Is Affiliate Marketing Mastery A Scam? [3 Things To Consider!]

Affiliate Marketing Mastery Review – Quick Summary

Name: Affiliate Marketing Mastery

Founder: Stefan James Pylarinos

Type: Affiliate Marketing Training Course

Price: $1,997 or 3 payments of $767 (=$2,301)

Best for: Beginners who have lots of extra money to invest in their affiliate marketing training

Summary: Affiliate Marketing Mastery is a step-by-step affiliate marketing training course targeted for beginners. Stefan is an experienced affiliate marketer and has lots of experience of making big bucks online.

His course has tons of great tips for beginners but it comes with an expensive price and lacks some essential tools that are required for you to getting started.

Is Affiliate Marketing Mastery Recommended? Affiliate Marketing Mastery is not our top recommended training but the skills you learn may be worth the price if you apply it.

Introduction: The Beauty Of Affiliate Marketing

Who wouldn’t like to make money with affiliate marketing?

It’s a business model that makes you money even while you are sleeping, laying down on the beach or hanging out with your friends.

You don’t have bosses, deadlines and not needs to deal with clients.

In short, you can decide what you do, when you do it and wherever you want to do it.

It’s not a coincidence that I make my living with affiliate marketing and I’ve helped +3,000 people to get started as well. 

Your income usually grows like a snowball and you get a raise every single month.

So, why doesn’t everyone make money with affiliate marketing? After educating 1,000’s of people, I’ve found out the 3 most common reasons:

  1. People don’t know how to get started with affiliate marketing.
  2. Some people get started but they lack support & step-by-step training.
  3. Many people quit because they don’t get immediate results.

We have reviewed more than 500 make money online training programs, tools and courses and seen everything.

There are many affiliate marketing training courses that literally suck. Save your time and money from them…

Here’s my #1 recommended affiliate marketing training program that has been used by +1,500,000 people worldwide and helped many of them to earn a life-changing income online.

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Now let’s go to our Affiliate Marketing Mastery review. It’s written by my trusted writer and I’ve added some of my own notes in the article. Enjoy!

What Is Affiliate Marketing Mastery?

There are tons of affiliate marketing programs readily available online that claim to teach the users how to build a multi-million online business. Well, some do live up to their words while some are a bunch of hyped get-rich-quick schemes that fail miserably.

Affiliate Marketing Mastery is an affiliate marketing program that has caught the eyes of many in the recent past. The program itself was created by Stefan James Pylarinos, a renowned internet marketer, who has also created other high-quality programs such as K Money Mastery.

In nutshell, Affiliate Marketing Mastery is a step-by-step training course designed to help individuals build a successful online business through affiliate marketing.

For starters, the course is ideal for anyone looking to create a passive income stream, whether you are a beginner or an expert in internet marketing. 

But, is the hefty price tag – $1,997-for the course worth it? This is an in-depth and unbiased review of the Affiliate Marketing Mastery program, to help you decide if the course is a great value for your money.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Mastery Work?

Stefan James, in his  online video program, clearly states that the course is for those ready to put in efforts and lots of it so as to realize desirable results.

The program also includes webinars that are aimed at helping the users create and maintain an online business as well as tips on how to get additional earnings. On top of it all, he shows proof that the program actually works.

The whole course can be summarized in seven modules with hours of worth content that can be downloaded in PDF transcript format.

Additionally, the program comes with a 90-day email coaching program that tracks your progress as well as help you reach to the next level. If you’re not familiar with email marketing yet, I recommend checking out the following articles that I’ve written for you to help you to get started:

  1. #1 Email Marketing Training Course Revealed!
  2. #1 Email Marketing Tool Revealed!

Now let’s have a look at the seven modules and what each entails;

  • Module 1: Strategy and Mindset

Stefan used module 1 to lay the basis of affiliate marketing. In this chapter, he not only help the users create an effective plan but also cultivate the right mindset, which is paramount in building a successful online business. 

The goal-setting approach, used in this module, is a huge plus in terms of creating a notion that there is no overnight success in affiliate marketing and that one must put in a good amount of efforts.

  • Module 2: Niche selection

Module 2 covers the process of choosing a niche that bests suits your interests and passion and build a profitable online business around these niches. The best thing is that Stefan provides a well laid-out step-by-step guide and criteria to help you choose the best niche to build an online business around, as well as find affiliate products to market.

And since keywords are vital in the success of an online business, the module also teaches the users how to optimize keywords related to their niche so as to capture more clients. 

  • Module 3: Creating your online brand presence

Basically, in this module, it is all about marketing your online business on various platforms including social media and WordPress. But first, as a user, you will be guided on how to create a captivating brand name for your business and setting up a domain name and hosting for your own website. In addition, you will also learn how SEO works and how you can optimize your blog to attract traffic.

  • Module 4: Quality content creation

High-quality content is necessary for internet marketing. The audience needs to connect with them in your blog and social media pages so as to divert to your web. Moreover, quality content helps build a lasting relationship with your marketing. In this module, you will learn how to create quality content that is SEO optimized allowing you to attract consistent traffic to your web.

  • Module 5: Marketing strategies

Module 5 focuses on generating traffic, followers, and subscribers using effective marketing strategies. Traffic generation is the backbone of internet marketing since the higher the traffic the higher the income. This is why Stefan, in this module, focuses on advanced SEO techniques and social media promotions and also how to create a strong email list.

  • Module 6: Monetizing your traffic

As an internet marketer, you may have traffic to your website and a huge social media following and still, make nothing much. This is the case when you have no idea on what to do with the traffic generated. In this module, you will learn how to monetize the traffic from your web and social media platforms as well, by marketing profitable and relevant products.

  • Module 7: Performance and Analytics

As an internet marketer it is crucial you track your progress, and that’s what this module is all about. In accordance with the goals set in module 1, this module helps point out some of the reasons why you might have missed out on your objectives.

But it does it end there, there are split tests, weekly webinars and email coaching program in this module that are designed to help you optimize your marketing and generate more income.

Who Is Affiliate Marketing Mastery For?

The program is best for anyone looking for a way to get started in internet marketing and how have lots of money to invest. If you prefer to get started with affiliate marketing for free, I recommend following my FREE guide here.

You don’t have to have any set of skills as the program is well detailed and contains all the necessary information needed to kick-start a successful online business.

However, it is worth noting that a lot of patience and hard work is required so as to achieve results. If you are into an overnight success, then this program and even the entire idea of affiliate marketing is not for you.

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Pros & Cons Of Affiliate Marketing Mastery

Stefan’s Affiliate Marketing Mastery program is a legit course with tons of training to help beginners get started with affiliate marketing. Some of the advantages include;

  • 1. The Support

Affiliate Marketing Mastery (AMM) has a supportive Facebook page with members ready to answer all your questions. The group, however, is only accessible by members only. Alternatively, you can also direct your inquiries to the AMM support team on their official website.

  • 2. High-Quality Training

The one thing that stands out the most about AMM program is the comprehensive and effective training it offers. This is evident from the step-by-step video tutorials that cover everything you need to know about affiliate marketing, right from scratch.

This makes this program quite favorable for beginners or anyone with no prior computer knowledge. And the fact that all these come from a reputable internet marketer, that’s a huge plus.

  • 3. Not Much Hype

Most affiliate marketing programs today are too hyped with unrealistic claims of making millions within a short period. They end up selling false hopes to unaware customers who only end up frustrated when don’t make the figures claimed by these hyped programs. 

Other programs may be legit but oversell the results, which sucks big time.However, the case is different in Affiliate Marketing Mastery as Stefan James clearly put it that his program is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Moreover, the program is detailed in all its modules aimed at teaching people the basics of affiliate marketing.

Besides if you are not satisfied with the results there is a 30-day refund policy. All you got to do is send the support team an email requesting for a refund and you will have your money back.Cons

  • 1. Lacks all the tools

One of the major drawbacks of this program is that it lacks a few essential tools necessary for building a business online. As a user you do not get web hosting services, website domain registration, and keyword search tool as well as an auto-mail-responder. 

This means that you will have to register your own domain name and look for web hosting services, all of which, in turn, may cost you a few extra bucks on top of the initial cost of the program.

  • 2. Too expensive

As much as the program seems like a good deal to invest in, the price is the major setback. The program offers two main payment options;

  • A one-time payment of $1,997
  • 3 installment payment totaling up to $2,301

Although it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee, the price is quite high given the fact that there are other programs, for instance, Wealthy Affiliate, that offers everything AMM program offers at a more affordable price.

Is Affiliate Marketing Mastery a Scam?

Definitely NOT. As a matter of fact, the Affiliate Marketing Mastery program has helped hundreds build well-paying online businesses. The hefty price and lack of essential tools are what makes the program less attractive.

It is for this reason that AMM program is not worth investing in, having in mind you can get the same quality of training inclusive of all the tool, at a much cheaper price.

Wanna Make Real Money Online?

Why Is Wealthy Affiliate Better Than AMM?

If you have followed our website for a while, you have noticed that Wealthy Affiliate is our TOP recommendation for anyone who wants to make big money online with affiliate marketing.

Below you can see the list of all tools that Wealthy Affiliate provides. It’s much more comprehensive and affordable than AMM. Learn more and get started with Wealthy Affiliate here.

Here are 4 more reasons why we rather recommend you Wealthy Affiliate over Affiliate Marketing Mastery.

  • 1. Wealthy Affiliate Comes With All Essential Tools

As mentioned earlier, the Affiliate Marketing Mastery program lacks a few key tools that are crucial to building a successful online business. What this means is that one will have to incur an extra cost, on top of the already hefty price tag of the AMM program.

However, the case is different with Wealthy Affiliate program as it comes with:

  •  Keyword research tool, Jaaxy
  • 3-click website builder and WordPress hosting services for up to 25 domains. 
  • SSL, SiteSpeed + Other important tools to boost your affiliate marketing success

Wealthy Affiliate is like an “all-in-one” stop for anyone who wants to make money with affiliate marketing.

  • 2. 24/7/365 Live Support

As a beginner, chances are you might get stuck along the way when building your online business. Therefore one cannot afford to overlook the importance of having a readily available support time.

In Wealthy Affiliate, you can get support the various support platforms that include interactive discussion and private access to community experts. And if for some reason you are not satisfied with the answers from the groups, you can send a personal message to the private one on one support time, or better still message the owners of the program directly.

  • 3. Wealthy Affiliate Is 100% Beginner-Friendly

You can look at a program’s beginner friendliness from various perspective. One way to look at it is the affordability. As a beginner it is normal not to completely trust a program which may in return force you not to invest your money.

But if a program offers a starters account, absolutely for free, chances are you will join. You don’t have anything to lose after all. That’s exactly what Wealthy Affiliate does.

The starters account gives you one training module consisting of ten training videos, alongside other classrooms. The account also gives you access to a limited number of keyword search tools to build kick start your online business. If you are satisfied with the program, you can opt to upgrade to premium membership to enjoy the full benefits of this program.

I also wrote you an article an article sharing my experiences of Wealthy Affiliate as a beginner. Read it by clicking the following link: Is Wealthy Affiliate for Beginners? Read My Success Story!

  • 4. Wealthy Affiliate Is Much Cheaper

Finally, the price of the two programs is what tips the balance. Both Affiliate Marketing Mastery and Wealthy Affiliate offer high-quality effective training on building a successful online business. However, would you rather invest a large amount of money in a particular program, whereas you can get the same program with added features, at a cost lower than the price of the first program? Quality notwithstanding.

Affiliate marketing programs are a good place to start learning about internet marketing. Nevertheless, this does not mean that you should spend a fortune trying to acquire these programs.

A good program is one that gives you all quality training and tools needed to build an online business but at the same time not eating too much into your pocket. Which is why Wealthy Affiliate is the ideal program to invest 

  • 5. Wealthy Affiliate Is Much More Established

Wealthy Affiliate was founded in 2005 and since then they have educated +1,500,000 people to start making money online with affiliate marketing.

They have a much longer history and they’ve helped way more people than Affiliate Marketing Mastery. I don’t share this to share to say that AMM would be a bad program but Wealthy Affiliate is just clearly superior. 

Read My Ultimate Make Money Online Guide to get started with Wealthy Affiliate for FREE.

Conclusion – Is Affiliate Marketing Mastery Worth It?

Yes and no.

If you have lots of extra money to invest in affiliate marketing training programs, you can buy AMM and gets lots of ideas and instructions.

It’s not the best affiliate marketing training program but it’s one of the good ones. Stefan James is a successful affiliate marketer and he knows what he’s talking about.

However, if you want to get the best affiliate marketing training for an affordable price, I recommend getting started with Wealthy Affiliate

Making money online with affiliate marketing has enabled me to travel around the world and it can enable you as well! 🙂 Read My Ultimate Guide To Get Started.

Above you can get a quick glimpse of a freedom that affiliate marketing has given me. When you follow the PROVEN steps and put in the effort, you will certainly achieve the same.

I am also daily helping people to achieve more success with affiliate marketing and I’d be happy to help you as well.

In my Ultimate Guide, you’ll learn more how to get started with my 1-on-1 coaching and mentoring for free.

Now I have shared my thoughts and opinions and I would love to hear from you.

What kind of experiences do you have with Affiliate Marketing Mastery?

Have you used other affiliate marketing training programs?

Do you have experience of affiliate marketing?

Would you like to get my 1-on-1 support and mentoring to earn more?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

If you have any questions, just leave a comment below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

I want to make sure that you start earning money online if that’s your goal. I’ve helped +3,000 individuals to get started and I’m excited to help YOU as well.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.

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