What Is Webstarts Website Builder? – A Free Tool to Create Professional Websites.

Today we are going to take a look at a very powerful website builder. You have probably heard about WordPress, Wix and some others but did you know that there are almost 4,000,000 websites created by Webstarts. I will explain to you What Is Webstarts Website Builder, how does it work and what are the main benefits. I was personally very surprised how professional-looking websites you can create easily with their service. The best thing is that you can try it for totally free so you don’t need to risk anything.

Webstarts Review

what is webstarts website builderName: Webstarts
Website: www.WebStarts.com
Founders: Adam Barger
Field: Website Builders

Overall Rank:  91 out of 100

What Is Webstarts Website Builder?

Webstarts is a tool that allows you to create a high-quality website within 10-30 seconds. They have tons of free templates that you can choose. Whether you want to create a fitness, construction, beauty, fashion or any kind of website, they probably have a great option for you.

Their service is ultimately popular worldwide as you can see in the picture below. I took a quick screenshot on their website yesterday (18.3.2017) which shows that more than 3,800,000 websites are built and hosted through Webstarts. The number is already much more when you are reading this article. So, their company is huge and they have lots of customers worldwide which gives them credibility.

what is webstarts website builder

Who is Webstarts For?

Webstarts makes it very easy to build a professional website even though you wouldn’t have any prior knowledge or experience. So, it works very well for beginners.

In my opinion, Webstarts is also great for more advanced users because it helps you to create everything very easily. This can save your valuable time and effort. Nobody wants to spend hours trying to figure out how to make their website work if it’s possible to do with a few clicks.

Webstarts has helpful tutorials to help you how to use their website builder. But most of the time you don’t probably even need to watch those videos because their builder is very self-explanatory. You can easily see what happens when you click each button.

Webstarts can be a good tool for people who want to make a living online. If you want to learn more how to monetize your websites and build an online business, have a look at my #1 recommendation. They provide step-by-step training on how anyone can make a living online without prior knowledge.

What Are the Benefits of Webstarts?

what is webstarts website builder
Webstarts Benefits

One biggest benefits, in my opinion, in Webstarts are their professional designs. You don’t need any experience of creating websites and you can literally have a professional website in 30 seconds. I was really surprised how good their websites look.

They have templates for almost anything. Animals/pets, photography, blogs, finance, flowers, internet marketing, real estate, travel, religion and much more. They have also 12 different websites for weddings. Let’s say that you, your friend or some of your relatives have a wedding coming closer, you can create a very professional website in a few minutes on Webstarts. Your guests will think that some professional web designer has created them because they look so good! 😉

webstarts website builder review
Webstarts Wedding Websites

Customizing of your websites is also ultimately easy in Webstarts. They have a “canvas-builder” which shows the changes you made in real time. You can add images, text, headings, gallery, calendars, contact forms and much more with only a few mouse clicks. I must admit that I was again surprised how easy it is to add new things to your website on Webstarts.

Here is a Youtube video that shows how Webstarts websites work and how you can edit them easily.

What Is the Price of Webstarts?

It’s 100% free to create a website in Webstarts. You don’t need to pay a single penny if you don’t want. Then your website will be like xxxxxx.webstarts.com. I created, for example, a test site in 10 seconds YourBodyIsTemple.webstarts.com.

But as you probably know, sub-domains are not good as having your own domain. With your own domain, you get more credibility, better rankings on Google, you can create a brand and many other benefits.

what is webstarts website builder
Webstarts Pricing Plans (click to enlarge the image)

The picture above tells more about their premium plans. Their plans are not very expensive and especially today on Sunday when I write this text, they have a 50% discount on their products. I don’t know how often they have such discounts but I guess that quite often.

Webstarts Support

what is webstarts website builder
Webstarts Support Team

Webstarts has a support team that is available for your calls and emails. You can send them an email by filling out the form on their website or you can give them a call to a number that you can also see in the image above.

To my eyes, their support looks good and promising. Most reviews what I heard on the Internet were positive about Webstarts and they were giving them 5 out of 5 stars. However, I also found a few complaints about their support. But most of those complaints were from 2013 so I hope and believe that those problems are gone. There is never a company that would receive 100% positive reviews and some people will always complain.

Webstarts Vs. WordPress

You may have heard that more than 27% of all websites on the Internet are created by WordPress. It is the biggest website builder and I am using it myself on YourOnlineRevenue.com and on LanguagesAreEasy.com. I have also created a simple walk-through how you can create a WordPress website in 30 seconds.

Wealthy Affiliate is a place where I create, host and manage my websites. They are recommending WordPress which is probably the biggest reason I am using it. Still, I found a few benefits in Webstarts compared to WordPress.

When I am writing WordPress blog posts and pages, I always need to check and look a preview of the page how everything looks like. I need to change pages to see how my images are on the page and so on. Webstarts makes it a bit easier because you can see how everything changes on your website in real time. You just drag and drop new items to your website and it’s done.

what is webstarts website builder
A screenshot of a Website I created in 30 seconds with Webstarts

I also like Webstarts templates. Of course, WordPress has tons of professional and ready website templates but I must admit that all of them are not perfect. Webstarts gives good options to choose if you don’t find something good on WordPress.

All in all, I think that both website builders are great. You can choose which one you want to use and sometimes it depends on your personal preferences. However, I recommend if you are building several websites, have a look at both and decide which one is better for you. If you try only one of them, you may miss a good opportunity to save your time and nerves. Or what do you think?

Pros & Cons


  • Totally free to create websites
  • Professional templates and ready websites
  • Easy-to-use
  • You can see changes in real-time. Just drag and drop items to your website
  • More than 3,800,000 websites built with Webstarts


  • Some complaints about their support in the past

Conclusion – Is Webstarts Good?

Yes, it is. I recommend taking a closer look and test their website builder. You can create a website in under 30 seconds and then scroll how it looks. I believe experimenting a little bit with their builder can open your eyes to new ideas and opportunities.

If you have a church, client, hobby club or weddings, for example, you can go to Webstarts and try building a website that you need. I would like to hear your experiences. If you have never built websites before, you will be surprised how easy it is.

=> Give Webstarts a Try!


What is the Best Website Builder, In Your Opinion?

Have you ever built websites? Have you programmed yourself or have you used some website builders like WordPress, Webstarts or something else. I would love to hear from you.

Leave a comment below and I will be more than happy to answer you personally within 24 hours (usually in a few hours).

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of YourOnlineRevenue.com. I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Hi Roope
    I really thought I knew about all the free website builders? Guess not.

    I have never heard of this one, Webstarts. After I read your review, which I liked because it was indepth, I went over there and checked it out.

    I’m still a wordpress person, though. And think that if a person is going to learn how to make money online, they’re better off learning something about WordPress.

    For people who want a free website though, Webstarts looks ok. But I doubt they could ever beat SiteRubix for a free site.

    Thanks for cluing me in on Webstarts.

  2. It is my first time to hear about Webstarts and according to your review, it sounds good and reliable. I like the fact that it is free to register, so that helps one not to risk much in case it doesn’t work out.

    Personally, I’d like to create a website with my own domain name and I wouldn’t like to have my website as a subdomain. I wonder what option there is to get it totally under my name?

    I really like your review, it is well detailed and gives a lot of information on Webstarts.

    Best regards,


    1. Hi Paul,

      Having an own domain name is very wise because it gives you more authority and freedom. Check out heremore benefits about having an own domain name and how to get it.

      You can also get your own domain name and hosting easily on Wealthy Affiliate.


  3. Thanks for the review.

    I have taken a look at Webstarts and agree with everything you say. It is a good platform.

    For me the main annoyance with WordPress based platforms is that the pages or posts you are working on or editing appear different when the site is live. Therefore, you need to develop a feel for how it is going to look once published.

    Webstarts uses a drag and drop system so you can see your page in real time.

    That said, if I was comparing the overall Webstart platform to Wealthy Affiliate which uses WordPress then WA still does it for me every time.

    I hope that helps.


    1. Hi Paul,

      I would like to hear more your reasons why WordPress wins Webstarts, in your opinion?

      I think both are great website creators but I would like to hear why people prefer WordPress or Webstarts.


  4. HI Roope.

    A while ago I was using Weebly for a start, but free version is really useless 🙂 Moving to a pay version of $10 per month they offer you a free domain + Google Ad credits.

    Some free website building platforms are good – Websitebuilder.

    Talking about Webstarts – they are even better.

    Thanks for the info.

    1. Hi Vitaliy,

      with Webstarts a free version looks already quite good.

      Google ad credits can be very good if one can use Google Adwords. However, sometimes it’s quite challenging to use it with affiliate marketing websites. BingAds works better in PPC.


  5. Although I haven’t heard much about Webstarts recently, I know they have been popular over the years. My personal experiene with 3rd party website builders is that they have a tough time keeping up with the likes of CMS platforms like WordPress and Joomla simply because they are open source and have millions of independent developers evolving the website designs, the management side of things, mobile side of things as well as the 35,000+ plugins in WordPress alone.

    In saying this, when choosing a website platform for your website you need to choose something that you are comfortable with.

    1. Hello Kyle,

      thank you for sharing your thoughts on Webstarts and this website services. I know that you have lots of experience about the subject because you have been in the online business field more than 14 years.

      WordPress nowadays “dominates” the website creation and they are growing so fast. It’s good to have some alternatives which keeps the competition active. Many website owners don’t want to study programming and stuff like that so ready templates are very useful.


  6. It’s nice to know that there are other options out there other then WordPress and Wix to create custom websites.

    I couldn’t really say what is the best website builder because I have only used wordpress but for someone who knows web programming I would believe their mind would be the best website creator due to the complete control you have over the overall look!

    I will however check Webstarts out and see how it holds up against WordPress.

    1. Hi Salvatore,

      yeah, there are quite many other website builders out there but WordPress and Wix are the most famous ones. During this week I am making reviews of other website builders.

      Webstarts is surprisingly good and it works in some ways even better than WordPress. I recommend to give it a try.

      I would like to hear what did you like it!


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