One Hour Translation Review: Earn $30 Per Hour as a Translator!

one hour translation review

One Hour Translation Review 2018 – I Made +$50/HR But I Quit!

I have just published an updated One Hour Translation review 2018 on my YouTube channel. In the video, I explain why I quit even though I was making +$50/hour as a freelancer on OHT.

I realized that in the long run you will earn much more money by following the Wealthy Affiliate training. You could hardly ever make +$10,000/month with One Hour Translation that is completely achievable with Wealthy Affiliate.

Hear more details by watching the video below.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me in the comments below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

Are you looking for an honest One Hour Translation Review? You have come to the right place! I joined their website around 8 months ago and I have been positively surprised.

I joined their website around 8 months ago and I have been positively surprised. In this review, I’ll share everything you need to this largest online translation service in the world.

Whether you are thinking about buying translations through One Hour Translation or earning money on their website, this article will be helpful for you. I also recorded a video for you with One Hour Translation payment proofs. It’ll be helpful if you are considering earning money through this website.

If you still have any questions after reading this, I’ll be more than happy to reply personally to you.

One Hour Translation Review

One Hour Translation Review

Name: One Hour Translation


Field: Translation Service

Short Review: One Hour Translation is a great way to earn extra income as a freelance translator. Based on my experiences you can earn around $30 per hour while translating normal texts. If you can translate more rare languages or expert texts (law, medical, etc.) your earnings can be even higher.

The availability of texts depends on what languages you are translating, what is your rating and how many other translators there are for those language pairs.

At the moment I don’t use OHT almost at all because I found a better way to earn money online. I believe you would love it as well.

one hour translation review
One Hour Translation Homepage

What Is One Hour Translation (OHT) All About?

One Hour Translation is the world’s largest online translation agency. Here are some important statistics about the company:

  • Their translators from +100 different countries are translating 75 different languages
  • They have +80,000 business customers
  • Customer satisfaction is 9,32 out of 10
  • They claim to be the Fastest translation agency in the world(Statistics Collected 7.1.2017)

Here are some well-known businesses that have used One Hour Translation:

One Hour Translation

So, OHT is really a big company with reliable translation services. If you buy a translation from them, you don’t need to be afraid of a low-quality product. They deliver a high quality and a competitive price in the same package.

In my opinion, it’s a positive sign those huge companies like Coca-Cola,, Microsoft, IBM, P&G, Ikea and many other giants are using their service. If they trust in OHT, why wouldn’t you use it as well?

What Is the Price of Translation on OHT?

You can buy translations individually or by buying a monthly membership which contains certain amounts of translations. Here are OHT prices for individual translations:

One Hour Translation Price

Translation prices on One Hour Translation are not the cheapest ones in the market but there’s a good reason for that. Instead of competing with the lowest price, their strength is a high quality. All their translators go through screening to make sure all of them are professional.

Of course, you can always get cheap translations on Fiverr or somewhere else but then you can’t be sure about the quality. On the contrary, with One Hour Translation, you can always be sure about the high-quality translations. If you wouldn’t be satisfied, you can always contact their support or the translator directly.

I translated around 40 texts on OHT and once a client asked me to correct something. I made the changes in 5 minutes. OHT support team is also extremely helpful so you’ll get help from them if the communication doesn’t work with the translator. Every translation is usually monitored by other translators. If there are grammatical or spelling mistakes, they will inform you about it.

The price for general translation is $0,087/word which equals to $87 for 1,000 words. Then if you want to have an expert translation on a very specific subject like legal issues or with lots of medical jargon, then it costs $0,149/word which equals to $149 for 1,000 words.

These prices apply to most common languages (over 3,000 language pairs) but if you want to have a translation for more rare languages, then a price for general translation is $ 0.164/word and for Expert Translation $ 0.192/word. One example of these more rare language pairs is, for example, Finnish -> English or Hebrew -> French.

Ordering translations on OHT is as easy as 1,2,3…

What Is the Quality of Translators?

One Hour Translation requires that every translator is a certified professional. Everyone who wants to send their CV, references and relevant job experiences.

Even though I speak 5 languages and I have worked in 4 different countries, they didn’t at first accept me as a translator. However, after sending a few messages to their support team, they accepted my request. (By the way, you can have a look at my language blog if you are interested in learning languages more easily and faster.)

I have asked several times for the support if I could also translate from Spanish to Finnish. I have worked in Spain and I speak it fluently and Finnish is my native language. Still, they haven’t accepted my request because I don’t have an official certificate to show them about my Spanish skills.

My examples only prove how tough screening process all translators go through. And as I mentioned before, even though your translator would make a little mistake, other members will go through it and give you the correct one. The translator will get a rating for every project he finishes.

How Can I Earn Money on One Hour Translation?

To become a certified translator you need to update your profile and provide the required details such as a CV, certificates, your language pairs, a LinkedIn profile, fields of expertise, etc. Note that they will not be able to review your profile without an up-to-date resume and an updated list of skills.

Then you send them a request to review your profile and you want to work as a translator for them. If you fill their criteria, they will accept you and you can start getting translation projects from OHT.

But as I mentioned before, you need to have enough skills to work for them. Not necessarily a full-time translator but sometimes that’s what they require. Probably it depends on what languages you are translating because they must have lots of translators for something like English => Spanish or Spanish => English.

In this video I’ll explain how much money you can earn on average on One Hour Translation based on my own experiences:

Who is One Hour Translation For?

There are two ways to benefit from One Hour Translation:

1.Earning money as a translator.2.Buying high-quality translations.

If you are a translator but don’t know where to find clients or job projects, One Hour Translation is a reasonable choice for you. The more language pairs you can choose, the more tasks you will get on One Hour Translation. My language pair is English => Finnish which means there are not so many jobs available. But if you translate more popular languages than Finnish, there are much more jobs.

You can get more projects also if clients rate your translations higher. On the other hand, if you get low ratings you won’t get so many projects anymore. When they offer you a task to translate, you need to be quick because otherwise someone else may do the task for you and earn the money.

You can also sign in as a client. Then you can buy translations for yourself or for your business, for example. There are hundreds of different language pairs that you can choose from and the quality is guaranteed in One Hour Translation as we discussed above.

=> Sign in to One Hour Translation Today for FREE!

Conclusion – Is One Hour Translation Worth It?

In my opinion, One Hour Translation is the best translation service that I have seen on the Internet. They only qualify translators who have enough skills to do the job well. So you can expect a very good quality if you are buying from them. Even though it’s more expensive than some Asian translators on Fiverr, it can be definitely worth it.

You can also sign up as a translator to make some money. However, translating is not the most profitable way to make money online. Check out my #1 recommendation to make a living online.

Have you ever worked as a freelance translator? Where?

Have you bought translations online? Where?

Do you also prefer making money with affiliate rather than translating?

Let’s discuss in the comments below! 🙂

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. This is actually the first am hearing of this site thanks to a link from a more recent post. I am thinking about getting to polish on my German and get on board.

    Also do you think they have jobs for African languages like English to Swahili?

    1. Yes, I think so. They have so many languages. You just need to able to provide them good skills. You will only translate from a foreign language to your native tongue.

  2. This sounds very interesting to me although I don’t know if I have the proper qualifications to get in since I have never done any translating jobs before nor have I had any experiences. I suppose it is worth a shot though so I will have to check this out.

    At least the site has a very good rating on your scale so I know I’d only ever have to worry about my own side which is getting the job done instead of having to also worry if I will get paid which is the case for a lot of earning sites.

    I guess it will be a fun experience to try this job out and see if I can handle it anyway so thanks again for posting this and allowing me to find out that this exists. 🙂 Hopefully I can try my hand at it and come back here with an update if I’m successful or maybe even if I’m not.

    1. Yes sure, try it out.

      Actually, more than 100 people have signed up to one hour translation through my website and YouTube video.

      I have cashed out thousands of dollars from one hour translation so I can well confirm that it’s a legitimate company and it pays for their translators.

  3. Wow. That’s interesting, Roope. This is the first time I hear about OHT. Do you think they have a lot of projects on English-Malay? May I know the rate for English-Malay language pair?

    1. I don’t know exactly how many English-Malay projects they have but I guess that they would have more than English-Finnish because there are way more Malay speakers than Finnish speakers. You can check out the rates on their website or ask their support. 🙂

  4. I think this is the site that I should be joining to earn extra income online. I’m not good at translating, but I believe that with researching more about it, it is something that I can be able to do. I will join pretty soon to begin earning. It is quite great that earnig that much on the One hour translation website is possible.

    1. Yes, have a try at One Hour Translation. What language would you translate?

      Recently I have seen more projects are a little bit longer. They are great because then you can earn good money. Of course, it’s not something huge but at least something that you can buy food with. 😉 For example, yesterday I earned $25 in one short translation. They pay always in time and they are a very reliable partner.

      1. I’m looking at taking a try at this after researching about them. However, you said something about having the skills and being a professional in translating. I will be grateful, if you can share with me what you meant by being a professional.

        I read economics and only speak English fluently at the moment, do you think that I’m qualified for the job?

        1. One Hour Translation will review your application and approve if they think you are a professional. So, you need to be able to prove them that you can do translations well.

          If you only speak English, what languages would you be translating? From English to your native language? That would be possible so I just recommend applying and see what they answer.

          1. I would try to register and see how far it is going to be. Also, I am seriously thinking of learning how to speak German as well since doing the translation from English to German should get me better time to earn as well. What do you think about plans?

          2. Learning German sounds like a great plan.

            I think that One Hour Translation like most other translation companies only allow you to translate to your native language. Therefore, if English is your native language and you can prove them that you have enough skills with German, you could translate from German to English.

    1. Hi Kiyam,

      in my opinion, translating is very easy because you have all the dictionaries available on the Internet.

      My earnings vary between $20 and $50 per hour. I think the average is around $30 per hour for One Hour Translation projects. However, they don’t have so many projects for English-Finnish that I’m translating.

      Also, I don’t want to concentrate on freelancing jobs so much because they don’t provide me a passive income in the long run. With Wealthy Affiliate I am building an online business that will most likely pay me $10,000/month passive income during the coming years.

      My goal for December 2018 is to earn +$10,000 in one month online.

  5. I think has potential to be a money maker for working students like me. I just registered today. The weird thing is, they support Tagalog to English but they don’t have any certification test for it which is very frustrating.

    1. Yeah, I just today translated a few texts on OHT just before lunch. It’s an easy way to earn some extra money and they pay much better than many other websites. I think that my hourly earnings are ~$30 on One Hour Translation in the long run. Sometimes I earn $40 per hour and sometimes $25 per hour.

      Anyway, it’s still just a side thing because there is much more potential and bigger rewards with affiliate marketing.

  6. Hi.
    I have a video file in which Norwegian is the language being spoken. Can OHT translate the audio into English text for me? In other words, do they do voice translation? Or do they only do text-to-text translations?

    1. Hi Peter,

      to be honest, I don’t know the answer to this question. I recommend contacting OHT support. They are available 24/7/365. In my experience, they are very helpful and always come up with a polite answer. I believe you’ll get help for your issue! 🙂

  7. This is such an amazing website and a great opportunity who has the skills in speaking in different languages. I know they really pay you a real money as what i have saw in the reviews. But you must be exact in words in translations and to be sure you are translating words to a correct way of speaking in other language.

    What i mean to say is to be honest in what you are speaking and be serious. The payout depends in your performance. You must be dedicated to this online job. The better performance the higher chance to earn more.

    1. Hi Jemuel,

      that’s right. You need to be accurate. Recently, I made some mistakes with one translation so the quality team instantly informed me about it.

      In my recent projects the reward has been around $40 per hour which is quite good. I hope they would have even more English-Finnish projects. At the moment it would not possible to make a living by translating only English-Finnish because there aren’t so many projects. If I would translate also Spanish-Finnish, French-Finnish and German-Finnish I could definitely make a good income there.

      However, One Hour Translation is for me just a “side project” because there are much greater opportunities with affiliate marketing. My goal is to reach $10,000/month income in the coming years.

      1. Wow 40 dollars per hour is such a great thing to hear. I hope i can earn that count of money someday in that website but i need to study first well to join the translation program. Great website really love it.

        I thought this was a scam because 30 dollars is too high for one hour translating only how much more if you will spend 8 hours a day in the website surely you will succeed earning more dollars and would help you achieve your goal to earn 10,000 dollars per month. Good luck sir you can do that.

        1. Hi Jemuel,

          yeah, translating requires some skills but after all it’s quite simple and anyone can do it.

          Affiliate marketing is a great opportunity because anyone can learn it as well. Getting started may take time but when you start getting traffic and income, they will just keep on growing like a snowball. Then you will earn passive income from even years to come. That’s the beauty of affiliate marketing.

          Thank you very much for your encouragement!

  8. Great review sir! Internet makes our big world smaller! Indeed we need this kind of translation staff to understand what is the needs ideas of different kind of ‘netizen’.
    This digital age need a reviewer like you sir. keep it up.

    1. Hi billionaire,

      thank you for the positive feebdack. I’m glad you enjoyed.

      The Internet makes the world “smaller” and opens huge opportunities for anyone. It’s interesting to live in this time when anyone can start a successful business from the comfort of their own homes. If you have a good idea, you can also make a big impact on world without investing almost any money. That wasn’t possible for example 50 years ago.

  9. Hi Mr. Kiuttu,

    Thanks for this great review of OHT. I remember checking out Fiverr myself before and I totally agree that OHT is more reliable compared to that. I also think that $20-30 pay is very reasonable esp. when youre dealing with business matters. Looking forward to reading more reviews from you.

    1. Hi Veganmisa,

      yeah, OHT is definitely more reliable than Fiverr. It’s not a coincidence that OHT is the biggest online translator company.

      I calculated $30 per hour based on my own experiences. Of course, the earnings vary depending on your skills, languages and expertise.

  10. Thanks a lot for your insightful feedback about the company. Considering the names brands that utilize OHT and the facts that you have stated, I can say that OHT is the real deal.

    I mean $87.00 for every 1000 word/s is more than okay. The only language that I speak apart from English is Tagalog (Philippines) but I will still check out the website to see if they are in need of Tagalog-English and vice-versa translator.

    I really want to thank you for sharing this information. Honestly, I wouldn’t have known about OHT if not for your article.

    1. Hi John,

      sounds good. It seems that many filipinos are finding this article.

      I would guess that One Hour Translation and other online translation companies have lots of requests from Filipino people. I don’t have accurate information about it but that’s my guess.

  11. Hi, Roope Kiuttu! As I always expected from you, you have a reliable source of information about all website that pays money. In fact, I’ve been searching online and it would confuse me because there are many different answers and opinion that which I have read.

    My thoughts about your review on “One Hour Translation” would I say. Great! The $30/hr work is very big for me. But, I have a couple of questions. What are the qualifications to join? Is there a certification to pass in order for you to qualify?

    1. Hi Jogoy,

      Thank you for the positive feedback! I always want to provide the best information for you and other readers.

      About qualifications… If you can prove your competency, they don’t necessarily need a certification. However, having a certification is usually the fastest way to get qualified. As I’ve mentioned in many comments above, I would just sign up there for free and contact them if you can become a translator.

      After all, One Hour Translation team choose who they want to become a translator. If you have great skills, you will get approved.

  12. Hi Roope,

    Just an inquiry. Do you have a “Tagalog to English” (or vice versa) Translation jobs and is there a some kind of test you need to perform to be accepted as a translator? And how is someone get paid? By the way, Tagalog is the main spoken language in the Philippines.

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Joe,

      yeah, I know that Tagalog is the main language in the Philippines. You can try to sign up for One Hour Translation if you have already some experience of translating. Then a website called Gengo offers translating jobs.

      Of course, there are also some requirements but if you are motivated and you have skills to do it, you can make it.

  13. I heard of them as an option for medical translations which can be very tricky especially for Spanish becuase there is so much per country variability. The site is great and probably the reason they pay so much is because they require a ton of verification before you can become a translator for them. If you are translating medical or legal documents,they will make sure you are qualified both from a language standpoint, but also from your profesional experience.

    But because of that, if you are able to qualify to become a translator, it is probably some of the best paying translating jobs you can find. The satisfaction numbers speak as to why.. Companies are willing to pay a premium to have things done properly the first time.

    1. That’s true. Companies are willing to pay well when they know to receive a high-quality work. On the other hand, many translations at least from English to Finnish have been very short so it’s not very complicated to do.

      If you can translate special texts like medical documents, you can get paid even more on One Hour Translation.

  14. Concept of this site looks amazing! I am thinking about trying it but I am not sure what is exactly their policy on accepting new translating service providers (people who are willing to translate). Would you please help me out Roope?

    Thank you in advance!

    Keep up the great work!!

    1. Hi Jurica,

      they require that all their translators are qualified to do the work well.

      But as I have said also for some other people here in the comments: create an account for free, fill out your profile and say what languages you could translate. Then it’s up to them to decide whether they accept or not.

      Okay? 🙂

  15. 100 + countries and 75 languages! Wow, this is great. I will certainly check One Hour Translation.

    I have worked as a translator locally. I have translated 5 books for International Labor Organization. I translate between English and Nepali, my mother tongue. I hope I can find translation job based on my language preference.

    1. Hi Vinaya,

      I believe One Hour Translation will be very useful for you. They must certainly accept you as a translator because you have already lots of experience of doing it. I don’t know how many English – Nepali translation projects they have but I believe that more than English – Finnish translations that I do.

  16. Nice review. The amount of money that you can earn depends on the amount of work done and the quality (sometimes even the turnaround) of your services/work. If you are inexperienced you may need more time to complete a page but little by little you will surely increase your speed and your lexis (as well as the vocabulary database on your computer) will also expand.

    1. That’s true Decypher. Your vocabulary will expand in the process. That’s why you are also improving your skills while you are translating. Of course, you need to have the skills already when you start but this is a good way to maintain your vocabulary and learn a new word here and there.

  17. Great review as always, thanks for posting this! I think it’s great that sites like this exist, but it’s not really for me. I prefer earning sites that don’t require much else other than signing up with a bit of information.

    I’m put off by having to submit CVs or LinkedIn sites, but I suppose that balances out with the good amount of pay they offer anyway. Like you said, though, it’s still not passive, so for me, putting up that much work, I think I’d much rather spend that amount of effort on something else.

    But like I said it is handy to have such a tool available for when there’s no other choice, and it’s great that they got such a good review from you too so I’m more inclined to trust them if I ever do end up wanting to do this as a job.

    1. Hi Fantasia,

      I see. I guess you would probably love services like Wealthy Affiliate where you don’t need to give almost any info when signing up and still be able to earn good passive income.

      Working for One Hour Translation is like working for a “job”. You earn some money but it’s never passive income. That’s why I also prefer building my online business and earning passive income. Then I can earn while I’m sleeping or laying down on the beach 😉

  18. Hi, Roope!

    I’m from the Philippines I speak English and our native language which is Bisaya and Tagalog. This site will definitely help my fellow Filipino across the globe to have a better translator that can be used through out their conversation.

    Could it be our native language to be share and translate vice versa among other languages for better communication? It is very helpful if both person really understands each other no matter what languages they are speaking or using.

    1. Hi Rexha,

      I believe you and your friend could earn good money on One Hour Translation. You can translate from English to Tagalog and Bisaya which are your native languages. I don’t know how many filipino translators they have already at the moment but I recommend joining for free and try it out. 🙂

  19. This is the first time I’m hearing about this website. It sounds like it’s worth it (and if you know a rare language you can make decent money in your free time) but I don’t know if my language skills are good enough to be verified there and work as a translator.

    It’s also a good practice for people who start their career (go to a university etc) as translators.

    1. Hi Felabruno,

      you can always create a profile for free and see if they approve you. At first, I wasn’t approved but I send them a few messages and convinced them that I’m qualified. After all, it’s up to them to decide but you can always give it a try.

      Working as a translator can make some good money. I remember when I was working in a refugee center. They needed translators for several different languages and one of them was Tigrinya. Wow! Those freelance translators made so good money for working a day or two there.

  20. This is paying surprisely well! $30 per hour it’s a huge amount, seriously. Looking foward to some Eng-port Port-eng translations. Definitely gonna try this one.

    1. Good. I believe there will be much more Eng-Port translation projects available than Eng-Fin that I’m translating at the moment. Notice that you are only able to translate to your native language on OHT. I think it’s a common rule in translation services.

  21. If there are large companies using it then it must be good. I must say, $30 per hour sounds really good and I’m sure that is much better than what people get paid for doing their jobs. The only problem is that it is pretty much useless for me since I only really speak English. I used to be able to speak and understand a bit of French but I think most of that is now all forgotten :(.

    1. Yeah, they pay surprisingly well. Of course, the challenge is that they may not be many jobs available if they have already many translators for those language pairs. And you also need the expertise to translate languages. Anyhow, their service is great.

      1. Definitely. I think a lot of these sites that promise large hourly “wages” tend to not actually have that many opportunities available for users to earn that much. I think this strategy is used a lot by survey sites as well where they promise low cashouts but don’t offer enough surveys to actually earn that amount.

        I’m sure they do require expertise to translate languages especially if the users are going to translate work for companies like Coca Cola and HSBC.

  22. Great review of the OHT. I have to say that OHT seems really good for translating someting fast and having quality, not like google translate.I prefer to pay 20$ but know that my text is good and have no issues rather than buying from another website a lot cheaper and having issues.

    1. That’s true. Many clients really need their texts be accurate so it’s profitable for them to pay a little bit more than on services like Fiverr. A high-quality translation will benefit their own business and bring even more profit.

  23. Greetings Roope, is it easy for new translators to keep a work rhythm? I mean, how much would I earn in the beginning? enough to live or less? Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi Diego,

      it depends on how many languages you are translating. If you have the expertise and you are willing to work full-tiem as a translator, I would recommend contacting One Hour Translation team directly.

      For example with Finnish-English and English-Finnish is not possible to make a living on OHT. Not even close. But maybe the situation is different for other languages. Please, contact them. I would also be curious to know if one can make a full-time income in OHT.


  24. Pleasant good day, thank you for this informative information. I will have to do some more R & D on this because I would like to learn how it could be a good outsourced fit for my platform her at Wealthy Affiliate in to market my # Government School & Libraries Contracting? It appears to be awesome in the sense that it could expand my reach for clientele in any language if I use your service as a Consultant? How do you think that would fit in as a Consultant Translation Services?

    Thank you for sharing our review you have exposed me to a potential enhancement in my services.

    1. Hello JoeAnne,

      it would work perfectly for your need. They guarantee the best quality for their clients and OHT are the largest online translator service. Most probably you will be satisfied with their service. But if you are not satisfied, you can ask for a review for free and they will guarantee that you get what you want.


  25. Hi, Mr. Kiuttu!

    Thanks for this thorough review of OHT. I agree that you shouldn’t use Fiverr for any serious business matters, as the quality of translation varies.

    Prices on OHT seem very reasonable. I didn’t know you could get a document that is thousands of words long translated for a couple hundred USD. That’s awesome.

    You mentioned earlier that you speak 5 languages. I’m just curious- what 5 languages do you speak?

    Thanks a bunch,

    1. Hi Kalie,

      you are right. Having a translation from Fiverr for serious business matters only if you know somebody there who can translate well. But if you buy without knowing a guy or without many reviews, you can’t be sure of the quality.

      OHT guarantees their quality for the clients so you know what you get.

      I speak Finnish (my native tongue), English, Spanish, French and German (+some Swedish). I still need to improve my German a lot but I can have conversations and I understand a big part what people are speaking.

      If you are interested, I have also a language website called



  26. Hi and thanks for your review!

    Even though I am a native Dutch, living in Norway and am together with a German-Brittish wife, I don’t think I would actually be able to do professional quality translations for One Hour Translation Service, but it looks like a trustworthy source for translations for my business pages! Worth to take a look into, so I bookmarked your review 😉

    I would use this service anytime over Fiverr. Not that Fiverr is per definition bad, but it is way harder to be sure about the quality you get than when you see how strict they are at OHT for becoming a translator.

    Even though I am speaking and writing Norwegian, I am not very correct in this foreign language, so having a place where I could possibly translate my website texts would perhaps be a good investment.

    Seeing IKEA in the list I suppose they translate between Swedish, English, Dutch and other languages, so I don’t think I need to be worried about the languages I need translations in. Do you think they translate between Norwegian and English?

    1. Hello Steven,

      I am sure that they translate between Norwegian and English. Norwegian is even a bigger language than Finnish and they have lots of Finnish translators too. It’s the largest online translator service, so you can find almost any languages that you can imagine. 😉

      You are right that when buying from Fiverr, you can’t be so sure about the quality. You can find translators for a very cheap price (starting from $5) but the quality varies a lot.

      In One Hour Translation they want to provide the best quality for their clients. That’s why they qualify only professional translators.


  27. Hello there,

    Wow that’s great to come across this informative post, I am impressed that one hour translation service used by all of those well-branded organizations, my primary language is Arabic & my second languages English & spanish, but If I will join I better prefer to translate to Arabic, can I do this?

    Thanks for sharing!

    Regards, Ehab

    1. Hi Ehab,

      yes, for sure you can translate to Arabic if you have enough skills and proof for them that you can do it. As I mentioned in the review, they want to see your CV and your qualifications before accepting your application. Just make a translator account and let me know how did it go :). I believe that there are lots of tasks for English -> Arabic translators.


  28. Hey Roope,
    Wow finally a legitimate translation company, I’ve been looking for this everywhere! I speak English, Malay, Indonesian, and French but after a while of not utilising my skills, my language control is starting to loosen.

    I seriously need to start joining as a translator and implement my language skills. Is One Hour Translation open to Asians as well?

    1. Hi Riaz!

      Wow, you speak many languages. I have noticed the same that if I don’t use my languages, little by little I may forget the words. But after using a language for a while, you can easily remember them again.

      One Hour Translation is very good place to start translating online. They should be open for Asians as well. I would be VERY surprised if not. If you try it, please, let me know what did you like it Riaz. 🙂


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