What Is The Tube Rank Explosion? – Check Out My Ultimately Truthful Review!

It’s not easy to find an honest and unbiased review of Tube Rank Explosion. There are many reviews shouting like this, “TUBE RANK EXPLOSION IS TH BEST! BUY IT NOW.” If you are looking for an honest review of it, you have come to the right place. I am not their affiliate so I am not earning a single penny of this review whether you buy it or not. I want to provide you the best info available. Is Tube Rank Explosion a scam? Let’s find out?

Tube Rank Explosion Review

what is the tube rank explosionName: Tube Rank Explosion (TRE)
Website: www.tuberankexplosion.com
Price: $27 + two upsells ($37 and $97)
Founders: Lenny Rowell, Adam Payne, and Gary Alach
Field: Make Money Online -Programs

Overall Rank: 65 Out of 100 (Check Out My #1 Recommendation, 98 Out of 100)

What Is Tube Rank Explosion?

Tube Rank Explosion is a video training of 5 modules that promises to teach how you can achieve high rankings on Youtube and monetize your videos. In my opinion, it’s not a beginner course because they don’t teach you so much about video creation.

However, their course could be a considerable choice for somebody who has already some experience of making videos and watch to know better how to get ranked higher.

Youtube marketing is a wonderful idea because there are much more than one billion users every single day on Youtube. It has even become much more popular than a cable television. Who wants to make TV-shows anymore because you can make a video on Youtube.

Google owns Youtube which means that they want people to go there. => Youtube videos can rank higher on Google.

Tube Rank Explosion Training

As I mentioned above, their training consists of 5 different modules. In the image below, you can see what their modules are all about.

tube rank explosion Review
Tube Rank Explosion Training Modules

In total, their training has 40 over the shoulder videos where you can see how a professional Youtube marketer, Lenny Rowell, succeeds. Many people have praised his training to be very useful and practical. You may have also heard of Affiliate Takeover. It’s quite similar product to Tube Rank Explosion because it’s also teaching tricks and tips to Youtube rankings. TRE training includes also a guide that concludes the main points of their video training.

So far so good. Training is fine and teaches many creative ideas and tips by somebody who has succeeded online. Is this product perfect? Well, now comes the “nasty part”.

Like in many other affiliate marketing training programs, Tube Ranke Explosion has upsells. Why can’t they tell the about their products right off the bat? First, they let you understand that this product is everything you need. After you have bought it, they say that you need this one more. And this one. And this one.

Well, today is your lucky day because I tell you about their upsells before you have invested any dollar into their initial product.

Upsell #1: Earn $775 with One Video

The first upsell costs $37. It’s a case study of how Lenny Rowell earned $775 with one Youtube video. I believe that it’s very useful information but is it worth investing $37 for one case study? I let you decide yourself but I wouldn’t put my money into it.

Upsell #2: Youtube Ads Training

This additional training teaches about Youtube ads and it costs $97. In my opinion, you don’t need it especially because it’s so expensive.

Who is Tube Rank Explosion For?

I would recommend this product mainly for those people who have already a bit more experience of Internet marketing. This product is not the best for beginners. In my opinion, Tube Rank Explosion doesn’t provide you everything you need to succeed online. If you want to learn with a step-by-step training how you can make a fortune online, have a look at Wealthy Affiliate.

About the Founder of Tube Rank Explosion

You may have heard of Lenny, Adam, and Gary before. They are a trio that has created also other Youtube marketing and “make money online” products. If we count all of their products together, they have founded even tens of products in total.

So, we can honestly say that these guys are not newcomers in the industry. They have lots of useful tips and ideas about making money online. Even though I don’t like their strategy of upselling, I think that these guys are quite honest Internet marketers.

tube rank explosion Review
Founders of Tube Rank Explosion

What Is the Price of Tube Rank Explosion?

The initial product costs $27. The first upsell costs $37 and the second one is $97. If you would buy all three products, the cost is $161. In other words, if you buy them all, you will end up spending about 6 times more than you originally planned.

Pros & Cons


  • Training teaches many practical steps for getting ranked on Youtube
  • Lenny, Adam, and Gary have lots of experience of Internet marketing
  • Tube Rank Explosion has a good reputation


  • In my opinion, it’s not optimal for beginners
  • Several Super biased reviews on the Internet
  • Upsell strategy is not very nice

Conclusion – Is Tube Rank Explosion Worth It?

The initial product may be worth if you are interested in Youtube marketing. However, I don’t like that they didn’t talk about their other products (upsells) right away.

If you are really interested in making money online, I recommend you to take a closer look at Wealthy Affiliate step-by-step training. It’s 100% free to get started. You will get 20 interactive video lessons and 2 websites once you join.

Wealthy Affiliate is suitable for beginners but also for more experienced Internet marketers. There are members who have been in the Internet marketing industry for more than 10 years and they are willing to help you out.

=> Want to Make Big Money Online? Get Your Free Resources in Wealthy Affiliate!

Tube Rank Explosion at a Glance…

Name: Tube Rank Explosion (TRE)
Website: www.tuberankexplosion.com
Founders: Lenny Rowell, Adam Payne, and Gary Alach
Field: Make Money Online -Programs

Overall Rank: 65 Out of 100


Have you tried Tube Rank Explosion, Wealthy Affiliate or other “make money online” products?

Which one has been your favorite?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of YourOnlineRevenue.com. I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. I can certainly see the appeal in making profitable YouTube videos. Some people would see it as a way of maybe becoming the next YouTube sensation as well as making money. I used to watch EPIC MEAL TIME vids all the time, and it occured to me it looked easy to do… But it’s probably hard to get noticed.

    I always keep my eyes open for new ways to make money online. I don’t think this one is for me, but did notice your #1 pick was with Wealthy Affiliate.

    Affiliate marketing is how I make my money online, it’s a great way to go.

    1. Hi TD Bauer,

      yeah, there are many interesting ways how people make a big income on Youtube. Have you heard of Hydraulic Press Channel, for example? The idea is so simple and anyone could do it.

      I think that one big factor between successful and unsuccessful Youtubers is that successful people keep on going despite of the setbacks. If you see videos of successful Youtubers from the time they started, they weren’t so great at all. But they kept on learning and pushing forward.

      If you have 5 videos on your Youtube channel, it’s hard to break through. But if you have 100 videos, it’s already much easier. Then implement Search Engine Optimization and social media marketing and the recipe for success is ready. If you find the idea interesting, you can start by doing even 1 video per week.

      I am happy to hear that you make money online with affiliate marketing. That’s also how I make most of my online income right now. Recently I have started also Youtube marketing because I believe and even know that it will give a huge boost to my affiliate marketing business.

      Best regards


  2. Thanks for the review on Tube Rank Explosion. I appreciate your honest sharing, especially with the sharing about this program not being suitable for new comers. What I would count on is that the creators of this program seems to have done this in the past by creating multiple other YouTube marketing programs.

    The Upsells are indeed expensive, and there isn’t much of a guarantee, I might take a look at other programs at the moment while I embark on my journey of improving my YouTube video rankings.

    1. Hi Merrell,

      I think that Tube Rank Explosion could be quite useful for people who are considering Youtube-marketing. On the other hand, it’s not even close as valuable as Wealthy Affiliate training. It’s like comparing David and Goliath ;). WA gives so many tools and a great support for building a successful online business. They have been developing their training already for 12 years and it’s just getting better month by month, year by year.


  3. Making money online is not an easy task as it may seem.Tube rank explosion is one of the scam site that cheat people of their money.I am glad you made a review site on Tube rank explosion.I am a internet marketer but have never thought or used You tube for marketing.Thanks for saving my penny

    1. Hi Amit,

      you are right that making money online can be challenging at first. However, I believe what Jim Rohn once said, “It was very easy to become to millionaire. If it would be so easy, why don’t all people become a millionaire then? The obvious answer is that it’s also easy not to become a millionaire.”

      The same principle applies to making money online. It’s easy to do it but it’s also easy not do it. Wealthy Affiliate teaches everything you need to start and run a successful online business. If you star, learn all the time and never give up, one day you will for sure succeed.

      Youtube Marketing is nowadays a very beneficial because people enjoy watching videos there. WA gives you also training for that.


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