Is SiteGround a Scam Or the Best Domain Host in the World?

is siteground a scam
SiteGround Homepage (Click the picture to visit there).

“Is SiteGround a Scam Or the Best Domain Host in the World?” That’s a big question and in this SiteGround review I am going to give you a comprehensive answer. First, let me start by saying that SiteGround certainly isn’t a scam. I and my friends have used it for hosting our websites.

I have done online business now for several years and I have experience of different domain hosts. Currently I am using SiteGround and I can honestly recommend it to you as well. Let me explain why!

is siteground a scam
SiteGround Homepage (Click the picture to visit there).

Siteground Review

Name: Siteground


Founded: 2004

Type: Website Hosting Services

Short Review: In my opinion, SiteGround provides the best website hosting in the industry and that’s why I’m also using it myself. Their speed, security and customer support and clearly superior to their competitors. Over and over again SiteGround ranks to the top in the comparison of the best domain hosts.

Note: If you’re just starting out your online business career, then Wealthy Affiliate hosting is enough for you which is included in their package.

SiteGround Web Hosting Review – Video Version

I created also a video review of SiteGround to give you even more comprehensive picture and answer your questions even better:

What Is SiteGround?

SitGround is one of the most popular and a highly recommended website hosting services in the world. They hosts more than 1,000,000 domains and their customer satisfaction is probably the highest in the industry. If you have a website, you need a domain host and SiteGround is my #1 recommendation for several reasons that we will go through in this article.

I am not the only one who recommends SiteGround because thousands of people all over the world have been extremely satisfied with their services. Every year SiteGround makes client surveys where they ask feedback from their clients. Take a look how satisfied SiteGround’s clients are:

is siteground a scam

95% and 96% satisfaction rates from 2015 and 2016 are pretty convincing. However, SiteGround went even further and in 2017 they achieved a 97,3% satisfaction rate. They are constantly improving their service which is already the best in the website hosting industry.

To be honest, I am not even surprised of these numbers because I have experienced myself the awesome service by SiteGround. In addition, my friends have also been satisfied with SiteGround.

3 Benefits of SiteGround – Faster, Safer and More Responsive!

1.SiteGround Loading Speed Is Faster

Your website’s loading speed is one of the most important factors. It directly affects to your website’s user experience and Google rankings. If your website is too slow, people leave your site too early. On the other hand, when you have a fast site, it gets ranked higher on Google and gives a better experience for your website visitors which leads to more revenue to your pocket.

SiteGround is well-known for the fast website hosting. Industry average loading time is 4,7 seconds while SiteGround loading time without cache is only 1,7 seconds and with a cache is as low as 1,3 seconds. Take a look at the pictures below.

is siteground a scam
SiteGround loading time is one of the fastest in the industry.

This also affect to the website performance. SiteGround is also on top of the field when it comes to the website performance. I can confirm these statistics by using their website hosting myself.

is siteground a scam
SiteGround Performance Speed compared to other hosts.
is siteground a scam
SiteGround Performance Speed with cache is superior to its competitors.

In my opinion, these metrics are extremely important when you are choosing a domain host. If you want to get the most out of your website, I highly recommend paying attention to the site speed. Good site speed increases visitors to your site and naturally increases your revenue as well.

2.SiteGround Security

Security is naturally a highly important factor when we are talking about your website. You want to have your website secure and safe from hackers. That’s also one reason why I’m using SiteGround. Let me show a few comparisons between SiteGround and 12 other domain hosts:

siteground security
SiteGround patches all risks.
siteground security
Account isolation is important in the shared hosting but still all hosts aren’t providing it.

3.SiteGround Support

SiteGround is well-known for its high-quality support. You can contact their support team by 3 different ways:

  1. Telephone support: 24/7
  2. Ticket system: 24/7
  3. Live chat: 24/7
siteground Support
SiteGround support is available 24/7 and you get answers to your questions immediately.

All support are available 24/7 so you’ll get help immediately. Their telephone support has a toll free number  1.866.605.2484.

Most of the time I have used their live chat because that way I get the answers fast and easily. Their customer servants are always available and have always responded all of my questions. To be honest, they have even exceeded my exceptations.

You don’t even need to take my word for this because there are real metrics that prove SiteGround’s superiority. Their telephone support, live chat and ticket system are faster than on other hosting companies.Take a look at the pictures below:

is siteground a scam
SiteGround telephone support answers immediately (24/7).
is siteground a scam
SiteGround live chat provides the fastest resolution times. I can confirm this after testing different hosts.
siteground ticket support
SiteGround ticket system is also much faster than on their competitors.

SiteGround Reviews – Everybody Is Praising Their Service!

Over and over again SiteGround is ranking to the top in the comparison of the best domain hosts. Numerous people say that SiteGround is the best domain host in the world and I haven’t met any person who would have negative experiences of their services.

Let me show you a few statistics about SiteGround reviews:

  • 9,7 stars out of 10 based on 1,043 reviews on
  • 9,6 stars out of 10 based on 1,185 reviews on
  • 4,6 stars out of 5 based on 645 reviews on
  • Numerous individual websites that gave it 5 stars out of 5.

In my opinion their numbers are extremely convincing. They can’t have so wonderful reviews by coincindence. The truth is that they are a wonderful company providing an excellent service. Let me show you just a few examples what people are saying about SiteGround:

siteground reviews
Jeremy has been in the hosting industry for 20 years and SiteGround is his favorite.
siteground reviews
Nicole loves SiteGround support.
siteground reviews
This person says that SiteGround is clearly superior compared to other domain hosts.

SiteGround Pricing Is Very Affordable

SiteGround provides website hosting for every person’s or business’ needs. Have a look at the picture below that shows their different options.

siteground hosting services
SiteGround provides Shared Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, Reseller Hosting and Entreprise Hosting. For small websites Shared Hosting is the best choice.

In the picture below you can take a look at their shared hosting plans:

siteground pricing
SiteGround Shared Hosting Plans

If you are just starting out your website, the cheapest “StartUp” plan is completely enough for you. For an intermediate site website GrowBig plan is good and for a large website GoGeek works perfectly.

In the picture above, they say that GrowBig is suitable for ~25,000 visits monthly. However, I had a website with +50,000 visits monthly and it was still running perfectly on GrowBig plan. The picture says that GoGeek is suitable for ~100,000 visits monthly but it can also run much more visits depending on your website. In the other words, those numbers are just rough guidelines and in my opinion they could be even bigger.

As you can see in the picture below, the normal price for plans is a big higher but they are often offering discounts so you can get started for a cheaper price. Notice that you can also host multiple websites under one account. So you don’t need to be for each website individually. That saves your time and money.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee for All Plans!

SiteGround offers a 30-day no-questions-asked money back guarante for all plans. In the other words, you can try their plans without any risks. That was an important factor for me because I wanted to try their services before I knew I wanted to continue.

After using SiteGround hosting for 30 days, I was convinced that I want to continue because their service had exceeded my expectations.

SiteGround vs Bluehost vs iPage – Why SiteGround Is the Best!

Some time ago I was comparing different website hosts. I contacted SiteGround, Bluehost and iPage through their support. However, I was able to get satisfying answers only from SiteGround.

First of all, sometimes when I tried to contact Bluehost, I wasn’t able to reach their live chat support at all. The same happened with iPage. A part of the reason was probably that I had a slow Internet connection because I was traveling in Bulgaria back then.

Anyway, it was pretty frustrating that I couldn’t reach Bluehost and iPage support at all. Imagine that my website would be hosted on their servers and something would go wrong on my site. I would need to contact them and get the help immediately to get my website working again. Then I would be unable contact their support and people couldn’t reach my website.

Bluehost and iPage are doing good job, of course, otherwise they couldn’t have reached the level where they are today. However, they aren’t as good as SiteGround. One of the famous affiliate marketers in the world, Pat Flynn is known for promoting Bluehost. He makes often +$40,000/month for doing that. But even Pat Flynn himself has recently confessed that the quality of Bluehost’s support isn’t as good as it used to be before.

Even though you would have an extremely slow Internet connection or it would go away every now and then, you are still able to reach SiteGround support. Their service is clearly superior in that sense.

Conclusion – Is SiteGround Worth It?

SiteGround hosting is certainly worth it. They offer world-class hosting service for a cheap price. My friend was always praising their services to me. I started evaluating different domain hosts and I came to the same conclusion like him. SiteGround was the best choice. That’s why I can recommend it to you as well.

Here’s a short recap of their 3 significant benefits compared to other website hosts:

  1. SiteGround offers the best website performance.
  2. SiteGround offers secure domain hosting.
  3. SiteGround support is the fastest and the best in the industry.

Based on all these factors my choice for a domain host is definitely SiteGround. I just want to mention that if you don’t know anything about domain hosts or making money online, I would recommend starting the step-by-step training on Wealthy Affiliate. The domain hosting is included in their package and you’ll also learn how you can make a living online like I do.

But if you don’t need the training, I highly recommend using the SiteGround website hosting.

Have you also hosted your websites on SiteGround? 

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

If you have any questions, feel free to ask below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. SiteGround has changed a lot since I first hosted with them back in 2006, when I created my first website. Back in 2008/2009 they were one of those webhosts that gave unlimited storage for $5/month…. aka something totally impossible and unreliable. They were slow and upsold you for more money at every turn.

    I moved away from them in 2008, but now ten years later it is clear to see they have changed their ways and are targeting a new niche. They are no longer going after the value customer and offering cheap services, they are instead offering higher quality services at a higher price. Good for them, I hope they stay sustainable like this in the long term.

    It is a big change to go from unlimited storage for $5 per month to 10GB storage for $9 per month. I hope this works out for them!

    1. Interested to hear that you have used SiteGround already 12 years ago. During those 12 years they have become probably the best hosting service in the world.

  2. I’ll make a meticulous research about this. Thank you for sharing this opportunity. I’ll take the chance to try this one.

  3. Well I will take your recommendation and certainly take a second look here. There are a lot of options out there and this seems honest enough and I do enjoy the charts. Whenever I see a good advantage in performance speed that is usually a good indicator for me to look at it seriously.

  4. Well darn! I was helping a friend of mine set up their first site the other day and I came across SiteGround but didn’t know how reliable they were of a hosting service. We ended up going with GoDaddy because of the rate they charged and that was a service we both had heard of and knew was decent.

    Also, I agree with your point when you say if someone is trying to start their own site for affiliate marketing or something of the sort, to choose Wealthy Affiliate! I actually am a member there myself! They offer lots of great information to get you up and running in no time!

    1. GoDaddy is certainly one of the biggest hosting services in the world. Based on reviews that I have seen and heard, I think that they aren’t as good as SiteGround. They host a huge amount of sites and I believe that most of the time everything works still fine. And if I remember right, it’s slightly cheaper than SiteGround. Personally, I prefer paying a few extra bucks if I get a bit better quality.

  5. Yes I think that SiteGround is way more better, like how they are like a lot more easier to contact, they provide you with all kind of information fast and they can adapt to your necessities , that’s why i think this is one of the best hosting pages, thanks for this nice information I have tried it and it’s very useful, I recommend it.

  6. I have never tried siteground, however, I know this is a reputed hosting company. I have a question about siteground. Will my hosting fees increase in the second year. the basic hosting from namecheap cost $9.88 for the first year, however, the next yyear you will have to pay three times more. What about site ground?

    1. I have used SiteGround for less than a year so I don’t have experience whether their prices increase after a year. However, they seem to have some promos always for a cheaper price. I’ll probably check this question on their Live chat.

  7. The key aspect of every hosting company is the ability to offer up to date customer support to their clients especially those that are into the system of having a website for the first time. I think this is where I would say that SiteGround must have been doing great from the way you explained that and understanding everything about them is one key element to having a good working relationship. Since this is your recommendation, I also believe it is going to worth hosting sites with SiteGround.

    1. Yeah, good and responsive support is certainly the key of a great hosting service.

      When you have a website you need to contact the host sometimes and you want to get help fast. SiteGround always responds immediately.

      1. Glad you got my point on the need to have a responsive support. The thing with websites is that there are threats and hacks that might want to occur and getting help from the support team of your web hosting company is essential in order to know what to do about it.

  8. I really don’t need more experience or convincing that SiteGround is good in order to believe it’s true. That you make use of it is well enough to convince me that it’s the best Domain hosting because from your works, it’s pretty obvious that you make use of the best hosting services.

    One of the thing I picked out that is pleasing about using SiteGround is the case of security it provides for your website against hackers/spammers. Hackers are part of the reason why most websites crash when they are about hitting the ground up and running.

    1. Yes, I have been very satisfied when using the SiteGround hosting services. I know that thousands of other people have also enjoyed it so I can easily recommend it to others as well.

      The security factor is also important. A valuable website is a huge asset and nobody wants that it would be hacked because it would mean a big loss of money. Of course, SiteGround also takes back ups for your site.

      1. In every business there are always going to be competition and hosting business isn’t left out of such business competition as well. So, I believe it’s as a result to stay on top of the food chain in proving hosting services that SiteGround strives to offer the best service to its clients, and even though it’s expensive but the services provided are certainly worth it.

        1. Actually, SiteGround is not really expensive. It’s much deeper than many other domain hosting providers even though they quality the best. Of course, there are some cheaper ones available but usually their quality and support is way worse than on SiteGround.

          1. Going with a cheap hosting company is just trying to gamble with your online business, it’s not always advisable especially when you have big plans for your business. Service satisfaction is what one should look out for in choosing a particular hosting company, and SiteGround seems to offer the best even it appears to be costly to other cheap hosting providers.

          2. One thing that most people especially the newbies in online business is that Google requires your business site to be up and running 24/7 and it’s what good paid hosting offers you but with cheap hosting or even free ones, your site would be more offline than its online, and this drastically affects your business.

  9. Thanks for sharing, I will definitely try this one. The 30 day money back option is a pretty big deal, it reduces your risks.

  10. Thank you for providing this sir, I will try this Web hosting because I’m an absolute beginner of online blogging. I will share my experience if I’m gonna make it.

  11. This is good info! I was looking for a web host for my site and less than $4 per month for a basic site is a good deal. I also like that they have a 30 day money back guarantee. I will probably use this site for my hosting, thank you for sharing!

    1. Yeah, SiteGround provides a great service and I can recommend it for anyone. I would love to hear your experiences if you’re going to try it. I bet you’ll enjoy their service as well! 🙂

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