Should I Buy Twitter Followers? 3 Reasons Why You Should… Not!

Should I Buy Twitter Followers

When people want to get massive on Twitter they start asking themselves, “Should I buy Twitter followers?” Or maybe you watched some Youtube video how to get 1,000,000 followers in a day and the guy told you to buy them.

The fact is that selling Twitter, Instagram and other followers has become a multi-billion business worldwide. You can find hundreds of sellers online. Maybe some of your friends tried it and you are thinking if you should buy too.

Today I am going to tell you 3 reasons why you should buy Twitter followers. And 3 reasons why you should not buy them. I can give you a little spoiler (psst.. DON’T BUY THEM!) Then, in the end, I will give you 3 much better and more effective tools to boost your Twitter followers and social media influence.

Should I Buy Twitter Followers
“Should I Buy Twitter Followers?” Read Further!

3 Reasons to Buy Twitter Followers

1. You Can Look Famous

Get a chance to look like a superstar for a moment. People think that you are a celebrity when they see that you have 1 million followers. This one could be a reason for somebody but definitely not for me. Why would you like to seem like a superstar?

Whatever your reason may be, it’s not worth $2,000 or whatever is the price of the service. People will just take a look at your profile and think, “This is the guy who bought one million followers.” That’s what I think when I see these profiles who have bought their followers.

2.Big Number of Followers Attract More New Followers

This is partially true. You may more likely get followers faster when you have 100,000 instead of 100 followers. However, I have noticed is that if someone’s followers are not real they will also quickly disappear. You need to provide value for your audience so they will retweet and like your tweets. Grow a number of your followers by constantly tweeting and being active on social media. Then it will naturally grow.

If somebody has 100,000 followers but his content is not providing any good teaching or value, I don’t want to see what is he doing. But if somebody has only 100 followers and his content rocks, it doesn’t matter that other people don’t follow him. But you are right that sometimes people can get attracted to a big number and they may follow you. But again, in my opinion, it’s not worth the price. If you disagree, let me know in the comments and maybe I will learn something new from you! 🙂

3.Get More Traffic to Your Website

Maybe you think that by having 1,000,000 Twitter followers you will get easily lots of traffic to your website too. You will definitely get a huge traffic to your website if you have earned those followers with hard work and constant effort on Twitter or other social media. But if you have bought those followers, most likely you will not get almost any traffic to your website. If you want to buy traffic there are also legit ways to do it. Use, for example, PPC (pay per click -marketing), Facebook ads or other great ways to advertise your business.

If most of your 1,000,000 followers are bots, will it make more traffic to your website? Will those bot followers bring more profit to your business?

3 Reasons Why You Should NOT Buy Twitter Followers

1.Are Followers Real?

If you buy for example 100,000 followers, how you can be sure that they are real people and they are not bots? Should you just trust blindly to the company that is selling you “Real Twitter followers for a discount price!!!” Probably not.

If you buy tons of followers, chances are that most of them are bots. Somebody made a bot to create Twitter users so they could sell their service to blue-eyed clients that don’t check their backgrounds. Even though the awareness of online scams has risen, still there are lots of scam artists online who are willing to take people’s money. You don’t want to be scammed by them.

2.Low Engagement

Let’s say that you buy 100,000 followers and most of them are bots. You may think, “Hey, at least some of them must be real people then. They are my real followers.” Well, if you paid to get those followers, they are not probably even very interested in you.

Most likely many of those “real followers” will unfollow you soon when they realize what has happened. Even though they would stay there, the engagement on your Twitter page will be very low. I have seen some Twitter accounts that have 3-4 MILLION followers. Still, almost no one seems to react their tweets. It shows that these guys have bought their followers.

3.Loss of Authority/Credibility

If you buy a million followers people will remember you as the “guy who bought his followers”. I wouldn’t like to get that title. I would rather build up my authority step by step with consistent effort.

I have realized that building authority or a successful online business is not a sprint, it’s a marathon where you should put effort for a long time. That is the reason many people fail. They want quick results with low effort. Then they quit when they don’t get 1 million Twitter followers in one week or one month.

Those who gain authority are the ones who don’t quit. They keep on learning and establish their status over the time course. No one can become an authority in one week. You can claim to be an authority but no one believes you. But if you have worked in your field for years and gained knowledge, people will see that you know what you are talking about.

3 Better ways to invest in your Twitter profile?


1.Manageflitter is a huge social media management tool. It was established already in 2010 and nowadays it has more than 3,5 million users. I used Manageflitter mainly for managing my Twitter account and I found it very helpful.

You can easily follow and unfollow people, boost engagement on your Twitter profile and much more. I found it especially helpful when I wanted to unfollow users on Twitter. You can, for example, unfollow users that are not active anymore.

You can use ManageFlitter for totally FREE. But if you want you can buy a premium version which is, of course, more powerful. Read more here why to choose ManageFlitter.

Should You Buy Twitter Followers

2.Hootsuite has been one of my favorite social media tools for a long time. The number of my Twitter impressions jumped 30x-40x when I first time started using Hootsuite. We talked more about Hootsuite in our article What is The Best Social Media Marketing Tool?

Hootsuite has a free and a paid version. Sometimes I have used the paid version and sometimes only a free one. Premium version is much more powerful because then you can bulk schedule your tweets, connect a big number of social media accounts and get complete statistics about your social media profiles.

You can also get a free 30 day trial in Hootsuite and then you can decide if you want to go premium or not. But I fully recommend at least to give it a try. It will save tons of hours in the long run. Start a 30-day free trial here! And by the way, Hootsuite has about 8 million followers on Twitter.

Twitter Followers MassPlanner

3.MassPlanner is the favorite tool of many successful Internet marketers. It allows you to become massive in social media. It allows you to automate your tweets and posts on other social medias. If you want to gain followers quickly and automatically, then MassPlanner probably the best one of these three tools. Hootsuite can be better for massive tweeting but MassPlanner makes it so easy for you to gain followers.

You can automate following, liking, retweeting and other things. MassPlanner has a free trial of 5 days when you can see how everything works there. In my opinion, you will get the best benefit if you try it at least for 6 months because then you can really see the results.

=> Gain a massive number of REAL followers. Start MassPlanner free trial today!

What is your next step?

You want to get more presence on Twitter and other social medias? Don’t buy those Twitter or Instagram followers. Success in social media takes time. Your authority will be built gradually over time.

You can speed your process by using some of those three helpful tools ManageFlitter, Hootsuite and MassPlanner. They are all very useful and common among successful Internet marketers. Using a social media tool will save tons of your time if you are serious about social media marketing. You can use Hootsuite and Manageflitter for free and their premium versions are also very cheap. For example, for MassPlanner premium membership you would pay only about $0,20 per day.

Let me know in the comments below which one you are going to try first.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. I never bother buying social media followers because I just don’t see the point. I mean, I understand the idea that if you have quite a few followers then people are more likely to follow your account but the cons outweigh the benefits.

    If people find out you are buying followers, then like you said, your account loses its credibility. And then the biggest factor is that there is no point because you don’t get any interaction with these followers.

    1. Hi Kingcool,

      I completely agree with you.

      I was last week in a digital nomad conference in Portugal. Some guys were seriously thinking about buying social media followers. However, I think they realize it’s not worth it and it’s better to use the money on more profitable things.

    1. Hi Shakil,

      thank you very much. I am glad that you like it. I am improving daily in order to give the best help for our readers to make money online.


    1. You’re welcome! We are always trying to provide the best and up-to-date information for our readers and followers :).


  2. Hi Roope. I’ve always wondered how those advertisements that can help get thousand of followers is like. It seems they are buying followers or just some bots. That’s a real shame and dishonest way of doing this in my opinion. I’m still new in Twitter ( I’m mostly on facebook and Pinterest) so I’ll be sure to check those three tools you listed here. Many thanks for these great info!

    1. Hi Isaac,

      yeah those ads can be from some of those companies that are selling Twitter followers. But you can also get thousands of Twitter followers by using for example MassPlanner because it can follow people automatically on Twitter. That is not cheating in my opinion. If you would follow those people anyway so why not to automate that process? Then many people most likely will follow you back.

      Having a big number of real followers help to get more likes, retweets and more traffic to your website.

  3. Thank you for your article, Roope. I didn’t know that one could buy Twitter followers. I totally agree with you that it’s not the way to go if one is after building credibility and authority in a chosen field. I agree as well that it takes patience and consistency to achieve these. Thanks also for sharing the available social media tools out there. Those are very interesting information.

    1. Hi Cassia,

      yeah I don’t recommend people to buy Twitter followers. Even though selling followers for Twitter, Instagram and other social medias is already a business of million dollars I think there’s a lot of unreliability on that “field”. What is the point of buying 100,000 followers if most of those are bots. I would say that selling followers is some kind of a scam.

      Have a look to one of those tools that I recommended and tell me what did you like 🙂


  4. Hi Roope, very nice article, and I very much do agree with not buying followers, the engagement is low and ineffective, and will not pay off in profits as time goes on like you explained, it is much better to gain traction naturally.

    I will definitely be looking into the apps you have suggested as they seem like they will be very useful for me to build my social media empire 🙂

    1. Hi Jacob,

      there are many ways to invest money when building an online business but buying Twitter followers is definitely not very profitable way. Instead, investing in useful social media tools like I have mentioned above is much more profitable and will save tons of time. Take a look to those tools that I mentioned and let me know if you need any help with them.

      Keep up your work when building a social media “empire” ;). Remember to provide useful value for your followers to make their life better.


  5. While I do agree with your position on not to buy Twitter followers by the millions, I honestly not a fan of those tools you have shared. But thanks anyway, at least I found an ally with regards to not buying Twitter followers, as majority of my friends are fond of doing that.

    If there’s a tool that I use for Twitter, it’s CrowdFireApp, which I use solely for identifying who are my recent followers, and in following them back. I wonder why you did not include tool in your list here (?).

    1. Hi Gomer,

      Why you are not a fan of those tools? Have you tried them yourself? If not, I fully recommend to try at least a free trial.

      I have tried CrowdFireApp but it wasn’t as good as those three that I have listed here. However, it can also depend on our personal taste. I have also noticed that using many tools at the same time can be beneficial. I use most of the time MassPlanner and Hootsuite. Maybe I will start using CrowdFireApp again to see if I like it more than last time.

      After all, it’s impossible to say that this and this is the BEST social media tool because all of them have a little bit different platform and features. They all have their own pluses and minuses. But if I would need to choose one, it would probably be Hootsuite or MassPlanner.

  6. Hi Roope.

    Very informative article. I get hounded by people I follow on Twitter and then realise they are just using a profile to spam people. very annoying!

    I have hootsuite and its really good to use. I also use Buffer for posting which is great.

    I haven’t tried the others you talk about but will down the track,

    Thanks again, Kev

    1. Hi Kevin,

      yeah Twitter is lot of spam profiles. But sometimes it’s hard to say what is spamming and what is providing value. I know that many very successful marketers like for example Jeff Bullas, Marc Guberti and Grant Cardone are “spamming” new tweets all the time. They post almost every day a few hundred tweets.

      Hootsuite is very practical and popular. I have also tried Buffer and I know that many skillful Internet marketers use it. Sometimes it’s hard to say which one of these is “the best” because all these social media tools have their own benefits. But for new users in the business I would recommend to try one of them and learn how to use it well. It always take a while to learn how to use them but by watching a few tutorials basics are explained well.

      Have a look at MassPlanner and Manageflitter. You will find some features that you can’t do with Buffer or Hootsuite.


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