Is AppLike a Scam Or Legit? Can You Make $10/Hour Or Less?

AppLike Review – Quick Summary

Name: Applike


Type: Mobile App That Promises to Help You to Make You Money

Price: Free-To-Use (However, very time-consuming!)

Best for: App Creators. Not Recommended For Users.

Summary: Applike is another mobile app among hundreds of others that pay you little money for accomplishing simple tasks like playing games, downloading other apps, etc.

The rewards of the Applike are paid via PayPal in cash or through Amazon gift cards.

Is Applike Recommended? Not really. More on this further…

My Applike Video Review

Before you dive into my Applike article, I want to give you an opportunity to have a look at my Applike video review.

In the end of the video, I reveal you my #1 recommended way to make money online.

In addition, I show you step-by-step the process that I took to go from a complete beginner to making a full-time income online.

I have helped +3,000 individuals to get started making good money online and I would love to help YOU as well. If I can do it, you can do it!

What Is Applike?

Applike is a mobile application that promises to pay you money for finishing simple tasks. It is one of the hundreds of mobile applications that promise to pay you.

Applike has become relatively popular over the time course and it has been downloaded by more than 10,000,000 people already on Google Play Store.

Here on we have in the past reviewed many similar mobile apps that pay you money for accomplishing tasks. You can take a look at for example,

All of those mobile apps work with the relatively same idea. You need to accomplish small tasks and apps will pay you little money for your work and efforts. Let’s have a look at more details in the next chapter.

However, I can already tell you at this point that known of these applications including Applike do not pay you anything close like my #1 recommendation to make money from home.

How Does Applike Work?

In a nutshell, making money with Applike works like this:

  1. Download the Applike to your phone.
  2. Sign up using your email address.
  3. Accomplish their tasks to earn points.
  4. Convert points into Amazon Gift Cards or Cash to Paypal.

The process sounds easy and that’s what it is. Making money with this kind of mobile applications is not hard. They have been designed in a way that even children can use them.

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However, I don’t recommend Applike or any other similar apps to the children or even to adults. The reason is that  you can earn much more money online by doing the things that I teach you in my Ultimate Make Money Online guide

Now you may be wondering what kind of tasks you are required to accomplish in Applike. There are primarily two tasks that you need to repeat in Applike over and over again to earn rewards:

  1. Download other apps & games.
  2. Use those applications. The longer you use, the more points you earn.

Applike advertises that you can make money by playing games. That’s partially true but in reality they don’t pay almost anything.

Applike probably earns some money from other app creators when they share the application inside Applike. Then they share you a small commission of that money what they received from other app creators.

  • Inviting Friends & Earning More Points

Another way to earn points within Applike is to invite your friends and earn extra points for that. This process is also known as affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is actually a very profitable way to make money online and I use it myself. Making money online with affiliate marketing has enabled me to travel around the world and live an extraordinary life.

When you make money online like I do, you have a complete freedom to decide how you spend your time and life. Read here the best way to get started with Affiliate Marketing.

However, I never recommend or promote programs like Applike even though I could make money with it because I know the app is not good enough for you. There are much better ways for you to make money online as I teach you in my ultimate make money online guide 2018.

How Much Can You Earn with Applike?

Unfortunately, not much.

You need to collect mCoins inside the app. Once you have collected enough mCoins, you can transfer them into Amazon gift cards or PayPal vouchers (=cash).

12,669 mCoins equals £1 so you need to play quite a long time to earn anything from the app. 

For example, for installing and opening another application can pay you 99 points. To be honest, 99 points sounds much better than it really is. It equals to $0.0078 so it’s not even 1 cent, lol!

Therefore, you would need to download ~115 such applications to make even $1. Doesn’t sound very enticing while you know that you could make a full-time income from your home by following my free guide.

Applike Alternatives? – Better Way to Make Money Online

I have helped that more than 3000 individuals to get started making money online and I would be more than happy to help you as well. Making money online is not a rocket science but making big money requires consistent efforts.With Applike you can make a couple of dollars here and there but nothing significant.I often ask from the people who use that kind of mobile applications, “Why wouldn’t you make $20-$50 per hour by doing what you love instead of earning less than two dollars per hour by playing these mobile applications?”

Then I show them the way and they of course very thankful for me that I help them to earn more money online.

I want that you will get the same “Ahaa!” moment when you learn to make good money online as well.

That’s why prepared for you very comprehensive Guide to Make Money Online in 2018 (and beyond!). You can access it for free by clicking the button below.

Applike Pros & Cons


  • 1.Easy-To-Use

as I explained above, even teenagers are able to use this kind of applications. The instructions are clear and you just need to follow what they tell you to do.

However, the drawback is that if something is very easy to do, they don’t need to pay you lots of money because somebody will do the same tasks for them for almost free.

  • 2.It’s Not a Scam

Many Applike users have reported that they have received money from Applike. I’ll will will will will will will will call will help you out to Helen: I’ll let you


  • 1.Small Earning Potential

The cold fact is that mobile apps like Applike don’t pay almost anything to their users. Noticed that I’m not saying that they don’t pay you anything.

I am just saying that Applike (or other similar apps) don’t pay ALMOST ANYTHING. Sometimes people are joking that it would be much more profitable to beg on the streets than playing this kind of mobile apps.

  • 2.Time-Consuming

​​​​The payout the rewards are small no matter how much time use playing the application. You can earn a little bit more if you use lots of time on Applike which is the reason why some people waste their precious time with it.

I do want to see you playing several hours Applike just to earn a couple of dollars. If you want to make a serious money online, I recommend reading my Make Money Online guide 2018 and taking massive action.

  • 3.Some Users Haven’t Received The Rewards

There are tons of Applike reviews where a user reports that he hasn’t received the rewards that he was supposed to get.

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For example, Prashant (see the image below) played Applike for a long time and deserved to earn a reward. However, he didn’t get it.

He contacted the support team several times without any response. This kind of complaint seems to be relativelly common among Applike users.

Prashant Pandey didn’t receive the rewards even though he deserved it.

  • 4.The Support Is Not Responsive

Many users have reported that they have tried to contact the support team several times without success. To be honest, I am not very surprised about this because many similar apps don’t have a responsive support team either.

The app creators usually want to earn passive income by creating this kind of apps. Therefore, they don’t often have time to respond to user requests or questions.

  • 5.There Are Lots of Negative Applike Reviews

To be honest, there are positive and negative reviews of Applike. But the negative ones that I have read tell a quite negative story about the application.

Most common complaints are the they didn’t receive the rewards that they were supposed to get or the earnings were just too small.

Amanda wouldn’t like to give Applike even one star out of five… She didn’t receive her payments from Applike.

My Sincere Advise to You

I have reviewed more than 400 make money online opportunities. I can divide them in 4 categories:

  1. Scams.
  2. Opportunities that pay only little money. (Less than $10/hr.)
  3. Opportunities that pay a decent amount of money. ($20-50/hr.)
  4. Opportunities that have a great earning potential. (Preferably +$10,000/month)

Applike goes certainly to the group 2. Unfortunately, you will not earn even closely $10/hour with this kind of applications.

However, the good news are that there are many better ways to make money online that will pay you much more. I have created you a complete list of my most recommended make money online opportunities here

Some of the opportunities require some prior experience or knowledge but there are also many opportunities that are also available for anyone.

I recommend that you never waste your time into low paying opportunities like Applike. Read my Ultimate Guide to Make Money Online here or click the button below.

There I show you the 4-step process that I, my friends and 1,000’s of people all over the world use to make a living online.

And as I quickly mentioned you above, it has also enabled me to travel all over the world and achieve the freedom that I before just dreamed of…

What kind of experiences do you have with Applike and other similar mobile applications?

Would you like to make more money online and have a freedom to travel around the world and live wherever you want like I have? If yes, I’d love to help you to reach your dreams!

Let me know in the comments below!

If you have any questions, just leave a comment below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.

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