Is Millionaire Society a Scam? – Will You Make $262,800/Year with 15 Minutes of Work?

Have you found this “incredible” system and now you are thinking, “Is Millionaire Society a Scam?” You have come to the right place because I can give you a clear answer. Just give me 30 seconds to explain what is this system all about and should you join it or not.

Millionaire Society Review

Is Millionaire Society a ScamName: Millionaire Society
Founders: Brad Marshall
Price: $4.95 for 7-Day Trial. Then $97/month + upsell
Field: Make Money Online Systems

Overall Rank: 5 Out of 100 (Check Out My #1 Recommendation, 98 Out of 100)

What Is Millionaire Society?

Millionaire Society is a system created by a guy (Brad Marshall?) who is telling you that he makes $262,800/year online. That equals to more than $20,000/month. And the most interesting part is that he said it only takes 15 minutes to create that kind of money-making system.

Of course, Brad tells that it took 2 years for him to figure out this system but now you can make it in 15 minutes. Then he says that you should always avoid online scams. And then he is marketing a scam himself? Yes.

In my opinion, Brad (or whatever his name really is) is using very dirty marketing strategies. He tells that he’s a regular 30-year-old guy with two kids and a wife. That kind of guy anybody would trust, right? Well, have a look at the claim below.

Is Millionaire Society a Scam
Brad says that you can create a $262,800/year autopilot business in 15 minutes. Should I laugh or cry?

$262,800/year in 15 Minutes? True Or False.

I have relatively lots of experience of Internet marketing. I have reviewed more than 200 products and I must admit that a big part of those “make money online” programs give huge promises but they fail to deliver. Of course, it’s easy to say that you can earn $262,800/year but another thing is to show it in action.

I can honestly say that these 5 friends are earning +$10,000/month online but I know that they didn’t achieve it in 15 minutes. It took lots of hard work and effort. Now when they have achieved that level it’s quite easy to maintain and the business could run more or less on the autopilot. But to achieve that kind of income takes effort. You will also need a great step-by-step training on how to achieve it.

One of the most common scam signs is when somebody tells you: You will earn lots of money easily without lifting a finger. Actually, it happened to me that I earned +2,000€ with bitcoins without lifting my finger and some of my friends made tens of thousands of euros. But it’s a totally different story what these scam artists are selling to you.

Why Do I Know That Millionaire Society Is a Scam?


As I mentioned above, I have reviewed more than 200 make money programs and seen even more. I have trained my eyes to spot a scam. Here are some reasons why I know it’s a scam:

1.Lots of negative reviews of this program.
2.His promises are not true
3.Many people have claimed that he is using fake names, fake videos, fake testimonials and so on.

After all, there isn’t a single reason why would I spend my time on this system. Even though the founder is advertising that you can get it for free, you have to pay around $5 for a 7-day free trial. Right away after that, you will be billed $97 each and every month which counts up to $1,200/year.

The result will be that you end up much poorer than before having this program. That’s what happens with most online scams. I have heard about guys who spent even $25,000 on online scams. That may sound incredible but think about this.

First, they buy the front-end products for $5. Then they pay $97/month “just to check this out”. They realize that if they want to earn their money back, they need to continue further. Then they keep on running on other scams over and over again. Gladly, there are also more legitimate programs that teach you real skills.

=> Tired of “Make Money Online” Scams? Learn How I Make Money Honestly with My Websites!

Pros & Cons


  • At least the founder of this system is a good storyteller


  • Huge false promises
  • Bad reputation = Lots of negative reviews
  • Almost everything there is fake as I mentioned above
  • “Get Rich Quick” -Push button doesn’t exist

Conclusion – Is Millionaire Society a Scam?

Yes, it is. Brad doesn’t even clearly explain in his +10-minute how his system works in a real life. He just keeps on explaining how this is so amazing and will make you rich by pushing a button and so on. Why wouldn’t he just quickly want to explain a few steps what is his program all about? Because it seems like a scam.

There are too many red flags for me so I find it better to stay away from it.

If you are interested in making money honestly without the risk of being afraid that you would be scammed, join Wealthy Affiliate for free. It’s completely free to get started there. You will get 20 interactive video lessons that teach you real skills and a proven step-by-step system to make money online. It’s not just hyped like Millionaire Society but it’s something that really works.

Here it is explained in 4 simple steps:

1.Choose your passion. What would you enjoy doing even 7 days a week? What is your passion? What are your interests? You name it.

2.Create a website. Nowadays it’s possible even in 30 seconds without any prior knowledge. I provide you simple steps to follow. And yeah, it’s free.

3.Attract traffic to your website. I will also walk you through hand-by-hand how you can generate huge numbers of traffic to your website through search engines or by using social media. It’s easier and more simple than you would think.

4.Earn Commissions by promoting other people’s products. You will not earn only $0,20 or $0,50 on the ad on your website. I make sometimes +$100 for a sale. I don’t need to work while doing those sales. Once my websites are established, they are making money for me on the autopilot. But of course, it requires some work to get it until to that point.

Did you get interested?

If you would like to more about this

=> Get Your Free Resources and Learn a Step-By-Step System to Make Honest Money Online!

Millionaire Society at a Glance…

Name: Millionaire Society
Founders: Brad Marshall
Price: $4.95 for 7-Day Trial. Then $97/month + upsell
Field: Make Money Online Systems

Overall Rank: 5 Out of 100


Have you run into online scams? Have you also used legitimate “make money online” programs like Wealthy Affiliate that helped you to build a profitable online business?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Wow, this is absolutely a case of it sounds too good to be true. No business, especially an online business, will have you earning 5-figures with only 15 minutes of work. This system carries all of the red flags of an online scam. Fake name, negative reviews, and overly hyped. I’m glad you reviewed this product and revealed it for what it really is.

    1. Hi Eartha,

      true. There are all the red flags in this system.

      I know it’s possible for anyone to achieve $262,800/year income for anyone with an online business. However, it requires lots of hard work and patience. I have seen many people giving up because they didn’t achieve instant results.

      On the other hand, it’s ultimately interesting to see when each and every month online income grows.



  2. Thanis for this review.

    15 minutes work for 10 000 a month sounds lovely. I bet this kind of marketing strategy must work for some people. I would be curious to know a little bit more about his strategy and what he offers for 90$ a month, if you did join his program.

    Great job anyway


    1. Hi Carayon,

      as you can see I gave this opportunity only 5 points out of 100 so I think it’s not worth it.

      I know you can achieve $10,000/month but it requires work and persistence.

      Have a look at Wealthy Affiliate. I am sure it can help you to achieve your goals.



  3. Most scams and cheaters gain attraction by showing a promising speech try to make people believe that they are earning big bucks.

    Definitely, they do when consumers pay a large amount of money into something useless and worthless.

    Hope more people able to read your review and stay out of this crap instead. And found the legit way to make money online. Do you have any recommendation, Roope?

    1. Hi Maxx,

      you are absolutely right. And then there are also very successful Internet marketers who have these “make money programs” but they are not so high-quality for some reason or another.

      I have a few recommendation but the best one is Wealthy Affiliate, Many people have learned to make money online there and quit their job afterwards. Most of the people who join WA don’t have any prior experience of making big money online but in my experience all people who don’t quit there, become successful.


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