Writers.Work Review [Borderline Scam?!]

In My Writers.Work Review, Most Bloggers Find This Bolderline Scam. Company Employs False Advertisements Luring Writers & Sign-Up For $49. Click To Read More.

In My Writers.Work Review, Most Bloggers Find This Bolderline Scam. Company Employs False Advertisements Luring Writers & Sign-Up For $49. Click To Read More.

Welcome to my Writers.Work Review!

Seasoned website owners tend to have too much on their plates. Instead of focusing their energy on creating content, they rather concentrate on building sales funnels to increase more of, what you know, passive income. Hence, their drive to hire content writers is a must option.

This phenomenon of drastically increasing the need of content writers, especially the ghostwriters, requires a demand for platforms in which the aspiring ones could seek opportunities. The company we’re going to review today is one of them.

Before we delve into the complete details, let me first introduce to you the #1 recommended online opportunity in which writers should never miss.

It’s a FREE training that allows you, an aspiring writer, to become the finest online marketer out there. Just so you know, it’s the same program Roope affiliated that made him earn $3,000 in a day.

Are you curious? Stay through the end of the post, and I’ll tell you the secret. For now, shall we go through the review?

Writers.Work Review – Quick Summary

Name: Writers.Work

Founded: 2018

Type: Technical Writing Company

Price: $49 (early bird access); $94 (lifetime access)

Best for: To those who want to land a job as a writer, risking their investment in Writers.Work seems to be the most plausible option. It’s the best way to get the foundation of online writing, which most employers want to hire. If not from an employer, from a publisher or a chief editor of the most prominent websites. Forbes, for example.

In My Writers.Work Review, Most Bloggers Find This Bolderline Scam. Company Employs False Advertisements Luring Writers & Sign-Up For $49. Click To Read More.

Summary: Writers.Work is registered as a technical writing company established in 2018. Rhonda Wilcox runs it as manager and the contact person based on the information I got from the Better Business Bureau. Generally, it’s a platform where most aspiring writers could look into various opportunities online and pursue their writing career.

Is Writers.Work Recommended? No. I’ll tell you the details in a while. For now, take a look at the #1 recommended online opportunity you should never miss today. Click the green button below to get started.

Make $100 Per Day Writing Articles

I (Robert) have made money online by writing articles already for 3-4 years. I know several ways how you can make $100 per day online by doing that.

Therefore, I recorded the following video where I reveal you the truth about Writers.work website and also show you the 4-step strategy how you can start making $100 per day online writing about the things you like.

You can also ask me any questions in the comments and I will help you out personally.

What Is Writers.Work? 

Established in 2018 as a technical company, Rhonda Wilcox serves as the manager and the sole contact person for Writers.Work.

With an increasing demand for content writers today, the number of companies offering training to writers is surprisingly equal. 

According to the 2018 study of Orbit Media, 44% of the time is spent on creating blog posts, which is akin to an average of 3.5 hours per blog post.

In comparison to writing in 2014, most writers spend 2 hours to create content. Yet, things change with increasing competition, leading to most seasoned bloggers hiring writers.


They simply don’t have the time to create the content. As I mentioned earlier, most seasoned bloggers spend most of their day creating email courses, paid courses, YouTube videos, sales funnels, whatever tasks that give them an optimal boost on their income. Not the content.

Writers.Work Review Landing Page-min

Writers.Work landing page containing its promises of a job & 30-day guarantee

Instead, they hire someone to work on that. Nothing else. Website owners hire writers to do the job they used to do when they were still building the blog to its current position.

Now, with all the passive income and less time to tweak on each post, they have to employ someone to do it for them. 

This is where Writers.Work comes into the picture. It’s a company that trains aspiring writers to have the foundations of what a typical content is needed by most employers, regardless if they’re a blog or a news site. It doesn’t matter, as long as the skills are present in the writer.

How Does Writers.Work Work?

If Serious Bloggers Only tackles the foundations of every writer must have, Writers.Work just does that.

Yet, what sets these 2 apart is that Jon Morrow’s course focuses on writing content skills; whereas, Writers.Work provides the opportunity itself.

It doesn’t only train the writer with the groundbreaking skills of an online content requirement, but it also opens the endless opportunities like Upwork or OnlineJobs.Ph offers to its stakeholders.

Generally, Writers.Work functions as a combination of these two platforms. This lies at the sweet spot, making it enticing in the eyes of the market.

Writers.Work Review content Image 1

This is the illustration of how Writers.Work looks like, referring to “sweet spot.”

How to Make Money with Writers.Work?

To make money with Writers.Work, there are 2 primary lenses to look at. The first lens shows you the direction where your writing prowess heads to.

The second lens, on the other hand, provides an affiliate program to earn some bucks by promotion. Either of the two is a great option, apparently.

That also means that you can be trained under their supervision employing the lessons you need to undergo; at the same time, you can maximize the income opportunity it brings through becoming one of their bonafide affiliates.

To get into the circle of promoters, you need to sign up on ShareASale, which is their third-party affiliate network.

Once you have the account, you can click “Join,” and wait for their confirmation. Afterward, you can get the following benefits:

Writers.Work Review Affiliates

Summary of affiliate benefits you enjoy once you join Writers.Work

Writers.Work [UGLY] Truths Revealed!

1. Low BBB Rating

Though Writers.Work sounds decent, the Better Business Bureau (BBB), a platform that evaluates the entirety of a company for its stakeholders’ safety, revealed an F rating.

At the same time, they didn’t provide an accreditation status for Writers.Work as a result of having 11 complaints for 3 years and a 1 out of 5 stars customer satisfaction.

Writers.Work Review BBB

The Better Business Bureau (BBB) shows the company’s F rating & no accreditation status.

2. Misleading Promotions

According to Ben Taylor of Home Working Club, Writers.Work isn’t doing anything illegal; however, the methods of promoting the service itself misleads a lot of people, especially the gullible ones.

Writers.Work isn’t something that leads you thousands of money immediately. Instead, look at it as a pathway to a more definite direction towards that goal. It’s opening the gates offers of $25 per hour or whatever the job shows.

It’s not Genie in the Bottle wherein you can simply scratch it 3 times, and you see overnight results. No.

“First, the website is not what I believe to be professional that I would lead to believe. So, I decided to ask for a refund plus the 2 extra features were not credited to my account,” an anonymous complainant wrote.

3. No Contact Information

Here comes the cliche of most companies I reviewed over the past few weeks. Terrible customer service. I have no idea why they became so active in the industry wherein they’re dealing with people.

Of course, they’re doing business with their target market. But, I don’t know why this problem seems to be universal. Like, whenever a user signs up, they couldn’t be reached out i.e., email, phone calls, etc.

“I want to contact the company to request a refund. There is no contact information on their website that I could find,” another complainant stated.

4. Relationship With Scam Company

Ben Taylor also revealed that some of the staff members working for Writers.Work is related to MasterWritingJobs.Com, which is apparently noted for a scam. Hence, many people generalized that Writers.Work also does the same thing.

Based on the report, both of these companies employ similar techniques of misleading people to quick-rich schemes. But if you try to look at it, it doesn’t really mislead unless if you believe you could get rich overnight, which is obviously impossible.

“It’s all about marketing,” he said. It’s true.

Writers.Work Review Pricing

Writers.Work pricing rate in variations

5. Pricing Rate

When I began my writing career, I didn’t pay anything because most of the features are available for free. Therefore, I was able to land a job as a content writer without paying $47.

Then, if you were going to ask me about the training, I did them on my own generated from my constant job search and work for different areas as a news writer, realty writer, among others.

6. Lots Of Negative Reviews

On the BBB alone, there are tons of complaints recorded, given the 1 out of 5 customer satisfaction rate. Thus, there’s no need to elaborate on this because it’s too obvious.

Although the Writers.Work looks decent, especially for the newbie writer, in most seasoned freelance writers, this doesn’t look great.

First, there’s no contact information. So, whenever we encounter problems, we don’t know where and to whom we’re going to ask for help.

Second, there’s that pricing for the platform that uses similar features like those with zero cost. If you go to OnlineJobs.Ph, Upwork, or Fiverr, you have the same job listings. All you need to do is to build your online platform and search.

Third, there is no about page. Like I mentioned earlier, I had to go through the BBB records to see who’s running the Writers.Work company.

What I Like About Writers.Work?

1. Extensive Opportunity

As I mentioned before, Writers.Work is a combination of the 2 platforms, and there it lies at the sweet spot.

Not only it provides the foundation of every aspiring writer, but it also opens limitless opportunities online employing its job listing features. 

For me, it’s the best writing opportunity you could ever get online, unlike ages ago, wherein I had to open different websites to accommodate this. Yet, they did it on one site.

Writers.Work Review – What Others Say About This Platform?

It’s a borderline scam. Most bloggers, who reviewed Writers.Work, including myself, would say the same thing.

Why? It doesn’t have something to accuse as a 100% scam. Because everything is real and legit. The platform exists as well as the job listings. 

The only problem here is misleading information about the platform rooting from the false advertisements of a seemingly quick-rich scheme, and it’s terrible customer service, which appears to be absent or inactive during the time of the user’s crisis. 

Writers.Work Review Complaint

You see in this complaint, a dissatisfied shared his sentiments about his experience on Writers.Work, saying you can’t get in touch with anyone after joining the company for $49.

Over 11 complaints were recorded, and only 1 of them were answered and resolved. Hence, a clear red flag to newbies out there.

As someone who started a career with freelance writing, I never paid for something for my job search. Never. I used various platforms like Upwork, OnlineJobs.Ph, Fiverr, and GreatContent.Com to serve as my training grounds.

When someone wants to hire me, they simply ask for my email or my Skype information to complete the interview process. That’s it. Again, I never paid a single buck to begin my writing career. Except when I started blogging. Obviously, I have to pay for web hosting like Roope does with SiteGround.

Is Writers.Work A Scam?

It doesn’t seem to be a 100% scam because it belongs in a borderline position. What do I mean by this?

There is an existing false advertisement ongoing; however, when users are directed to the landing page, they see a real company with a legitimate platform. Therefore, it’s not qualified for that label. 

Yet, the problem comes into the picture when the user decides to get into Writers.Work and access the features it promised.

Upon learning their dissatisfaction, the company itself becomes unreachable immediately after the user chose to contact via email. 

Writers.Work Review Complaint 1

A dissatisfied client accuses Writers.Work as a fraudulent scam as you see in the complaint filed against the company. Actually, this is one of the few complaints in this subject.

From there, the absence of these pieces of information becomes questionable. That’s because there is no phone number to call to nor email to send email to. The user becomes trapped.

At first glance, Writers.Work appears as a decent company. But if you were very careful, you observe there is no substantial information about them at the landing page.

No about page, no company information, no executives present on the website alone. Aside from that, you’re paying a bit high for someone that’s already available on the internet for free. 

In general, Writers.Work is in a borderline of a scam and legit; hence, we can’t declare if it’s qualified for that label or not. It’s up to you to decide which of these 2 it belongs to.

#1 Online Business Opportunity

Given the number of Writers.Work victims, it’s pretty evident that online opportunities are a bit tricky. You need to alert with whatever offer you receive.

At the same time, you need to possess the detective skills before you jump into the offer regardless if the offer sounds decent or not. 

Because of that, it’s best to learn from the experienced writers as I do. I’ve been in the industry for 5 years now, and I saw a lot of over the years.

I’ve been victimized, earned low, and sometimes a bit high. I got into tons of training in the past, as well as absent employers. Name it. 

There is money in writing. All you need to do is become strategic enough to achieve financial goals without digging your own grave by becoming a scam victim.

Subsequently, I arrived into this path where I learned a lot of insights that eventually led me to this #1 online business opportunity. It’s the same FREE training Roope suggests you going to earn a steady form of passive income as a writer.

You don’t have to pay anything. Everything here is for FREE. Again, you don’t have to spend a dime on whatever we recommend on Your Online Revenue Ltd.

So, if you want to leverage your writing prowess, I suggest you go through the training; and if you’re going to make an income from that skill, see Roope’s recommendation that allowed him to make $3,000 in a day.

Are you curious?

Click the link below to get started with making money through writing. It’s now or never, my friend.

Now that I shared my thoughts in my “Writers.Work Review” post, it’s time to turn the table and ask about your experience, in general.

What kinds of experiences do you have with making money with Writers.Work? Is it worth your time, money, and effort?

Do you prefer to begin earning your first passive income through affiliate marketing or you instead invest your time, money, and effort to income-generating opportunities like this?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

If you need any help to get started making money online, don’t hesitate to ask in the comments below and we’ll be happy to help you out! 

By Mecyll Gaspary

Hi, I'm Mecyll! I'm a full-time writer in Your Online Revenue, dedicated to dig into the world of making money with Roope. When I'm not spending time writing reviews, I'm writing novels and blog posts on my own website.

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