Is Global Domains International A Scam?

Is Global Domains International a scam? The company has been in the domain service industry for 18 years, are they still worth your money in exchange for your website? Read here.

Is Global Domains International a scam? The company has been in the domain service industry for 18 years, are they still worth your money in exchange for your website? Read here.

Welcome to my Global Domains International Review!

I assume you want to build your own website and turn it into a money-making machine, earning $$$ of passive residual income. As a jumpstart before you purchase a domain for yourself, you want to determine, “Is Global Domains International a scam” or not?

You want to make sure whether a few bucks will give you a large amount of Return of Investment (ROI) in your end. Even if it’s just $10 per month.

Setting the money aside, you don’t want to put your time and effort to waste, right? You want to make a guarantee. That’s clear, my friend.

As far as your research goes, I assume you have encountered big domain registries providers like Namecheap, Bluehost, GoDaddy, or WPEngine.

If you’re already familiar with how they work and how the system goes from purchasing the domain to uploading WordPress in it, understanding how Global Domains International won’t be alienating to you either.

Otherwise, you have to get to know GDI from their roots.

In this post, let’s focus on how GDI functions as a domain registry provider and a networking company and how it makes the best addition to your passive income streams.

If you’re far interested in learning the top legitimate money-making method, I suggest you stay until the end of this comprehensive and honest review.

Are you ready? Let’s dive in, shall we?

Global Domains International Review – Quick Summary

Name: Global Domains International

Founded: 2000

Type: Network Marketing Company & Domain Registry Service

Price: $10/Month

Best for: Beginner website owners, who want to have a feel of running a site or blog online for a cheap price

Is Global Domains International A Scam - Logo

Summary: Global Domains International is a domain registry service provider, who’s been in the industry since the internet progressed in 2000s. They’ve been the pioneers of selling domains to companies and individuals before blogging trend came into existence for a cheap price (as low as $10/month).

Is Global Domains International Recommended? For running a top site and earning trust from people, no.

What Is Global Domains International? 

Global Domains International “Income for Life,” also known as Website.WS, is a domain registry service and serves as network marketing, providing complete domain packages for users, who wish to start a site.


Those who aren’t familiar with these programs, they are similar to Namecheap, Bluehost, and GoDaddy.

Michael Starr and Alan Ezeir founded the company in mid-2000. Since then, their company grew until they became one of the top web companies in the world.

The two of them believed in the principle, “You can have everything you want in life, If you will just help enough other people get what they want.” That became the company’s mission later on.

GDI claims to have been featured in Entrepreneur, San Diego Union Tribune, INC (Ranked #37 out of top 500 best companies in the world).

Further, the best companies are their clients namely: Lucent Technologies, Yahoo!, BMW, AT&T, eBay, Cisco Systems, Charles Schwab, UPS, Kodak, KMart, & Bose since 2000s.

What the Global Domains International sets apart from their closest competitors is that they are also network marketing company by nature. They compensate their customers through referrals up to 5 layers, which I will explain later on.

What GDI Offers To Clients?

Like Namecheap or Bluehost, Global Domains International provides web hosting packages to both customers who want to put up their websites online and their affiliates to earn commissions every time they refer someone to sign up in their company and pay $10 monthly charge in exchange for the following:

  • .WS domain registration
  • Web hosting
  • 10 email addresses
  • URL forwarding
  • Easy-to-use online WebSite builder in which it allows them to build a professional-looking website fast. 

The thing is unlike other domain registries like Bluehost or Namecheap, GDI only offers .ws, which stands as the domain code for Western Samoa.

But for Starr and Ezeir, with the permission from the Samoan government, it’s WebSite. They partnered with the tiny island Samoa to provide free domains to the world using their code. 

Optimized-Global Domains International Package

GDI Compensation Plan – How It Works?

Global Domains International affiliates solely relies upon referrals as a way to grow their business.

In that perspective, it’s a positive note as they don’t have to do anything except invite someone to sign up for the domain package while they work on their blogs and other activities. If you join, that’d be your case as well.

Definitely, it’s a passive income with 50% monthly payout. All you need to do is to invite as many affiliates as possible. If you want to take advantage of their free 7-day trial period, great.

If you’re lucky to gather a lot of affiliates within a short span of time, awesome. You earn while you’re pay nothing. That is if you managed to invite a lot within 7 days.

On the other hand, you pay $10 per month in exchange for the package, but you receive 50% from the referrals IF AND ONLY IF your referral levels reach 5. I will explain why in a bit.

How To Make Money With GDI?

To earn money with the company, there seems to be less hassle because they don’t require face-to-face selling. In their perspective, it’s the most powerful advertising method than paying a large amount of money on ineffective advertising.

Also, they uploaded a promotional video, only accessible on their official website, containing the call to action towards the end.

Everything’s done online in which the new affiliates will have to register in the site’s Automate Invitation Form with their first and last names, as well as their email addresses where GDI sends the referral link.

In that process, the affiliates can earn commissions and bonuses when they successfully refer other customers with only $10 monthly package. And that’s for a long-term passive income.

If you happen to have 5 layers of referrals, you’re likely to receive as much as 50% monthly payouts regardless of the number of affiliates you invited. 

How does this system work?

Optimized-Global Domains International How to Make Money

For example, you have:

  • Layer 1     10% x $10/month x 5 customers = $5/mo
  • Layer 2     10% x $10/month x 25 (5×5) customers = $25/month
  • Layer 3     10% x $10/month x 125 (25×5) customers = $125/month
  • Layer 4     10% x $10/month x 325 (125×5) customers = $625/month
  • Layer 5     10% x $10/month x 3125 (325×5) customers = $3125

Per month = $3,905 (residual income)

Imagine your $10 monthly charges become more than $3,000 within 30 days! That sounds too good to be true, right?

Global Domains International Review – What Other People Say About Them?

Global Domains International has been one of the top domain registry providers since late 2000.

So, it’s obvious to expect many bloggers, especially those who have been in the industry for at least 10 years, have a positive say about their domain package. I have a few of those people who feel grateful for it.

Besides, who would expect you get a bunch with only $10 per month? 

Global Domains International Testimonials

GDI receives positive feedback from companies & individuals since 2000.

Global Domains International (UGLY) Truths Revealed!

1. Risky Invitation Via Automated Invitation Form

Your affiliates must disclose their first and last names, as well as their email addresses to you to become an official affiliate. That means, it requires a large amount of trust for their part. 

2. Automatic Credit Card Charge

Global Domains International requires your credit card to register unlike Talk Fusion, a video conferencing app network marketing company, wherein they don’t require this in exchange for the free trial. 

In case you forgot or you continue the use of their services, GDI will automatically charge your account when you didn’t cancel your account before the 7-day period. 

3. Not A Good Domain For SEO.

If you want to turn your blog into a money-making machine, it’s best to have .com, .co, .net and other domains that gives a domain authority.

Google loves these rather or .ws. Have you ever seen a .ws on top of the search engine results? Nope. 

What I Like About Global Domains International…

1. Cheap Domain Packages Worth $10/Month

Where would you get this offer from other domain registry service provider besides GDI? Even Bluehost asks hundreds of dollars for these services, whereas, GDI’s $10 monthly charge.

2. Unlimited Monthly Income Potential

As soon as you get into the company as an affiliate, you enjoy a bunch of benefits. Through their massive network marketing, any affiliate has endless opportunities to earn thousands of dollars out from the $10 investment.

3. Legitimate Business For 18 Years

Rest assured you’re safe, given that the GDI has been existing for a very long time. In fact, Starr and Ezeik had started this business in the late 1990s before they officially launched the company in early 2000.

4. “No Face-To-Face Selling” Network Marketing Company

Unlike a typical MLM, you don’t have seek people and talk to them in person to invite them for refferals. To me, it’s an advantage to those who aren’t a fan of selling upfront.

This is because GDI provides the referral page wherein the affiliates can sign up and earn compensation without the need to chase a lot of people for the sake of sales volume.

5. No $$$ Investment Required

6. Long-Term Source Of Passive Income

GDI’s system to earn bonuses and compensation is structured that way. It’s because your referrals and their downlines will keep the process going, even if you sit down and sleep.

Your money keeps coming in as the number of people signing up under your name increases. And because there’s already a projected number of internet users reaching more than 5 billion in 2020, I don’t think the company shuts down anytime soon.

So, your passive income continues until the next 10 years.

7. Earning $$$ Immediately (Even During Free Trial Period)

As I’ve mentioned earlier, if you’re lucky enough to have a bunch of referrals before the end of your trial period, you already have the potential to receive commissions. No questions asked.

8. Earn 50% Monthly Payouts

If you have 5 layers of referrals, you’ll receive this as your downlines continue to grow. Your referrals do the work and they’ll keep doing it for you. This is because you’re entitled to receive 10% from their share per layer.

9. No Limit Of Affiliates Per Layer

You can invite as many potential affiliates as you can. There’s no limit. The more, the bigger you earn commissions. 

Is Global Domains International a Scam?

Global Domains International is not a scam. They’re a legitimate network marketing company selling legitimate services to its customers and its affiliates.

Since early 2000, Starr and Ezeir managed to keep the company running and reach the top, as they’ve been featured in different big magazines and partnered with top companies around the world. 

That said, it’s certain they have served their clients with real packages and paid compensation to their affiliates without question. In fact, I haven’t found any negative review about their services as far as my research goes. 

Global Domains International Review Conclusion

To sum up, there is no doubt that Global Domains International is a recommendable service IF you want to run a site and see how everything works.


If you’re planning to take your site to the next level and sell courses or programs, for example, migrate your domain to .com, .co, or .net. The first option is best as per Google search results is concerned. GDI is NOT the best option.

When it comes to the legitimacy of the company, yes, they exist. For more than 10 years before Wealthy Affiliate came into the picture, that is.

Within 9 months after they launched 18 years ago, they’ve had more than 100,000 domain registrations from different companies and individuals for over 180 countries around the world under their belt.

For sure, you have many options available out there. But what Roope can recommend, including me, is to start learning the process of how money-making works before you buy a domain. In that way, you won’t waste so much time and effort as I did in the past.

I wasted hundreds of dollars from buying domain packages without thinking about my venture. I had no plans and I had no clue what I was doing online. That took me 2 years worth of wasted time and money before everything became clear to me.

I don’t want that you would end up like that. Instead, I suggest you undergo Roope’s step-by-step training to shed a light of this junction prior to investing domain name and its packages.

Roope has been an affiliate marketer for the past 2 years and has helped more than 3,000 individuals, including himself. And it wasn’t a smooth journey for him as well. So, you’re in good hands.

Even if you pursue buying a domain package in Global Domains International or not, at least you have the knowledge backed by experience as your weapon. That’s more important than the domain itself.

Nonetheless, observe what domains top Google search results and you’ll see yourself the worth of your investment. Be it financially or holistically. Better know what kind of journey awaits you, my friend.

How Roope Makes Money Online?

Regardless which domain registry service provider you approach and whatever name your website will be, your inability to commit for a life-long work for a passive income you crave for, won’t happen. Never ever. Not in your wildest dreams.

If you’re willing to do the work to live a successful laptop lifestyle as Roope does, join him as he takes you through the proven 4-step formula, which is responsible for his success as an A-list online entrepreneur.

Like him ages ago, they didn’t know where to start, as well as the path he’s to go through to achieve what he’s right now. 

Succeed as an A-list online entrepreneur. Grab Roope’s FREE Ultimate Make Money Guide NOW!

You can grab his FREE Ultimate Make Money Guide with 9,000+ words, which he worked on for several days for you. Within the guide he’s going to give you, you’ll get the feel of how it is to be an A+ successful affiliate marketer without being annoying.

The guide will give you a gist of how the online industry works – from purchasing your domain package towards earning your first dollar – itself.

Take a look at how others succeeded through his mentorship. There are more than 3,000 individuals who reached the top of their game through his guidance. If you want to replicate the same level of success, get your FREE access to his #1 Recommendation to Making Money Online.

Would you like to achieve his success? Just like those 3 ordinary guys above?

Stop doubting and get stuck from indecision which domains you’d like to buy. Earning money isn’t about it. But the amount of work you’re willing to give in exchange for the lifestyle you want to obtain in the future.

The 4-step formula for making money online, that Roope is going to teach you has worked for:

  1. Him personally
  2. His friends (see above)
  3. 1,000’s of people all around the world he helped
  4. And it will work for you as well!

Now that I have shared my thoughts and opinions in my Global Domains International a scam review post, I turn the tables and ask your opinions about the company.

What kinds of experiences do you have with Global Domains International or any other related domain registry service provider?

Are they worth your time, money, and effort?

Do you prefer to begin earning your first passive income through affiliate marketing?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

If you have further questions that I haven’t discussed in the post, feel free to leave them in the comments.

On the other hand, if you feel like you want to learn more about Roope’s step-by-step formula and his top recommendation to making money online, leave a comment as well and he’ll be happy to be of help.

By Mecyll Gaspary

Hi, I'm Mecyll! I'm a full-time writer in Your Online Revenue, dedicated to dig into the world of making money with Roope. When I'm not spending time writing reviews, I'm writing novels and blog posts on my own website.

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