Tinnitus Miracle Scam [Affiliates Earn More VS Wealthy Affiliate?!]

Is Tinnitus Miracle Scam Or Not? Lots Of Warning From People Online How Thomas Coleman's Controversial Book Contains False Claims To Lure Victims. Read More.

Is Tinnitus Miracle Scam Or Not? Lots Of Warning From People Online How Thomas Coleman's Controversial Book Contains False Claims To Lure Victims. Read More.

Welcome to my Tinnitus Miracle Scam Review!

So you want to know more about Thomas Coleman’s controversial book, don’t you? You’re here because you want to know whether it’s a good product to promote as an affiliate or not.

If your research leads you to be here on Your Online Revenue, I want to congratulate you for having the time to dig in deeper about the product we’re going to review today and the chances of earning money by promoting it.

That said, I want you to learn about how being an affiliate doesn’t have to be risky. Instead, you leverage yourself as an A-list successful online entrepreneur by learning and mastering the 4-step legit and proven strategy.

Download your FREE copy of the Ultimate Make Money Online Guide and get started. It contains more than 9,000 words Roope wrote for you to get the gist of the program responsible for his success as an affiliate marketer.

Now, we’re about to go through the whole post. Are you ready? Let’s dive into it. Shall we?

Tinnitus Miracle Review – Quick Summary

Name: Tinnitus Miracle

Founded: 2014

Author: Thomas Coleman

Type: eBook (open for affiliates)

Price: $37

Best for: People who own online properties like blogs, websites, e-zines, and among others apt for promoting products across the world such as Thomas Coleman’s Tinnitus Miracle book.

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Summary: Tinnitus Miracle is a book launched in 2014, authored by Thomas Coleman. Its goal is to reach out to people suffering from tinnitus and alleviate by means of the 5-step program.

To promote more across the 7 continents, they invite not only the potential buyers but also the prospective affiliates to promote the book on their behalf.

Is Tinnitus Miracle Recommended? No.

If you want another option for an affiliate program, check out the Wealthy Affiliate. It’s the program responsible for Roope’s success as an affiliate marketer.

What Is Tinnitus Miracle?

According to Amazon, Tinnitus Miracle is a book authored by Thomas Coleman, a nutrition specialist, and health researcher. With his work that created frenzy during its release, he became one of the leading names when it comes to tinnitus treatments.

In addition to that, it’s a 250-page eBook containing all the proven method to cure the ear problem without the need for ingesting harmful drugs and/or dangerous surgery.

Because of that, when it comes to this particular concern, Thomas Coleman’s book became the first thing in mind for most people, especially across the United States.

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Thomas Coleman’s Tinnitus Miracle eBook made available on Amazon

Important Background Information

Suffering from chronic tinnitus himself for 14 years, Thomas Coleman used his personal experience to do in-depth research to cure his ear problem. That lead him to discover the 5-step system he tried himself to relieve the pain with guaranteed effectiveness.

Based on his claims, there are 2 particular issues that could be addressed using his program:

  1. Stop the constant ringing, buzzing, hissing, and discomfort
  2. Eliminate tinnitus within a span of 2 months

When I tried to dig into the publishing information of the book, I found out it’s published under Higher Ways Publishing, INC. A publishing company based in California, USA and Tel Aviv, Israel.

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One thing that struck me is the disclosure at the beginning of the book. It said, “The publishing and Thomas Coleman are not liable or responsible for any increase in [the] severity of your Tinnitus, of for any health problem you may encounter should you give up medical treatment.”

That alone meant something. And it’s clear.

You should not use the book as a substitute for medical attention appropriate for your tinnitus. If you are suffering from it, you should consult a doctor, not buy this book on Amazon.

What Do They Offer?

Just like any self-help and health and wellness books, Thomas Coleman’s book “Tinnitus Miracle” started with the causes of the ear condition as well as the common misconceptions and myths related to the problem.

Some of the common questions Coleman addressed are the reasons behind it, including the complexity of tinnitus.

Next is the core guide wherein he discussed the comprehensive step-by-step process to cure tinnitus like forever, which involved permanent and natural solution.

How To Make Money By Promoting Tinnitus Miracle As An Affiliate?

To make money as an affiliate, you need to register on Click2Sell because Tinnitus Miracle affiliate is linked to that program.

If you’re familiar with Wealthy Affiliate or Legendary Marketer, you get the gist of what Click2Sell provides to their affiliates.

Based on the Click2Sell page, you can earn as much as $27.75 for every sale generated from your referrals. Hence, it’s 75% of the best-selling book price of $37 payable 2 weeks after the end of each month.

The payout will occur via PayPal or Skrill linked to your account.

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Tinnitus Miracle affiliate page on Click2Sell

Tinnitus Miracle Review – What Others Say About It?

Apparently, this California- and Tel Aviv-based publishing company doesn’t have any Better Business Bureau’s (BBB) records. Not even a real website, to begin with.

I tried to search for the publishing company’s official website, but it turned out it’s only a blog of their founders and nothing else, not even the information of their best-seller, Tinnitus Miracle.

With regards to the book itself, there are many of those who have read Coleman’s work doubted the effectiveness of the program even if he claimed his 5-step strategy is clinically-researched.

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“If it was clinically-researched, then Coleman should have submitted his findings to be published in the scientific literature,” one reviewer wrote.

Aside from that, the majority of those people suffering from tinnitus had second thoughts about the product.

“His methods of selling deception/false promises and fraudulent website techniques that are frequently altered, repositioned to lead in web searches, false information, and impersonation of valid medical websites is immoral. If not illegal,” another reviewer stated.

Tinnitus Miracle [UGLY] Truths Exposed!

1. Absense Of Publisher’s Legit Website

When it comes to publishing companies, I always come across with their official page featuring the books they produced, including eBooks.

But, not for Higher Ways Publishing, Inc, the company behind Thomas Coleman’s “Tinnitus Miracle.”

2. Questionable eBook Website Content

In relation to the previous point, I found one website I thought was the one Higher Ways Publishing, Inc. regularly updates.

But it turned out it wasn’t because it looked like an unfinished website with “Lorem ipsum” in most of the content after 3 years.

Tinnitus Miracle Scam Higher Ways Publishing - Your Online Revenue-min

Higher Ways Publishing unfinished website content since 2016

3. Doubted 5-Step Program

Thomas Coleman wrote that his step-by-step process cured his chronic tinnitus for 14 years. He claimed that it is “clinically-researched.”

Of course, he’s a professional himself. Anyone would easily believe that.

But if it doesn’t contain information that leads to doubts, then he would have submitted his research for peer review and see if his claims are true or not.

4. Too Good To Be True Affiliate Earning

I don’t think any referral earning reached more than $10 per sale. Not even 75% of the total sales, unlike Tinnitus Miracle, offers to their affiliates.

If you try to examine Amazon Associates and review their referral earning system, you’ll see what I’m talking about.

5. Lots Of Negative Reviews

I don’t think I saw positive feedback from a verified customer or reader of the book at all. If there is one, it’s obviously an affiliate.

Talking about the real customer, they all say the same thing, “It’s a scam. Don’t buy or follow the book.”

What I Like About Tinnitus Miracle (So Far)…

The only thing I liked about Tinnitus Miracle is Thomas Coleman’s initiative to stir the minds of the many by means of launching a book containing information related to curing tinnitus.

Of course, everybody won’t question medical releases or research findings from medical practitioners or organizations like the American Tinnitus Association.

But for an ordinary professional with an ongoing problem, providing a solution to alleviate their pain is another story.

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As human as we are, we don’t easily fall into these traps and we tend to review comprehensively whether this book tells the truth or not.

Nonetheless, I admired Coleman’s initiative of finding the cure of his medical problem even if others won’t believe him. It’s his desperation that had to lead him to this discovery.

Consequently, it created a frenzy from people who are both curious about the solutions he offered and doubtful if these work.

Other than this, I don’t think it’s recommendable to promote his book as an affiliate, given the circumstances I mentioned earlier.

Conclusion – Is Tinnitus Miracle A Scam…Or Not?

Overall, Thomas Coleman’s Tinnitus Miracle is a scam based on the reasons I wrote above. There are way too many red flags to watch out, especially if earning money as an affiliate is your number one concern.

Although the book is real and is published on Amazon, just so you know there are hundreds of millions of books on the platform.

And you won’t know which of these has the real information or not. If it’s the former, there should have enough information about the publishing company.

Not even BBB has it albeit it’s California-based. There’s no official website to refer all the important information. What I got is a landing page with unfinished content, unfortunately.

If you want to promote legit products and know how to earn money in the most proper and real way, read the next section. I have something for you, my friend.


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Photo credits to Rawpixel on Unsplash

#1 Recommended 4-Step Strategy To Earn More As An Affiliate

All the way from Finland, Roope “Robert” Kiuttu has been an affiliate marketer since 2015, the same year as he founded Your Online Revenue Ltd.

He’s able to make money at the age 21 from different niches he built in the most legitimate way possible.

What he did is to make affiliation with Wealthy Affiliate, an online business university or more like an academy or training that’s been existing since 2005.

Since he found out his potential income generation by using this platform, he dedicated himself to hustling until he finally managed to earn a stable income from it.

Right now, he’s been traveling across the world without compromising his work of teaching and helping others like you, desperate to earn an income in which later could become a great source to provide financial freedom and escape the dread 9 to 5.

Do you want to have an ultimate Freedom of your life? If your answer is, “Yes!” follow Roope’s Ultimate Make Money Online Guide to get started for free.

Just like him, there are 13 more successful online entrepreneurs, who found the same success through Wealthy Affiliate and its 4-step proven and legit strategy to leverage yourself as an affiliate.

If this entices you, start first by downloading your FREE copy of the Ultimate Make Money Online Guide and have the feel of the program.

You won’t lose anything. Instead, you gain an insight into the legit affiliate program than Click2Sell.

Now that I shared my thoughts about Tinnitus Miracle scam, it’s time to turn the tables and ask you for your insights about the program and the post.

Do you want to earn an income by promoting a product like Thomas Coleman’s Tinnitus Miracle with lots of negative reviews online? 

Or you rather invest your time to leverage yourself by honing your high-income skill set as an affiliate?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

If you have further questions that I haven’t discussed in the post, feel free to leave them in the comments. I love reading them.

Do the same when you have suggestions to add for this post. That’d be much appreciated as well.

On the other hand, if you feel like you want to learn more about Roope’s step-by-step formula to make money online, leave a comment and he’ll be happy to help you out with your business starter concerns.

You can go to any of his posts and leave a comment. He’ll review it and respond to you the soonest.

By Mecyll Gaspary

Hi, I'm Mecyll! I'm a full-time writer in Your Online Revenue, dedicated to dig into the world of making money with Roope. When I'm not spending time writing reviews, I'm writing novels and blog posts on my own website.

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