Legendary Marketer vs Wealthy Affiliate: Which One Is the Best?

wealthy affiliate vs legendary marketer

wealthy affiliate vs legendary marketer

Welcome to my Legendary Marketer vs Wealthy Affiliate Review!

In this Wealthy Affiliate vs Legendary Marketer review, I’m going to compare the differences of these two programs in a great detail in order to provide you the best answer.

This is the most comprehensive WA vs LM review that you’ll find online so I highly recommend paying close attention and reading this carefully.

I’ve published reviews of +600 make money online opportunities. In addition, I’ve talked with not 100’s of people personally within affiliate marketing & make money online industry. In short, we can say that I have a HUGE knowledge and understanding of the programs in this space.

(IMPORTANT BONUS TO YOU! If you join Wealthy Affiliate or Legendary Marketer using my affiliate link in this post, I will provide you my exclusive 1-on-1 affiliate marketing support & mentoring.)

wealthy affiliate logo

  • Free to Get Started ($0)
  • Lots of High-Quality Training
  • Focuses on Blogging + Google SEO
  • Cheap Premium Membership
  • 24/7/365 Support
  • Recurring Commissions for Affiliates
  • Awesome & helpful community

  • Free to Get Started ($0)
  • Extremely Easy-To-Follow Training
  • Focuses on Email Marketing
  • Responsive Email + Telephone Support
  • 1-on-1 Coaching Through Phone/Email
  • HUGE Commissions for Affiliates
  • Community within Private FB Group

Wealthy Affiliate vs Legendary Marketer Video

Before you dive into a comprehensive Legendary Marketer vs Wealthy Affiliate article, I want to give you an opportunity to take a look at my comparison video below.

In the video, I’ll show you also inside LM and WA premium member’s area and the benefits of both programs. I’m sure this will help you to decide which one fits better for your needs at the moment.

If you have any questions regarding the video, don’t hesitate to ask me in the comments. Also, if you find the video helpful, don’t hesitate to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more Internet marketing and make money online videos in the future.

My Personal Story with WA & LM – From 0 to Making +$2,200 in 20 hours

  • Wealthy Affiliate: Joined Jul. 2015 

I got started on Wealthy Affiliate in 2015 as a complete beginner. I didn’t even know what affiliate marketing means.

The only thing I knew was that I wanted to do blogging to influence people’s lives positively and potentially earn a living online.

Long story short, this is what happened:

  1. I went through the Wealthy Affiliate step-by-step training.
  2. I asked lots of questions within the community.
  3. I had challenges but I decided I’ll make it work.
  4. I learned to make money online and made even +$5,000 in a week. (and reaching new records incrementally.)

Wealthy Affiliate was a complete game-changer for me. I started as a complete beginner but became a full-time online entrepreneur as a results of going through their training and being part of the community.

Of course, my story with Wealthy Affiliate is still continuing and I’m one of the major contributors currently in their community.

When you join Wealthy Affiliate through my links, I’ll be providing my best 1-on-1 support & mentoring and do my best to make you succeed online.

At the time of writing this comparison review, I am Ranked 4th in Wealthy Affiliate which means that I’m  4th most active/followed person in the community out of +1,500,000 members.

  • Legendary Marketer: Joined Dec. 2018 

When I heard about the Legendary Marketer for the first time I was very skeptical. Well, I was also skeptical about Wealthy Affiliate at first but even more about Legendary.

However, I must admit that I was wrong again! My good friend who is also a successful Internet marketer recommended trying Legendary with an open mind.

I’m glad I did try it. The training was eye-opening and I learned lots of new things right away.

To be completely honest with you, I was surprised by the high quality of their training. They had really put effort on their video training lessons and it’s very practical.

In addition, the quantity of the training was also impressive. Lots of different subjects such as​

  • YouTube
  • Facebook 
  • Ads on different platforms
  • Affiliate Marketing basic and advanced training 
  • Etc, etc.

I decided to promote Legendary Marketer because I was really impressed by the quality and felt it was much more than worth the value.

As a result of sending out a couple of emails, I made soon a record of earning +$2,200 within 20 hours.

I must admit that I was SOLD! 😉 Legendary Marketer didn’t only provide a world-class Internet marketing training but their affiliate program was also very lucrative.

Of course, this is not an income guarantee or anything like that. Your results may be better, worse or same as mine. I’d say that your results will depend most on the effort you put in.

As you can see in the picture above, I’m also one of the top affiliates of Legendary Marketer. You’ll get my 1-on-1 support & mentoring by joining through my links. Just email me at Robert@YourOnlineRevenue.com and I’ll do my best to help you succeed.

Anyone can make big money online but not anybody will because they aren’t willing to put in any work and just look for push buttons to make riches. You’re not like that because you’re reading this far so I believe you’d had pretty great results with Legendary if you get started today.

Wealthy Affiliate + Legendary Marketer VS Other Training Programs

At the beginning of this article, I mentioned that I have a HUGE knowledge and understanding of the programs in this space. ​

The cold truth is that there are lots of low-quality and scammy programs that promise to teach you how to make money online.

They usually tell a story that goes something like this:

Would you like waking up nearby the exotic beach for a beautiful sunrise? You know that you’ve got money flowing to your bank account whether or not you’re going to work.

The only thing you need to ‘worry’ about is whether you’re going to eat beef or chicken for the lunch and how long will you enjoy your time in the beach today…

If you buy our Make Money Madness X Program right now, your life will change in a moment and ALL your dreams will become through.

Just click the “Purchase” button below and you’ll most likely make $915 within the first 24 hours.” 

Then you buy a program and you notice that the program teaches just some basic principles that you could find for free on YouTube in 1 minute.

I’d say based on my experiences that most programs in the make money online space are something like that.

Fortunately, Wealthy Affiliate and Legendary Marketer provide with extremely practical steps to make money with affiliate marketing. They’re both real deals and the BEST affiliate marketing training programs in the world right now.

Yes, making money online enables you to travel around the world and an ultimate freedom but you must be willing to work for it.

In the next 2 chapters I want to emphasize the main strengths of these 2 world-class Internet marketing programs so read carefully. This will also help you to understand the differences between Legendary Marketer and Wealthy Affiliate.

Main Strengths of Legendary Marketer

It’s easy to find lots of benefits about Legendary Marketer because it’s very well created training and I’m 100% sure you’ll enjoy it.

Let me just mention 3 strengths in this article so this won’t be too long and yo can experience the rest benefits yourself in practice.

1. Extremely Successful Trainer

Dave Sharpe has made +$250M in sales online and you’ll directly learn from him by going through the training.

Legendary Marketer is created literally by a legendary Internet Marketer David “Dave” Sharpe. He has made +$250,000,000 (yes, that’s more than 1/4 of a billion US dollars!) in sales online.

In the other words, Legendary Marketer is created by a person who REALLY knows what he is teaching.

2. World-Class Training Videos

Dave Sharpe teaches you how to make money online using the PROVEN online business models and email marketing.

The training is really world-class and high-quality.

You’ll see that they’ve paid very close attention in planning each lesson, writing the scripts, getting the highest quality camera and so on.

Thing that I especially like in the Legendary Marketer training is that they teach you to make money online with email marketing.

I’ve personally achieved the best results during my affiliate marketing career with email marketing and the same applies to many other Internet marketers.

Dave Sharpe teaches that some people in his email list have been there for +8 years so it’s an ultimately powerful business model.

3. Training Is Extremely Well-Organized

The training at Legendary Marketer starts with a very easy-to-follow 15-day challenge with your 1-on-1 coach.

It’s very easy for you to find the relevant training that you’re looking for. You don’t need to wonder how to move forward because you’ll surely find what you’re looking for.

I feel that the training within Legendary Marketer is better organized that within Wealthy Affiliate. It’s easier for a complete beginner to go through the steps and figure out what to do next.

In addition, calls with a 1-on-1 coach will help you to learn everything and move forward in a fast pace. I feel that those are HUGE benefits within this program. David Sharpe really knows how to get you excited and move forward.

Main Strengths of Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate is probably the biggest affiliate marketing training community in the world.

When I asked from Kyle & Carson who influencers they follow, Carson just replied something like, “We don’t follow anyone. We’ve been leaders in this industry for several years so we’re showing example to others.”

In the other words, Wealthy Affiliate is setting a high standard in the affiliate marketing space.

1. +13 Years of Improvements

Kyle & Carson, the founders of Wealthy Affiliate are constantly improving the platform to help you to succeed with your online business.

Wealthy Affiliate was founded already back in 2005 and it has evolved every single year since then. Kyle & Carson work hard constantly to make the platform as helpful as possible to their members.

Every year Kyle & Carson also invite their top affiliates to Las Vegas, pay all their flights, food, accommodation in a high-quality 4-star hotel in order to talk together how we could make the platform even more helpful for the members.

That’s something unique and really admirable. I was invited to the Wealthy Affiliate Las Vegas conference for the first time in 2019 and I’m planning to get there every year from now on.

Here are just a few things that have improved over time:

  1. The training has been upgraded several times.
  2. The community has gotten bigger and more helpful.
  3. More tools to help you to build your website and make sales.
  4. New ways to make money even within the platform (SiteComments, by creating training for others, etc.)
  5. Etc

After all the updates & upgrades, they still haven’t risen the price which is incredible. If I would be the owner of Wealthy Affiliate, I would have probably risen the price of the membership several times.

2. Incredibly Helpful Community

Wealthy Affiliate community is very active and helpful.

I never knew it before I experienced it myself but being part of the helpful online business community helps you A LOT to achieve your goals.

It’s much easier to achieve great things when you have running mates, mentors and people around you who motivate you to reach higher.

In Wealthy Affiliate, all your questions will be answered and you’ll get 1-on-1 mentoring from highly successful affiliate marketers.

Another similar community is called STM community that charges $99/month while WA charges only $29/month with a yearly membership (=$359/year).

3. Extremely Cheap Price for the HUGE Value

I’m amazed often that Kyle & Carson hasn’t raised the price during 13-14 years even though the quality of service has gotten to the sky.

There are similar online business training platforms and communities that charge easily 5-10 times more money than Wealthy Affiliate. And most platforms that provide even less services and tools  still charge higher than Wealthy Affiliate.

Here are just a few examples:

  • Wealthy Affiliate premium $29/month with a yearly membership (=$359/year)
  • ClickFunnels Full Version $299/month
  • Stack That Money (STM) forum for affiliate marketers: $99/month
  • Dynamite Circle community for online business owners $499/year
  • 10’s of similar online business training courses: $2,997 each

Wealthy Affiliate is the cheapest even though it provides the highest value.

It’s not a coincidence that they’ve been a market leader for affiliates for several years. In addition, you can try their membership for 100% free for the first 7 days to see how great it is.

No credit cards even needed unlike with ClickFunnels or other programs.

My Recommendation: Start With Both!

Legendary Marketer and Wealthy Affiliate are 2 different  companies and services. They teach things from a little bit different perspectives but both online business models are PROVEN to work by 1,000’s of people.

Let’s take 3 people who all want to become a successful affiliate marketer and make lots of money online. Then they a little bit different paths in the following way:

  1. One of them doesn’t buy LM or WA because he’s too afraid to take action or spend any money in his own education and financial future.
  2. Second person buys only 1 of these programs. The one that he believes is a better one. However, he doesn’t buy the other one because he thinks 1 is enough and he misses all teachings from the other program
  3. Third person joins both training programs because he’s very committed to succeed online and make a life-changing income online. He goes through both training courses and takes MASSIVE actions.

It’s obvious that a person who goes through both programs is the most committed to succeed.

As a result, he will has the most knowledge and learn the most skills. In addition, he will most likely take the most action out of these 3 persons because he has invested more money into his own education.

The act of payment creates a big sense of commitment. Based on my vast experience of seeing 1,000’s of people getting started to make money online I can say that people who are just looking for freebies and don’t want to spend any money will most likely never achieve anything significant.

Conclusion – Which One Is Better?

If you want to start making money online with affiliate marketing, these are the best 2 programs in the marketplace. So, start at least the either one of them.

LM and WA teach you affiliate marketing with a little bit different strategies so both of them are worth buying. I’ve bought both of them myself.

You can get started with both of them for free. Create an account to Wealthy Affiliate and get started with the Legendary Marketer 15-Day Challenge below.

Then decide which one of them are you going to focus on. Or will you eventually go through the both training programs like I did (that I highly recommend doing at some point).

If you want more personalized, hand-by-hand style support I would say that Legendary Marketer is a better one because of their telephone support / “coaching” service.

In addition, I feel that their program is easier to go through for a beginner than Wealthy Affiliate because there are not many distractions.

If your goal is to get the proven training and the necessary tools for the cheapest possible price, Wealthy Affiliate is the way to go.

Their step-by-step training is PROVEN to work by 1,000’s of individuals and therefore it will work for you as well.

Are you already a member of Wealthy Affiliate and Legendary Marketer?

What kind of experiences did you have?

Which one is the best in your  opinion?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

If you need any help to get started making money online, don’t hesitate to ask in the comments below and we’ll be happy to help you out!

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of YourOnlineRevenue.com. I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Hey, I am just currently pursuing the cryptocurrency course of yours in udemy. well i am new to the field of cryptocurrency and your classes are good and you are explaining well. I am about 50% and i will leave a comment again after completing the full course.

    Thank you!

  2. A really nice review of LM and WA. I am currently on level 5 training with Wealthy Affiliate and I am really enjoying the process, but after reading this I will look at LM after I have finished the training here at WA. It will be interesting to see a different approach of digital marketing offered by LM. Thanks Roope

  3. Thank you very much for this comprehensive view. I have been with WA since June and created a site which currently has 20 posts on it, but I have not made any money from it. To be honest, Im finding the training a bit of a slog to follow and I am feeling a little lost at sea here. Can an existing website be transferred over to LM?

    1. Hi friend!

      Legendary Marketer doesn’t provide hosting. They provide education and coaching but not the same tools as Wealthy Affiliate. But in case you’d want to host your website on another website, you can use other hosts too.

  4. Howdy There!.. Awesome article. Lovely review on both. I haven’t even heard about Legendary Marketer once before,  I use Wealthy affiliate tho! Greatest achievement I made this year! I have gone a really long way In the trainings, Have my own website. The Community is lovely; get the chance to talk with so.many successful marketers so easily.  Love it there

    1. Awesome to hear that you’re loving Wealthy Affiliate. It has been life-changing for me too!

      Then Legendary Marketer helped me to make even more money online with affiliate marketing.

  5. I think this is the most comprehensive article I have seen in a very long time.  I just like how you explained everything.  I like how you explained all the advantages.  but if am to choose, I’ll choose Wealthy affiliate.  I will choose it because I have been a member for a while now and I see how valuable it has been. I just really think it Is better.  

  6. Awesome review of both Legendary Marketer and WA Roope!
    You bring up very salient points, and had me engaged.

    I am already a Wealthy Affiliate member. I will look further into Legendary Marketer. Looks like the real deal!

  7. Hi Roope. Thanks for this great comparison. I am arleady a Wealthy Affiliate Premium member and sometimes I get discouraged but don’t consider myself a quitter. I definitely am interested in the Legendary Marketer. I know you said “try both!” I am three-quarters of my way through bootcamp in WA. Do you think it would be a good time to start Legendary or should I finish my bootcamp training first?

    Thanks again for the great info!

    1. Thank you very much Mary Ann, I really appreciate your words.

      Yes, I think it would be a good idea for you to start with Legendary marketer as well.

      Just don’t quit on Wealthy Affiliate because you’re already going through the training. Continue by learning from both. Or finish the Bootcamp and then start with Legendary as well.

      I think that Wealthy Affiliate training watches things from 1 perspective but Legendary from another a bit different one so it’s good to go through both of them.

      Just remember always take action as well when going through training programs.


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