What is the Best Domain Hosting Site? Do You Want the Straight Answer?

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What is the Best Domain Hosting Site

There are hundreds of different service providers for domain hosting. So the relevant question is, “what is the best domain hosting site?”

The best domain hosting site is Wealthy Affiliate.

Straight question, straight answer. 😉

Okay, I’m going to explain to you why Wealthy Affiliate is superior to other services.


For most of the people, the price is one of the most decisive factors when buying any product.

In Wealthy Affiliate, the yearly premium membership is $349/year = $29/month.

With the yearly membership, one can get hosting for hosting services for 25 sites. 

Let’s see how much the same service costs in the other websites. One big provider is WPEngine which has over 45,000 customers worldwide. Here is the image how much their hosting costs.
What is the Best Domain Hosting Site

25 websites cost $249/month which makes almost $3,000/year! The price is almost ten times higher than in Wealthy Affiliate.

“What If I’m Looking for the Hosting for Only One Website?”

Probably you don’t have 25 websites and you are just looking for hosting for your blog or Internet store.

“Where to get the hosting for only one website?”

Answer: from Wealthy Affiliate.

If you search the Internet you can find several services that provide hosting for less than $29/month. GoDaddy, GoDaddy, Hostgator or Webs.com for just to mention some of these low-quality services.

Sometimes you can see their offers, “CHEAP HOSTING!! $5/month!!” but you get what you pay for. First of all, some of those platforms that ARE NOT specific to WordPress

There are several reasons why Wealthy Affiliate beats cheap services like 6-0.

Here are listed a couple of reasons

  • A highly optimized, simplified and continually improving hosting platform
  • The ability to MOVE your websites easily from one domain to another IN SECONDS.
  • The access to unlimited FREE websites
  • The latest and greatest hosting technology (your websites are always hosted on the highest powered servers available)
  • Totally automated recovery processes
  • Personal website maintenance
  • Removal of bad (scam) plugins and themes
  • Well functioning spam management

Those reasons are only talking about the quality of the service.

Tons of “Bonuses” Included

When you get your domain hosting from most of the providers you will get ONLY THE DOMAIN HOSTING but nothing more.

The things are quite different in Wealthy Affiliate.

There are several “bonuses” that make WA superior to the other providers and here are listed 10 of them.

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  1. 24/7/365 The Community and the Live Help
  2. Access to Successful Online Entrepreneurs and Industry Experts
  3. Weekly Webinars
  4. World Class Training on How to Make Money Online (1,000’s of resources)
  5. Personal Access to the Owners (This you won’t find in many places!)
  6. Unlimited Access to the Website Builder
  7. Awesomely Simple and Practical Keyword Tool
  8. One of the Most Lucrative Affiliate Programs in the World
  9. Incentive Programs
  10. Business Productivity Tools (Link Tracking and Stats)

The list is quite convincing.

If You Succeed and Want to Increase a Number of Your Websites…

Let’s say that you end up buying the domain hosting from GoDaddy. The price for 1 website is $6,99/month. Then, for any reason, you want to have another website and you need hosting for that.

If you continue in GoDaddy the price goes up and you pay already $11.99/month.

For the third website, you start to pay $20.99/month. Just compare that in Wealthy Affiliate you pay $29/month for 25 websites and you get the access to all the tools and services mentioned before.

the best domain hosting site
GoDaddy’s prices for WordPress hosting

The Main Reason Why Wealthy Affiliate is the Winner

In my honest opinion, Wealthy Affiliate is the winner not only because of their magnificent domain hosting but for their training, community, support, and motivation.

GoDaddy or WPEngine don’t teach you how to earn money online but Wealthy Affiliate teaches you everything right from the start and provides a very motivating and encouraging community.

I tend to think that I mainly pay for their training and all of the other things come as a wonderful extra.

If you need more perspective on domain hosting and comparisons I recommend reading this article.


The best domain hosting site is Wealthy Affiliate. There are other cheaper services that can work somehow but if you are serious about earning money online Wealthy Affiliate beats other services easily.

I have never had any kind of technical problems with WA so I can say from the experience that their service really works.

PS.Are you still thinking if you should get the own domain name and where to get it? Check my instructions on how to get a cheap and high-quality domain name.

I hope you find this article useful and it helps you decide where to get the domain hosting for your websites.

What domain hosting sites have you used? What are your experiences? Drop a comment below.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of YourOnlineRevenue.com. I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. I actually had no idea that Wealthy Affiliate offered hosting for sites so thanks for posting this. It’s weird because I presumed it was more of a way to earn money through affiliates and stuff and didn’t realise you could host any website with them. Personally, they are a bit expensive (for me) compared to some other generic hosting companies especially as I have no use for “25 installs”. But I’m sure this is extremely beneficial for a lot of people out there

    1. Actually, nowadays they provide hosting up to 50 websites in the premium membership. That’s good for people who run websites for their clients. Then you can host several websites for the same price.

      I think Wealthy Affiliate is great as an “all-in-one” package because they provide hosting, websites, training, support/mentoring, community, keyword tools, weekly webinars, etc. That’s why Wealthy Affiliate itself is enough for running a successful online business.

  2. Honestly, my first hosting site is Wealthy Affiliate and have enjoyed the community of knowledge and connections that I have made. Always constantly learning something new in training to better accommodate my users experience at my site. Best of all only 29 dollars for all the features that you get that would cost you hundreds anywhere else for the same quality.

    Yours Truly,

    1. Hi Carlton,

      thanks for sharing your positive experience with WA. I have enjoyed the platform as well and $29/month (=under $1/day) is really cheap price for the world-class training, hosting support, community, access to the experts and the other features they provide.

  3. Website hosting is highly important in order to reduce down time. With less reputable hosting, a site can be down for minutes, hours, or even days, which can cause you to lose potential visitors/customers. Have you heard any reports of prolonged down time on Wealthy Affiliate hosted sites? And if such problems don’t exist, is their pricing structure reasonable?

    1. Hi Matthew,

      That’s a great point! Low quality (=cheap) hosting companies are not very reliable so sometimes the site can go down which can be destructive for the business.

      I have never heard any bad reports about Wealthy Affiliate’s hosting. Maybe they could have had some issues during their history but I haven’t heard any of them. It gives me one more reason why WA’s hosting is superior to the other companies.

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