Motor Club of America Review: Is MCA Legit Or a Scam?

Is MCA Legit Or a Scam

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Are you looking for an honest and unbiased Motor Club of America review? Looking for answers to your questions, “Is MCA Legit Or a Scam? Would this business opportunity be worth joining?”

You have come to the right place. I am not affiliated with MCA but I know many people who are. I have also seen many videos on YouTube and biased reviews on the Internet by their members who promote the system.

My purpose is not to promote MCA but I want to provide you information about their company in order to help your decision whether it’s the right program for you or not. This review is targeted especially for you if you are considering making money with MCA. On we have reviewed more than 300 work from home opportunities so we have a large experience of different options.

Is MCA Legit Or a Scam
As a member of MCA, you could as help with your phone and they have promised to help you on the road.

Motor Club of America Review

Name: Motor Club of America (MCA)

Founded: Founded in 1926 by William W. Green

Type: Road Assistance. Multi-Level Marketing.

Short Review: In my opinion, Motor Club of America is one of the best MLM-opportunities in the world. They have a long 90 years of experience in the industry and many people really enjoy their road assistance services. In addition, joining their system to promote MCA doesn’t cost anything, unlike many other network marketing programs.

If you are going to join, you still need to figure out how to make sales and find new prospects. If you are only doing it offline, you may have a hard time to find new potential members. That’s probably the reason why most MCA sales associates earn less than $100. I highly recommend that you generate leads to your offers through the Internet by following the principles of My #1 Recommended online business training.

What Is Motor Club of America?

Motor Club of America (MCA) is one of the oldest and largest motor clubs in the United States and Canada. They have been around already for more than 9 decades which is a great sign of their success and consistency.

They provide roadside assistance for a monthly membership fee and also an MLM-business opportunity where you can earn money by selling their products and recruiting other people to the system. I don’t understand why they say on their website that it’s not a network marketing business even though we clearly see it is and most people admit it as well.

First, let’s have a look at what are their actual products. Motor Club of America is not a recruiting pyramid scheme where you would just earn money by getting new people to the system. It’s a legitimate company that provides a helpful service for their members.

On their website they have a Bible verse 1 Corinthians 10:31, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” which tells about their strong and healthy values.

Motor Club of America Packages – 3 Options Available

Let me show you a short summary of MCA memberships from their website:

Is MCA Legit Or a Scam
Motor Club of America memberships

The idea with MCA is that a member pays a monthly fee and gets unlimited help. It’s like with Legal Shield MLM-system but in this case, they provide the help for the road while Legal Shield is focused on lawyer services.

There are some cheaper roadside assistance memberships in the U.S. but MCA promises a high quality and guaranteed value for the buck. They offer many services in one package while many of their competitors only concentrate on one or two aspects and that’s why they can provide a cheaper price.

The goal of MCA is to give you a piece of mind when you are on the road. You don’t need to worry about running out of gas or breaking your car because they are always available within a phone call.

How to Make Money with Motor Club of America?

First, you need to become their sales associate which is completely free. This is exceptional for MLM-programs because usually, you have to pay for joining or at least pay a monthly membership fee to remain in the system. Still, I think that most MCA sales associates/affiliates are also members of their road assistance service. Otherwise, it wouldn’t make so much sense to promote it if you aren’t using it even yourself.

You can create an affiliate profile through their website in a few minutes. However, do notice that the opportunity is only available in the North America. If you are living anywhere in the world, you need to look for a better work for home opportunity.

Motor Club of America Compensation Plan

MCA representatives claimed that you can earn $80 for each referral who joins the system through you. In addition, you will earn money from your downlines and their sales as well because it’s a network marketing company.

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A great thing with MCA referral program is that they pay you weekly every Friday. You don’t need to pay one month for the paycheck because it comes every week. This is also a clear benefit compared to many other MLM-systems.

Even though they flash the potential of earning +$100,000/year by promoting Motor Club of America you need to keep in mind that only top affiliates in the company are earning such income. On their income disclosure MCA says that average earnings of an associate are less than $100 per year and some people don’t make money with the system at all.

That’s the tough reality of network/affiliate marketing. You need to be willing to put in the work to earn money. In my opinion, they said it well on their website:

Success with MCA results only from hard work, dedication, and leadership.

You will be paid based on the sales and recruit, not for hours unlike in a typical 9-5 job. On the other hand, the earning potential is also much greater than in most normal jobs. In how many jobs could you earn $100,000 per year? Not in many I guess.

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In my opinion, MCA compensation plan is simple and easy-to-understand, unlike some other MLM-programs. That’s one reason why I think it falls into the best category of network marketing companies with Tupperware, Avon and other old ones (even though they are working in the same industry).

Motor Club of America Reviews & Complaints

I have read and seen several reviews of Motor Club of America and most of them are positive. One reason is, of course, that they earn money when people join the program through their link so they naturally want to talk positive things about the system.

However, the company is receiving also tons of positive reviews on Better Business Bureau. They have been BBB accredited since 03/21/2017 with the best possible rating A+. Let me show you a few examples of the reviews:

Is MCA Legit Or a Scam
Tanya wrote the review in September of 2017 because she has been greatly satisfied with the company
Is MCA Legit Or a Scam
Jonathan received help from MCA on the road.
Is MCA Legit Or a Scam
James has also received great service from MCA.

These reviews were mainly written from customers’ perspective. Almost all customer reviews on BBB are positive. Of course, there are a few negative ones but can you find me a company that would have 0 negative reviews?

Associates of MCA have written 62 reviews in total with the average rating of 4,6 stars out of 5. That’s pretty impressive. Here is one example:

Is MCA Legit Or a Scam
This person is clearly enjoying MCA business opportunity.

Of course, many people admitted that you need to do the work in order to succeed. This is not a typical 9-5 job where you would get paid for an hour. You need to adopt the mindset of an entrepreneur where you get paid based on the results you provide.

Then I found a few negative reviews of Motor Club of America but it seems that those individuals haven’t really used MCA themselves and shared even some false information on their articles. They just wanted to bash MCA in order to promote their own offer.

Conclusion – Is Motor Club of America Worth It?

To be honest, if I would be living in the U.S., I would definitely consider joining MCA. Their service seems great and you can promote their program online wherever you have a WiFi. Still, I recognize that this opportunity is not for everyone. You can make good money with their program but you need to be willing to put in the work. Money doesn’t drop to your account automatically.

The niche of MCA is pretty targeted compared to many other make money online opportunities: People who use a car in the U.S. and in Canada. There are good and negative things in this. This target group usually has lots of money if we compare on a global scale so it’s easier to sell for them. However, if you want to scale your business worldwide, it’s not possible with MCA.

Canada and US are huge countries so there is still certainly enough prospects. The combined population of Canada and US is around 400 million people. If you have a passion for MCA and you love their products, I don’t see any reason why you wouldn’t join their program for free.

If you decide to join Motor Club of America as an associate, I highly recommend following this step-by-step training in order to make leads and sales. With the principles and practical steps of that training, you will be able to drive thousands of leads to your business. I know this from my own and other people’s experience. It really works and helps you to make money online.

In addition, I provide my 1-on-1 support inside the Wealthy Affiliate community. I want to help you succeed.

=> Learn to Make Money Online Today with 4 Simple Steps!

Do you have personal experience of Motor Club of America or has some of your friends joined their program?

Have you learned to get leads effectively on the Internet?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. After reading this review of MCA, I am kind of interested in learning more about this company. If the company is based in he US and Canada, can anyone who is not in Canada and the US use their program to make money?

    1. Ethan Vanderbuilt calls everything scam. I have been following his work for a few years now and he has called all programs scams that he has reviewed. I don’t know which program he wouldn’t call a scam 😀 So, I wouldn’t give so much weight on his opinions anymore.

  2. They are soliciting for money while offering a job opportunity. This kind of situation always ends up bad. You should never have to give money to an employer or a would-be employer. Buy-ins like this are why I am so skeptical of companies nowadays. Sad!.

    1. It’s a normal practice in MLM-system that you need to pay in order to participate their system. However, you can become an MCA affiliate for free as I pointed out in the text. Their products cost money but not becoming an affiliate. I guess you missed out that detail in the article, right?

  3. Have heard a lot of good things about MCA. It appears to be something that mainly the elderly population utilizes, but I can definitely see it growing more in the future. It should be advertised better so that people know the great things they have to offer!

    1. Yeah, elderly people usually want more security and a feeling that they’ve been insured. Young people (mostly) don’t worry about breaking their car because it seems unlikely. That’s probably one reason why it’s more popular among elderly people.

  4. I think that with Motor Club of America (MCA) and considering the 9 decades of its rendering of services to numerous of its customers, that is is pure proof that they really are worth backing a horse with.

    And also, looking at the zero amount requirement for joining the scheme is an added bonus because I definitely believe it’s going to an appealing prospects for new members to join it.

  5. I got an interest in Motor Club of America a couple of years ago. But in that time, I doubted them because I see some comments regarding on them that they are not legit. After reading this blog, I should try to recommend it to my friends. Thank you for the information you gave about MCA. It was a great help.

    1. I don’t see any reason why MCA wouldn’t be legit.

      Of course, MLM-systems are a bit controversial by nature but that’s probably the only reason why somebody would call it a scam.

  6. Well, I knew it wasn’t a scam, because it is nice program to me. their features are cool,but they are somethings that I don’t like in the system, like the $80 referral commission, I learnt that the referral commission will be deducted from your account if your referral does not last for up to 17 months, which I think is not really cool.

  7. I don’t have personal experience with MCA but I do have a friend who works with them. She absolutely loves this company and is earning more than $100 pee year. She’s a wonderful sales woman so I believe most of her income comes from recruiting people and making them feel welcomed. I have always wondered about this company and glad to know it’s not a scam.

    1. I’m happy for your friend. I believe she can earn good money by promoting MCA if she has a hardworking character and she really loves the system.

      Have you considered joining it sometimes?

  8. I guess MCA will one the best vehicle service provider in USA but I still don’t get it. How MCA can handle the work flow if MCA has a lot members? You are mentioned about some serious jobs about vehicle services. I think it is not that easy just call them and they’ll come and help!

    1. Of course, the company is huge and they have established a big network all around the U.S. to provide the roadside assistance for you. It’s not a small company of 10 people who come to help you from the distance of 1,000km.

      How many times in your life you had some difficulties on the road? I have even worked as a taxi driver and I never had any problems on the road during my life. That’s one reason why there isn’t so much load for MCA. Road accidents are still pretty rare on average.

  9. Just like you said ‘money won’t be dropping at our pockets automatically’if we decide to join motor club of America and that is true of almost all the multi-level marketing programs we have out there.

    I would have considered joining this motor assistance company and bring that innovation to Nigeria, but my hopes are limited since they don’t operate outside North America. So, this is a great opportunity for those living in that part of the world to earn some dollars promoting a company that has been in existence for more than 90 years.

      1. Creating something similar? That’s the reason I’m on the internet to learn many business opportunities so that when I have some funds, I will try some out.

  10. Yeah alot of individuals are carrying it out on fb now but don’t describe what it is, MCA
    is basically simply a roadside assistance company with a primary sales program like (Avon, Mary kay, Dish Network). There’s alot of individuals on fb carrying it out now because its one of the most recent direct selling programs even although company ‘s been around for like 90 years.

    It had been bought out with a marketing company TVC Marketing that’s why they have the direct selling program. A lot of individuals on fb go kinda over panel with it but probably because they never do multilevel marketing or direct selling, but its not really a pyramid its a legit company that people can become self-employed associates and send memberships at 19.95/month and the business can pay you $80 per referral, so essentially 10 recommendations is $800.

    There’s no contract which means you can cancel whenever and you also do get billed or go directly into debts when people you subscribe cancel fundamentally since their paying you an $80 progress percentage for a 19.95 signup if the individual cancels before 17 months, how ever many months still left that they had times 4.62 they will take out of your next check but it will never be more than fifty percent your check, and if you make a certain amount of recommendations in weekly they’ll forgive your chargeback.

    They have significantly more benefits and special discounts than AAA but it is more costly, but also for most people the referral marketing program opportunity out weighs that. You can find people who make 5,000 weekly with MCA and there are lazy people who make only love the huge benefits, its all up to the individual, you doing work for yourself, you can market online or offline. So essentially MCA is simply a roadside company and discount membership with a good immediate sale program you do not possess to carry and physical item.

    1. Good and detailed points. It seems that you have lots of knowledge of these different kind of MLM-programs.

      Have you been involved in some MLM-systems? What did you like and what kind of results did you get?

  11. To be honest, a lot of companies no matter how good their customer support is will have some complaints so I would take that point lightly. I wonder if there are some similar companies over here in the United Kingdom because it does sound quite good. The one thing that I did find a bit weird though is that they had a Bible verse on their website, I don’t mind people being religious but this is the first site that I have come across that has religious quotes.

    1. Yeah, it would be interesting to see if there is some similar MLM-company in the UK. MCA concept sounds really effective business model and I believe it could work in other countries as well. However, the distances aren’t so big in Europe as they are in the U.S. Cities are very close to each other here in Europe if we compare it to United States.

      I was also surprised that I saw a Bible verse on their website but I see it as a very positive thing. I am a Christian and I appreciate it when these people show openly their faith to God.

  12. I still don’t get it. How do you get or how do they render help to their members? I understand the marketing part of it. What I don’t get is the vehicle assistant part of the whole thing. You mentioned something about being on the road side, is it that as a member of MCA you get vehicle services in cases of emergency?

    1. Yes, you understood right. Let’s say that your car breaks while you are driving in the highway. If you are a member of MCA, you can just call them and they’ll come and help you out.

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