Is The Commission Machine a Scam? Can You Really Make $2642.60/Day With Their System?

Michael Cheney will immediately answer a resounding no when the question, “Is the Commission Machine a scam?” is asked by interested individuals. This is understandable as he is the man behind the program! But many people will beg to differ.

The Commission Machine Review

Is The Commission Machine a ScamName: The Commission Machine
Founder: Michael Cheney
Price: $19.95

Field: Make Money Online -Programs

What Is Commission Machine And How Does It Work?

According to Michael Cheney, the Commission Machine is a system that can generate up to $2,642.60 in daily earning for each of its members (i.e., buyers of the program).  Basically, he teaches his buyers effective email marketing campaign techniques and tools for promoting affiliate offers.

Cheney also says that you just have to copy and use his techniques so that you can make money from his underground email marketing method. He will also show methods that can identify the hottest products in the market so you can add them to your page. He promises that his methods will work even when you have no mailing list, no money, and no experience in affiliate marketing.

At this point, you will likely be dazzled by Cheney’s promises of relatively easy money using his methods, as discussed in his program. You will then buy the product and anticipate the growth of your nest egg.

But when you look closer into the contents of Cheney’s program, you will soon realize that there’s nothing new about his methods! His Internet marketing strategies are nothing but conventional methods that have been restated, rehashed, and renamed. His RAPID method – the acronym stands for Research, Angle, Provide Incentive, and Deploy – are neither new in concept nor revolutionary in practice.

The acronym can be broken down into already well-known principles and practices affiliate marketers have been using for years. The main difference lies in labeling the strategies, such as:

  • Finding the products to promote on your site (Research)
  • Positioning them to get the most traffic (Angle)
  • Offering bonuses (Providing Incentives)
  • Deploying (Repeating the steps)

Of course, the steps sound more appealing when used in a catchy acronym. But since the substance of the acronym isn’t new, you will likely think that the Commission Machine is a waste of money.

If you’re a beginner, however, you may learn a few important lessons from the modules. If you’re a veteran with a string of successes, your knowledge and skills in affiliate marketing will not increase. You may even question many of the tactics promoted by Cheney.

The Commission Machine Review
Michael Cheney, the Founder of the Commission Machine

The Commission Machine Training Modules

And speaking of training, you will get seven modules with videos and texts. The contents of the modules are as follows:

  • Module 1 Introduction
  • Module 2 Research
  • Module 3 Angle
  • Module 4 Providing Incentives
  • Module 5 Messages
  • Module 6 Deploy
  • Module 7 No List Method

The total running time is approximately 3 hours. This may seem like an eternity if you watch the modules from beginning to end, but keep in mind that affiliate marketing is a challenging profession. You will not actually master it in just 3 hours, especially as it’s a life-long learning process.

Many veteran affiliate marketers have even stopped watching it after Module 2. This can be attributed to the old principles and practices Cheney discussed.  This isn’t surprising as veterans don’t want to waste their time listening things that they already know.

In the competitive world of online affiliate marketing, being at the forefront of new ideas can make the difference in getting more traffic and conversions. Cheney doesn’t provide new ideas, unfortunately.

=> Learn to Make a Living Through Affiliate Marketing!

But that’s not all. Cheney is also offering free information online for a fee! You will easily find a wide range of products and services for promotion on dozens of platforms for free. You can, for example, type in “how to find hot products to promote” on your browser and voila! You have nearly 3 million resources to choose from within seconds.

Why pay for free information? But that’s exactly what Commission Machine wants people to do.

Cheney also promised interested individuals that his Commission Machine can be up and running even without an email list. This is a lie since you have to possess an email list to implement his RAPID method, said email list of which can be a challenge to build. He even demonstrated a method of getting more email subscribers and of swiping email lists. False promises are one of the most common signs of the scam products.

If you don’t have an email list, you should save your breath. You won’t even have a chance at earning a tiny fraction of his promised $2,642.60 in daily income. Even when you have an email list, you likely already know his methods so you may just consider Cheney’s product as a waste of money.

Yet another claim Cheney makes is his system is so easy to adopt, a three-step simple yet effective system. This isn’t true either since building your email list, choosing and promoting your products, and gaining the attention and loyalty of your customers demand hard work. There are no three-step procedures in affiliate marketing success, even if Cheney wants you to believe it.

Cheney also provides several pieces of bad advice, which newbies will likely fall for. For example, he encourages others to create bonuses by getting PLR products that customers will likely not appreciate. This is because PLR products are usually of low quality so there’s no sense in giving them most of the time.

Who is Commission Machine For?

The program is geared toward newbies and veterans in affiliate marketing. But newbies are more likely to fall for it, especially as the techniques discussed are the basic kind.

Commission Machine Support

None stated although we can assume that Cheney is available for questions.

The Good and the Bad

The Commission Machine has its share of good things. Cheney, for one thing, has great presentation skills while his videos have a higher production value. He discusses the concept in a clear and concise manner while also making them more engaging.

But there is also much cause for concern including:

  • Free information available online being sold for $200 (no there is a “discount” but still not worth it)
  • Upsells include links to other similar products, a red flag for veterans
  • Old principles and practices that veteran marketers already know
  • Little step-by-step guide for newbies
  • No instructions for many important concepts, such as choosing the best products and generating traffic

My Final Opinion of Commission Machine

In my opinion, Commission Machine isn’t a scam in the true sense of the word. People who buy it will still get modules with some useful tips about affiliate marketing, perhaps even get insights into the industry. But there are just too many complaints about its contents that it doesn’t provide great value for the money.

If you’re looking for a proven affiliate marketing website that works for both newbies and veterans, then Wealthy Affiliate is the answer. But don’t take my word for it – log on to and browse the website to see for yourself! You will also get 10 interactive video lessons, 2 free websites and my 1-on-1 mentoring for free. So put your credit card away and have a look at the best affiliate marketing program in the world.


Have you used the Commission Machine, Wealthy Affiliate or some other affiliate marketing training?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Commission machine is definitely not one that is going to assist newbies in getting to make money via affiliate marketing as you are going to discover that you cannot make a whole lot at the start of the affiliate marketing. Also, the big promises of making close to $2,000 on a daily basis is one that we should be careful about as this is virtually impossible for those starting out.

  2. Hello,

    Sounds like Mr. Cheney is the only one making $2642.60 a day, and it’s probably all on victims of his outdated training program. If it was so simple to earn a living online, everyone would be millionaires!

    I’m a member of Wealthy Affiliate, and I agree with you that it’s simply the best. Nothing can compare.

    Thanks for the honest review Roope. I will be staying far away from Commission Machine. 🙂

    1. Hi Ian,

      that’s probably exactly what this program is all about. The founder is taking money while members are struggling to earn anything significant.

      Wealthy Affiliate’s training is the best that I have found too. There are a few other very powerful affiliate marketing training, like Chris Farrell Membership, for example. But none of them beats WA’s step-by-step training and community.


  3. This was a good and honest review. It is good to hear that the commission machine is not a scam. However, I am glad you wrote this because I do have some experience and don’t need back to the basics training

    Right now I am looking for more advanced training. Do you have a good recommendation for that?

    1. Hi Nick,

      for beginners and even more advanced people like you and me I can recommend Wealthy Affiliate. They have every week new training coming in webinars and you can connect with very successful online entrepreneurs anytime you want.

      Then you’ll get all tools you need (keyword tool, domain hosting, domain names etc.) from the same place which saves your time.


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