Human Proof Designs Review: This Is Why Their Customers Succeed!

human proof designs review

human proof designs review

Welcome to My Comprehensive Human Proof Designs Review!

I have been a customer or Human Proof Designs and I know their founder, Dom Wells, through Wealthy Affiliate already for a few years.

In this Human Proof Designs review, I am going to answer all your questions regarding HPD and share my own experiences as their customer. Everything didn’t go so smoothly that you would expect. Read what Dom did then!

Human Proof Designs Review – Quick Summary

Product Name: Human Proof Designs


Product Types: Article and Keyword Packages. Ready-Built Websites for Affiliate Marketers.

Price: Depends on the Product. Exact Prices Specified Further.

Best for: People who want to build their own online / affiliate marketing business.

human proof designs review

Summary: Human Proof Designs is a wonderful resource for affiliate marketers and basically for anyone who wants to earn more money online. The company delivers awesome results to its customers and is committed for the 100% quality. 

Their main products are well researched and ready-made niche websites. They also provide other tools to boost your online business like content creation, link building and keyword research.

Is Human Proof Designs Recommended? Yes.

Human Proof Designs Video Review

In order to provide you the most comprehensive picture on how Human Proof Designs can help you to make more money with affiliate marketing faster, I also created a YouTube video.

In the video, I show in a great detail the background behind Human Proof Designs and their services. In addition, I explain my own experiences when buying HPD products.

I am sure you’ll find the video review helpful and valuable. Please, let me know if you have any questions and I will be happy to help you out as always.

What Is Human Proof Designs?

Human Proof Designs is a company created by Dom Wells that is committed to help you to boost your online business. During the past few years HPD has been growing rapidly because of their high quality products and a good reputation within the Internet marketing industry.

The founder of HPD, Dom Wells, became quite famous on Wealthy Affiliate online business community because of his fast success with affiliate marketing.

He started in 2012 as a beginner and just 3 short years later he was making +$10,000/month online. In addition, his story didn’t end there.

Soon his online business was making +$100,000/month. Soon he reached $1,000,000/year mark and the story keeps continuing today. The bottom line is that Dom Knows what he is doing when it comes to building affiliate marketing websites and online businesses.

His company Human Proof Designs offers several services including:

  • Ready-Made Niche Websites $798 – $1,799
  • Keyword Packages $69-99
  • Link Building Services Starting from $149
  • Search Engine Optimized Content Packages Starting from $199
  • Link Building Course $7
  • Amazon Affiliate Video Course $7

As I will explain more in detail further, Human Proof Designs and their customers have achieved lots of success over the years. HPD has been featured on several famous websites as you can see in the image below.

human proof designs review

Human Proof Designs has been featured on famous websites like Entrepreneur, Empire Flippers, Niche Pursuits and Jungle Scout.

HPD is committed to help its customers succeed with their online business. More successful customers means also more business to them.

I talked about the same subject in my recent Thrive Themes review. Isn’t it great to have a whole team providing the best tools and resources just to help you to be more successful. Many that kind of services will give huge returns on investment in your online business.

Human Proof Designs Products

In this section, I am going to explain and show you more about HPD products. I will explain how each product will individually help you to boost your online business.

Let’s me start by showing a few numbers of their business and explaining about ready-made niche websites.

human proof designs review

Human Proof Designs has already served thousands of happy customers

1.Ready-Made Niche Websites

I remember the time when I was starting my first affiliate marketing site. I didn’t know almost anything about making money online or how to build good websites. I got started little by little but I must admit that I was hitting my head to the wall for a while.

I was figuring out what would be the best niche, what kind of keywords I should use, how could I get more visitors and millions of other things. Getting a ready-made website from Human Proof Designs would have saved tons of my time and nerves.

HPD service didn’t exist back then but nowadays it has already served thousands of customers with convincing results. Keep in mind that you will not only get the website but also a comprehensive training (created by a super successful affiliate marketer) and an on-going support.

human proof designs review

When i first heard about HPD ready-built websites I thought like, “Well, I am already an experienced Internet marketer. I don’t need anyone to build my website because I can build it myself in 30 seconds.”

Oh boy, I was wrong.

HPD doesn’t only build you a website but they also provide you all the following things:

  • ​Detailed Niche and Keyword Research
  • Hand-Picked Domain Name
  • 1,000’s of Words of Fully Search Engine Optimized Content
  • Premium Themes & Plugins
  • Detailed 6-Month Plan for Success
  • On-Going Responsive Support
  • And More!

With the premium package you will also get:

  • Social Media Accounts Set Up for Facebook, Twitter, and Google+
  • Professionally Designed Logo
  • eBook Lead Magnet
  • And More!

You probably already noticed that Human Proof Designs website package is not just some “random website built for you” but it’s a premium quality website packed with fully optimized content and premium features.

Let me show you a few examples of their available niche sites in the image below:

human proof designs review

3 examples of ready-made niche websites. Monthly profit potential $2,684-3,470.

If you are interested in building your site fast and avoiding common pitfalls, I highly recommend that you take a closer look at Human Proof Designs Niche Sites. They have researched very interesting and highly profitable niches that I couldn’t have even think of before.

They have also laid out all the financial details and earning potential for each website like you can see in the example below for a Bike Helmet website:

human proof designs reviews

Potential Profit for a ready-made bike helmet website on HPD.

2.Well-Researched Keyword Packages

Keyword research is probably the most essential part of your website’s success if you want to rank your website #1 on Google. Some time ago I researched 18 SEO experts and almost all of them mentioned high quality keywords as a big ranking factor.

There are basically two ways to do your keyword research:

  • 1Buy a keyword tool, spend hours researching the best keywords and hope that they get ranked on Google OR  
  • 2Get an affordable keyword package from HPD to save your time, money and nerves.

Keyword packages from HPD aren’t just a random list of words put together but they are hand-picked using professional tools to optimize your site and sales. 

All of the following will be included in your keyword package:

  • Ahref’s (professional keyword tool) list of 1,000 keywords
  • 8 hand-picked keywords to optimize your Google ranking and sales
  • Top 100 Amazon Best Selling Products
  • Competitor research – To beat your competitors in Google rankings

Notice that Ahref would itself cost $99/month. With this package you get the whole list of 1,000 keywords and hand-picked 8 keywords to help you to succeed faster.

Top 100 Amazon best selling products will also help you to succeed more easily because you don’t need to spend hours researching this data manually. Another option would be to buy Amasuite that costs already $197 itself.

In the other words, with the keyword package you get hundreds of dollars worth of data and it saves hours of research time for just $69. Not a bad deal, huh?

3.SEO Article & Content Packages

I have published more than 530 articles on and I know very well how challenging it may be to find great content writers. I have bought articles from around 10 different websites and companies over the years. One of them is Human Proof Designs.

Writing content is probably the single most time-consuming part of any blog or a website. If you can write a great writer, your website is pretty much guaranteed to succeed.

Human Proof Designs articles are guaranteed to be Proofread, SEO-Friendly, High Quality and Unique. In the image below you can see the details of their standard article packages at the moment.

human proof designs review

Human Proof Designs Standard Article Packages

Before you take a closer look at HPD article packages, I want to share my experience when buying articles on HPD.

I bought 10 review articles (1,000 words each) and gave them 1 keyword and quite loose instructions for those articles. After some time I received all my articles and I was surprised how well they were laid out.

I must admit that the articles exceeded my expectations because I didn’t even provide very detailed instructions for them.

But that’s not the whole story.

The articles were a bit late from the time that HPD had promised. However, for that little inconvenience, Dom offered me 50% of my money back. Can you imagine? The article packages were already cheap but Dom gave even half of the price back because of the little delay.

That experience convinced me that Dom Wells and Human Proof Designs go all the way to provide 100% customer satisfaction in every situation.

The reason that those articles were a bit delayed was that it was a holiday time in Christmas and it was already more than 1,5 years ago in 2016. Now HPD has much more writers and they can make on-time delivery anytime. As I explained above, the company has grown very fast because of its success and positive customer feedback

NOTE: Human Proof Designs articles certainly aren’t cheapest in the industry. If you are looking for an alternative, I recommend having a look at my #1 recommended article writing service here.

4.Amazon Affiliate Course $49 $7

human proof designs review

Dom’s Amazon Course Costs Only $7. (Click the Image to Learn More)

I explained Dom’s success story at the beginning of this post. When it comes to affiliate marketing, Dom knows his craft. He became ultra-successful faster than most people who have done affiliate marketing for years.

Nowadays Dom concentrates on helping other people to achieve the same success by educating other people and providing his ready-built niche websites.

However, nothing will work unless you know what you are doing Most people hit their head to the wall for a long time until they make any money online.

When I started watching Dom’s Amazon affiliate course, I was thinking

“Wow! This knowledge will save probably hundreds of hours of time from somebody who wants to make money as an Amazon affiliate.”

Other Human Proof Designs Products & Services 

I will not go to details with all the other products and services that HPD provides because otherwise this article would be too long.

However, you can take a look at all HPD services here

Human Proof Designs Reviews – What Are Other People Saying?

When I write and publish reviews on I always take a look at what other people are saying about the specific company.

I wasn’t surprised when I saw a long list of positive reviews of Human Proof Designs.

I knew that HPD is delivering high-quality products and it has a good reputation within the Internet marketing industry. They have already served thousands of happy customers and helped them to make more money online.

Pretty much all Human Proof Designs that you can find are positive because customers have been so satisfied with the results. In the next chapter I will share a few success stories from their customers.

Human Proof Designs Success Stories – Will You Be the Next One?

Over the years numerous Human Proof Designs customers have achieved success with their ready-built affiliate marketing websites. I wanted to take a few moments to share some of those success stories with you.

Gary had messed around with affiliate marketing for 5 years but he went from failure to failure.

Then he bought a HPD ready-made niche website package and made $1,080 in the first 4 months.


HPD Customer

Alejandro was an unhappy waiter and wanted to find something better. He turned to HPD and bought a ready-build affiliate site.

In just 8 short months Alejandro was already making +$1,500 with his website.


HPD Customer

Jake was struggling with his site for a while but decided that he wouldn’t quit. 

Little by little results started coming and now he is comfortably making $1,000/month passive income with his website.


HPD Customer

These are of course just 3 little examples of numerous success stories. I wanted to share these stories with you to show some real proof that HPD customers really succeed.

I know it very well that the process that Dom teaches really works. Making money with affiliate marketing doesn’t happen overnight but you will surely make money with your website when you have patience.

Conclusion – Are Human Proof Designs Services Worth It?

The short answer is: Yes!

As you saw in the customer stories above, their website has paid itself back several times. If Alejandro invested in his ready-built website $998 and it’s now making him +$1,500/month, I could call it a good investment.

On the other hand, if you are expecting for an overnight success, that most likely won’t happen. You must be willing to put in the effort to make consistently $1,500/month with your website.

And you must remember that $1,500/month isn’t even closely the upper limit. You may make even 5-figures (+$10,000/month) if you are willing to work very hard.

If you are on a very tight budget and not willing to invest money any money on your online business, then HPD may not be for you. If you want to get started for free, I recommend joining #1 online business training and community.

Then you will learn the skills to build sites yourself. It will surely be time-consuming but at least you don’t need to spend so much money. I want to underline that building a successful online business is not free. You either need to invest lots of time or some money to start earning income.

But if you want to accelerate your success, I highly recommend taking a closer look at Human Proof Designs Ready-Made Websites.

What kind of experiences do you have with Human Proof Designs?

Have you already made money with affiliate marketing?

What kind of tasks are most time-consuming for you in building an affiliate marketing business?

Let me know in the comments below!

If you have any questions, just leave a comment below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Hello Roope! Although it’s been two years you made this article, It still is relevant today as the number of affiliate marketers increase around the wolrd. This is my first time hearing about The human proof designs, but your detailed reviewed has given me all I need to know about it. I would love to give it a try! Just hope I am not too late

    1. Yeah, you are not too late! Human Proof Designs has been improving their services further since publishing this article.

  2. Yeah, I have read Dom Wells’ blog at Wealthy Affiliate on how after just a few years he was able to build a million dollar company called Human Proof Design. 

    If I have the money right now I would have bought all the packages already. I mean, who does not want a ready-made website and all that’s included in the package. However, I am on a tight budget so I want to keep my day job while working on my website.

    As you mentioned, the customers of HPD succeeded with their online businesses. This is kind’a like an “all-done-for-you” type of thing, which I think is good. Just wondering if they have the niche website of my interest. Because even if I would have to buy content packages and I am guaranteed good money coming in, I would still prefer a niche that I am passionate about. 

  3. I really enjoyed this post and will bookmark it for later. You have explained each of the products really well and I wiillook into it further as they seem to offer some great products for people wanting to get started in affiliate marketing. The keyword package looks particularly good value. Thanks

  4. This is really nice! I’d love to try the 2 budget-friendly HPD courses: the Amazon Affiliate Course and the Linkbuilder courses for starters.

    I’m amazed at how Amazon has gained quite a huge leap from being just a budding online retailer to one of the world’s biggest retailer company. Of course all the success didn’t just happen overnight. By taking advantage of the Amazon Affiliate course, I can have another online earning opportunity to maximize or I can learn useful tips in building by own online retail platform.

    Coupled with the Linkbuilder course, I can also promote my blog and website and gain more connections to grow my business. And I can always start with learning.

    1. Yeah, they certainly teach several good tips. I don’t personally put a huge emphasis on building back links because I rather focus on producing more content but some people like Dom Wells have achieved great results by building backlinks.

  5. Not the cheapest, no, but you do get what you pay for. If you’re looking for something as fully featured and well thought out as this, then it’s going to cost you $$$ to get it done. Otherwise, you can save money (at the expense of your own time) doing it all on your own…. just depends what your style is. Time is money!

  6. Sounds like an amazing idea. It seems also very expensive especially for a person that is just starting out . From your list the most affordable thing is the amazon course. LOl! I know I’m ranting, I see your point if you have the money this is an amazing way to start affiliate marketing because three quarters of the work is done for you. When I’ve made enough money I will truly consider doing this. Great Review!

    1. Yeah, usually a high quality service costs some money. If you want to buy a cheaper website, you can always go to Fiverr or other similar site but then there aren’t often guarantees of the high quality. In addition, HPD doesn’t only provide you a website but a full support, content and much more in one package.

      But yeah, it’s not the cheapest one and there is a good reason for that 🙂

  7. Nothing beats a place where one can have limitless access to information and knowledge on how to be the best at what one does. This is why why it comes one desiring to be at the top of what one does just like being an affiliate marketer, then Human Proof Designs is the best place to look for because you’re definitely guaranteed getting the best from the site.

    1. Yeah, Human Proof Designs really provides high-quality solutions for affiliate marketers. I think that their company become even bigger and more well-known over the time course while they are helping so many people. The founder, Dom Wells, is an extremely hard-working person and it’s a key to his success.

      1. There is a local proverb in saying in country which states that, “A good market sells itself without any stress”. This is just the case with Dom Wells Human Proof Designs because it has a the best value to offer to anyone who is into affiliate marketing, so therefore it’s probably why the company is making a huge headway in its expansion as it is today.

  8. Correct me if I am wrong, does this site work like agencies? Where the users will submit a resume to them and the Human proof will find a online work for them? Am I right? Because if I am right I will submit a resume to them so they are the one wo will find a work for me. Thank you.

    1. Hmmm… I think that you can send your resume to Dom Wells on their website. I believe that he is constantly hiring new people to his team.

      However, I am not 100% sure about this so I can recommend contacting them directly through Human Proof Designs website.

  9. Looking from what I read about Human Proof designs on your review, I can confidently say that it is one of the best site when one is looking at starting up a site that is linked with affiliate marketing in the sense that when they can provide you with a good domain name, good articles that can rank high in SEO as well as having a good support team, I bet it is one of the best for anyone thinking of having an already made and good website for any reason at all.

    1. Exactly. Human Proof Designs is certainly #1 place for buying ready-built niche websites for affiliate marketing. The founder, Dom Wells, really knows what his customers need because he has himself built numerous successful online businesses.

      1. This is really great in the sense that upcoming webmasters would like to relate well with someone that has been successful over time and I believed Don Wells is that type of person that can really build ready made successful website for clients that are ready to move up the ladder of success at it relates to online marketing. I am not surprised you know him since successful people relate with those that arsuccessful as well and that is really nicee successful as well and that is really nice.

  10. I have never heard of a company called human proof design. Until now I have never contacted a company to do my work such as designing, SEO, digital marketing, writing etc. When I want my work to be done, usually I go to freelancer sites and post my job and hire the best freelancer amongsts the bidders. I am doing this because I can get a good freelancer for the best price. I find the price a bit high on the companies like human proof design.

    1. I understand your point. Freelancer sites can be good and I also use them for hiring some tasks. Still, I need to admit that they are often a hit or miss especially if the price of the service is low.

      I wouldn’t trust my website creation or SEO for a person who charges just a cheap money unless I know him/her very well.

      Human Proof Designs certainly isn’t the cheapest service out there as you pointed out but at least you can be guaranteed of the top-notch quality.

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