Is Neobux Worth It? – Are You Ready for an Honest Answer?

neobux Review

Did you find this famous website called Neobux? You saw that some people are making money there and now you are thinking, “Is Neobux Worth It?” In this article, I will tell you why it’s not worth it. I will also give you a better alternative how you can start making money online.

Let’s go, my friend!

NeoBux Review

Is NeoBux Worth It

Name: Neobux

Founded: 2008

Field: “Get-Paid-To” -Sites

Short Review: Neobux falls in the same category with other GPT sites. Low earnings for the invested time => Not worth the hassle. For example, with the help of Wealthy Affiliate, you would be able to earn 50-100 times more compared to Neobux.

Neobux Video Review 2017

If you prefer watching a video instead of reading, feel free to take a look at my Neobux video review below:


What Is NeoBux All About?

Neobux is a website where you can earn money by completing “mini-jobs” and by clicking ads. It is a huge company which was founded in 2008. They are paying every day tens of thousands (sometimes even +$100,000) for their members for completing those tasks. Probably you have already heard about some similar sites where you can earn money with mini-tasks.

Mni tasks in Neobux mean for example following things:

  • Playing games
  • Clicking Ads
  • Registering to websites
  • Visiting different websites

The list is quite similar like in PrizeRebel which is probably one of the best “Get-Paid-To” -site online.

Who is Neobux For?

Neobux is for people who don’t know a better way to make money online. Okay, you  can earn some money with Neobux but that is not definitely something that you would like to use your time

Even though you could make some money in Neobux, is it really worth it? Do you want to spend your time watching useless ads? Your time = your life. How you spend your time defines how you spend your life. That’s why I always want to recommend doing something useful and more profitable.

Neobux Review
“Multiply your earnings.” Don’t believe those marketers.

How Much Money Can I make with Neobux?

You will be earning only $0,001 for clicking normal ads and $0,015 for a bit longer ads. Those amounts are ridiculous but you can earn a bit more with referrals. Then your income will also rise when you climb up the ladder after clicking hundreds of ads.

neobux ads
Neobux pays only $0,001 for viewing these ads.

In order to earn with those ads, you need to:

1.First, log into Neobux.
2.Go to “Advertisements” -page
3.Click an ad
4.Wait for that an ad downloads. The income of this 4-step process is $0,001. Do you still think Neobux would be worth it?

=> Stop Wasting Your Time With Neobux. Learn How to Make a Full-Time Income Online!

Neobux Revenue – $0,001 Per Task

From games and registrations to different websites, you can earn more than $0,001 but still not anything very decent.

There was a guy who claims he made already +$10,000 in Neobux. He is probably one of the top earners there. There were also some guys who had made a few thousand or a few hundred dollars. I don’t know these guys so I can’t confirm whether they are talking true or not.

However, I know several guys personally who do make +$10,000/month online.

Those numbers may sound impressing “just for clicking ads”. But I can see behind the surface. There are two options how you could make, for example, $1,000 with Neobux.

1.You are sitting in front of his computer endless hours clicking those ads.
2.You have a huge number of referrals and you earn some commission from all of them.

Option 2 is much more probable because nobody wants to sit the whole day clicking some ads. Especially if you are earning something like $0,001 per ad.

How Does the Referral System Work in Neobux?

It’s typical. You recommend NeoBux to your friends or followers. Then some of them join. When they earn something, you earn a little commission for all of their income. Sounds good at first but when you would need hundreds of referrals to get hardly any income. If some of your referrals pay a regular ad, you will earn only $0.0005. Your referrals would need to watch 2,000 ads in total in order to earn even one dollar for you.

Then if your referrals watch a longer ad, you will earn a bit more. It also depends on which level you are in Neobux. You can also earn a commission if your referrals buy some products through Neobux. Your commission is still quite small because it’s only 1%. In the biggest online store Amazon, your commission for every sale is 4-10%. So why would you prefer taking 1% from Neobux? Well, at least it’s better than nothing.

In Neobux you can also rent referrals. It means that you pay some amount for another member for getting income from his referral. This can be a good strategy if you would like to earn money in Neobux but I will explain now why I don’t recommend doing it.

neobux referral system
In order to make any significant money with Neobux, you would need to recruit tons of people to the system. In that sense, it resembles systems like PlanProMatrix and other GPT-sites.

Neobux Reviews Recommend Buying Referrals But…

If you have watched some other YouTube videos or reviews of Neobux, you may have seen that some people recommend aggressively renting referrals to maximize your income. Should you start doing it as well?

The simple answer is: No.

I have made reviews of tens of different survey- and “get-paid-to” -sites. I know that if I would be recommending those sites for my readers, I would be earning big income because of my referrals. But there is one reason why I don’t want to do that.

I want to provide only the best and the most honest advice for my readers. If I wouldn’t use my time clicking ads or answering surveys, I don’t recommend it for other people either. I only recommend something that I could use myself.

Why would you recommend something for other people that you wouldn’t even bother to use yourself? In my opinion, it doesn’t really make sense. Of course, it would allow you to earn passive income but the problem is that other people would be wasting their time and life on Neobux

Conclusion – Is Neobux Worth It?

In my opinion, Neobux is not worth it. There are far better ways to make money online. I admit that with a good strategy of collecting referrals one can earn a decent income in Neobux. But it requires a very hard work and eventually, it’s not worth it. It could be worth for you but not for your referrals who are clicking those ads and wasting their life.


Neobux Alternatives

I bet you are interested in making money online because you are researching Neobux. I have good news for you!

As I pointed out in the beginning of this text and in my YouTube video, Wealthy Affiliate training and community has changed my life because it helped me to make money online.

I am sure it will help you as well and I provide as a bonus for all my website readers and social media followers 1-on-1 support on WA. I answer all your questions personally and help you hand by hand so you can succeed. Just click the link below to get started.

=> This Is What I Recommend!

Do you have personal experience of Neobux? Did you find it useful why/why not?

What do you think about “Get-Paid-To” -sites in general? 

Let’s discuss in the comments below! 🙂

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. I’ve been with Neobux around the time when it started in 2008. Funny how they haven’t changed their rates yet! Imagine, 10 years in the business like that! Goodness, it’s such a waste of time! No wonder I’ve easily given up after a week’s trial. I got so busy with other serious jobs so I no longer had the time for it. Now it’s time to deactivate that old account. Haha!

    1. Yeah. It seems that the business model has worked for them pretty well when I look at their numbers. But for the users this kind of websites are mainly just a waste of time. It’s like giving time (time = money) for free to these companies.

  2. Hello, Roope

    I agree with you that Neobux is not a nice site that can pay high. Yeah, it is not a scam site and pays, but it is almost like a waste of time which can not make one richer.

    1. Exactly what I thought too, Paid To Click sites are a complete waste of time. Even if you actually try to buy referrals, the chance of them being active is very low. It would just be a big gamble, a waste of money and time.

  3. Neobux is definitely not a scam site, however, it is not a great site to make money. You will earn pennies on the site and might take many months to reach the minimum withdrawal. However, if you can recruit a lot of referrals, you will earn substantially from your referral clicks.

  4. The only good thing about Neobux is that it’s not a scam ad site unlike one someone tried to introduce me to. The site is called but from analyzing the site, I knew right away that it’s a scam site that promises paying users for clicking ads.

      1. Exactly. The only way to beating this is slave chain of working and earing peanuts while other take a huge portion of your effort and get richer by the day is by working to be your own boss. This way, you are rest assured that you are the one reaping the lion share of your efforts.

  5. I like your honest review about Neobux. You are right in stating that it is for people who do not know a better way for making money online. I had joined Neobux in July and deleted my account in August.

    The ways for earning for were less for me and earning cents was never fulfilling. At that time, I was not aware of better ways for making money online. I deleted my account because I felt it was taking longer for me to reach payout and I started writing articles. 🙂

  6. When i was just starting to research about how to make money online, “Paid to Click Ads” were one of the main hits when i enter the the keywords, “How to make money online”. I don’t know why but for some reason, i registered and started clicking away those ads. Hoping to finally earn some money. Neobux was one of the may PTC sites that i have registered in for me to be able to click ads.

    But weeks later, when i calculated the earnings that i have made, i realized that i was just really wasting my time and effort doing those PTC jobs. So i stopped it, moved on and looked for a better alternative which will really give better payment for my time and effort.

      1. Nope, not yet. But I’m considering it. I just can’t focus right now because a lot of things are happening with my offline business. It’s because of the coming season. So my time is really spent right now. I’m still learning to juggle my time online and offline because I’m just starting out. 🙂

  7. Hi Roope,

    Thanks for your honest review and your recommendation. I certainly do not want to be spending my precious time clicking on ads and filling out surveys all day just to earn a few cents per click. As you’ve said, there are better programs out there, and for me affiliate marketing is a better option. I’m pleased I came across your review because I don’t need to spend any more time thinking about this program. Thanks again 🙂

    1. Hi Gaylene,

      yes, our time is very precious because we only live one life on earth (and after that is heaven or hell). So, it’s very important how we use our life. If one uses it filling out millions of surveys and using other “get-paid-to” -sites, I would say that it’s not very wise. I talked with some people who used these sites a lot in the past and now they are thinking that why did they spend so much time for earning only a few dollars.

      Affiliate marketing is a much better alternative. It requires work but it can be a great way to a sustainable income.


  8. Thanks for telling me about Neobux, I don’t think I want to waste my time spending the whole day clicking ads to make a few pennies, I’m glad I read this post because I had been looking for something to earn extra income. Glad I didn’t sign up for this one. There are better ways to earn extra money for sure.

    1. Hi Letsret,

      yeah, you could make some money with Neobux but, in my opinion, it’s not worth it. It’s even much better to have a 9-5 job because you are earning there at least 5-50 times more than when you would be using Neobux. The only way to make some significant money with most “Get-Paid-To” -sites would be to get lots of referrals. But I am not collecting referrals because I don’t want that people would waste their valuable time on clicking ads.

      Affiliate marketing is much more profitable way of making money online. Many people worldwide are making a living by it and some make even +$100,000/month which is quite impressive.


  9. Thank you, Roope. You have made it very clear and simple. I’m a strong believer that life is about time. We’ve got to find something that makes our hearts beat when we spend our precious time. When it comes to online business, the same thing applies. This can be a really wonderful experience if we choose wisely.

    1. Hi Cassia,

      you are right. We should things that get us excited and feel energetic. I can’t understand people who think that their life is boring. Why don’t they change the situation or attitude? We can always choose to be bitter or better.

      Having an online business is great because you can run it literally anytime, anywhere. It’s very different than in a typical brick-and-mortar business where you need to stay in one or in a few places. Internet makes so many things possible 🙂

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