Is Two Dollar Click a Scam or an Easy Way to Make Money Online?

Is Two Dollar Click a Scam

Would you be excited to earn two dollars per click? That is what Two Dollar Click is promising for you. Are they really honest or are they just giving you false promises? Let’s find out is Two Dollar Click a scam or not.

Two Dollar Click Review       

Is Two Dollar Click a ScamName: Two Dollar Clock
Founder: Jordan Welsh
Field: “Get-Paid-To” -Sites
Overall Rank: 1/100

What Is Two Dollar Click All About?

Two Dollar Click is an advertising paid to click (PTC) website that rewards users for clicking and viewing on Advertisements. It is a platform where companies pay to place Adverts while registered members get paid for clicking to watch such Adverts. They claim that for every click per view the members earns $2 or more, this seems like an effortless way for people to make money and more reason why a lot of people wanting to make quick cash keep falling into their trap. The earnings Two Dollar Click is offering is just way too high compared to what other PTC websites pay for rendering the same service, this makes me think of their activity as a very suspicious one.

Two Dollar Click claims to have over 2 million active members and have so far paid over 13 million dollars in commission but unfortunately, we do not hear of any positive reviews out there rather people screaming everywhere that it is all a scam.

=> Tired of Scams? Learn to Make Honest Money Online

How the Program Works

The signing up process takes less than a minute. To register for an account, you are required to give a few personal details such as your; Name, Email address, and Country. But also be conscious of the fact that they do not have a privacy policy, so you can never tell what they might do with your email address. However, once you are registered you can start clicking ads to earn money. Simply click on the ‘view Ads’ tab at the top of the site which will take you to the page where you can start viewing Adverts. Here, you can now watch an ad for 30-80 seconds and then click on a number to after viewing to confirm. You can earn anything between $2 for free members and $8 for higher members.

How Much Money Can You Make on Two Dollar Click?

As a free member, you are limited to only $2 click per Ads. It should be noted that it is also mandatory for a free member to reach a minimum of $1000 before he/she can cash out. So, that basically means you will be required to click on 500 Ads to making ($1000) the required minimum before you can withdraw your earnings but for the premium accounts, two dollar click offers them to view Adverts worth $4-$8 per click.

Upgrading to Premium Memberships involves two levels;

First level – Golden at $19.95

Second level – Ultimate $39.95

However, there are no details of what each level entails and the link provided for more information does not work, instead, you are been directed back to the same page. Premium members can also purchase banner Ads.

However, they claim members can also make money by referring Two Dollar Click for people to join. A link is associated with your account that can easily be shared to your contacts and if eventually someone joins through you, a commission is paid to you. Members can earn 10%-200% from their referrals, depending on the level of membership. The basic members receive 10% of their referrals earnings while the premium members receive up to 200% of their referrals earning (depending on which level). Isn’t this a very tempting offer? But the truth is they are hoping you fall for it, so they can get enough money from you.

Members are provided with two payment options which include; PayPal and Payza. Payments are said to be paid 60 days after a request to cash out must have been made, however, your payments will remain pending because they never intend paying you.

Two Dollar Click Scam
“I Already Earned $47,853.81″… C’mon! Give me a break!

There is nobody in this world who would earn $47,853.81 by clicking ads. However, with affiliate marketing, it’s possible to earn even $47,853.81/month. Check out these 5 guys, for example.

Pros & Cons

The Pros:

  • It is free to sign up


  • Website looks unprofessional and lacks important informative contents
  • Membership upgrade is very costly.
  • Minimum cash out is $1,000 which takes quite some time to reach and 60-day payment processing is absurd
  • Earnings reset automatically if inactive for more than 60 days
  • There are no means of contacting the support team

Conclusion – Is Two Dollar Click a Scam?           

Well, I wished I could earn $2 per click Ads but unfortunately, Two Dollar Click is absolutely a scam and I urge people not to waste time clicking ads on their website. How can they claim to pay members $2 or more just to view Ads? When the usual rate of other PTC sites is just a few cents per click at most.

It is obvious Two Dollar Click collects money from the Advertiser and also those who signed up for membership and keep filling its personal account with their money. Have you wondered how Two Dollar Click which sells an Advert for 1/2 cent per click can pay members $2 and above? It is never going to happen, please run away it is a scam. In fact, I haven’t heard of such advertisers who will want to pay $2-$8 per click in the PTC industry

Besides there are too many complaints about Two Dollar Click on forums, YouTube and social media’s, all saying that payments are not genuine. Therefore, it is best to stay away from such fake websites so that you don’t have any regrets!

Two Dollar Click at a Glance…

Name: Two Dollar Click
Founder:  Jordan Welsh
Field: “Get-Paid-To” -Sites
Overall Rank: 1 out of 100



Do you have experience of Two Dollar Click or another PTC-site? Did you like it or not? Leave a comment below!

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. I was extremely excited to read this because I thought, if this is real then this could be awesome. But anything that sounds too good to be true is probably not real. It’s a shame because it would be awesome to earn $2 for just clicking and viewing an advertisement. I’m sure most people in the world would be happy to quit their 9-5 jobs for something like this if it were real and not at all a scam lol.

    1. That’s true. Earning $2 per click is too good to be true.

      I know that some advertisers pay up to $2 per click if they have an extremely good sales funnel but it’s very rare. In addition, the clicker will never earn such money for clicking ads.

  2. 2 dollar click is a joke. Its amazing that some really think that they would get paid 2 dollars just to view an ad. I guess its interesting because its easy money. Why is it that so many people try to get over on others, just makes me sick. Well i enjoyed the post and cant wait for the next one. Thanks

    Jeff Conner

    1. Hi Jeff,

      yeah, making 2 dollar per click is a joke. It’s an interesting name for a website because it definitely appeals more people to join their program.

      But rather than looking for quick ways to make money online I always recommend to create a real online business. It can make you a living for the rest of your life.


  3. It’s funny, no matter how much I know it is a scam, I’m always interested.

    It really is easy to pull in visitors with bogus claims like this. Knowing Google Adwords, 2$ per click is simply insane.

    I don’t know any rational company that would pay that. Where do those ads even get shown!? I mean, they aren’t showing on Googles search page?

    Anyways, thanks for being in the fight towards outright showing people that things like this are a scam. You’ve probably saved quite some people their hard-earned cash.

    1. Hi Nico,

      yeah, big promises and claims can pull some visitors and probably even some customers. But it’s unethical and totally wrong, in my opinion. Two Dollar Click has ads on their website and they are paying some reward for clikcing them but it’s nothing worthwhile..

      Thank you Nico! I am very happy if I can help people not to run into a scams and find some better ways to make money online.


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