Is This a Great Way to Earn Money? – Read Zurvita Zeal for Life Reviews!

zurvita zeal for life reviews
Zurvita Homepage

Do you want to get fit? Would you like to get a better focus? Would you like to have a better physical health and fitness? Zurvita promises all those things with their Zeal for Life products.

Is Zurvita a scam? Is Zurvita a pyramid scheme? There are many questions that may come to your mind whether you are thinking about joining their MLM-system or buying their products.

In this article, I will answer all of your questions regarding Zurvita. I’ll show interesting Zurvita Zeal for Life Reviews and give my honest opinion of their system. I have experience of more than 300 make money online opportunities so I can give you an insightful opinion for sure.

Zurvita Review

Name: Zurvita

Founded: Zurvita was founded in 2000. Zeal for Life products were created in 2008.

Cost: $35 Minimum

Type: Health MLM-System

Short Review: Zurvita is an honest company and Zeal For Life products are enjoying positive reviews on Amazon. However, +99% of Zurvita members don’t make even a full-time income. That’s why I don’t highly recommend their program.

If you want to increase your chances your success or learn to make money online, have a look at My #1 Recommendation. That program helped me to make a living online and quit my 9 to 5 job. If I can do it, you can do it.

zurvita zeal for life reviews
Zurvita Homepage

What Is Zurvita Zeal for Life?

Zurvita is an American MLM-company which was founded back in 2000. They started growing and back in 2008 Zurvita created their interesting series of products called Zeal for Life. They promise to give several important benefits to your life including a better focus and a quality of life. Zeal for Life products include

  • Antioxidants
  • Amino acids
  • Vitamins
  • Micronutrients
  • Minerals
  • Phytonutrients and more.

In my opinion, the list sounds pretty impressive. On the other hand, Zeal For Life products are pretty expensive. Will you get enough quality for the buck? Let’s have a look a bit further but I can already tell that many people are enjoying Zeal for Life Products. However, most (99%) of their distributors are earning only a very small money for their efforts.

The MLM-program Juice Plus, I am not promoting Juice Plus or Zurvita but I am interested in new business opportunities and improving my health and the quality of life. That’s why I wanted to find out if Zurvita would be worth joining or not. I bet you would also be interested in how I learned to make money online because you could do the same as well. Just click the picture to get started immediately:

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Zurvita Zeal for Life Products

Whether you are thinking about joining Zurvita MLM-business or buying their products, it’s important to have a closer look at what they are selling. Your success in any business will depend whether the products you are selling are good or not. If you sell useless products, you’ll lose the reputation. But if your products are top-notch, people are willing to buy even more.

Zurvita offers many kinds of nutrition products: fat burners, cleansers, protein supplementation, and health powders. The following information and a screenshot are from their own website:

zurvita zeal for life reviews
Zurvita Zeal For Life and Zurvita Protein

Zurvita says that people have reported at least the following benefits while using Zeal For Life Products:

  • Optimize your health
  • Boost your energy
  • Enrich, restore and protect your body
  • Help maintain a healthy weight

That sounds perfect. If I could get all those (or even some) benefits, I would immediately start using their products. However, a closer research showed me that it’s probably not worth it. I’m not into overpriced luxury products. Their prices are so much higher than their counterparts.

Despite their high price, Zeal for Life products is getting high ratings on Amazon.

$35 to get started

How to Make Money with Zurvita?

First of all, you need to buy their Welcome Kit which costs $35. It’s a reasonable price to get started but of course, they hope that you would spend much more money on their products in the future. Why would you promote health and fitness products that you aren’t even using yourself? In my opinion, the easiest product to sell is something that you use yourself.

Anyhow, after buying their first kit you can start earning commissions by selling their products and recruiting new people. Then you will earn commissions also from your downlines like in other MLM-programs.

The commission for each sale is 20% which tells us how big profit Zurvita makes for each product. 20% profits are quite huge for physical products. What do you think?

Let’s have a closer look at their compensation plan so you’ll get an idea how much you could be earning with Zurvita.

Zurvita Compensation Plan

Instead of me explaining how their compensation plan works, I let Zurvita distributor tell you how everything runs. Notice that in this video they are trying to promote Zurvita at the same time when the guy is explaining the system. I don’t promote their system but attached this video just for your information about their compensation plan.


In addition, to commissions from your downlines and sales, Zurvita offers Builder Bonuses, Car Program, Promotional Rings, and more. They are created to keep you motivated while selling their products and system for other people.

A positive thing about Zurvita is that they don’t have a monthly minimum goal in order to continue in their system. Many MLM-programs require that you make each month at least $200 in sales, for example. Usually, that kind of rules force new distributors to buy lots of their program and the company wins even more.

Is Zurvita Good for You?

I bet you are thinking if Zurvita is a good opportunity for you or not. First, I would like to show you how much money people are really earning with this system. Have a look at their income statement below:

zurvita zeal for life reviews
Around 0,5% of Zurvita consultants are earning a full-time income. (These statistics are from 2 years ago but they show us the earning potential with Zurvita.)

Most people who join Zurvita will never make more than $100 per month. You need to deal with that fact. Around 85% of people fall in the category where the monthly average earnings are $11 or $31. What do you think about those numbers? We don’t know how much effort those people have put to earn even $31 per month.

Only a handful of people is making a full-time income with Zurvita. We all know that +90% of starting businesses will never make it. I know from my own experience that building a business requires lots of persistence and hard work. There’s no easy way to go. The same goes with Zurvita.

In my opinion, your chances to succeed are even smaller with Zurvita because their products are overpriced and statistics show how a small number of people will ever make it.

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Zurvita Zeal for Life Reviews

I have read several Zurvita Zeal for Life Reviews and there are some similar characteristics in most of them:

  • Users are relatively satisfied with Zeal For Life products and they are leaving positive reviews.
  • Many experienced online marketers don’t recommend Zeal For Life business opportunity because its MLM-system isn’t very intriguing.
  • People say you need lots of persistence to succeed.
  • It’s pretty hard to find reviews from successful Zeal For Life marketers. Who knows the reason?

Zeal For Life business opportunity offers you a chance to earn passive income and quit your 9 to 5 job. However, it won’t be easy for sure and +99% of their members fail in that mission. That’s why I don’t fully recommend this opportunity for you. There are better possibilities out there.

Conclusion – Is Zurvita Zeal for Life a Scam Or Legit?

Zeal For Life products are legitimate and many people are giving them highly positive reviews. However, their products are not for everyone. Zeal For Life are overpriced luxurious products for people who have more money. There are products with a better price/quality ratio out there. But if the high price isn’t a problem, you can for sure test some of their products.

I don’t recommend joining their MLM-system unless you aren’t using their products yourself. But if you are loving Zurvita products, you can consider joining. I just want you to keep in mind that the success in this (or any other) business requires lots of hard work. More than 90% of all businesses fail and more than 97% of Zurvita businesses fail.

If you would like to increase your chances of success, I recommend taking a look at this training. It taught me to make a living online. I’ll offer you my 1-on-1 support when you go through the training. You can always come to me with any questions you have.

By the way, it’s completely free to get started. It’s pretty inspiring because I haven’t seen anyone failing who continued with the training more than 2 years.



What do you think about Zurvita: Zeal for Life as a business opportunity?

What are your favorite online business models?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Nice review and so glad to know it from you. They are good but can not afford buying products from them. Their prizes are like USAN’s products very expensive but worth it. Ill find some alternative products and i know there are lot of cheaper out there.

    1. Yeah, there are quite many MLM-companies in the supplement industry. One reason is that they can make big profits and commissions by selling them. But the great thing is if people really find them helpful.

  2. I really like this article because how well you explained it.

    I think that the key-words that they are using for they’re products are not true(well, maybe some of them are true) so they use these key-words to overprice the product..At least this is what i see here.

    Also, I think that 20% for recruiting people that buy is a lot and this shows how overpriced the products are.

    Thanks for the article!

    1. Yes, there’s a lot of extra in those prices. 20% is quite typical commission for some digital products but it’s surprisingly big for physical products.

      Anyhow, I’ll leave Zurvita for other people and concentrate on products that have a better price/quality ration in my opinion.

  3. I like the way you broke down the information for this site. Maybe it is because of our personalities, but I often also discount high priced health products because I think ´surely everyone will just do a google search and realize a competing product is much cheaper´… but that is not the case most of the time, especially for healthcare and nutrition products.

    People pay more because they think the product must be higher quality… throw in some keywords like bio-available and you can quickly make people think that a product is better than generic versions.

    1. You have very good and interesting points in every comment, Petesede! Thank you very much for contributing to my website and sharing your wisdom.

      Pricing is an extremely interesting thing in business. One of the most successful affiliate marketers in the world, Pat Flynn, once told a story. His product cost $29 and it wasn’t making many sales. Then he raised the price to $39 and people started buying it much more. He made more money for each sale and much more sales in total. That’s an incredible example!

      That’s why I don’t usually prefer very expensive products anymore. I used to buy something expensive because I thought it has a high quality but I realize it’s often just a marketing trick.

  4. I have never been a fan of MLM-System. In fact I have never been a part of MLM business. I did not join MLM business not because of the fear of being scammed (there are too many fake MLM businesses out there), but because I am not good at selling.

    Joining cost for Zurvita is really low (most of the MLM programs have too high joining fees), and benefits seems to be really good. However, in order to take advantage of such programs you need two skills, one salesmanship, two ability to generat leads. I don’t have these skills.

  5. Great article, and well broken down. Thanks very much for sharing! I agree with you that it seems very difficult to earn with this program even though they are legit.

    I have come across some other MLM health products and since they are available to me locally and have headquarters near my area, I think it would be more practical for me to just go to that instead of Zurvita if ever I did choose to go this route.

    Regardless, I am grateful for the information you have shared as that at least provides me with options and a point of comparison. Please keep the articles coming!

    1. Hi Fantasia,

      yes, you can choose an MLM that has headquarters near you. However, that’s not a requirement because nowadays you can connect to the whole world through the Internet.

      You can have clients in India, U.S., Germany, South Africa, Brazil and in literally every country. All you need to do is to build a website, a channel on social media or an email list to reach out to those people. It’s great to live in this time because building businesses has become easier than ever before in the history.

  6. I guess this kind of company is better for high paying consumers than being a seller. As I have found on your review about Zurvita they offer quite a lot of high-quality products but for the heavier price.

    If I were to be a health fanatic I might as well try some of their products even if it might make some issues on my finances, as long as I know it would benefit me in the long run.

    1. Yeah, people seem to be satisfied with Zurvita products even though they are very expensive.

      MLM-marketers are also using a psychological trick when setting their prices. When you see a product that costs $5 you think it’s not very valuable or high quality. But if you see a product for $200 or even $20,000 you automatically think it’s must be a very valuable product.

      It’s interesting how our minds work. 🙂

  7. It seems that the price of the products is the biggest problem here. Like you said in the comment above, there are some great alternatives out there that are much cheaper, and the fact that these Zurvita products are quite expensive means that they are a lot harder to sell.

    Even as a buyer, to consider using these products, they are way too expensive and there are way better alternatives available.

  8. Amazing things you are doing here, clearing the paths and showing people the real ways to make money, not like over saturated sites out there with loads of junks. I must commend you on this.

    I would have given this a try but i don’t like revenues that requires selling products. Thanks for the info.

  9. I find this article very interesting. however, as you said, I won’t be able to buy any of these products because I don’t have the money to pay them, I’d rather find other products. Mainly because these products aren’t in my must-have list, and if I’m interested in buying some of these kind of products, I’d find something less expensive. Excellent article Roope!

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