The old saying goes, “You Can’t Teach An Old Dog New Tricks.” I don’t believe it’s true because even old people can learn and achieve huge things like many examples show. However, today we are going to take a look at a system that is made by a former scam artist Sergey Mavrodi. Has he learned new tricks is or is he still scamming people? Is MMM Returns a scam? Let’s find out.
MMM Returns Review
Name: MMM Returns
Founders: Sergey Mavrodi
Field: Make Money Online -Programs
Overall Rank: 5 Out of 100 (Check Out My #1 Recommendation, 98 Out of 100)
What Is MMM Returns?
Do you remember MMM Global? It was a Ponzi scheme created by the same guy as MMM returns. This program is now like a part 2 for MMM Global. Before digging into details of MMM Global I would like to tell you a few facts about his previous program.
MMM Global was closed in April 2016 because it was labeled as a Ponzi scheme. Mavrodi scammed millions of people and ran away with money in his pocket. And now he is back with another Ponzi money-making opportunity.
MMM returns use Bitcoins which is a global cryptocurrency. I have talked about bitcoins on my other posts and I believe it’s an interesting opportunity. Have a look at benefits of bitcoins here. However, I know that there are some risks in bitcoins and Sergey Mavrodi seems to exploit them.
Here is how Sergey’s program goes like this:
1.Invest from 0,05 BTC to 1 BTC
2.Earn 3% profit every day by completing simple task work.
3.In 50 days you will earn 50% earn 150% profit
Doesn’t it sound too good to be true? That’s what it is.
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Why Is MMM Returns an Obvious Scam?
What can you expect from a man who has scammed millions of people and didn’t even apologize for his actions? A new system that is totally different than the first or something similar like the first one. We have reviewed around 150 make money online products and many of them were scams. Some of the scams were made by the same guy.

I have noticed that when a scam artist creates a new system, it’s most likely to be 99% the same like the first one. Maybe the name and a few minor details have changed but the most important parts remain the same. This seems to be a case with Mavrodi’s MMM Global and MMM Returns.
His first program was a Ponzi scheme without providing any significant value and MMM Returns one seems to be the same.
One important characteristic of a Ponzi scheme is a promise of huge returns on your investments in a short period of time. Mavrodi promises 150% profits in 50 days. How could he promises such things if this wouldn’t be a scam?
I also made a short video where I explain why MMM Global is a scam and why you shouldn’t be wasting time on this system.
How MMM Returns Differs from a Typical MLM?
I am not a big fan of MLMs because I prefer to affiliate marketing and other types of businesses. However, MMM Returns seems to be even much worse than a typical MLM. If you think about a normal MLM, there are some products that they sell Herbalife, for example, sells nutrition products, ACN sells electronics and so on. But what Sergey sells?
MMM Returns sells only a hope of becoming rich. A characteristic of Ponzi schemes is that they don’t provide any real product or value. They have a lot of hype to get new people in and when the founder has become rich, he takes the money and runs away. That’s how the story usually goes.
MMM Returns also differs from MLMs because Sergey promises profits from your upline. It means that you could earn money from the people who have joined before you even without referring new people into a system. Normally in you need to recruit a lot of new members before you can make good money in the system but Sergey says that his program is even better.
This system can last only as long as new members join in and bring new money into a pool. But I am sure that MMM Returns will not be there for very long. The business model is very shady and doesn’t provide value to a real business.
Have a look at Sergey’s massive video in Youtube. Lots of hype but no value.
Pros & Cons
- A creative idea
- Created by a famous scam artist
- Obviously a Ponzi scheme
- No real value. Only lots of hype
- Huge promises that they most likely will not keep
Conclusion – Is MMM Returns a Scam?
Yes, it is. I wouldn’t buy anything from Sergey Mavrodi until he publicly apologizes scamming millions of people and pays them back. Then I could believe that he has changed. I believe a man can change his life and mind for better. However, until Sergey runs these scam programs, I am not gonna invest a single penny in his products.
I am being quite strict here because I want that nobody would fall for this or other scams. You need to be careful with promises of big profit. When we are talking about investing, scam artists’ advice goes like this, “Give your money to me and I will give you a great profit.” Then they take your money and run. Follow my 5 tips so you will never run into scams anymore.
If you are interested in making money online, I recommend taking a look at Wealthy Affiliate. It is an online business training and community with more than 850,000 members. They have already educated tons of successful affiliate marketers.
Some of them didn’t have any prior knowledge when they joined and some of them had already years of experience. What I like in WA is that they concentrate on providing good value instead of huge promises.
You don’t need to invest any money to get started. You will be given +12 hours of interactive video lessons and 2 websites for free to get started. I will also provide my 1-on-1 support when you join in. If you need any help, you can also leave a question here on my blog and I will be more than happy to help you out.
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Do you have experience of Mavrodi’s systems or other Ponzi Schemes?
I was a victim of MMM Global and lost actually a lot of to the ponzi scheme. I actually got greedy and wanted to make more money by having 3 different accounts on the MMM Global system but it all turns out to be a complete scam.
The system actually merged 3 different people to pay me but none of them did and as so I lost my money in the scheme. So when MMM Returns came to light, I promised myself that I wouldn’t be bitten twice by the same snake, so I ran as fast as my legs would carry me.
Aaa okay. I’m sorry to hear that you lost money with MMM Global but happy to hear that you learned a lesson there and didn’t fall into the same scam again! 🙂
I would be a living fool if I had allowed my greed to put in another mess of MMM. Remember once bitten, twice shy. So I couldn’t make the same mistake twice and expected another result.
I actually had a friend who fell victim twice. He tried all he could to get me into trying the MMM – Returns but after my first loss, I gave up. He actually ended up losing his investment in the MMM-Returns.
Wow 😀
It was really a funny scenario with him and his case, he had so much faith in the resurgence of MMM Returns that he couldn’t let go with all the advise and warnings which I gave him, but it all fell on deaf ears. I just love his courage even when it eventually turned out to still be scam and he lost out. I can’t forget what he said to me which was – Taking risks is the only way that one could be successful.
Haha that’s an interesting case. His argument is quite funny. 😀 I agree with him that taking risks is wise but joining a Ponzi scheme is not a “risk” that I would like to take. Even though I would earn money from the system, I would feel bad because Ponzi schemes are dishonest ways to make money.
But yeah, I hope and believe that your friend has eventually learned a lesson.
The truth is that most of us didn’t know that some these schemes are ponzi especially MMM-GLOBAL and MMM-RETURNS. Personally, I never knew it was a ponzi until you told me so. Most times people are just confused with calling most of these schemes networking.
Yeah, Ponzi schemes may be challenging to spot unless one has a lot of experience on how they work. I have reviewed so many make money online opportunities that my eye has been “trained” to spot them more easily.
However, it’s ofen impossible to prove for 100% sure that one is a Ponzi scheme until it collapses. It’s possible to say that there are all the signs for it but 100% proof is hard to give usually.
Thanks for the update on MMM. It’s unfortunate how people like Sergey Mavrodi take advantage of people. How about starting an honest business! I’ve recently started with Wealthy Affiliate and haven’t looked back. I love that I don’t have to pay for the education with Wealth Affiliate and so far the education is top notch
Hi Keith,
I am happy to hear that you have enjoyed the online business training in Wealthy Affiliate. Keep on learning and going forward every day. Little progress every day adds up to big results. Don’t be afraid of challenges because you will win them all with persistence and with willingness to learn.
Thank you for education on how MMM and MLM works. I have never tried to start a business online, basing on ideas seems to sound good and true. And I can see you have advice us to join wealthy affiliate if we need to succeed online. Is it free and if it is free how does the owner benefits since for me I don’t believe on free gifts. Be sincere to me since I wish to have online business when I retire from my job, I may relax.
Hi Divican,
it’s 100% free to join Wealthy Affiliate. That’s what I did back in 2015. I didn’t pay a single penny. Of course, they have premium courses that they offer. There their owners make their money but you are not obliged to buy any premium courses if you don’t want. I recommend buying them if you are interested in building an online business. I am quitting my job tomorrow because of WA.
I have friends who are making +$10,000/month nowadays in with their online businesses that they started in WA. And they started without any prior knowledge. If it’s possible for them, it’s possible for you.
I hope this helps. If you have any other questions, please, let me know and I will be more than happy to help you out.