Is Solo Build It A Scam? [#1 Online Business Training!?]

Solo Build It Review – Quick Summary

Name: Solo Build It (Before It Was Known As “Site Build It”)


Founded By: Ken Evoy back in 1997

Product Type: Internet Marketing Training Platform & Community

Price: $29.99/month or $299/year (~$25/month)

Best for: Anyone who is interested in making money online and building a profitable Online Business

Summary: Solo Build It is one of the best Online Business training platforms for solopreneurs who want to make money online through Internet Marketing. It’s an established company and they have a long experience of educating successful online entrepreneurs.

Is Solo Build It Recommended? Yes, but it’s not my #1 Recommended Online Business Training Platform. More on this further…

Introduction – “Solo Build Is a Scam!” False Claims

Welcome to My Honest Solo Build It (SBI) Review!

First, I want to congratulate you for doing the research and seeking the truth whether or not Solo Build it is worth investing.

When you are reading SBI reviews, you need to be aware of a few important things:

There are 3 kinds of Solo Build It online:

  1. Reviews by Aggressive Solo Build Affiliates who just try to sell you the system.
  2. Pissed off Solo Build It Customers who didn’t achieve the results with it.
  3. Solo Build It Reviews who just want your attention to promote other products.

You may have seen online claims like, “Solo Build It Is a Scam!” which is completely false. The main reason why some people are writing such claims is because they want your attention and sell their own products to you.

Solo Build It is not a scam and the company has been around already for more than 2 decades since 1997.

Then there are those people who tried the system for a month, two and sometimes a bit longer. They didn’t become rich with Solo Build It and now they are complaining that Solo Build It is a scam.

You’ll find that kind of people around every product… They are not satisfied with their new Apple phone and they start shouting, “Apple is a scam!” Or their Microsoft laptop goes broken and…

Yes, you guessed right… They claim that, Microsoft is a scam!”

Then one group are those Solo Build It Affiliates that are willing to do everything to sell you their system and earn affiliate commissions…

What about me?

Yes, I am an affiliate for Solo Build It but I am going to show you also the “dark side” of the SBI and compare it honestly with other similar online business platforms.

I can say right off the bat that Solo Build It is NOT my most recommended online business training platform even though it is great.

The purpose of my Solo Build It review is to provide you with the most accurate information regarding SBI. 

Their platform & training are great and recommended. However, not a single platform is perfect as I’ll explain more in a moment…

What Is Solo Build It?

Solo Build it is a “all-in-one” online business training and platform.

They brand themselves as the “Best Online Business training platform in the whole world”.

That’s a bold claim and they really need to be good if they want to achieve that title. I personally don’t think that they are the best but they are certainly one of the best.

Another slogan that Solo Build It likes to use is, “Other companies teach how to build websites… We teach you how to build successful online businesses!

Well, that brings us to the topic what Solo Build It is really teaching. Let me give you a little bit background about the company.

  • Solo Build It – Company Background Revealed!

The founder of the company is Ken Evoy and he created it already more than 2 decades ago in 1997. Of course, the company has evolved a lot since then and it’s not similar as it used to be.

There are 2 major changes that I would like to tell you.

1.Solo Build It Was “Site Build It”, 2001-2017

Since 2001 the company went under a name “Site Build It!”

SBI teaches you how to build websites and how to make money through those websites. The old name refers to building a sites (=websites).

That’s what they are still doing and their core training teaches you step-by-step how you can build a money-generating website from scratch.

However, the company was rebranded in 2017. Since then it has been called Solo Build It.

2.Site Build It Becomes Solo Build It in 2017

Not so long ago, in 2017 Site Build It became Solo Build It and that’s how we know the company today.

As you probably know, companies don’t change their name easily. Especially, well-established companies need usually very significant reasons before they want to rebrand themselves. It costs money, takes a lot of time and it can also be risky.

Why did they change their name? What was the purpose of the rebranding?

There are probably a few reasons for that.

  1. New name “Solo Build It” emphasizes that their training & platforms is primarily targeted to solopreneurs.
  2. The old name “Site Build It” refers to building websites. However, Solo Build It doesn’t only teach you how to build websites, it teaches you how to build successful online businesses.
  3. There was a “negative shadow” over Site Build It brand. Many people had written negative fake reviews of Site Build It. Rebranding the name released the company a little bit from that “negative shadow”.

So, today we have Site Build It that teaches individuals how to build successful online businesses.

How does it w0ork in practice? What kind of tools and training do they provide? Is there enough support?

Let’s have a look!

How Does Solo Buid It Work?

Solo Build It primarily teaches you a 4-step process to make money online with your website. They use the 4 letters to help you to memorize it. The process is called C-T-P-M.

  1. Content – The first step is to provide valuable content that can be blog posts, articles and other website content.
  2. Traffic – The second step is to drive traffic = visitors to your content. When people see your content, we call it traffic. More traffic (=more visitors), the better.
  3. Pre-Sell – In this important step you are building trust and a “relationship” with your website visitors. The SBI training teaches you in more detail how to do it.
  4. Monetize – The fourth and the most exciting step is when your website visitors turn into buyers. They buy your products or other people’s products that you’re promoting as an affiliate.

The other way to put the same process looks as follows:

This is the 4-step formula to make money online with a website.

If you want to learn how you can make money with the 4-step process, I recommend that you start the SBI training here or read my Ultimate Make Money Online Guide for free.

Next, let me show you more details about the SBI Training, tools and the resources they provide.

Solo Build It Training, Tools & Support

  • SBI Training

Solo Build It has lots of training resources but their main training is a 10-day “Action Guide” course that teaches you the step-by-step process to make money online.

This training will walk you through all the steps that you need to take to go from a complete beginner to having your own money-generating website.

That being said, it’s good to acknowledge that you are NOT going to make big money within 10 days. They teach you the core steps during those 10 days but you will need to keep on taking consistent actions to succeed.

Solo Build It is not a “get-rich-quick” scheme or anything similar. They teach you how to build a successful online business. As you probably know, building a successful business takes always time and effort. It doesn’t happen overnight.

Let me show you the main things that will be covered during those 10 days… (put in my own words)

  • Day 1: Master The Basics
  • Day 2: Learn & Develop the BEST Site Concept
  • Day 3: How to Get Profitable Page Topic Ideas
  • Day 4: Learn Different Ways to Monetize = Make Money!
  • Day 5: Register Your Website’s Domain Name
  • Day 6: Create the Site That Gets Clicks
  • Day 7: Drive TONS of Free Traffic from Different Sources
  • Day 8: Develop Trust & “Relationship” With Your Website Visitors
  • Day 9: Know Your Website Visitors/Audience
  • Day 10: Monetize = Make Money With Your Site!

In this review, I don’t want to go into more details of the training but you can learn more here and take the training with a full 90-day money back guarantee. 

  • SBI Tools

Solo Build It is an “All-In-One” Online business platform so they’re providing basically everything you need to build a money-generating website.

The image below illustrates all the tools the provide to the SBI members for less than $30/month.

SBI provides you with tons of tools & resources for building a profitable online business.

I understand that the image below may at the same time look a little bit confusing so let me summarize some of the most important resources in my opinion:

  1. Step-By-Step Training on How to Build a Profitable Online Business
  2. SiteBuilder (Website Builder & Pre-Made Templates)
  3. SiteDesigner (Drag & Drop Website Designer)
  4. Brainstorm It! (Keyword/Niche Research Tool)
  5. BusinessCenter (To Manage Your Business)
  6. Traffic Center (To Analyze & Manage Your Website Traffic)

Within each of these centers they also provide you with a bunch of tools that help you to build your business such as Social Media Tools, Autoresponder, blogging function, etc…

Some people were asking if the SBI sites are built on WordPress, and the answer is No. They have their own platform to build websites that provides its own benefits and drawbacks that I’ll explain you further…

  • SBI Support

Solo Build It definitely gets my “points” when it comes to providing support. They have a basic email support but also a telephone support that is available 7 days a week.

Here are the times when their support is answering phone:

  • Monday-Friday 9am-8pm EST
  • Saturday & Sunday 12pm-5pm EST

Such a comprehensive telephone support really stands out in the make money online industry because with many other services you can only get an email support or a telephone support 5 days a week from 9 to 5.

It’s also worth mentioning that they provide a Solo Build It Forum where members engage with each other. However, it’s not very active and if you are looking for the best & the most active online business community, I recommend Wealthy Affiliate.

Pros & Cons of Solo Build It

In order to provide you with the most accurate information and answers regarding Solo Build It, I want to list you BOTH Pros & Cons in this review.

By doing that, I give you a freedom to make an informed decision whether or not you go on and start with Solo Build It or not. Let’s start with the pros of SBI.


  • #1 – Long Company Background

The company was founded back in 1997 so it’s very well established and reliable. Most businesses fail within the first 5 years and many just disappear at some point.

But Solo Build It has been around already for a long time. It proves that they are providing the service that people enjoy. Their training and platform is really helping people to build successful online businesses and providing results.

  • #2 – Training That Has Produces Results

Lots of individuals who have gone through the Solo Build It have been able to create successful online businesses.

In the other words, Ken Evoy’s step-by-step training WORKS. It has produced the good results, it is producing good results and it WILL produce the good results.

Steph & Tobias are 1 of the many success stories on Solo Build it.

But of course, you need to follow it diligently and take action to succeed.

  • #3 – 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Many companies provide a 14-day money-back guarantee. Some companies offer a 30- or 60-day money-back guarantee.

Solo Build It provides a 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee! They are so confident that you will get the results by following the training that they’re able to provide you with this.

You can try their training, platform and services for FULL 3 months without any risks. If you don’t get what you wanted, they’ll give you the money back. No questions asked.

That being said, you still need to make the payment to get started. If you would like to get started with your online business without giving buying anything at first, I recommend following the instructions in this step-by-step guide.

  • #4 – Very Affordable Price

It’s actually a bit surprising to me that Solo Build It is providing their services for just $29/month.

I’ve reviewed +400 make money online programs/opportunities and I’ve seen similar “all-in-one” online business platforms charging up to $10,000’s. 

$29/month is nothing compared to the potential that building a successful online business has.

Just skip a coffee a couple of times in Starbucks and you’ve already saved the money for a monthly membership for Solo Build It.


Even though Solo Build It is great, there are some drawbacks that I would like to tell you in order to provide you with the most accurate review.

  • #1 – SBI SiteBuilder Is Not As Good As WordPress

+31% of the all websites on the Internet are powered by WordPress. My website is one of them.

In my opinion, it’s the best and the most comprehensive website builder and I’ve tried numeours other options as well. In addition, it’s easy-to-use and beginner-friendly.

Solo Build It provides their own Website Builder. When you build a site on their platform, you may have challenges to transfer it somewhere else later if you would like to do so.

In addition, some people claim that the SiteBuilder doesn’t provide as good design as WordPress. You can judge yourself.

My website is built by WordPress and Thrive Th​​emes and here are a few examples of sites built on SBI:

To be honest, many of the Solo Build It websites look quite outdated in my eyes.

  • #2 – Not Very Active Community

Solo Build It also has a forum and a community. However, many people claim that it has become quite inactive during the past few years.

It’s not an easy job to maintain an active and a vivid community. That’s why many communities get started by they die away pretty soon.

In my opinion, the best online business community is Wealthy Affiliate. Even though it has been around since 2005, they are still very active and there are people all the time interacting with each other.

You will get help on Wealthy Affiliate even at 3 am during the midnight (because of the timezones).

  • #3 – “The Best Years Are Gone”

Solo Build It has lots of positive customer testimonials.

However, there’s sometimes the feeling that the best years of Solo Build It are gone. Many members who joined in the early years of 00’s are telling how they succeeded with Solo Build It.

Whn you take a look at Solo Build It promotional video on YouTube, you’ll see people like in the following image.

This may have been a good testimonials 20 years ago but in 2018… Maybe they should update things?

You see that bulky computer in the background and a blurry picture overall? Of course, there may be a good explanation for all of that but when going through the SBI material, you sometimes get the feeling that things could be more updated.

Is Solo Build It Worth It?

When the cost is only $29/month, we can comfortably say that Solo Build It is financially well worth it.

Especially, if you are a beginner and you need guidance and training on how to build your online business investing $29/month for a good training platform will definitely pay itself back quickly.

You can start the SBI training here… You can always get your money back within 90 days if you aren’t satisfied…

The other question is whether or not Solo Build It is the BEST online business training platform. In my opinion, it’s not the best one even though it’s great.

I reveal you the Best Online Business Training Platform in my Ultimate Guide to Make Money Online in 2018 (and beyond!)

Solo Build It vs Wealthy Affiliate – The Debate Continues…

Before I wrap up my comprehensive Solo Build it review, I want to share a few words regarding “Solo Build It vs Wealthy Affiliate” debate.

Over the last couple of years there has been the debate on the subject “Which one is the BEST online business community in the world? Wealthy Affiliate or Solo Build It?”

Sometimes different parties and members have thrown stones each other saying not-so-nice things. However, I would like to take a more peaceful approach here and evaluate the issue from a more neutral standpoint.

If you don’t know what is Wealthy Affiliate, here are a few important points about it:

  1. Step-by-step training that teaches individuals to make money with affiliate marketing.
  2. Online business community of +1,500,000 members.
  3. All-In-One online business platform that provides tools & resources
  4. And more…

In a nutshell, Wealthy Affiliate provides a somewhat similar service to Solo Build It. Wealthy Affiliate promoters often claim that WA is the best while Solo Build it promoters claim that SBI is the best…

I personally think that the both training platforms are great and they just take a little bit different approach. SBI helps you to build your website on their own Website Builder platform while WA helps you to build your website on WordPress.

You can succeed by following either one of the trainings but it’s eventually going to depend on YOU and your EFFORTS. If you are willing to take action, you can make BIG money by following SBI or WA. 

If I would need to recommend you only 1 of those platforms, I would recommend Wealthy Affiliate.

When I joined WA some years ago, I was a complete beginner into affiliate marketing. I didn’t even know what the term, “Affiliate Marketing” means. However, their training took me from a complete beginner to making a full-time income online and traveling around the world.

Making money online with affiliate marketing has enabled me to travel around the world and it can enable you as well! 🙂

Of course, there are also similar and even much greater success stories on WA and on SBI but that’s my own experience and nobody can’t deny it.

I also know first-hand many other Wealthy Affiliate members who have been able to build a successful business online even though they started as complete beginners.

When you join Wealthy Affiliate, I will also provide you with my 1-on-1 support and mentoring. I will be providing you with personal tips and guidance along the way to make sure you’ll succeed.

In addition, you can always ask me anything you want and I will answer 100% of your questions. You can get started easily by clicking the button below:

What About Ken Evoy’s Study?

Ken Evoy made his own research between Wealthy Affiliate and his own company.

As a result of the study he was, of course, claiming that his own company is the BEST one, even better than Wealthy Affiliate.

I am not surprised of his results. I mean who wouldn’t want to endorse their own company? I could also make a research claiming that my company Your Online Revenue Ltd. is the best and the most accurate online business review website in the world.

Then I would only take the data that proves my own point. Would you think that “research” would be valid? I don’t think so.

The founders & owners of Wealthy Affiliate, Kyle & Carson, haven’t bothered to respond to Mr. Evoy’s study results. They don’t need to.

The results speak for themselves. Wealthy Affiliate has helped me, many of my friends and 1,000’s of other people worldwide to make a life-changing income online.

Site Build It has also helped 1,000’s of people worldwide but it doesn’t take the credit away from Wealthy Affiliate.

Of course I or nobody else makes BIG money online without doing the work. Nothing will work unless you do the work.

But if you are willing to do the work, anything is possible. Now you have 2 Options:

  1. Start the Wealthy Affiliate Training with my 1-on-1 support Here.
  2. Start the SBI Training Here.

And the third option is to start them both and later on focus on the one that fits you more.

My Sincere Advice To You

Whatever path you choose to take, don’t give up if you don’t get the results immediately. There are lots of wonderful success stories on both platforms but they didn’t happen overnight.

If you want to make a significant income online with an online business, give yourself at least a year. Of course, you will start making money much earlier if you follow the steps but usually the income grows like a snowball.

  1. You reach the first $100/month…
  2. You reach the first $500/month…
  3. You reach the first $1,000/month…
  4. You reach the first $4.000/month…
  5. Etc.

You will not just jump from 0 to making $10,000/month online. That’s just not the reality. And those people who are expecting such a jump will disappoint and most likely quit.

I see so many people starting their online businesses with a lot of enthusiasm but when they don’t get the results immediately, they quit.

Don’t be one of the quitters. Be one of those who don’t quit and eventually succeed.

If you ever need help, I will be providing you with my 1-on-1 support and guidance on Wealthy Affiliate to make sure you succeed like I did. 

=> Get My 1-on-1 Support Here to Build Your Successful Online Business! 

(It’s included in your Wealthy Affiliate membership for free as an extra bonus!)

What kind of experiences do you have with Solo Build It?

What is the BEST online business community in your opinion?

Would you like to get my 1-on-1 support to succeed online?

Let me know in the comments below!

If you have any questions, just leave a comment below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.

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