changing income online.

Get Free Products And Earn Money?

What if I would say that you can earn $25-45 per hour from home and as a bonus get free products like

  • NewSony Bravia 48” Smart TV
  • Brand-New Xbox
  • BabyStyle Oyster 2 Pushchair and Carrycot
  • NutriBullet-in-Cherry -Smoothie Machine
  • And much more.

American Consumer Panels product testers getting their products for free. Well, at least that’s what they claim… Read further to find out if it’s true!


Doesn’t look and sound too bad, huh?

In this review, I am going to show and explain you what American Consumer Panels is all about and if their offers are really so good as they look.

I am 100% sure that you will find this review helpful and valuable so read this until the very end and feel free to ask me anything in the comments below. I will be more than happy to help you out personally.

What Is American Consumer Panels?

American Consumer Panels is a company that promises you to pay for testing products. They also advertise to companies that they can provide customer feedback in order to improve the product quality.

The company claims on their website that it has been around already since 2006 to bring them more credibility. However, a few facts claim differently. More on this further…

Recently, we published an article of 16 different companies that pay for testing electronics. There was a good reason why American Consumer Panels was not in our list.

Even though their offer is the same (get a product, review it and get paid), there are some things that you need to know.

How Does American Consumer Panels Work?

First, let me explain what National Consumer Panels claims to offer you. In the next chapter, you will find out why their claims are hardly true.

Anyway, I still would like to show you how they are trying to lure people into their system.

Their offers sounds actually quite interesting until you find out the truth behind the curtains…

American Consumer Panels guarantees you 15-20 hours per week with a salary of $25-45 depending on the project. Experience isn’t required.

What do you think about the offer?

Up to $45 per hour doesn’t sound like a bad salary without any experience. In addition, the guarantee of 15-20 hours of work per week make it sound even better.

I know immediately tons of people who would take this offer. Would you take it if you were looking for a way to make some extra income?

Hold on! Don’t get too excited yet.

Let me first show you 5 things that you should consider before applying to ACP. They are also the reasons why you should steer far away from their big promises and go for the honest ways to make money online.

5 Red Flags of American Consumer Panels

Now that I have showed you the claims what ACP promises, it’s good to have a look if their claims are really true or if it’s just another make money online scam.

1.Tons of Negative Reviews

I understand that even the great companies like Apple or Amazon receive sometimes negative reviews. None of the companies in this world is perfect.

However, when you start seeing 99% negative reviews and 1% positive reviews, you probably start thinking that something is going on.

Most people who have used their time to write reviews of American Consumer Panels, clearly say it’s a scam. Let me just show you a few examples.

This person tried to work for them for a year without success.

Another person who tried to work for ACP confirms it’s a scam.

Mamaof3 has already waited for 3 months to receive her payment without success…


The Internet is filled with this kind of negative reviews of ACP. These were just 3 examples but you find tens of similar ones just by making a few search.

After reading all those reviews, I would be completely surprised if the company wouldn’t be a scam.

Why wouldn’t you just go for a 100% legitimate work from home opportunity and strive to make +$10,000/month online like these 5 friends?

Of course, making +$10,000/month online requires tons of work but it’s 100% possible for anyone. My personal goal is to reach $10,000/month mark income in this year 2018.

For the next year 2019, I have even higher goals that are ambitious and completely achievable. What kind of goals do you have? I would be more than happy to help you to make money online as well, by the way.

2.Domain Age

When you go to American Consumer Panels website, you see the following text in the bottom of the page.

Their website claims that it was founded in 2006.

However, when you take a closer look at when their domain was registered, it tells you another story.

Their domain/website was registered in 2015.

Another factor here that raises my suspicion is that I couldn’t find any information about them before 2015.

All the reviews of ACP seem to be written after 2015.

In the other words, it seems that they are just lying on their website claiming the company would have been founded in 2006.

3.Does The Company Doesn’t Even Exist?

There are some reviews from people who tried to apply for the job in ACP but said that the company doesn’t even exist. Here are the things that have made people wonder if American Consumer Panels is a real company or just 100% fraud:

  1. Their support is not responsive.
  2. They don’t make the payments.
  3. You can’t find almost anything positive about the company.

if the company happens to exist, it’s obvious that they are doing extremely bad job. I personally believe that they are just scammers because all the signs speak like that.

On their website, ACP says that they would have also other job openings available in addition to user testing. See the image below.

Does American Consumer Panels really offer these jobs?


It really seems that they have just added a few positions there to cover up the scam with user testing. Their target audience seems to be people who are looking for an extra income from the comfort of their own homes.

4.All Professionals Advise to Stay Far Away

There are also several reviews of American Consumer Panels online from online business professionals who have reviewed hundreds of similar companies.

ALL of them said ACP is a scam.

What else can we say? “If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, it probably is a duck.”

“If it looks like scam, smells like a scam… It probably is a scam!”

One blogger tried to sign up to American Consumer Panels without success. The only thing she received was a lot of spam emails:

5.Outdated Website And “Stocky” Photos

Taking a quick look at their website already shows you that they haven’t put much effort on the quality of the visuals.

The website overall looks completely outdated and images look like they have been taken from the stock. What do you think about the following screenshot that I took from their website?

What do you think about the visuals on American Consumer Panels website?


Of course, the bad visuals doesn’t itself prove that a company would be a scam but we can certainly say that it’s just another negative sign.

I have seen tons of make money online scams and one of the common factors has often been that they have an outdated website. Not always but often that principle applies.

One legitimate course that helps you to make money from home is called Parallel Profits. Read our review of Parallel Profits here.

Is American Consumer Panels a Scam?

By observing all the facts, I must admit hat ACP really looks like a scam. It’s hard to find anything positive about the company on the Internet.

Everybody is just bashing American Consumer Panels with their reviews and saying that the company didn’t pay them anything.

After reading lots of reviews and trying to find something good about them, I was able to find a review below:

A positive thing is that Brian received his payment ($11.02) but a negative thing is that it took 22 weeks = almost 6 months! (Source: Better Business Bureau)

I think that even though American Consumer Panels wouldn’t be a scam, it’s hardly worth your time. Waiting 22 weeks and sending numerous emails just isn’t worth it.

And of course, you have needed to do the work for them already beforehand. These emails and the waiting are just to receive your payment that is supposed to come much faster without any hassle.

I have reviewed more than 400 websites and companies that offer make money online and work from home opportunities.

I have drilled down to find the best one that I can recommend honestly recommend to you as well. Click here or the button below to see my #1 recommendation to make money online.

That company has legitimately been founded in 2005 and they have never missed a payment during 13 years. I have also received numerous payments from the company and more than 1,500,000 people have learned to make money through their training.

Has ACP Partnered Up with Apple, Sony & Tefal?

You probably saw the following image on their website where they claim being partners with several huge brands like

  • Apple
  • Sony
  • Tefal
  • Ray-Ban
  • Kenwood
  • Fisher-Price
  • Etc.

American Consumer Panels claims that these companies are some of their clients.

To be honest, you can’t find any proofs if American Consumer Panels really has some of these clients.

What it seems to me is that they have just thrown logos from the big companies on their homepage to make their scam look a bit more believable

But when we take into account all the other fake claims and negative reviews, it’s extremely hard for me and you to believe that they would really be working with these companies.

Actually, I don’t have any good reason to believe why they would be talking the truth in this case. Who knows if I am wrong here but everything just looks so suspicious on their website.

Fortunately, there are many 100% legitimate, honest and transparent companies on the Internet that pay you always on time as they have promised.

My Sincere Advice to You

I personally recommend that you always avoid suspicious money-making opportunities to stay on the safe side.

If it looks too good to be true, it often is a scam.

There are still tons of honest and completely legitimate money-making opportunities on the Internet so you don’t even need to rely on the suspicious ones.

You can just pick up what interest you the most and start working on it to make a full-time income and much more over the time course.

If you are a beginner and you want to make big money online, my #1 recommendation is Wealthy Affiliate for several reasons.

  1. I started as a complete beginner but nowadays I earn $1,000’s every month online. I’m soon gonna reach $10,000/month mark if I keep on working.
  2. Wealthy Affiliate has already taught 1,500,000 people worldwide to make money online.
  3. They ALWAYS pay on time.
  4. You will get a 24/7/365 support on WA (unlike on American Consumer Panels).
  5. I will provide you my 1-on-1 support and mentoring. In addition, you’ll get an access to other successful online entrepreneurs.

Wealthy Affiliate provided me a lifestyle that most people just dream of and it’s 100% possible to you as well.

Learning how to make money online on Wealthy Affiliate gave me a freedom to travel around the world and live wherever I want.

You can also have the same freedom and learn to make even more money than I do.

I know on Wealthy Affiliate people who have succeeded much faster than I did. My 21-year-old friend  Jerry, for example, went from 0 to making +$2,500/month passive income in less than 6 months.

How would your life change if you would be making an extra $2,500/month after half a year?

Join Wealthy Affiliate and I will personally connect with you to help you to get started. If you have any questions, I will answer ALL of them and provide you personal tips to make more money online.

What kind of experiences do you have with American Consumer Panels and other similar websites?

Would you like to make money with the help of Wealthy Affiliate like I do? I will be more than happy to help you out personally.

Let me know in the comments below!

If you have any questions, just leave a comment below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. You don’t even need to look at the reviews to know that this is not going to be a site that is as good as they say they are. It just does not look at all like they are truthfully showing what their users are actually getting. There is no way that Microsoft just gives out Xbox One consoles to just test out to random people. They will be doing in-house testing so that is obviously a lie.

  2. When a company such as the American Consumer Panels has that kind of confusing facts about the time that they began operations, then it is surely a sign that there is something shady about the company. I have been in some sites where I didn’t get a dime after working on them and reading about the things about this particular company shows that we should be wary of them too. Honestly, these reviews that you do have truly helped people like me to detect the real sites from the scam ones.

  3. I love the way people are being skeptical about this site. It is always a sign of something deep which may be a problem. I do not always believe in the majority but for this case I guess the indications are too damning to ingore. The fact that nobody has really shown they made real money from the site shows a lot.

    1. @KabiruYoungshark, this is the thing that I am afraid of as well. I mean working on a site and not getting paid for services rendered is something that we shouldn’t just ignore. I hope that petitions should happen soon that will lead to the closure of that company because it seems that they are not even in existence.

  4. It is important to do your research before taking up any online job. If you don’t then you will learn the hard way. It is always essential to get the feedback of someone you know and trust before trying it out. This will reduce the tendency of getting conned.

  5. That’s not a surprise. There are reputable ways to test products and things in general, such as by becoming a mystery shopper or through Influenster. They don’t always offer compensation, but will often reimburse or cover the cost of shipping products. Some do compensate where reviews are provided.

    I just don’t see a company offering both the product for free and payment, so this review doesn’t come as a surprise.

    1. Have you tried “mystery shopping”? I’ve heard of it something negative but never tried it myself.

      One way to get paid through product testing is to have influence through social medias or a website. Then companies offer you products for free and give you money for publishing a review. I’ve experienced it myself.

  6. While I was reading the blog, I was thinking of the same exact words- too good to be true. Sure thing, you wrapped up with the same observation. For some reason many people would still fall for this kind. Some could be too trusting and ignore the red flags. I agree that reviews such as this are helpful. I do this all the time even with products I buy online. Maybe they just gave it a shot. Is there really no harm in trying?

    Most would end up losing time and effort which they can only charge to experience. There’s no guarantee that we know the right thing to do every time but for sure there should be indicators similar to the ones explained above.

  7. I think the salary they posted was to gain new reviewers. Let us remember to rely on others as well. Let’s not dive in to making money online with only little and perhaps invalid information. Reviews really do help and let’s look at it whenever we found a site. By this, not only we are avoiding to waste our time but the company that is deemed “fake” would not flourish as well. I recommend finding more sites and validating them before diving right in.

    1. Good points! Reviews are really important when taking a look at products and different opportunities. And it’s also good to take them with a “grain of salt” because some of them are fake reviews.

  8. American Consumer Panels is built on lies and it’s not recommended in my opinion. The 5 red flags highlighted in the review shows how unwise it would be to try using ACP to make money. With tons of negative reviews about ACP, falsified domain registration year claim, none responsive support, professional advice to stay away from ACP, all shows that it’s not a safe place to be.

      1. Gone are the days when it’s hard to decipher immediately if a site is rigged up to be a scamming site, it was actually why lots of ignorant people get caught up in one way or another but with so many way to find out if a site is a scam, it affords people safety of their investment by showing them that it’s not safe to make use of such sites.

  9. This is an eye opener, I have never come across this strategy though. I just wonder why some people will come up with fake things to scam others and get away with details and other things, I guess this is called Social engineering in computer science. Good thing there are people like Roopie Kiuttu to reveal this fraudulent acts. They even tend to spoil the good ones out there that most people never see anything good that can come out of the Internet.

  10. I also get the impression that these panels and the likes of it are getting so many personal information like salary range and product preferences, members of the family, that are too confidential and then at some point they’d tell you that you don’t meet the requirements of the survey and be asked to wait for another survey after “sharing” all those personal info. Truth be told, I have not gained a singel cent from these surveys too.

  11. What caught my eye are conversations about bad graphics on websites. This always is a turn off for me personally. I am a graphic design artist and I cringe when I see poorly done graphics, or some that are so run of the mill, we’ve all seen those terrible visuals before. Just this along with a poor functioning site is a major pet peeve of mine. This may be a scam the way they pieced the site together without any thought or creativity.

  12. Generally speaking, when the pay is good, I begin to doubt the program. I think $45 per hour is too good to be true. The screenshot of the reviews you have publishes here says all about this program. Thanks for sharing this useful article.

    1. I agree. Big pay are true good to be true. I used to believe in those before but now I have come to realization it it is not true. I just don’t wanted to be scammed anymore.

      1. Earning $25-45/hour is completely possible online but it requires usually some skills that you can offer. This kind of “product testing” just doesn’t require almost any skills so employers are not willing to pay that much.

  13. This just made me sad. Scam sites are literally everywhere in the internet right now and those people that they manage to fall into their trap will only be disappointed. Worst thing here is that they only want to earn some income peacefully yet those scam sites will destroy their hopes down.

    As I finished reading this blog, I can really say that American Consumer Panels is a scam. Even though they paid that one customer, that doesn’t mean they’re complete legitimate site. And seeing tons of bad reviews, this is really a big sign for those who wanted to try this site to stop them from further entering this mess. It’s not even trusted in the first place.

    1. The truth of the matter is that most people/scammers don’t want to suffer or work hard and follow legitimate means to make money online which I’m sure they are capable of if they set their mind to it. But they all prefer to use the wrong channel to scam and dupe the ignorant ones who know nothing about how they operate with their scams. It all boils down to be careful with any thing we get into online.

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